good for you, dear. now get off your partisan horse and realize that the National Debt is what is destroying this nation. That destruction is characterized by your Obama. It isn't Obama himself that concerns me, but it is this fascination with his platform that exemplifies just how stupid this country is. Even McCain cannot express anything different. You and others are blind to the fact that the National Debt is impossible to reign in without drastically cutting government spending. So many government programs and services will have to be cut out just to balance the debt, even if a 40 year repayment plan were implemented. You, like SO MANY OTHERS, just don't get it. A spiralling National Debt IS a loss of liberties and freedoms. Why can't you see that? ![]() I don't like Obama.Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me for Obama.get a clue.This is the worst choice of candidates I have ever seen.I am scared for this country. Time to stock up on seeds and Hopefully the Amish will give survival classes. LOL so why are you yanking my chain? ![]() ![]() This is about our liberties and freedoms, right? There is no question, but that the National Debt is a ball and chain and the American people are attached to that ball and chain and we are being thrown overboard by our own government and every one of our leaders is lying to us. Every damn one of them. None of them would get elected if they told the truth and fought for a reduction of principal of the National Debt. Instead, the American people vote with their stomachs, en mass. There is no free lunch. America needs to fast. Either way, fast or more free lunches, our nation is bankrupt, and our freedoms and liberties have been given to the Central Banking Cartel and our military will soon prove to defend their interests, not ours. Time to wake up and not get too irritated with my cynicism which is humor not understood. I have better hopes for you. Your wit and humor suggests that you may just get it. Keep saving those seeds. That is smart. peace. |
Palin vs. Biden
Do you put a creche on the lawn at Christmas time, too?
the day america died
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Sat 10/04/08 10:37 AM
calipornicopia, war.
barackorama is a different kaliedescope, huh? 10 trillion in debt, compounding interest adding to the debt, more borrowing to cover interest payments, and a federal budget each year that even if the entirety of which is approved by Congress and the President were applied to the National Debt, it would still be larger at year end than at the beginning of the year. and the drumbeat goes on. truly amazing to behold. The truth is in front of the nation and ignored intentionally. What a joke. |
good for you, dear.
now get off your partisan horse and realize that the National Debt is what is destroying this nation. That destruction is characterized by your Obama. It isn't Obama himself that concerns me, but it is this fascination with his platform that exemplifies just how stupid this country is. Even McCain cannot express anything different. You and others are blind to the fact that the National Debt is impossible to reign in without drastically cutting government spending. So many government programs and services will have to be cut out just to balance the debt, even if a 40 year repayment plan were implemented. You, like SO MANY OTHERS, just don't get it. A spiralling National Debt IS a loss of liberties and freedoms. Why can't you see that? ![]() |
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Sat 10/04/08 10:05 AM
We Americans are not ready yet to exemplify this paradigm.
The present bailout and the "imminent threat" of Obama as CIC is sure to bring many distinctions to bear about freedom and liberty under the banner of the US Constitution. I doubt that sufficient lessons will be learned for any real consensus to exist in our generation by gleaning anything credible from the exercise before us as a nation. The American experience is headed into an abyss of complacency and ready excuses for being ambivalent about tyrannical suppression of our inheritance. We are spending our inheritance and not investing it in posterity. That inheritance is freedom and liberty itself. The American people are proving, more and more every day, that Americans have no collective will to preserve liberties and freedoms, but do willfully show a desire to be coddled and lulled into a false sense of security by our institutionalized "self-governance". CAse in point : the compounding spiral of the National Debt. Everyone knows that if you are bleeding profusely from a wound to an artery, that loss of blood leads directly and irrefutably to a terminal condition due that symptom, yet....... That defines and describes by rote what will come. It isn't a romantic notion, for sure. |
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Sat 10/04/08 02:00 AM
The original text of the Insurrection Act severely limits the power of the President to deploy troops within the United States.
For troops to be deployed, a condition has to exist that, “(1) So hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or (2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws. In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.” The Mann Act, as law and judicial precedent with regards to limitations to state's rights vs. federal rights doesn't apply equally under the law. Forget that the "condition" of the Mann Act was prostitution and such, but remember that it affected states rights and uniform commercial trade practices under the law, not always intrastatutory. In the case of insurance policies, there are state imposed limitations on insurance carriers and their responsibilities and fiduciary duties in accountability to insureds, and also that out of state underwriters are not liable to honor declared indemnity of the insured enforceable under compulsion of the state. A "conditon" within any state may include statutory discrimination based on the variance of economic conditions of the citizenry within any state. In such a case, an insured may be uninsured, for all intents and purposes despite the appear of a contrary expectation. It comes down to civil litigation of law and award of liability. Civil unrest, however, is a different matter. The state has no authority to qualify the Federal Government as bound to state law. What "condition" could exist to infer that the states are denying equal protection of the laws secured by the US Constitution? That "condition" can be "Martial Law" declared by the President. That is a slippery slope. Slippery, because the president may arbitrarily choose to decree that the states "are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection;" The Insurrection Act has not been tested to that degree, heretofore. With this much attention given this Act, I doubt it is merely a whimsical contemplation of inquiring minds. A call to arms may be a call to disarm by tyrannical authorities. Now why would Bush want to challenge the repeal? hmmm........ good post, war. |
Is McCain Able?
