Community > Posts By > 1956deluxe

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Sun 11/28/10 04:49 AM
Another War with North Korea will not be a walk in the park.

Here is an intersting read that assesses North Korean military tactics and preparedness.

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Sun 11/28/10 04:11 AM

China intentionally provokes the situation to profit from it. N Korea prevents stability in the region. China cannot pull off an invasion of us. Even attempting an invasion of Japan would be costly and they do not have the support needed to pull it off. Frankly they have threatened us with nukes before. All I have to say is SM III!

Notice how quiet the Chinese are with the USS George Washington in their midst. Recently they threatened us they could sink it. What about the support fleet? Bet money there are at least four Los Angeles Class subs in the area too! Aegis Cruisers too dripping with SM II and SM III. And N Korea plans on doing what exactly? Preemptive strike? they 'hope' to sink a carrier? I wonder how they would fare seeing four more coming for business? That and all the B52s?

Kim Jong Ill Sucks so hard he could suck the seeds from a cucumber! he needs to get put down along with his cronies!

I heard a report from the US Navy a couple years ago that was the Navy's biggest fear. That we would have a US Carrier Battle Group deployed near Korea and North Korea would take it out with a nuclear tipped cruise missile.

Our cruise missiles (tomahawk)are subsonic but I believe North Korea has some short range cruise missiles that have supersonic capability and are hard to knock out. All they have to do is get it close to a US Battle group and detonate.

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Sun 11/28/10 03:44 AM

We will be at war with China before too long. As for the Korean situation, I think its best that we stay out of it. I mean, S. Korea is supposedly an ally of ours, but our economic situation MUST be taken into account FIRST!!

We cannot afford another war....Iraq & Afganistan has drained our economy of so much money, resources, and potential, that we should not jump into another mess right now.
I agree...but the world is nuts! But technically the US has occupied Korea since WW II. So it is basically a slap in our face too. I don't think it would be right to simply turn our backs. I've seen news reports that call it "War Games", I think this is far from a game.

Peccy, I don't think I would use the word "occupied" as it relates to our troops deployed in Korea. They are more like a deterent or a trip wire that, should North Korea launch an offensive and we take heavy losses (which would certainly be the case), it would provoke a robust response from an angry USA at the loss of our forces.

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Sun 11/28/10 03:24 AM

Why do I have the feeling N Korea is gonna nuke S Korea??

Don't quote me on this, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Damn commies!!They're just crazy!

I sure hope that doesn't happen, especially with the coward in the White House now.

That's a pretty F'd up assessment of our President....especially at a time when tensions are high in the region and we have over 30,000 troops in harms way.

In times like this, AMERICANS need to stand together and show support. Your comments make me sick.

no photo
Tue 11/23/10 03:50 PM

Two Marines were killed

Let's get the story straight here....they were not US Marines, they were ROK Marines, some of the baddest warriors on the planet. Just go ask anyone that served with ROK Marines in Nam.

And yes, South Korea did retaliate. South Korea responded by firing K-9 155mm self-propelled howitzers and dispatching fighter jets.

Officials in Seoul said there could be considerable North Korean casualties. The entire skirmish lasted about an hour.

no photo
Mon 11/15/10 07:58 PM
Tea Party, Schmee Party....all they are is full of hate and negativity.

no photo
Mon 11/15/10 07:55 PM

god how can i forget those?? the guy has the tactical sense of a doorknob.

You're not even an American. Where the heck do you come off trying to talk down about our President.

Go kneel before the Queen or whatever you do. Loyalists....HA! devil

no photo
Wed 11/10/10 03:04 PM

Right off the bat this article doesn't tell the whole truth.

What the President said was that there would be a timeline for withdrawal but it would also depend on conditions on the ground.

Everyone seems to forget that part.

Dec. 1, 2009 Obama to the nation

"As your Commander-in-Chief, I owe you a mission that is clearly defined, and worthy of your service."

"I have determined that it is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan."

"After 18 months, our troops will begin to come home."

"I opposed the war in Iraq precisely because I believe that we must exercise restraint in the use of military force..."

"Years of debate over Iraq and terrorism have left our unity on national security issues in tatters..."

You seem to have forgotten this part and the message was clear.

He also said:

"Let me be clear, the speed of the troop withdrawal will certainly depend on conditions on the ground."

no photo
Wed 11/10/10 06:03 AM
Right off the bat this article doesn't tell the whole truth.

What the President said was that there would be a timeline for withdrawal but it would also depend on conditions on the ground.

