Community > Posts By > crimsonphoenix

crimsonphoenix's photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:52 PM
not too bad a bit short but otherwise good. I am sorry he treated you that way. flowerforyou :heart: drinker

crimsonphoenix's photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:45 PM
thanks unique. flowerforyou drinker

crimsonphoenix's photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:41 PM

I agree that those who would prey on children are the lowest of the low & that they destroy a life as nearly as if the child were left dead. The life that child might have led is forever gone from that moment on. Society must be protected from such predators.

I believe such people must be confined the remainder of their days. I have never heard of rehabilitation for a child predator and don't believe there is any hope for that. Various methods of castration only remove the weapon of choice and do not address female offenders. But I do not agree with the permanent solutions suggested above that eliminate any possible attempts of redress in the event that someone is wrongfully convicted. Studies have proven the fallibility of even eye witness acounts...between terror, trauma and time, mistakes are made. Permanently confining convicted offenders with only those similarly convicted would allow for the possibility of righting a wrong conviction, should it become known.

It is inherent in our legal system that some offenders of any of our laws will escape conviction in an effort to prevent the innocent from a wrongful conviction. Whether we wish to believe it or not, the plan was an effort to protect all of & I, as well as the less savory members of our society. It is what those who came before us to establish our legal system intended. Innocent until proven guilty is just one example of their foresight. I believe that they may have even trusted that God would ultimately set the record straight by allowing those offenders who escaped just punishment to eventually reveal themselves & be convicted (if not of the original crime, then a subsequent one).

It is with that same regard that I oppose an 'ultimate'/'capital', permanent solution to the question of appropriate punishment for child predators...or to the death penalty period. The wrongful death at the hands of my government is committed in the name of all of this country's is committed in my name. If & when it is required, I wish to pay for my sins & mine alone. Until all who are sentenced to death in my name are proven beyond TODAY'S standards of reasonable doubt (DNA evidence!), I will oppose the death penalty...or the permitting of other convicts to do the dirty work for those who believe incarceration is too lenient.

To those here who have suffered at the hands of horrendous vultures, I can give you only the tears & grief I have for the child we lost in you. I can only hope that there is a story of triumph and success for the child into which you were transformed because of such an experience. I grieve for what you have suffered and lost (what the world lost), but hope to be allowed to rejoice in the incredible people you become in spite of it. I am so sorry...and that rings so hollow in the face of what you've endured.

very well done one of the best posts in this thread. drinker drinker

crimsonphoenix's photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:37 PM

:heart: I hope nobody dies in prison :heart:

noway i don't care if evil people die in prison...noway

drinker more tax dollars for those who actually deserve it drinker

No offense intended here but is this the christian way of thinking, no abortion cause it is murder but death to anyone who may or may not be guilty of a crime, where is the forgiveness of christianity and the redeption of a lost soul in this whole thing here?

I was a victim of child molestation but I do not wish death on the perpetrator. So what does that make me?

I don't know what that makes you dragoness

and i really do not care if evil people die

in prison and i hope more of them go there

to help rid the streets

of the monsters who roam them

i am not the judge and neither are you

and like the saying goes...

don't judge another person...

unless you have walked a mile in their shoes..

do you even know me at all ? no, you don't

except from the few things i write on a thread

not very much at all

i don't try to dissect you

you say ,"no offense..."...

but yet i always feel

like you are trying to dissect me....

have you ever even had a conversation with me ?

do you know any of my personal business ?

no, you don't don't know me at all

and why is it sooo important to you that

every time i have seen you in the threads...

you never once commend me,

you always come in to differ with me....

to try to point out

what you think are my flaws???

man...this is not right

you must stay up all night

trying to think of ways to put me down

Whoa, betsy. I said no offense and meant no offense.
I see a hypocrisy in the philosophy,
if you do not then cool by you.
I don't know you and we can leave it at that.