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Sat 10/04/08 01:28 AM
some things do not translate.
psychoanalyzing McCain is one of them. some of us know that civilized society is as close to hell as any should dare tread. Judging any man on the basis of educated guesses is belief without revelation. Knowledge is lacking. What we can be assured of, is what a man does with his life before men. And then, only those in that man's life may begin to know the man. I trust McCain. I do not trust Obama. I see things in black and white, not gray. I am not a child any longer. Things are clear through sound judgement. I choose not to learn again by watching Obama figure himself out on my dime. He who can receive this, I need not say this to. peace, out. ![]() |
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Sat 10/04/08 01:07 AM
sounds good to me.
I can relate. ![]() |
Allegory Of The Cave
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Sat 10/04/08 12:10 AM
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
William Butler Yeates I WILL arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet's wings. I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep heart's core. ![]() |
banking on it. this is hilarious. ![]() ![]() |
Walk the Walk
Patent laws and licensing of patents is big business.
Many patents are bought up to sit dormant on shelves by megasloths that profit by stifling competition. Just one example of laws that are dinosaurs and can't advance humanity and ethical behavior in this age. One example of the types of laws that Mc Cain could champion consistent with his intentions to modernize our legal system and the daily operation of the Federal Government which is a megasloth in its own right. Barack, too, if he used his Harvard law degree for something truly benevolent. For instance. Many high tech devices in the consumer market have thousands of patents involved with licensing agreements to the patent holders which are inescapably incumbent upon innovative approaches to solving problems with standardization and compatiblity of different devices in order for them to communicate with one another as useful communication tools for consumer benefit. But these licenses make it impossible for small start ups , like Microsoft enjoyed in its early days, whereas the licensing agreements plunder the profitablilty of said innovations except by the biggest endeavors of a huge economy of scale. Such an economy of scale limits innovation to being an opportunity for only the largest megasloths to engender and bring to market. How is such constraints as these good for our society? The playing field stifles true innovation and entrepreneural activity and relegates the best and brightest to the employ of others to see their dreams brought to fruition. That is institutional indentured servitude of the intellectuals for whoim intellectual properties are designed to benefit. The whoole system is corrupted. And that's just patents and their play. ![]() |
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Fri 10/03/08 11:30 PM
![]() see? told ya she should have rehearsed more i bet if obama and biden offered her a position on their team she'd jump yup. ![]() ![]() off the bridge she sold them and she didn't actually build. Like stepping on an ant, inadvertently. I put my money on Palin going to work for Trump! That makes sense. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 10/03/08 11:26 PM
Morally bankrupt 26 Sep 2008 09:28 pm I cannot address all the patently untrue things that McCain and Obama are saying, but I must protest when Barack Obama claims that people are going bankrupt because of health expenses. There is no evidence to suggest that this is a widespread phenomenon. The Eliabeth Warren study purporting to show that amazing numbers of bankruptcies were caused by medical problems was, to put it politely, garbage; she broadened the definition of a "medical bankruptcy" far beyond that used by the bankrupts themselves, including things like gambling problems. The overwhelming causes of bankruptcy are divorce and job loss; even the medical bankruptcies are, the experts say, a problem of income loss rather than medical bills. Hospitals and doctors hate to sue people for large bills, because it always seems to end up on local television. ![]() excerpt... Prof. Warren has studied bankruptcy for 20 years and was an advisor to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission, which was set up by Congress in the mid-1990s to consider bankruptcy reform. She said her research painted a very different picture from the image presented by the credit card companies of lavish spenders trying to escape the consequences of their debts. Although joblessness remained the main cause of bankruptcy, she pointed out the "echo" effect in that "when people lose their jobs, they also lose their health insurance. The combination creates a blow that families cannot recover from without bankruptcy." The implications are that if such families are not allowed to wipe out their debts in bankruptcy, some will lose their homes and many will face collection agencies for the rest of their lives. Seniors, women and families headed by single women are the groups hardest hit by medical expenses. Lack of medical insurance did not appear to be a significant factor, although more than 40 million Americans have no medical insurance at all. sounds like doublespeak to me, coming from ms.Warren. I find nothing concrete to suggest that medical bills are significant enough of a factor for the OP to be whining about losing homes caused primarily by medical expenses. Sounds like looney left talking points to me. yummy, more KOOL AID!! POPCORN TOO! ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 10/03/08 11:03 PM
Calipornicopia says......
