Community > Posts By > coryM18

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:21 PM

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:19 PM
there is nothing wrong with him that reincarnation wont cure.

the cost of living is so high, why do you bother?

honey, how many peeping toms have you cured?

he was the last born in his family, he was enough to discourage anybody.

she's not in "who's who" but she's in "whats that?"

"are you trying to make a fool of me?"
"no! i woudld never interfere with nature!"

he's unlucky, he spent 500$ getting his bad breath cured, then found out nobody liked him anyways

i think his incubator blew a fuse

you could be brainwashed with an eye dropper

he's very versatile, he can do anything wrong

he doesnt act stupid, its the real thing.

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:11 PM
so glad i'm not a woman

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:05 PM

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:03 PM
ok they are but like i said, dont take offense, THEY'RE ONLY JOKES

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:02 PM
whoa whoa whoa i said dont take offense, and yeah i know these arent funny, i knew they werent so chill

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:59 PM
hahahha... yopur not are you?... just kidding if you were drunk your type would look like this:hijevivvkg,jbkgbjwef;jkgbgfbjvjbvbcvbhcvbbvjksdfgjsdfbvfhsdgbfkhfbfhbh........druuuuuuunnnnnnnkkkkkkkkk

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:56 PM
thanks for the warnings

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:54 PM
whats the difference between a gay and a black guy?
a black guy doesnt have to tell his mother he's black.

a black man asks his minister about judgement day.
"will everybody be in heaven on that glorious day?"
yes." replies the preacher
"even the klu klux klan?"
"yes, even them."
"and all the black folks?"
"well" says the black man "the way i see it, there'll be precious little business going on there for the first couple of hours."

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:46 PM
why does a blonde have TGIF written on her shoes?
Toes Go In First

what is the mating call of a blonde?
"i'm sooooooooooooooooooo drunk!"

what do you get when a blonde dyes her hair?
aritficial intelligence.

what does a blonde say when you blow in her ear?
"thanks for the refill."

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:35 PM
1. if your shown a porno filma nd your bride-to-be is in it.
2.if you take a course on how to be your own best friend and flunk.
3.when you call a 900 number the girl says "not tonight, i've got an earache."
4. if you go to las vegas and the stamp machine beats you. call your own answering service and it tells you its none of your business.
6.your a loser if your twin forgets your birthday.
7.your a loser if you get married and your nor i the wedding pictures. know your a loser when your girl leaves you for a death row inmate because his future is brighter than yours

coryM18's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:24 PM
the unluckiest man in the world was the guy who from birth never had anything nice happen to him.
he was abandoned by his parents.
growing up, he ahd every child disease known to man
no matter how hard he worked he never advanced at owrk and never got a single raise in pay.
he died the day after his insurance lapsed.
the city had to bury him so a hearse was sent over.
it picked him up, but on the way to the cemetery,the hearse got a flat tire.
by the time the flat was repaired there was a terrible snowstorm.
eventually they got thim to the cemetery, where the ground was so hard he had to be creamated instead.
on the way back from the creamatorium a blizzard struck.
the hearse was stuck in the cold muck, and in order to get it going again, they had to use his ashes for traction.

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 02:16 PM

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 02:06 PM
i feel so much better now laugh laugh

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 02:05 PM
hahahahaha mr.two-minute-man ha! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:56 PM

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:54 PM
that pretty much sums up everything i DONT want in a girl. that was pretty sweet!happy

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:47 PM
hmmmm i dont know get eaten or get raped..... damn hard choice

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:43 PM
at least its going to be at least 4-5 years before i even want to have kids

coryM18's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:40 PM
that sucks for her!!! can we say divorce?