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Topic: personal changes...
madamx7316's photo
Sat 06/02/12 10:41 PM
have any of you had any personal changes with yourself or your lives in the last year or two? how do you feel abotu that? good/bad/not sure? why?

personally i have grown so much and in the past 2 yrs ive had so many ups and downs. ive managed to lose 99#, ive started a job last october that i LOVE and have recently gotten a promotion that starts the 11th of this month with almost a doubled salary, i have an awesome 2 yr old grandson that i completely adore. ive had some down sides too, but i feel theyhave only made me a better and stronger me. perhaps God puts us thru certain trials as not only tests but so that we can learn and grow and maybe help someone else down the road who is going thru it....idk... thinking outloud here... those that know me know im good at that hahahaha

Totage's photo
Sat 06/02/12 10:49 PM
I'm always changing, always evolving, always growing. I've had many changes over the last few years. Some were good, some were bad, some are still waiting for a verdict on whether they were good or bad.

Overall, I guess things are not as bad as they could be, but they're not as good as they could be either. I still have to learn how to accept that things are good, but keep my ambition to improve things, instead of always thinking that nothing is good enough.

Congrats on the weight loss. That's quite an accomplishment! Good luck with the job, I'm sure you'll do well. I wish you the best in all.

madamx7316's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:05 PM
tote... you're so awesome! i think ive said that a few times tongiht lol... guess its true!

yes, when we stop learning/evolving, i guess we are dead lol... life is about change and growth within ourselves. not everything is always going to be good, but we can strive to find the good or something good within it.

you will succeed at whatever you try to do, you have that within yourself. you're an unselfish and caring person and i truly believe it is people such as you that are truly rewarded in life....

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:17 PM

have any of you had any personal changes with yourself or your lives in the last year or two? how do you feel abotu that? good/bad/not sure? why?

personally i have grown so much and in the past 2 yrs ive had so many ups and downs. ive managed to lose 99#, ive started a job last october that i LOVE and have recently gotten a promotion that starts the 11th of this month with almost a doubled salary, i have an awesome 2 yr old grandson that i completely adore. ive had some down sides too, but i feel theyhave only made me a better and stronger me. perhaps God puts us thru certain trials as not only tests but so that we can learn and grow and maybe help someone else down the road who is going thru it....idk... thinking outloud here... those that know me know im good at that hahahaha


You have grown, and yet you have lost 99#?
Does this mean that you are now very tall and very skinny?

There is still much about you humans that I do not understand.

As for me, during the last 24 months, I have become a widower, I have adopted my daughter Radiance, and I have become physically disabled to the point that I can no longer work. So, I have experienced the good, the bad and the ugly.

madamx7316's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:20 PM
i guess that would be emotional growth instead of physical, haha, i guess i physically shrunk :tongue:

i am sorry to hear of your disability and your loss. the adoption of your daughter is wonderful. i am happy that you and she were blessed. i wish you nothing but happiness.... flowerforyou

Totage's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:22 PM
You may have mentioned it once or twice. I don't mind though. :P
I'm glad to see you back. :)

Well, even when we die, we change and evolve.

TY, I'm a go getter. I will get what I want out of life. I'm not afraid to do what it takes for it.

madamx7316's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:24 PM
thats the spirit tote! see... that is why you will succeed at whatever your endeavor may be... proud of you! keep that winning attitude darlin...

when you're rich and famous... remember me! lol :tongue:

Totage's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:38 PM
How could I ever forget you?

Not that I would ever want to forget you. lol

madamx7316's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:52 PM
awww again, you're the bestestestest!!! well id hope you not want to forget me... im pretty unforgettable haha jk

no photo
Sun 06/03/12 11:31 PM

have any of you had any personal changes with yourself or your lives in the last year or two? how do you feel abotu that? good/bad/not sure? why?

Well, on January 14th I became a daddy. Yesterday, I gave her mother the choice, to keep a key to the house or to take the car keys and leave. She chose the car and drugs. For the first part, I have a gratitude like you wouldn't believe. For the latter, I hope my baby girl will have some relationship with her mother, but doubt it and will be consoling her for years to come, every time what's left of her mother visits.

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 06/04/12 02:30 PM

have any of you had any personal changes with yourself or your lives in the last year or two? how do you feel abotu that? good/bad/not sure? why?