my name is not betsy...noway

i have a quote for you to contemplate drinker

and then i am done with speaking with you flowerforyou

for all of eternity.....smokin

Dare Greatly drinker

It is not the critic who counts:
not the man who points out
how the strong man stumbles
or where the doer of deeds
could have done better.
The credit belongs to the man
who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust
and sweat and blood,
who strives valiantly,
who errs and comes up
short again and again,
because there is no effort
without error or shortcoming,
but who knows the great enthusiasms,
the great devotions,
who spends himself
for a worthy cause;
who, at the best, knows,
in the end, the triumph
of high achievement,
and who, at the worst,
if he fails,
at least he fails
while daring greatly,
so that his place shall never be
with those cold and timid souls
who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt
"Citizenship in a Republic,"
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910

awesome quote, a anthem for those that fight and risk so much.sad good jobdrinker flowerforyou

crimsonphoenix's photo
Thu 06/26/08 05:27 AM

grumble Something needs to be done about all of this male anger around here grumble This is a crisis mad

:angry: Its time to take a stand :angry:
nah, no stand. Just an observation. I just never realized how prevalent it was.

I am sure it is just as true with females who don't like males, I don't know, but I havent' noticed that as much, and one of you guys can start that thread.

I have, in my travels, run into men that really love women and those guys are WONDERFUL to find. :tongue:

for the most part i am one of those guys which is fine with me except for the fact that they usually don't feel the same way.

crimsonphoenix's photo
Thu 06/26/08 02:36 AM

crimsonphoenix's photo
Thu 06/26/08 02:27 AM

:smile: Im not a sadist.:smile:

:smile: Like most people are.:smile:

:smile: I would like to fix this problem :smile:

i am generally not a sadist and would like to solve this problem too but the people would have to not be isolated by difference and bitterness, they would have to decied whats best and come up with a new better system. its unlikely that it will ever hap anytime soon though. sad

I will never understand the reasoning behind this decision. Speaking as a child rape victim, I have to live out a lifetime sentence of the horror that was done to me. I wished from the day it started (it lasted for 5 years straight from the time I was 8 years old til I was 13) that he would die. Instead, he got 18 months in prison.

It's been 29 years since it started and the laws have changed somewhat, but how fair is it that a child rapist can get out of jail after they serve a 5, 10, or even 25 year sentence and go on to live a "normal" life while the victim has to suffer for the rest of his/her life. The constant horrific memories of a touch, a smell or even silence are embedded in our minds and we are forced to live out a life time sentence of those memories. It never goes away, and it will never go away. When will they see that the death penalty is the only justice for this horrific crime?

I'm also a victim, I've served 48 years of my life sentance, imposed on my because I was a little boy under the control of a pervert. Every Thursday at 2:00 pm I spend an hour with a PTSD Theropist. He got out of County Jail after 30 days.

I am very sorry that that happened to you, it must have been very terrible and they deserve punishment for what they have, defintly more then what they've got. flowerforyou

crimsonphoenix's photo
Wed 06/25/08 10:50 PM

:heart: I hope nobody dies in prison :heart:

noway i don't care if evil people die in prison...noway

drinker more tax dollars for those who actually deserve it drinker
flowerforyou I dont want my tax dollars imprisoning peopleflowerforyou A lot of those people inprison are innocent or they didnt get a fair trial.flowerforyou The system is brokeflowerforyou

you are right to a certain point, many innocent people have gone to prison and that is a very terrible thing, however on the other side many horrible criminals have been released. I agree with you that the justice system is flawed, it is built on mass society and is manipulated and misused by those in power, therefore it is really no wonder why that system is so very flawed, because human beings make mistakes even at the best intentions and there are very few that genuinely care about justice and the common good and some would argue that these things are perspectives rather than concrete truths. i doubt it will have a significant change soon because mass society is apathetic, isolated and disenfranchised. the death sentence is a delicate balance to keep because either extreme brings destruction and chaos. I definitely agree with Obama here are a few quotes to ponder that i believe are relevant:

"the reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therfore all progress depends one the unreasonable man" -George Bernard Shaw

