Community > Posts By > Moodygrl

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Sat 12/22/07 06:12 AM
(((kojack))) my prayers are with you and your family..:heart:

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Fri 12/21/07 04:58 AM
I have met 3 people from a different site...I met them at a public place and before we actually met we talked for a couple of months, first via email, then phone...
I am really good friends with 2 of the guys I met...The other one wasn't what he said he was...
But it was a good experience for me...I now have 2 good friends that I met on a site and we still keep in touch to this day!..So it was worth it for me...
Just be careful, listen to your "gut"...flowerforyou

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Fri 12/21/07 04:44 AM
I've had this happen on several occasions from different guys...I ignore them and eventually they is kinda creepy..sick

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Fri 12/21/07 04:42 AM
Peach...Happy Happy Birthday..drinker

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Thu 12/20/07 06:21 AM
Saw it a couple of nights ago...didn't watch the whole thing..I walked out in the middle of it...I found it too slow..grumble

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Thu 12/20/07 06:19 AM
grumble DAMN..have to get ready for work...

Have a Damn good day all..drinker

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Thu 12/20/07 06:18 AM

That is very true shellia, for a lot of men do want a woman that is coy
and play the hard to get at times. And some men just have no ideal how
to deal with a women that speaks her mind and knows what she wants. They
at times seem to shy away from the ones that are indepentdent. I don't
know just my thoughts maybe they like the ideal of a woman having to
lean on them. Instead of one that can take care of herself. I know I
don't have the answers for sure.

Tips my hat off to TX....well said..drinker flowerforyou

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Thu 12/20/07 06:13 AM

I Honestly don’t think you can have any type of sexual relationship with someone with out eventually gaining feelings for that person … I mean that’s just me … I mean how could anyone have so many passionate moments with some one and not feel something …flowerforyou

Hey hookers do it all the

but I agree with you...

lol but ask a hooker if she is really happy
Personally I think that is a horse of a different color...comparing oranges with apples if you will...flowerforyou noway

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Thu 12/20/07 05:19 AM
I agree with Magic....well said..on your first response..drinker

I am for FWB...I see nothing wrong with it...If one is mature and open and communicate with the other then there is no harm done...
It depends on your perspective and ones own definition of "FWB"....
I have had three "FWB" and to this day all three are my best friends..they have been there for me through thick and ups and was a pallbearer in my fathers's called unconditional "love" on a different level, for me it's powerful and spiritual and wonderful...I wouldn't trade it for nothin...
However, it isn't for everyone..just depends on the person..flowerforyou

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Thu 12/20/07 05:01 AM

I only know one thing about Law...

I fought the Law and i won...
laugh JT you crack me up sometimes..drinker

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Thu 12/20/07 04:58 AM
In loving memory to my father, my brother, and my mother...:heart:

Can't wait to see you again, miss you very very much..:heart: flowerforyou brokenheart

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Tue 12/18/07 04:50 PM
Mental Stimulation is a to engage in a somewhat intelligent conversation..

Sense of humor is a must!...on the top of my list (not that I have a list)..

Secure within his own skin..
Sharp Wit
only met a couple of people with these traits...drinker

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Tue 12/18/07 04:48 PM
Just Damn..Damn..and more Damn...(feeling better now)..flowerforyou smokin

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Tue 12/18/07 02:49 PM
Fantastic..drinker flowerforyou :tongue:

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Tue 12/18/07 04:59 AM
<~~~~~~chooses to be single...
I found out that being single for me is so much better than being with someone....I feel free...happier...and most importantly, have sole possesion of the remote control..:tongue: flowerforyou

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Tue 12/18/07 04:51 AM

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Sun 12/16/07 03:21 PM

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Sun 12/16/07 04:19 AM
Yes it's acceptable...It's how comfortable you are within your own skin....
I'm not into the bar scene....however I go to movies alone and sometimes I'll even eat out alone...Nothing wrong with that..flowerforyou

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Sun 12/16/07 04:15 AM
A place where there are few people and ALOT of space....
Water is a must..:tongue:
Cold weather needs to be past tense...
I've been to Italy, Bahamas, Pennsylvania, and New York...Great places to visit, not to live, not for me anyway..

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Sat 12/15/07 06:19 AM
When my brother was diagnosed with cancer they gave him pot (he was in hospice before he died) and it helped him both physically and emotionally with his demise...So insofar as it being benificial, I think it depends on the circumstances, but yes it can be.....
I know alot of people who smoke it both everyday and in moderation...and both types of individuals are productive people....
I'm ambivalant about legalizing it however...smokin