Topic: McCain & Palin not on the same page | |
So Palin/McCain wants to protect main street and Joe Six-pack?
Seemed so when Palin said she supported protecting the primary residences of people filling for bankruptcy. (Keep in mind medical expenses are the number one and largest by far of all reasons for bankruptcy filings) Today McCain was already saying no, that's not what she meant at all. McCain is against protecting Joe and Jane Six-pack's home if they file for bankruptcy. -------- "About 20 minutes into tonight's debate, Governor Sarah Palin demonstrated bipartisan appeal in endorsing Senator Biden's call for bankruptcy protections for primary residences. When Senator Biden called for bankruptcy shelter and suggested that Governor Palin likely opposed those protections, Gwen Ifill asked, "Governor Palin, is that so?" The Governor responded, "That is not so." Both Senators Biden and Obama have supported the "Helping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act", which would close the loophole in current federal bankruptcy law that prevents primary residences from have their mortgages restructured by federal bankruptcy judges. Currently, second homes, seventh homes, and yachts are eligible for such restructuring, but not primary residences that are being lost at a record pace in the current foreclosure crisis. An ABC story includes the always-enjoyable line, "The McCain campaign confirms to ABC News that Palin misstated McCain's position." From the Kansas City Star: Palin, given a chance to respond to Biden's comments, again skirted the question. She came back to talking about America becoming "energy independent," which had absolutely nothing to do with the original question on bankruptcy laws. From the Detroit Free Press: And at another point when the discussion turned to bankruptcy rules and how they might change to help keep homeowners from losing their homes, Palin started discussing her record on energy as Alaska’s governor. And a new update from ABC News, in which they "fact-check" Palin: FACT: The Senate has voted only once this year on legislation that would change bankruptcy laws to help distressed homeowners. John McCain was absent for that vote. Contrary to what Palin says, the McCain campaign acknowledges that he does not support those changes to bankruptcy laws. |
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Fri 10/03/08 12:22 PM
![]() see? told ya she should have rehearsed more i bet if obama and biden offered her a position on their team she'd jump |
Palin dosent care much if she wins this year. I think this is an intro to the world for her comeback in 2012.
....just like my comeback of a few days agao |
enough !!
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Fri 10/03/08 11:26 PM
Morally bankrupt 26 Sep 2008 09:28 pm I cannot address all the patently untrue things that McCain and Obama are saying, but I must protest when Barack Obama claims that people are going bankrupt because of health expenses. There is no evidence to suggest that this is a widespread phenomenon. The Eliabeth Warren study purporting to show that amazing numbers of bankruptcies were caused by medical problems was, to put it politely, garbage; she broadened the definition of a "medical bankruptcy" far beyond that used by the bankrupts themselves, including things like gambling problems. The overwhelming causes of bankruptcy are divorce and job loss; even the medical bankruptcies are, the experts say, a problem of income loss rather than medical bills. Hospitals and doctors hate to sue people for large bills, because it always seems to end up on local television. ![]() excerpt... Prof. Warren has studied bankruptcy for 20 years and was an advisor to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission, which was set up by Congress in the mid-1990s to consider bankruptcy reform. She said her research painted a very different picture from the image presented by the credit card companies of lavish spenders trying to escape the consequences of their debts. Although joblessness remained the main cause of bankruptcy, she pointed out the "echo" effect in that "when people lose their jobs, they also lose their health insurance. The combination creates a blow that families cannot recover from without bankruptcy." The implications are that if such families are not allowed to wipe out their debts in bankruptcy, some will lose their homes and many will face collection agencies for the rest of their lives. Seniors, women and families headed by single women are the groups hardest hit by medical expenses. Lack of medical insurance did not appear to be a significant factor, although more than 40 million Americans have no medical insurance at all. sounds like doublespeak to me, coming from ms.Warren. I find nothing concrete to suggest that medical bills are significant enough of a factor for the OP to be whining about losing homes caused primarily by medical expenses. Sounds like looney left talking points to me. yummy, more KOOL AID!! POPCORN TOO! ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 10/03/08 11:30 PM
![]() see? told ya she should have rehearsed more i bet if obama and biden offered her a position on their team she'd jump yup. ![]() ![]() off the bridge she sold them and she didn't actually build. Like stepping on an ant, inadvertently. I put my money on Palin going to work for Trump! That makes sense. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() see? told ya she should have rehearsed more i bet if obama and biden offered her a position on their team she'd jump yup. ![]() ![]() off the bridge she sold them and she didn't actually build. Like stepping on an ant, inadvertently. I put my money on Palin going to work for Trump! That makes sense. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hmmmm....sounds like a con-artist. |
enough !! Enough what? |
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GEEZ... you would think DEMS would be more interested in cleaning up their own party instead of worrying about the goings on in the GOP.
