Topic: HELP! Ladybugs are attacking!
metalwing's photo
Mon 01/31/11 11:37 AM
Hundreds of ladybugs are swarming my house and biting me (ok, only a few are biting me). They are getting into everything. How do you stop this?

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 01/31/11 11:40 AM

Get an equal sized swarm of manbugs with strong pimp legs to keep em in line.

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 11:42 AM

Hundreds of ladybugs are swarming my house and biting me (ok, only a few are biting me). They are getting into everything. How do you stop this?
OK TAHTS WHATS THIS SITE IS ALL ABOUT MEETING LADIES.....THAT BUG YOU...............:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

metalwing's photo
Mon 01/31/11 11:42 AM
Edited by metalwing on Mon 01/31/11 11:49 AM
You laugh but these little dudes (or dudettes) are everywhere and they really bite hard!

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 01/31/11 11:57 AM
They're actually a type of Japanese beetle, rather then an American ladybug. If you have them in clumps, suck them up with a vacuum. If not, throw down some apple slices on the windowsill and they'll congregate, then suck em up and toss them outside.

They're also toxic, so don't let your pets eat them.

They come in through the air gaps from outside.

newarkjw's photo
Mon 01/31/11 12:04 PM
Might want to get yourself a shotgun. Sounds pretty serious........smokin

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 12:32 PM
And then he opened the fourth seal and behold.....

It's the phophesy....end of the world.

Party Time! drinker

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 12:56 PM

Might want to get yourself a shotgun. Sounds pretty serious........smokin
laugh laugh laugh

metalwing's photo
Mon 01/31/11 01:52 PM

They're actually a type of Japanese beetle, rather then an American ladybug. If you have them in clumps, suck them up with a vacuum. If not, throw down some apple slices on the windowsill and they'll congregate, then suck em up and toss them outside.

They're also toxic, so don't let your pets eat them.

They come in through the air gaps from outside.

At last, a serious response to a serious problem! No horror movie (yet) has shown the terror of advancing masses of ladybugs!

Someday the rest of you will learn .... the hard way! ...

When you wake to find them crawling on you thinking you are dinner!

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 02:18 PM
I looked them up...I don't see what the problem is.

metalwing's photo
Mon 01/31/11 02:35 PM
I found some information.

"Lady bug control? Isn't this sacrilegious? Every-
one knows lady bugs eat many nuisance pests
so why would we want to kill them? This article
will explain why regions in the United States are faced
with the problem of invading lady bugs. I will explain
why this is happening and what you can do to stop it.
Lady bugs do indeed eat many nuisance pests
found in and around the garden. As a child, I can
remember being told never to kill a lady bug as it is
good to have them around the home. In the last few
years, we have had increasing numbers of customers
from all parts of the United States call looking
for relief from lady bugs that are "invading" their
homes. At first I thought these were isolated instances
that were due to certain conditions. I expected that
these conditions were rare and explained to home-
owners that the invasion would soon subside. Too
my surprise, they continued. More people began
to call and it was obvious there is more than just
"conditions" which were leading to these home
invasions. I then conducted some research and
the mystery was soon solved.
In an attempt to sell "natural pest control", certain
companies around the country have been importing
lady bugs from other parts of the world and selling
them. These lady bugs have been marketed as being
more aggressive and hearty than our own indigenous
species. One feature of their biology, however, is
that they do not die
each winter. They hibernate.
Unlike our own native species, these imports like
to over winter on mountainsides, rocks and caves.
Such environments are readily available in certain
parts of our country, but since these lady bugs
are being released in areas where such terrain
does not exist they are taking advantage of the
next best thing - our homes!

They do not DIE! These are ZOMBIE ladybugs!!!

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 02/01/11 07:37 AM
ZOMBIESSSSS!!!!!! scared scared

metalwing's photo
Tue 02/01/11 07:41 AM

metalwing's photo
Tue 02/01/11 07:44 AM

Would any of you minglers like to come visit?!!!love flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/01/11 11:06 AM

You laugh but these little dudes (or dudettes) are everywhere and they really bite hard!

no photo
Tue 02/01/11 11:07 AM

They're actually a type of Japanese< KAMAKAZZI> beetle, rather then an American ladybug. If you have them in clumps, suck them up with a vacuum. If not, throw down some apple slices on the windowsill and they'll congregate, then suck em up and toss them outside.

They're also toxic, so don't let your pets eat them.

They come in through the air gaps from outside.

metalwing's photo
Tue 02/15/11 12:12 AM
Bug update!

You wait til a bunch of them are in one spot and then you spray them with a can of Raid Flying Insect killer.

Not a great plan but better than squishing them one by one.

no photo
Tue 02/15/11 03:17 AM

I looked them up...I don't see what the problem is.

Might want to get yourself a shotgun. Sounds pretty serious........

Get an equal sized swarm of manbugs with strong pimp legs to keep em in line.
