Why McCain is going to lose.
I disagree.
All in all, first things first. Philosophically, future plans for America are tertiary and ancillary maneuverings of civil judgements regarding free trade in a global market. Practically, the secondary issue is oversight of the free market for the benefit of American interests. Pragmatically and first and foremost as the primary concern for this nation is managing the public trust and working to insure that our government is not part of the problem with free trade and sound economic prudence. With the sstrain on capital that is represented best by an 11.5 trillion US Dollar National Debt, this country's federal government is the single most detriment to the market. Too much taxpayer funded revenue is burdening the countru's ability to invest in the future by virtue of the massive drain of revenue just to cover the interest on the spiraling National Debt. That debt is compounding and growing minute by minute out of control. The Wall Street to Main St. bottleneck in the free market is completely contingent upon that strain of the public trust. We must payoff this debt now, not later. Nothing is being done about it at all, except to say that Washington is making it worse minute by minute. Higher taxes and more government borrowing to exist at all is inevitable given our present course. In five years, we are looking at a National Debt of over 25 trillion without one dime more of expanded government spending and borrowing. The interest payment/year alone will be 1 trillion when the president elected in 2012 is inaugurated. apart from that, civil war can be expected if the federal Reserve Bank is not called on to carpet for lending money that it doesn't have. and those are the facts, as I see it, even though these facts have yet to manifest themselves. 1+1=2 but until the equation is finished, 2 is not the result, but we know that 2 is the answer. Same thng with war or calling in the kiting of the Federal Reserve Bank. Proving they are kiting Dollars is easy. Declaring the debt illegal is then easy. Getting the Federal Reserve Bank to give account for it's imaginary balance sheet will topple it and perhaps the whole global market, but that is a temporary issue made a non-issue by international consensus when a better standard for international trade backs all currencies, whether or not there is a single world currency. But private bankers are not the solution and their currencies are not legitimate measures of true currency, only subjective ones subject to their own values, not the true and real and tangible value of their instruments being presently kited and hidden from objective and transparent scrutiny. ![]() |
Who is
ask yourselves one question as you vote on November 4.
Who might rein in government spending and who will expand government borrowing? |
Why McCain is going to lose.
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Sun 10/05/08 09:27 AM
still too close to call.
Not to be optimistic, I believe that cooler heads will prevail in November and elect mcCain after all. Obama makes no mention of curbing spending. In fact, his whole philosophy can be summed up and filtered through the observation that everything he says about making the American dream come true will come at the expense of taxpayers and manipulation of the tax code to enhance revenue for the things he hopes to accomplish for improving life for our children, so it seems. Not one word on curbing spending. not one word about the average American worker that isn't defined except by his notion that cops, firemen, and teachers are the average worker, government employees all. Somehow, he is fixated on bigger government. For a Harvard law professor to not recognize that government spending is the monkey on our backs is alarmingly ignorant. He wants to spend the money budgeted for the war on terror presently engaged in the Iraq theater on more government managed programs of his choice and turn the military towards Afghanistan and blow it up and leave. Even though he says schools are needed there. Yeah, right. he can rest with a sigh of relief for the moment rejoicing in the bailout of democrat interventions into the free market and mortgage lending practices, but must brace for the potential risks of FDIC protections going bust. With 40 billion in reserves to backstop not 2trillion in deposits, but now 5 trillion in deposits, he will have to be extremely careful with how oversight governs deposits into banks by the citizens of this country. Something that obama shows no competence in. He shows no competent grasp on sound economic principles. Pragmatically, McCain at the least does warn that we must rein in government spending. This election is less about the economy, per se, or the war on terror or the health and welfare and education of ua all, as much as it is about the runaway train of government spending and the mismanagement of the public trust. Obama affords no hope in this battle. McCain might. Throw away votes will only inure to Obama's win in default. Siphoning of votes towards independent candidates will more than likely weaken McCain's chances, not Obama's. So the choice before us is this. rein in government spending or expand government borrowing. That is the predominant issue being obscured by the partisan tug of war, in a nutshell. ![]() |
The Palin Fix
the pic is Obama, not me.