CALIFORNIA Democrats - Baca, Y; Becerra, N; Berman, Y; Capps, Y; Cardoza, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y; Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Filner, N; Harman, Y; Honda, Y; Lee, Y; Lofgren, Zoe, Y; Matsui, Y; McNerney, Y; Miller, George, Y; Napolitano, N; Pelosi, Y; Richardson, Y; Roybal-Allard, N; Sanchez, Linda T., N; Sanchez, Loretta, N; Schiff, Y; Sherman, N; Solis, Y; Speier, Y; Stark, N; Tauscher, Y; Thompson, Y; Waters, Y; Watson, Y; Waxman, Y; Woolsey, Y. Republicans - Bilbray, N; Bono Mack, Y; Calvert, Y; Campbell, Y; Doolittle, N; Dreier, Y; Gallegly, N; Herger, Y; Hunter, N; Issa, N; Lewis, Y; Lungren, Daniel E., Y; McCarthy, N; McKeon, Y; Miller, Gary, Y; Nunes, N; Radanovich, Y; Rohrabacher, N; Royce, N. dems 30 yes/8 no. repubs.12 yes/9 no. TTL= 42 yes/17 no. a 5/2 spread to the go. As goes Calipornicopia, so goes the nation. Is that appealing, or appalling? hhmmmmm.......... ![]() ps. no other state is as abundantly represented as Caliporn. New York has only 27 reps in the House and none of the NY repubs voted no. hhmmm...... 24/27 voted yes in NY. WTF? Think about that. ![]() BTW, I am a third gen SF native. |
Interesting take in Newsweek with the guilty according to * The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap. * Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively. * Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses. * Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes. * The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families. * Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates. * Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages. * Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral. * The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market. * An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic. * Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up. don't forget the real estate "flippers" that manipulated the market by spiraling home prices up in a stratospheric climb until the whole thing passed out for a lack of oxygen. If it weren't for that, none of the toys and designer clothes and exotic vacation destinations would have been realized by the avid and adept consumer with investment genius to match their skillsets as real estate magnates. They played but a minor role, huh? And the Federal Reserve Bank just whet their lips at the prospect of taking the market down just to buy on the dip in secret. HUH? Is wouldee high again? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm bettng that she reads the Washigton Post and Huffington too.
Just to keep an eye on the kids that are smoking crack in the bathrooms. They need schooling too! You liberals always neglect the victims needing the most help. ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 10/03/08 10:35 PM
Jim Rogers, “Washington clowns making a fool of themselves” October 1st, 2008 — Constitutional Crisis, Economy, Federal Reserve By: D. H. Williams @ 7:19 PM - EST Jim Rogers on the bailout. “Why should 300 million Americans bailout a few thousand people in the financial community. I don’t understand this. Taxes will go up, interest will go up, inflation will go up, the US dollar will go down.” Rogers says not passing the bill will allow the economy to clean out the system quickly providing a fresh start. Jim explains to the media talking heads on Bloomberg News that history is clear, these types of government interventions always fail and lead to long term financial chaos. He predicts a decade of depression and hyperinflation if the US Senate passes the Paulson 700 billion bailout plan. Because bush gets a commision on the sale from the banking cartel that reaps the rewards of infinite bondage to compounding interest of the National Debt, war. Congress only assumed that the deal was solid, and open ended, of course! Kinda like those credit card cos. that change the terms after the fact, only here, the terms of the loan are not even discussed at all. Brilliance in action. Too bad the democrats aren't so well connected as is "skull and bones" Bush, or we'd have some real doozies of creative financing. OH!!!!!! WAIT!!!!! my bad, we do have their liberal handiwork. It's called Barack and freddie and fannie entangled and entwined in a MENAGE A TROIS! Pass the KOOL AID! got popcorn too? ![]() ![]() |
so are farmers and ranchers in the heartland that are a hindrance to "the mobilization of resources" in the event that the cities are held in seige by their inability to produce their own food for their free lunch programs.
REX 84 is perfect for that little nuance. can we say, "militia"? NO? I can spell it out for you. Ted Nugent for VP! ![]() |
Palin vs. Biden
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Fri 10/03/08 10:20 PM
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Fri 10/03/08 10:18 PM
HeartSoul, I agree with you. You must have watched the same debate that I did. ![]() that's true Palin is defiantly out in left field ![]() And she can't catch the fly ball. ![]() who could!?!?!?!?!??? it was a foul tip over third base. let the hitter run, he isn't going anywhere, except back to the plate to try to swing..... and a miss! ![]() ![]() ![]() |