Community > Posts By > michiganman3

michiganman3's photo
Tue 11/02/10 07:41 PM
I seen a dude coming out of the grocery store tonight.
About an 8 day beard, a belly rolling over his pants,
shirt untucked, not looking like 'all that'

With a cute petite blond hang on his arm and laughing.

So if you want to get it on, you better have something going on.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 11/02/10 07:32 PM
Making life a bit easier for someone else..I will be working.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 11/02/10 07:31 PM
There is a lot I don't miss. The cold silences, gripping, the never enough, the no fun anymore.

But there is enough of it that was me too.
Trying hard not to repeat mistakes.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 11/02/10 12:43 PM
Party Foul, Red Flag X 2, someone call the dating police.
Someone wants a kiss on the first date!!!!!!!!!

It is really between the two adults.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 11/01/10 02:32 PM

michiganman3's photo
Mon 11/01/10 02:25 PM
Women are ever present, just look around.
Work, School, Church, Social Events. Adult Education Classes. Library.
How can you not meet women.

The trick is asking them out.
After talking to them a bit, ask her out for lunch.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 11/01/10 02:22 PM
I was raised to stay within ethnic confines, drilled into me.
So I never really got interested in non northern europinos.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 11/01/10 06:21 AM
Dude....I work three nights a week.
7pm to 7 am.
Then I am off 4 days.
Same schedule for 7 yrs.
They've cut back on some of the bonus dollars for this shift but its still a money maker.

It was an issue when I was I asked if who was going to get the second job to make up for the shift differential if I went to days. At the time it was about 10k over the course of a yr.

Its the Golden Rule scenario.
He who earns the gold...makes the rules.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 11/01/10 06:11 AM
We participated in a Day of The Dead procession. Drumming/Dancing, floated beeswax candles down the river. It was kinda cold though.
We got home around trick or treaters at all.

Years ago I took my girls to a haunted was a bit much for kids that age.....maybe 9 and 7 at the time...scared the heck out of me!!!

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 09:33 PM

Watch out for a Whack Attack!


I hate that duck!grumble

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 09:01 PM
You could be playing Farmville on Facebook.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 09:00 PM

One Step...

Then another.....

Don't stop................

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 08:59 PM
Get a lawyer.
If possible, pay child support through state, directly from paycheck if available. (You can do this in Michigan) The check is never late, never behind. If the money doesn't get to her....thats between her and the state, not me.
Get a custody and visitation schedule hammered out with the court and stand by it.
See if there are any limited restraining orders/ orders of personal protection that can be put in place that can limit her contact with you.

Since your profile says 'never married' ask court to force a paternity determination.

My 'alleged son' was almost 2 yrs before I found out the truth.

Good Luck

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 08:50 PM
Life is a force, presence, being, which must express itself in as many forms as possible. It is eternal. IT is.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 08:48 PM
About two yrs ago I went outside late at night to have a smoke, I always look up to see what the weather is...what the sky is doing, where the stars are.
Saw what looked like a cluster of balloons, lit from within, moving north to south, not fast, not slow, then disappear into the high thin clouds. It wasn't til later that I realized there were no lights blinking as required by law on this 'aircraft'

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 02:21 PM

I wonder if you'll like them in 20 years time....exactly as they are...

and if you don't want this one to end up like the last something different this time!

Quoted for Truth.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 02:19 PM
Chex Sex?

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 02:16 PM
In the men's room at a nice restaurant in Denver a small sticker was placed that read "Surveillance Cameras are for research purposes only"

I have printed some of my own and placed them for my own amusement in other men's rooms.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 02:10 PM
Watch out for a Whack Attack!

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/30/10 08:55 AM
Good for you !!!!

Yes, it found me too.

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