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Palin Eye Candy
I have been feeling really guilty about not liking Sarah Palin. She's
independent, her husband helps raise the kids, she's worked most of her life. I should luv her. ![]() No need to read more. ![]() |
My Promise
gee, that will get everyone in a good mood.
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The Palin Fix
palin smoked biden.
what debate was the OP watching? ![]() |
sounds like someone needs to go back to school and learn some more
these questions can be asked of anyone. ![]() ![]() |
I see that this thing is not past Obama's motion to dismiss.
McCain's website pulled the blogging off that was rambling about this lawsuit. Judging from the things acted on, it may still dismiss, even though the plaintiff's motion of order is in the record to grant release of docs. All SOPs are being papered normally, as far as I can tell. the LA Times site has an image of the cert that was filed with the DNC, and it appears legit. More legit than the docs I have seen in the past on another site, which I cannot find this time around. I did see a site a few weeks ago that were claiming the docs were forged and possibly not official, but that evidence was sketchy at best. Truth is, no original is ever released ot the public, only certified copies of the original. That is normal sop too. also, there is a reproduced image of a the birth announcement from a paper in Hawaii for the date of Obama's birth. I suspect that if the udit trail were illegitimate, someone would have gone to hawaii already and snooped around some more. And although birth records are a matter of public record, handing them out willy nilly is not happening. That's a good thing, isn't it? Identity theft is a major problem. It may still be that a judge will have to intervene after all, in the end, to satisfy the complaint before the courts. I see no harm in that. I also see potential for a malicious prosecution cross complaint from Obama vs the plaintiff as inevitable if Obama is innocent in this. I have not seen that yet. Usually an indemnification from malicious prosecution is sought by the plaintiff from the defendant if the petition is to be dropped and that usually happens outside of the action between the parties. So far, the plaintiff himself seems to have acknowledged that the judge hadn't yet acted on his motion before the court, or on Obama's motion to dismiss. It is curious though, that this lawsuit is still floating in the courts open and actionable. |
So which side republican or democrat is worried that they cannot steal the election this time? Hmmmmm ![]() duh!!!!!!!!! the democrats, of course. ![]() |
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Sun 10/05/08 12:20 AM
| mean the state with the republican governor. The state that gave us Ronnie? yup, the very same state that could not hold a good man down. You got it, exactly. Bet you don't know who Gray Davis is without googling him. LOL Let me tell you. He's the democrat ran out on a rail for trashing the state economy and blowing out the surplus in the state treasury. ARnoild Schwarzeneggar battles the entrenched democrats in the legislature and still cannot get the black ink back. Just as he began to make headway, the economy tanked here and tax revenues slipped. He won't go for raising taxes, so the democrats have to figure out new ways to kkeep the deficit growing. yup. Reagan. baby!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's a man's world
In the interest of fairness I am adding this. Fewer than one-in-four Americans think that "women should return to their traditional roles in society." Most Americans (72%) disagree with that statement, a level similar to those recorded in surveys over the past decade. Among major demographic groups, Hispanics (41%) and people with less than a high school education (51%) are among those most likely to agree. There is little difference among the classes on this question, with strong majorities in the upper class (76%) and lower class (70%) disagreeing that women should return to traditional roles. From Perhaps more later. sounds like the majority opinion is expressed in bi polar extremes. Somewhere in the middle are the women not stroking this marginalizing rhetoric. Even Stephen King's horrific character is getting more attention than moms at home nurturing and cherishing their loved ones and absent from this rant. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 10/05/08 12:06 AM
the silent majority has the right to criticize, not the voters than condescend to justifying the lesser of two evils without scruples in an amoral and fruitless attempt to placate incompetence and theft through extortion and bribery and treason. ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 10/05/08 12:01 AM
in the world of economists that think barry's delusions are waaayyyyy better, of course.