Well, on January 14th I became a daddy. Yesterday, I gave her mother the choice, to keep a key to the house or to take the car keys and leave. She chose the car and drugs. For the first part, I have a gratitude like you wouldn't believe. For the latter, I hope my baby girl will have some relationship with her mother, but doubt it and will be consoling her for years to come, every time what's left of her mother visits.

Well that's a shame, but at least your little girl won't be exposed her as a role model, and that's a plus.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/04/12 02:32 PM
have any of you had any personal changes with yourself or your lives in the last year or two? how do you feel abotu that? good/bad/not sure? why?

personally i have grown so much and in the past 2 yrs ive had so many ups and downs. ive managed to lose 99#, ive started a job last october that i LOVE and have recently gotten a promotion that starts the 11th of this month with almost a doubled salary, i have an awesome 2 yr old grandson that i completely adore. ive had some down sides too, but i feel theyhave only made me a better and stronger me. perhaps God puts us thru certain trials as not only tests but so that we can learn and grow and maybe help someone else down the road who is going thru it....idk... thinking outloud here... those that know me know im good at that hahahaha

the longer I go without sex, the less I am brainwashed into believing I Need it to be satisfied

I Think its a GREAT thing,,,

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 06/04/12 02:33 PM
I've gone through many changes, a lot of gel bent nasty, but a lot of personal growth and letting go, which is good. I had to detoxify my life in many ways and start retreating to my normal natural self. I'm done with a lot of people If you can't respect me, bye bye.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 06/04/12 03:59 PM
I've changed so much over the last 5 years I'm nearly unrecognizable as far as my personality/emotions/mental outlook are concerned.

Oh, and I got my haircut yesterday.

no photo
Mon 06/04/12 04:06 PM
I'm pretty sure I've changed a lot but sometimes I think I'm just going in circles inching slowly towards a slow and painful death of old age.

How depressing. laugh

josie68's photo
Mon 06/04/12 04:41 PM
Yep I have lots of changes but not for a few more months .
I am going to be a grandma:banana: cant wait..
We have just sold our business and are moving from the top of our country to the very bottomnoway

Here our winter days are a nice 90.. There the summer days hit 75tears tears tears tears tears I am going to freeze my butt off.

But all in all life continues on the same.:wink:

Kahurangi's photo
Tue 06/05/12 03:56 AM
Congratulations on impending granmahood Josie...and you best be getting yourself a fur lined hoodie if you're heading down my way, because you WILL freeze your butt off laugh If i wasn't off to Thailand next month i'd be up in the Territory right now to escape this southern winter.

Changes...let's see....

I change my underwear daily...does that count? :smile:

jaded72's photo
Tue 06/05/12 08:14 AM
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
That would be the theme of my last 7 years, the last two being the most intense. I'd really like to take a break from my life, right now! Lol.

THe positive is that I'm getting back to being myself - no excuses and no guilt. Lots of meditating and soul searching. Was separated from my husband for 6 months grumble , but in the interim I found this site and all you guysflowerforyou , so the crappy stuff does have positie outcomes.

I'm learning to live in the moment, embrace life and be my own captain. :smile: THe most challenging is learning to let go of other people's issues and let them own them. Not me. I'm really learning that I have to focus on saving myself, not on saving the world!

Here's to everyone going on their own personal journeys!drinker drinker drinker

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 06/05/12 07:35 PM

THe most challenging is learning to let go of other people's issues and let them own them. Not me. I'm really learning that I have to focus on saving myself, not on saving the world!

I hear that, you wonder sometimes, are people blind and deaf? I have had some nasty divorce/custody issues, full time student, working mother of three, no child support, yet people continue to ask for loans($), ask me to help with this form or that form, advice on going back to school, relationship advice. It's like, I am pretty sure they are all around my age, not like I am helping my daughters work through a high school break up, talking about my peers constantly trying to lean on me. I have always been a loyal friend, but sometimes, I need an extra leg to stand on myself.

Sometimes Jaded, you have to be a little more rude and let them figure out their life so that you can figure out your own. And you have to know that it is okay to do that, FOR YOURSELF!flowerforyou

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 06/05/12 07:35 PM

I'm pretty sure I've changed a lot but sometimes I think I'm just going in circles inching slowly towards a slow and painful death of old age.

How depressing. laugh

Too Much!laugh laugh laugh

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