Community > Posts By > crimsonphoenix
between wake and sleep
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Sun 04/26/09 04:20 PM
Fleeting, flitting.
Gripping, glinting. Transparent treasure. Lost and repenting. Nine eclipses. Where is the compass? Staying awake in sleep. REM descends. Cycles repeat, beginning and end. The melody is soothing. Words are trivial. All there is …is feeling. Everything is sensual. Connection, taste and touch. Smell the flowers. Feel the love. Passing thoughts and glances Mere moments and seconds. Can be so pivotal. Unforgettable and surreal. “Pain is temporary. Yet always looming. Transitory, ordinary. Bruising memories. Can anything transcend? Make up or mend This shattered heart. These wounded hands? Is there any wonder? (Mesmerizing) Any knowledge or notion? (penetrating) A melody or work of art? (hypnotizing) A Muse or beauty? (captivating)” |
A question of heart...
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Thu 04/23/09 10:27 PM
we'd have to see examples of your previous actions,posts or temperament before we can begin to judge whether or not you are heartless.
judging by the post so far you seem to be cynical or jaded and possibly confused about the difference between being objective and being jaded and cynical. the idea that you made up your mind of an answer may suggest that you're either closed-minded or opinionated. however your vested interest in others ideas shows that you value others thoughts and ideas. the rough aspects of life may have hardened your heart but it's still there. ![]() |
what have we done?
thank you
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Will we never learn?
i am in a relationship and i mutal match to find friends not cheat or mislead. to me mutual match means you're interested in someone. in my case it would be for friendship.
i am sorry you felt hurt though. ![]() |
Post funny pics!!!
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Sat 04/18/09 01:25 AM
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what do you think?
![]() ![]() thanks ms carmen. I think i am really attracted to beautiful eyes. |
what do you think?
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Sat 04/18/09 12:14 AM
I hope this helps. thank you for your time and effort. : ) Nope, you still forgot the IMG part. Under the pic is a list of BBcodes. Copy the one that has ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what do you think?
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Fri 04/17/09 10:11 PM
in high school i realized i was different from most guys in how i felt attracted to women. they would say " hey look at that chick i would like to bang her or hey shes looking fine" it didn't matter who the girl was as much it was about objectifying them.
i am mostly attracted to a womans personality or who she is as a person. when i am physically attracted to a woman i usually think: " her eyes are like the stars, her skin is like the moon, i want to make love with her on a bed of velvet and feed her strawberries" my main questions are: why do i think this way? is it because i am more romatic, deep or am I just plain weird. what does it say about me? is it a good thing? what are the positives and negatives? here are some pictures of women i find attractive. I hope this helps. thank you for your time and effort. : ) |
Anyone under 30 should reply
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Mon 04/13/09 01:32 PM
And So Do The Bombs....
very good poem.
haunting exile
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create inspiration
Words can’t fully describe.
Visions of opulence in my mind. Yet I try in circle cycles, vain. I doubt many feel the same. To do more than dwell. Remove it from it’s shell. Become real and not confined. justified and not contrived. Breathing vivid and lurid. Paint the picture Bridge the gap. Like candle flicker Release light, remove the trap. The stone walls of ages. Have crumbled to ashes. In a series of stages. Ideas and dreams revolve. Connect the generations. So the world can evolve. Gather together the voice. Come together, fill the void. |
haunting exile
I am caught and torn between silence and screaming.
Ripped in shreds sleeping and awake, living and dieing. In this bleeding heart, in this mind of stars and dreams Equivocation in isolation, insane in sanity. When the sound of ringing bells collide with rushing waves Nights with stars and drums in the dark will pave the way. Cries of seagulls and the crushing sounds of old stones and skulls, beneath As we drive by the trees wave with the sea, a melodic, perfect dream. My heart is beating, tic tocking, i am walking through the city. On the rooftop i see the moondrop revealing a sunrise with lightbeams. Daylights in my grasp, my destiny at last. In irony i laugh, i know it’s not to be In intervals i am trapt by dead weights. Drowning, stinging by the floodgates. Locked away for another day to dream. When the world rolls around, with rushing lights and sounds. where the sheep’s roam and weep as the wolves begin to feed. Walk in this trench, you don’t know what’s going down. You won’t make it anywhere else, bow down to conformity. We know whats best you know nothing. They’re wrong and I feel sad. Close minded, rigid thinking; Change has always gotten flack.. Heroes long gone crying in their graves. What have you done!? |
what have we done?
