Community > Posts By > 1956deluxe

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Thu 02/03/11 06:54 AM
Bed and breakfast

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Thu 02/03/11 06:49 AM
Relax in comfort

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Thu 02/03/11 06:31 AM
Cows come home

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Tue 02/01/11 01:33 PM

The question I have is that why aren't people upset when their STATE makes it MANDATORY that they buy insurance?

What's the difference? You are still being mandated to purchase something.

So I guess it's okay if a state takes away your liberty and freedom but we fight like hell if the Federal Government does it?

I always laugh at how people are so concerned about their freedoms and liberty but yet they cannot even purchase alcohol in their state/counties. Didn't the constitution repeal prohibition?

God wanted us to be happy....that's why he gave us beer. drinker

That is actually an excellent example. The US had to change the constitution to give itself the power to control booze, then the amendment was repealed which took that power away. The federal government doesn't have the power to tell citizens what they must buy and no one has changed the constitution to allow them to do it.

So why aren't you just as upset when you local or State government mandates you buy something or prohibits you from buying something?

Isn't state tyranny still tyranny?

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Tue 02/01/11 08:06 AM
The question I have is that why aren't people upset when their STATE makes it MANDATORY that they buy insurance?

What's the difference? You are still being mandated to purchase something.

So I guess it's okay if a state takes away your liberty and freedom but we fight like hell if the Federal Government does it?

I always laugh at how people are so concerned about their freedoms and liberty but yet they cannot even purchase alcohol in their state/counties. Didn't the constitution repeal prohibition?

God wanted us to be happy....that's why he gave us beer. drinker

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Mon 01/31/11 12:39 PM

I think we are watching the beginning of the end in regards to the dictatorships and monarchies that run most of the countries in the middle east.

I don't think any of them are safe now.

Jordan is next.

The protesters are backed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Expect Egypt to turn into an Islamic Theocracy, like Iran.

It's troubling that Obama didn't support the protesters fighting for democracy in Iran, but he supports the overthrow on the Egyptian government.

Egypt is not going to turn into a theocracy.

Iran will ignite once again....people are fed up with that theocracy.

Just watch....

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Mon 01/31/11 12:32 PM
And then he opened the fourth seal and behold.....

It's the phophesy....end of the world.

Party Time! drinker

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Sun 01/30/11 06:10 PM
I guess that means Prince William will not be getting an invite to President Obama's innauguration in 2012. drinker

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Sun 01/30/11 07:30 AM
Hey, wait a minute.....I thought all they had to do was pass the bill to continue the Bush Tax Cuts and we would have jobs coming out the whaaazooo????

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Thu 01/27/11 11:38 AM
It's pretty easy to lead us into war......all you have to do is demonize somebody.

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Wed 01/26/11 03:41 PM

Does anyone really pay attention to Trump? Seriously?

Funny thing about China, they bought more GM vehicles than were sold in the USA.,0,787667.story

So that is how they got the technology to make a stealth fighter!

I think the Stealth was a Dodge......not GM.

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Wed 01/26/11 03:16 PM
Edited by 1956deluxe on Wed 01/26/11 03:18 PM
Does anyone really pay attention to Trump? Seriously?

Funny thing about China, they bought more GM vehicles than were sold in the USA.,0,787667.story

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Wed 01/26/11 03:07 PM
She really needs to study more.....What an embarrassment.
It amazes me how some of these people get to be where they are.

Here is another embarrassing clip of some things she said over the weekend about the constitution and slavery:

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Wed 01/26/11 08:48 AM
I think this is not the latest SOTU address....

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Sat 01/15/11 09:52 AM
Wasn't the "Land Down Under" devastated by wild fires last year?
From what we were seeing on the news here, you would think the whole continent burned up!

And now the floods? Again, from watching the news here, it appears like the whole continent in being washed away!

Crazy weather or what?

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Fri 01/14/11 02:51 PM
I doesn't matter....they can already dig up EVERY POSTING you have ever made on the internet anyway. I'll just bet that if any of you on here ever do anything crazy, all the posts you have ever made will be read by the FBI.

Look at all the stuff they are dredging up on Jared Loughner:

Loughner's posts offer glimpse of suspected gunman
by Craig Harris and Robert Anglen - Jan. 14, 2011 03:08 PM
The Arizona Republic

Almost eight months before Jared Loughner was accused of a shooting rampage Saturday north of Tucson, the 22-year-old posted in an online chat a question that in hindsight seems eerie: "If you went to prison right now ... what would you be thinking?"

The question was among 48 postings Loughner made between April 18, 2010, and June 10, 2010, under the name "Dare" on chat sites for the online game Earth Empires,a website administrator confirms.

Loughner also posted several rambling anti-government rants on YouTube and My Space in the months before the shooting.

He also appears to have posted more than a hundred similar messages in the past several months on the conspiracy website,

"We here at, our owners, staff and membership find ourselves in the unfortunate position of apparently being one of the largest (if not the largest) repositories of online postings by someone who has been classified as a 'monster' (among other things) due to his (accused) actions of two days ago," according to a message posted Monday on the site.

Abovetopsecret operators said their research resulted "in an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence" that a poster called "erad3" is Loughner.

The messages have similar themes to other Loughner posts: government brainwashing, concerns about currency and declining use of proper grammar.

