Topic: Obama considers Internet ID for Americans
willing2's photo
Wed 01/12/11 06:37 PM
I love the idea of being babysat by Big Brother.
All should welcome this with open arms........laugh laugh

No more passwords? Obama considers Internet ID for Americans in bid to boost web security
Last updated at 7:57 AM on 10th January 2011

President Obama is spearheading a plan to boost web security by issuing American computer users with an Internet ID.
The President has put the U.S. Commerce Department in charge of the cybersecurity initiative.
The Obama administration is drafting a paper called the National Strategy for Trusted Identities, which investigates ways that web users can protect their online identities.

Security boost: President Obama, shown here at the White House yesterday, is planning to issue American computers with an Internet ID
But Commerce Secretary Gary Locke was quick to reassure people that it wasn’t a guise for more big brother government.
‘We are not talking about a national ID card,’ he said at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.
‘We are not talking about a government-controlled system. What we are talking about is enhancing online security and privacy and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorise a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities,’ he added.
He said the Commerce Department is setting up a national programme to work on the project.
Possible methods of creating a ‘trusted identity’ could include issuing a ‘smart card’ or digital certificates that would prove that online users are who they say they are. They could then be used to buy goods and carry out financial transactions on the Internet.
White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said the move does not mean that anonymity will be compromised.
‘I don't have to get a credential if I don't want to,’ he said.
There's no chance that ‘a centralised database will emerge,’ and ‘we need the private sector to lead the implementation of this,’ he added, according to CNET website.
The decision to put the Commerce Secretary in charge of the issue has reportedly left noses out of joint at the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.
But it is likely to please privacy and civil liberties groups that have raised concerns over the dual roles of police and intelligence agencies.

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Chazster's photo
Wed 01/12/11 07:20 PM
Ok, this is BS. They could easily log anything this ID views such as search history etc. Bye Bye privacy.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 01/12/11 08:07 PM
not only that, but they could easily set people up when they want someone "out of the way".... just like they do now, but easier

willing2's photo
Fri 01/14/11 08:23 AM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 01/14/11 08:29 AM
Where are all the Progressive Extremists defending this proposal?laugh

From what I understand of the law, for now, to access your private info they need a court order.

They can hack into it and follow you.

This proposal will ensure to go online you have to pass through their system.
In their small print, you would allow them to use your info against you.

metalwing's photo
Fri 01/14/11 08:32 AM
But the law enforcement can't ask you if you are in the country legally?

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/14/11 11:39 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 01/14/11 11:40 AM
jeesh people,,, reading comprehension maybe

'Security boost: President Obama, shown here at the White House yesterday, is planning to issue American computers with an Internet ID '

AMERICAN COMPUTERS with an that ANY different than cars with registration numbers?

it just traces the COMPUTER to the BUYER,, so what?

if you bought the computer, whats the problem with them knowing you bought it? its more like being stopped and asked for DRIVERS registration,,,,to prove the car is yours,,,

willing2's photo
Fri 01/14/11 11:57 AM

jeesh people,,, reading comprehension maybe

'Security boost: President Obama, shown here at the White House yesterday, is planning to issue American computers with an Internet ID '

AMERICAN COMPUTERS with an that ANY different than cars with registration numbers?

it just traces the COMPUTER to the BUYER,, so what?

if you bought the computer, whats the problem with them knowing you bought it? its more like being stopped and asked for DRIVERS registration,,,,to prove the car is yours,,,

I hear ya' on that reading comprehension.

It says; Internet ID.
To log onto the internet, you will have to pass through their system.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/14/11 12:03 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 01/14/11 12:05 PM
later in the piece it says american COMPUTERS

and in any case

'Details about the "trusted identity" project are remarkably scarce. Last year's announcement referenced a possible forthcoming smart card or digital certificate that would prove that online users are who they say they are. These digital IDs would be offered to consumers by online vendors for financial transactions.

Schmidt stressed today that anonymity and pseudonymity will remain possible on the Internet. "I don't have to get a credential, if I don't want to," he said. There's no chance that "a centralized database will emerge," and "we need the private sector to lead the implementation of this," he said. '

like a credit card with a photo,, its VOLUNTARY and given by VENDORS,,,as I said,, so what

sounds like more of that 'death panel' misinformation,,,,and fear tactics

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 01/14/11 12:19 PM
You do know that if this goes through it will be a matter of seconds before it is hacked and cracked, right? I honestly can't see a system like this working, but then again the government does like throwing money at **** that doesn't work. On a broader scale it wouldn't work or be cost-efficient...anyone could literally hack a system like this, it wouldn't be difficult.

willing2's photo
Fri 01/14/11 02:45 PM
"sounds like more of that 'death panel' misinformation,,,,and fear tactic"

Tired old excuse for discounting the Gov. wanting ultimate control of its peons.slaphead

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 02:51 PM
I doesn't matter....they can already dig up EVERY POSTING you have ever made on the internet anyway. I'll just bet that if any of you on here ever do anything crazy, all the posts you have ever made will be read by the FBI.