That's what happens when you don't have anything to run FOR. |
So, we see attack after attack...not facts just ugliness...from certain posters. Then when the facts start getting hard to ignore those same posters come up with: "enough !!" and "GEEZ... you would think DEMS would be more interested in cleaning up their own party instead of worrying about the goings on in the GOP. That's what happens when you don't have anything to run FOR." Face it ladies and gentlemen. McCain sold out all that was good and then to ice the cake made what might be the worse pick for veep ever. If McCain is your friend....who needs enemies? |
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Do you really see that much difference in either side? Its like getting to choose which to change, the treble or the bass, when they're still picking the song. I get to choose which stick I want poked in my eye. And don't tell me that if I don't vote I don't have a right to complain, I can speak out against the crime without first aiding and abetting.
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Sun 10/05/08 12:06 AM
the silent majority has the right to criticize, not the voters than condescend to justifying the lesser of two evils without scruples in an amoral and fruitless attempt to placate incompetence and theft through extortion and bribery and treason. ![]() ![]() |
I know they're crooks, you know they're crooks, they know they're crooks. But, reality check..What would America be like without corporations that continue to flourish, no matter at whose expense. Have you been to a country with no corporations, no jobs, no infrastructure, no housing, no airconditioning or heat, no food on the shelves, no utilities, water, sanitation? The money and jobs generated by corporate America not only employ a lot of the country but most of the other jobs and small business are a spin off that expects someone with money to shop there. If we have to do this bailout or milk the profits to be made from oil before switching to another energy source to keep us a first world country or a third world country would you support it then? Turn off your utilities, park your car, only buy bags of flour and condensed milk, never go to the doctor, and then get back to me.
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Sun 10/05/08 04:27 AM
Yes well at least we won't see the politics as usual tow the partyline OBAMA will give us.
SARAH just might be the person to REALLY represent the working class. You won't get that from any of these other candidates. DEMS have done nothing FOR the working class in this country either. All their talk about compassion is more hogwash. No one supporting OBAMA or the DEMS have even been able to give a solid answer on that one. I rest my case. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 10/05/08 04:37 AM
Do you really see that much difference in either side? Its like getting to choose which to change, the treble or the bass, when they're still picking the song. I get to choose which stick I want poked in my eye. And don't tell me that if I don't vote I don't have a right to complain, I can speak out against the crime without first aiding and abetting. Uh...yeah! I do. I know REPS will keep us safe. BUSH has kept us safe. I know they are better than DEMS when it comes to money. Every state that DEMS control taxes are high & industry is fleeeing..but DEMs want to blame REPS instead of their tax & spend ideology. I know they will defend the constitution unlike DEMS who want to take our rights away. I also know that DEMS are the ones who push the enevelope which is causing alot of voter corruption to all other sorts of corruption & they like to point fingers at REPS but yet are unapologetic when they get caught with THEIR hands in the cookie jar. The perseption that DEMS are for the little guys has yet to be proved while the only one in this race who really has the record is SARAH PALIN! The biggest difference is this... DEMS want to take us the way of the rest of this world which goes against everything our govt. was based on. That why they are called the COUNTER...CULTURE. |
Republicans do understand the importance of corporate America to our economy and the so-called American Dream. If we leveled everyone as in communism there would be no work incentive to get ahead. If we take away the rewards of being a top executive why would anyone strive to get ahead. But that mentality also leads to a pride of accomplishment and individual achievement that can also turn into a lack of compassion for those not making it or allowed to be part of the game. That is a big voting base that the Democrats like to appeal to but to demonize big business in doing so helps create more people who have to rely on the government instead of individual incentive. Look how they rewrite history to demonize the "now called" Robber Barons of the industrial revolution who took this country, practically destroyed economically at the end of the Civil War, and turned it into the strongest country in the world by the beginning of the 1900's. Workers rights and the poor people didn't do too well then either but in comparison to where they would have been without the Industrial Revolution it is no contest. We need to stop the divisiveness and bickering that demonizes one side or the other and try to develop the best qualities of both.
I agree with you...there is good in BOTh partys. However I do think that some people go into the voting booth with perseptions that are lies.
That's been my point all along. We are getting some accountability with REPS while DEMs win by default...this perseption that they are for the little guys when they sell the working class down the tubes for their own self serving purposes as well. If we don't hold BOTh sides accountable then we get the govt. we deserve. I keep saying vote out every incumbant...that would be a coup with our vote. If everyone did that we might get our govt. back. |
I suppose that would give you a better chance for change. Lawrence Tierney had a chance for change but look where it got him. "Even a man who is pure at heart, and says his prayers by night, may be a werewolf when the wolfbain blooms and the moon is full and bright." I'd vote for that creepy old lady (the one in the movie, not Hilary). She knew what was coming.