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein

"When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion."- C. P. Snow

"Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society has to take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness; it is the one crime in which society has a direct interest." W. H. Auden

"The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments."- William H. Borah

crimsonphoenix's photo
Wed 06/25/08 09:44 PM
good poem, has good rhythm and symbology. I think it resembles that conformity and societal whims become nothing.

crimsonphoenix's photo
Wed 06/25/08 09:28 PM
Allison Mack or Jenifer Connily. love blushing ohwell

crimsonphoenix's photo
Wed 06/25/08 09:22 PM
usually the number inside your head and/or the time when you have recognition that you have aged to a certain point. the mind is a powerful thing ( many people supposedly only use 2 percent potential brain capacity but that percent can alone can be powerful) whether it's the placebo effect, or the effort of a hypochondriac, the powerful belief in something often results in it coming true. although mere thinking probably won't prevent aging or death, thinking you're old will most likely accelerate the process and make you feel old.

hope this helps :wink: drinker

crimsonphoenix's photo
Wed 06/25/08 08:15 PM
Edited by crimsonphoenix on Wed 06/25/08 08:16 PM
thank you guys flowerforyou thank you for listening and your complements and words of comfort.

thank you robert. drinker

thank you may, it is a bit sad, i meant it to represent part of my longing and I appreciate that you noticed it. flowerforyou

thank you angelLight for your words of comfort and encouragement. they hit the heart of the poem. flowerforyou :heart: drinker

thank you pkd, i hope that it will pass and i'll find my answers soon. drinker

thank you all. :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

crimsonphoenix's photo
Tue 06/24/08 06:05 AM
rocky balboa will cry

crimsonphoenix's photo
Tue 06/24/08 05:41 AM
I've seen and heard this topic many times, it's sad. a lot of women go with the bad guys and assholes because their more interesting, women want to fix things and there's also a supposed innate survival instinct where the assholes will presumably be able to protect them more than the good guys or "nice" guys.another thing that might be relevant is that the long unfortunate history of sexism has imbeded in some women a self deprecating nature where they feel that they are to blame for abuse or that abuse is supposed to be accepted. it's mostly societal pressure and influence but it might also be genetic depending on the woman. There is hope though as women become more aware, self assertive, and stronger against societal pressure and hardships.

crimsonphoenix's photo
Tue 06/24/08 05:10 AM
Where are the answers?
Longing to know,be shown the path.
It’s nowhere, somewhere to be seen.
Visions clear , these day dreams near.
Like a fountain, like a wave in the sea
Still I sit here screaming, everything repeating.
In boredom conformed to apathy.
When will i fly? Do more than dream?
Looking up at the sky, Then down in the streets.
Whats beyond those corners, beyond what they see?
Where will stained glass shine?
When will i live again? When will i breathe?
Where will i see the signs?
When will it rain again with clouds and lightening?
In this cryptic, elliptic, nightmare-dream.
I am not whole, puzzle pieces missing.
A torn, exiled existence.
Where am i supposed to be?
When will it be revealed?
When and where indeed?

crimsonphoenix's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:44 AM
you're welcome, keep up the good writing! drinker

crimsonphoenix's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:34 AM
i had a coo dream yesterday where i was riding a motorcycle, i was going somewhere traveling to some far away place a the streets smelled like jasmine, vanilla and honeysuckle.

crimsonphoenix's photo
Sat 06/21/08 12:02 AM
awesome post, one of the best ones in a long time. great job! drinker drinker flowerforyou flowerforyou :smile: bigsmile

crimsonphoenix's photo
Fri 06/20/08 11:08 PM
Edited by crimsonphoenix on Fri 06/20/08 11:09 PM
i was curious if any of you in the audince would like to review my profile. any takers. :wink:

ps: please be detailed and positive criticism only please

thank you. drinker flowerforyou

crimsonphoenix's photo
Fri 06/20/08 11:02 PM
thought it would be fun to bring the poem back up again it is a good one after all. flowerforyou