Everyone seems to forget that part.

no photo
Tue 10/26/10 03:53 PM

Today more than ever we need Ronald Reagan. I wish somebody would dig him up (or George Washington) and extract some DNA and create a new one or better yet combine the two and create a "super president"!

Reagan has been raised from the dead!! Must SEE VIDEO!! :tongue:,14385/

no photo
Tue 10/26/10 08:02 AM

This is a bad idea. The Saudi's are not our friends, regardless of what Oblowme says.
We should have sold all that armament to Israel, for they are the ones who are facing the biggest threats...including that from Saudi Arabia.

You must have forgot the mantra...."It's all about JOBS!"

I live about a mile from the Boeing Apache Longbow Helicopter plant. This will ensure good jobs in my neighborhood!

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!!!! Woooohooo! GoBama! Sell more Apaches!! :banana:

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 04:11 PM
The toughest warriors of history....The Spartans.

Think about it....300 Spartans held off 800,000 Persians at the battle of Thermopylae.

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 03:49 PM

You know things are desparate when Oblowme has to go on a so-called comedy show to try to save his career!!

Oh, but wait!!...he's batting for his homies that are going to lose!!

Obviously you don't watch the Daily Show. Stewart is funny and has a better take on the news than Fox.

He's a comedian, actor and reads his lines well.

That doesn't make for knowledge or comprehension.laugh

Knowledge? Comprehension? Ooooohh, you mean like Sarah Palin? laugh

Go read the book "Game Change" and then come back and tell me about knowledge & comprehension.

What a joke. laugh

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 03:43 PM
Tea Party....Hahahaha!!!

They rejoiced when John McCain won in the AZ Senate primary and called it a win??

I am confused... Or maybe it's the Tea Party that is confused, hi-jacked or misled?

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Thu 10/21/10 02:11 PM

You know things are desparate when Oblowme has to go on a so-called comedy show to try to save his career!!

Oh, but wait!!...he's batting for his homies that are going to lose!!

Obviously you don't watch the Daily Show. Stewart is funny and has a better take on the news than Fox.

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 02:02 PM

The voters will bring it on!! And your boy aint gonna like the outcome!!

Who's gonna run against Obama in 2012?? Sarah Palin? Hahaha!laugh

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Thu 10/21/10 09:33 AM
The USA does not belong to the people anymore.

It belongs to the CORPORATIONS.

They are brainwashing people to be their servants to spread propaganda.

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 06:43 AM

A few years ago, president Bush had warned the people about trusting your money to a 401K or any other type of savings.

He said the govt. would possibly get so desparate, that they may attempt something like this. He may be right.

And my bet is that if it does happen (Nazi Pelosi has already made mention of this very same thing, but said it was a "good thing" to help the govt.rant )Oblowme will NOT do anything to stop it.

That's not how I remember it....back when G W Bush was president, he wanted to "Privatize" Social Security and force everyone into 401(k) plans.

It's a good thing that never happened. People lost $$$trillions!!

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Thu 10/21/10 06:33 AM
This is a bunch of hogwash.....posted back in 2008.

People are trying to keep fear alive. mad

no photo
Sun 10/17/10 01:18 PM

Amedinijhad is a Conservative?? rofl put down the Kool Aid!!

He sure as hell is a conservative.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Iranian presidential elections in June 2005 brought a surprise victory to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and an end to an uncertain era of reform in the Islamic theocracy. Ahmadinejad, the conservative mayor of Tehran, won 62 percent of the vote in a run-off election with the favored candidate and a former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

"This is the beginning of a new movement," Ahmadinejad said after casting his vote.

Ahmadinejad was a little-known politician until Tehran's conservative city council appointed him mayor in 2003. In office, he gained a reputation for rolling back reforms enacted by moderate and reformist officials, moving to close fast-food restaurants, instituting separate elevators for men and women in municipal offices, and requiring male city employees to have beards and wear long sleeves.

During his presidential campaign, Ahmadinejad was backed by powerful conservatives and second-generation revolutionaries known as the Abadgaran, or Developers, who have a strong influence in the Iranian parliament. Ahmadinejad also is widely believed to have the unspoken endorsement of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Hoseini Khamenei.

Ahmadinejad took office Aug. 6, 2005, replacing reformist Mohammad Khatami who was elected by an overwhelming majority in 1997 and 2001, but whose power to follow through with reforms was severely checked by the supreme leader and the Guardian Council.

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