Community > Posts By > michiganman3

michiganman3's photo
Fri 10/29/10 04:53 AM
Happy Happy:banana:

michiganman3's photo
Fri 10/29/10 04:42 AM
Your profile says California....why is this in the Michigan forum?

michiganman3's photo
Thu 10/28/10 02:13 PM
Michiganman3 has enjoyed a great day of sleep and is going to get ready for work.laugh

michiganman3's photo
Thu 10/28/10 05:13 AM
True Story.....

I was driving close to 3 hrs to meet for lunch, first date......I smoke..drink coffee.......
So I stopped at a rest area washed up, brushed teeth, and changed from blue jeans and T-shirt to slacks and nice shirt, freshly shined shoes.

And thats what I did every time I drove down to see her.

We are still together too.laugh

michiganman3's photo
Thu 10/28/10 05:08 AM
Thank You Lilypetal.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

And Thank You to my Mingle Friends too!

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/25/10 06:54 AM

Two co-dependents will each feed their insecurities and just wind up sicker than before.

Been there, done that.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/25/10 06:51 AM
And people wonder what that 'little piece of paper' means when you get married, it is a legal contract just like the one you signed.

And yes YOU are responsible for the money/items.

Best of luck.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/25/10 06:46 AM
Only if its is the last date.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/25/10 06:43 AM
You 'hooked up' with him, then your won't give him another chance (maybe).....


He wants what he can't have.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/23/10 05:01 AM
You guys are 'driving' Jesus crazy.frustrated

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/23/10 04:50 AM

Dude. We can't always be pimps. One woman will come along and make you her biatch! But, until that time....hit it fast...hit it strong! :thumbsup:

And hit it often.

Otherwise .....

No Hurries=No Worries.

michiganman3's photo
Fri 10/22/10 06:04 AM
A well cooked meal!

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/20/10 08:37 AM
Monogamous in my relationship.
Over a yr and met her here.

For myself after the divorce of a 17 yr marriage, very hesitant to marry again.

It hurts too much, you don't want to take that risk again.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/20/10 08:32 AM
As I have stated before, there are worse things than being alone.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/20/10 08:28 AM

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/20/10 06:48 AM

Update! Spent the weekend with he and his two boys. Watched football, went to the range, we just had a blast!

This is going so well and I am having the time of my life.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

michiganman3's photo
Tue 10/19/10 11:57 AM

michiganman3's photo
Tue 10/19/10 11:56 AM
My Mother told me this joke.
I still love it.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/18/10 09:07 PM

I was 16 and pregnant when I got married to my ex. It lasted until he went overseas and found someone else. He found a single mom of 4 and that is 32.

noway noway noway

There are worse things than being alone.
No Hurries=No Worries.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/18/10 09:03 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Mon 10/18/10 09:03 PM
Divorced at 18? old were you when you got married? How long did it last?

I stayed single almost 10 yrs before I married a second time.

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