you know, the world in which suffocating indebtedness and overextension of fiscal responsibilities is sound economic policy for a representative government of the people and for the people and by the people. where else wwould we be talking about? earth? yeah, right. have some more KOOL AID, you seem to be getting woozy. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 10/04/08 11:54 PM
yes well...I can see this happening if DEMS get control over the govt. For sure & you heard it here. ...but I'm sure the many who voted for them will be in just as much denial then as they are now. Pity... The Dems. have been in the house for only 2 years of the last 8 years!!! no. the dems have been blockading the House for the last two years. They've been there all along. but their two year legacy is the lowest approval rating in history. A single digit number lower than the dismal rating of Bush. Deer in the headlights catatonic paralysis. The beast has no head. the body of the beast is seeking a "present" junior Senator that broke his promise to his constituents to serve his whole freshman term for 6 years and NOT seek the White House for himself. He lied. and the beast waits for a head, still. It can't think for itself. Thus barack.\ He thinks only of himself. and throws away his convenient friends like Ayers and Wright when they no longer serve his ambitions. The head will not tolerate criticism of his climb to power. The headless beast can find none better than a self serving talking head with grandiose schemes and circular excuses for his lack of consistency and perseverance in his present tasks. He leapfrogs himself and does nothing but spew dreams and visions and free lunches with bribery and extortion. Sounds like a perfect match made in torment and lust, huh? ![]() ![]() |
lovingly brought to you be a calipornicopian in comrade peloshki's district. Needless to say, the democrats control the state budget and are driving it into red ink without any help from Bush. and this state is a world class economic engine of prosperity. ![]() and for all that, the state government is imploding under the weight of runaway liberal free lunch programs. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Dems have only had the house 2 years out of 8. I am talking about california, winx. dems have had it locked down for a long long time. sorry to disappoint ya. you betcha! wink wink. ![]() ![]() |
O'Reilly Vs. Barney Frank
"This is why your stupidity gets in the way of rational discussion," replied Frank. "This 'maniliness' stuff is very unbecoming. ... You think toughness is yelling and ranting and trying to bully us. It's not going to work with me. ... You don't listen at all -- or maybe you listen and you're too dumb to understand"
now that is funny. from bottom to top that is funny. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The War on Intellectualism
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Sat 10/04/08 06:49 PM
you are so right. but this thread about intellectualism has some traction for refuting the liberal connotation of what constitutes intellectuality.LOL And to that end, practical observations that fly in the face of liberal conventions are intelligent use of real time examples. Perhaps someone should start a thread fro delusions of grandeur. I can contribute to that debate too! ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 10/04/08 06:43 PM
barry nobama, is your only hope to get elected to try and bribe voters with free lunch programs and expanded entitlements?
Is it only cops, firemen and teachers that are the average American worker in your mind? After all, they are government workers, not the average Americam worker. The average American worker is the garbage collector, the carpenter and the receptionist in every office in every building on every street in every city in every state of all 57 states. What say you, Harvard law Professor with one class to teach a year, or maybe three, if you finished a year? How about finishing what you started and living up to your promise to Illinoisans to see your 6 year term through as a junior wet behind the ears Senator? yeah, right...... ![]() |
The War on Intellectualism
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Sat 10/04/08 06:35 PM
here is some useful knowledge to consider when contemplating the next liberal abuse of capital.
This too is interesting: The increase of FDIC insurance from 100 thousand to 250 thousand dollars per person increases that agency's liabiliy from two trillion to five trillion dollars. Held in the FDIC coffers at present: 40billion. Reassuring, isn't it? Now how is knowing that power? Power to freak out when the FDIC can't live up to expectations afforded it in willy nilly democratic style? please...... the ill informed are the ones voting for these trash collectors and free lunch purveyors. It's what they do. the silent majority has a conscience disallowing justifcvation of the lesser of two evils. And running against this quagmire and spew? please....... it never gets the airtime or the attention of the MSM, all liberal malcontents themselves. please....... keep sucking down that KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() |