Look at all the stuff they are dredging up on Jared Loughner:

Loughner's posts offer glimpse of suspected gunman
by Craig Harris and Robert Anglen - Jan. 14, 2011 03:08 PM
The Arizona Republic

Almost eight months before Jared Loughner was accused of a shooting rampage Saturday north of Tucson, the 22-year-old posted in an online chat a question that in hindsight seems eerie: "If you went to prison right now ... what would you be thinking?"

The question was among 48 postings Loughner made between April 18, 2010, and June 10, 2010, under the name "Dare" on chat sites for the online game Earth Empires,a website administrator confirms.

Loughner also posted several rambling anti-government rants on YouTube and My Space in the months before the shooting.

He also appears to have posted more than a hundred similar messages in the past several months on the conspiracy website,

"We here at, our owners, staff and membership find ourselves in the unfortunate position of apparently being one of the largest (if not the largest) repositories of online postings by someone who has been classified as a 'monster' (among other things) due to his (accused) actions of two days ago," according to a message posted Monday on the site.

Abovetopsecret operators said their research resulted "in an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence" that a poster called "erad3" is Loughner.

The messages have similar themes to other Loughner posts: government brainwashing, concerns about currency and declining use of proper grammar.

Loughner's web posts on the conspiracy site also address the end of the world and additional government conspiracies. He also made several postings about NASA, saying several spaceflights are hoaxes.

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msharmony's photo
Fri 01/14/11 02:54 PM
and I somehow dont think any of that starts or ends with OBama personally

mightymoe's photo
Fri 01/14/11 02:57 PM

and I somehow dont think any of that starts or ends with OBama personally

of course it does... he also wants an internet kill switch... obama is just like every other lib, just wants more control, so any bad information can be hidden right away...

Lpdon's photo
Fri 01/14/11 03:19 PM

willing2's photo
Fri 01/14/11 03:59 PM

I doesn't matter....they can already dig up EVERY POSTING you have ever made on the internet anyway. I'll just bet that if any of you on here ever do anything crazy, all the posts you have ever made will be read by the FBI.

Look at all the stuff they are dredging up on Jared Loughner:

Loughner's posts offer glimpse of suspected gunman
by Craig Harris and Robert Anglen - Jan. 14, 2011 03:08 PM
The Arizona Republic

Almost eight months before Jared Loughner was accused of a shooting rampage Saturday north of Tucson, the 22-year-old posted in an online chat a question that in hindsight seems eerie: "If you went to prison right now ... what would you be thinking?"

The question was among 48 postings Loughner made between April 18, 2010, and June 10, 2010, under the name "Dare" on chat sites for the online game Earth Empires,a website administrator confirms.

Loughner also posted several rambling anti-government rants on YouTube and My Space in the months before the shooting.

He also appears to have posted more than a hundred similar messages in the past several months on the conspiracy website,

"We here at, our owners, staff and membership find ourselves in the unfortunate position of apparently being one of the largest (if not the largest) repositories of online postings by someone who has been classified as a 'monster' (among other things) due to his (accused) actions of two days ago," according to a message posted Monday on the site.

Abovetopsecret operators said their research resulted "in an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence" that a poster called "erad3" is Loughner.

The messages have similar themes to other Loughner posts: government brainwashing, concerns about currency and declining use of proper grammar.

Loughner's web posts on the conspiracy site also address the end of the world and additional government conspiracies. He also made several postings about NASA, saying several spaceflights are hoaxes.

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They had to get a warrant first.
With the Progressive Extremist plan, you will have to sign your right to privacy away to them.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/15/11 03:47 PM

jeesh people,,, reading comprehension maybe

'Security boost: President Obama, shown here at the White House yesterday, is planning to issue American computers with an Internet ID '

AMERICAN COMPUTERS with an that ANY different than cars with registration numbers?

it just traces the COMPUTER to the BUYER,, so what?

if you bought the computer, whats the problem with them knowing you bought it? its more like being stopped and asked for DRIVERS registration,,,,to prove the car is yours,,,

Too much logic for the environment.drinker