What have we done?
what can we say? When nature and imagination begins to fade. What truth can we cling to when others claim them as lies? How can they see and know with closed eyes and minds? We have done so many horrible things. We killed the buffalo and left them diseased and hungry. For land, greed, and trains. All that bloodshed and pain for a railroad line. Why didn’t we have the compassion and wisdom for peace? Hindsight is 20/20; we should have done the right thing. We enslaved a race in shackles and chains. Whipped bodies, bloodstains, hunger and death. Worked to the bone, no home and disrespect. We sat in churches thinking we were ordained and blessed. Looking through white eyes and avoiding the lies and hypocrisy. When Pearl Harbor was attacked, we told a race to pack their bags. You’re guilty and can’t prove your innocence. You don’t have the rights of a good citizen. We’re going to place you in a containment prison. In this dust bowl, in these hell hole shacks. Innocence and freedom take a plunge. This is a mandatory draft. Get your ass in these uniforms. Vietnam war, the horror, the horror. Pungee pits and ****. Russian roulettes and violence. The hunger and torture. Like cruel vultures, picking away. So hard to stay alive and sane. This is just a brief glimmer. A short simmer into the flames of evil I am ashamed of what my country has done. I am so ashamed of what humanity has done I am sorry but I can’t change the past. It happened before I was born. Together we can build a better tomorrow. Remember the past, remember those that died. The ones that gave they’re hearts and lives. In the name of freedom, justice, peace and morality. Honor them, live for what’s right. You alone will shape your destiny. Someday someone will love and hold you. You will make the world a better place. Don’t give up you will be happy. Just hold on to what you love.. |
it's been awhile since i've written in this forum.i hope everyone here is doing well. i've had a lot on mind lately and i needed to get some of it out.
here goes: I want to sleep all night and day. I .V dripping dreams. Whisking pain away. Glimmers I can see. My world, where I belong. Atlas on steroids. Aphrodite and honey. Patron saint of joy. Cupid’s arrow and zeus’s lightening Combat boots for Achilles. It won’t be enough. To save or change. Transcend or dull the pain. To shine or buff. Scoff or scuff. The jade where rose once stayed. Morpheous and Hypnos make a pact. To bring the things I lack. My world, Bliss hits eclipsed blueberry lips. Flying across the ocean Watching the falling leaves. Immersed in fog and mist. Atlas drops the ball. Hades attacks hope staggers and falls. Under perditions wrath. Hercules becomes a vampire. Tainted, a hit man for hire. And kills morpheous in his sleep. I could use all my wishes. Walk a thousand miles. Exorcise all the demons. Gather tears from crocodiles. Save Schrodinger's cat. But it won’t bring him back. It’s really as it seems. It’s not enough. I witness the requiem of dreams. i know it's a bit long, thanks for reading. ![]() |
very good poem.
![]() feels like fire and brimstone, corruption of the soul and jadedness. ![]() |
Is it too much to ask?
good poem, has a nice flow and the mood is sensual and a bit wacky.
better to show who are than pretend to be someone else. ![]() |
The point of it all.....
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Sat 04/04/09 02:27 AM
i don't think theres just one answer. some people tend to focus on one thing "life sucks" "lifes great "i am a christian" " i am a protestent" etc. some people get sucked into labels and think they have to subject themselves to what the majority of what that label supposedly represents. i find that for the most part no belief, philosophy or ideology is 100% right or wrong whether it's in the universal or individual sense. the percentage varies on the belief and person(s) view on that belief.
the general thing is to live for something(s) you believe in, search for truth and meaning, grow and improve. there are many different forces at work in the universe(both known and unknown) and they all struggle for meaning, purpose and existence. the key to the universe lies within everyone, our potential and the choices we make. regardless of whether there is something pulling strings or guiding us it is important that we believe in ourselves and our potential. it might sound cheesy and trite but i believe it's true. |
Basically all of them play a factor. Physical appearance is a big one, and don't let anyone tell you differently. I hate it when people are like, "I don't look for looks at all, I'm all about personality." They're lying to you. If you don't find the person even SEMI-attractive, you're not going to give a damn about their personality because you're not going to give them the time of day. Ugh. ![]() Well, one thing everyones attraction is not the same and all people are not shallow. I find conventionally attractive people tend to be empty people. They have rode through life on their looks and do not develop any other part of their attitude, personality, empathy, intellect, etc... So what really ends up being attractive about them after you get over their looks which only lasts for a short time? Physical attraction is a short lived thrill and does not last the long haul there has to be alot more to the relationship. So the people who are looking for personality and attitude in life will be more likely to find the long lasting love instead of the short term thrill. i agree with dragoness. the things i mainly look for for in someone is someone similar to me in personality. i am often so different it's really hard to find someone like me. if it was possible i would date a female clone version of myself. its not so much about arrogance as it i about really connecting, being understood, relating and being deeply loved. |