Loughner's web posts on the conspiracy site also address the end of the world and additional government conspiracies. He also made several postings about NASA, saying several spaceflights are hoaxes.

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Thu 01/13/11 07:19 AM
I thought it was a very good speech and it was interesting how he was able to make the point that we do not know what caused this tragedy but at the same time, we need to tone it down.

I think there were many that were ready to pounce if he said the wrong things but I watched a lot of the commentary after the event and it was all very positive.

There were a couple things I felt were is that the two guys who tackled the shooter, they should have been called out by name and should be getting more recognition. Patricia Maisch was called out by name. I suppose the the only reason they are not is because that is the way those two want it to be....I think those guys deserve some kind of medal for bravery....I know one is retired Army colonel Bill Badger who is 74 years old.

I also thought it was strange that the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, was not in attendance. He should have been there and spoke. There were many other Republicans in attendance, ie., John Kyle, John McCain and even Ben Quayle.

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Wed 01/12/11 09:21 AM

Just got a notice on facebook that WBC will NOT be picketing Christina Greens funeral, but will picket John Rolls on Friday.

Just an interesting note...there have only been 4 US Federal Judges assassinated in office. One of them was Judge John H. Wood who was murdered back in 1979 in San Antonio Texas.

He was gunned down by Charles Harrelson....Woody Harrelson's (Cheers) father.

Really? I mean about Woody's father?

It's is the link:

Pretty strange isn't it?

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Wed 01/12/11 08:01 AM
Here is an interesting article published in AZ yesterday:

Gabrielle Giffords' Arizona shooting prompts resignations
by Edythe Jensen - Jan. 11, 2011 06:29 PM
The Arizona Republic

A nasty battle between factions of Legislative District 20 Republicans and fears that it could turn violent in the wake of what happened in Tucson on Saturday prompted District Chairman Anthony Miller and several others to resign.

Miller, a 43-year-old Ahwatukee Foothills resident and former campaign worker for U.S. Sen. John McCain, was re-elected to a second one-year term last month. He said constant verbal attacks after that election and Internet blog posts by some local members with Tea Party ties made him worry about his family's safety.

In an e-mail sent a few hours after Saturday's massacre in Tucson that killed six and injured 13, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Miller told state Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen he was quitting: "Today my wife of 20 yrs ask (sic) me do I think that my PCs (Precinct Committee members) will shoot at our home? So with this being said I am stepping down from LD20GOP Chairman...I will make a full statement on Monday."

Pullen was in Washington, D.C. and not available for comment, an employee in his office said. State party spokesman Matt Roberts said he could not discuss details of the district's disputes but, "Anthony has been a good Republican and was really involved in LD20."

The newly-elected Dist. 20 Republican secretary, Sophia Johnson of Ahwatukee, first vice chairman Roger Dickinson of Tempe and Jeff Kolb, the former district spokesman from Ahwatukee, also quit. "This singular focus on 'getting' Anthony (Miller) was one of the main reasons I chose to resign," Kolb said in an e-mail to another party activist. Kolb confirmed the contents of the e-mail to the Republic.

District 20 includes parts of Chandler, south Tempe and Ahwatukee Foothills. Republican state Rep. Bob Robson of Chandler and Sen. John McComish of Ahwatukee said they had supported Miller as chairman and were sorry to see him go. "It's too bad," McComish said. "He didn't deserve to be hounded out of office."

A longtime Republican activist, McComish said contentious battles for local party leadership posts are nothing new, but this one appears to be more extreme, especially since there are no partisan elections in 2011 and by next year district boundaries will change.

Kolb said the Tea Party and associated conservative groups ran their slate of candidates for seven Dist. 20 leadership positions, winning three -- the treasurer's post and two vice-chairmanships. However, Miller beat challenger Thomas Morrissey for the top post after Sheriff Joe Arpaio made a personal appearance for Morrissey. Phone messages left for Morrissey were not returned.

After the election and around the December holiday season, some of Miller's detractors made an issue of the residency of Dickinson, the first vice-chairman. Dickinson, who did not return phone messages, was a supporter of Miller's and allegedly moved to a different precinct within Dist. 20 last year, making him ineligible for the leadership post. Miller said he told the critics he would handle the matter after the holidays. In the meantime, a series of accusatory e-mails was exchanged among party members. Some blasted Miller's support of McCain, called him a "McCainiac with a penchant for violating the rules" and a "McCain hack."

Members of the Ahwatukee Tea Party group did not respond to e-mails seeking comment.

Miller said when he was a member of McCain's campaign staff last year has been criticized by the more conservative party members who supported Republican opponent J.D. Hayworth. The first and only African-American to hold the party's precinct chairmanship, Miller said he has been called "McCain's boy," and during the campaign saw a critic form his hand in the shape of a gun and point it at him.

"I wasn't going to resign but decided to quit after what happened Saturday," Miller said. "I love the Republican Party but I don't want to take a bullet for anyone."

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Wed 01/12/11 07:30 AM

Just got a notice on facebook that WBC will NOT be picketing Christina Greens funeral, but will picket John Rolls on Friday.

Just an interesting note...there have only been 4 US Federal Judges assassinated in office. One of them was Judge John H. Wood who was murdered back in 1979 in San Antonio Texas.

He was gunned down by Charles Harrelson....Woody Harrelson's (Cheers) father.

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