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imrare's photo
Tue 02/16/10 02:29 AM

The sixth place from which blood flowed was the wounds inflicted on
the feet of our Anointed Redeemer. For when man was under the curse,
blood was needed on the head, the hands, and the feet for the priest
to come into the presence of the God of all creation (Exodus 29:20).
It would be needed in a greater, purer form to fully redeem man from the fall.

Part of the curse was that the sole of the foot would have no place
to rest (Deuteronomy 28:65). But God had a promise for any man who
would follow hard after Him. "Every place that the sole of you foot
will tread upon I have given you, as I said it to Moses." (Joshua 1:3
Joshua was a forunner, type and shadow of the work of the Anointed
Redeemer. God made promises to Abraham and to Moses, but they did
not possess it. Now the same promise is given to the type and
shadow redeemer and he possess the promise. We have more than a type
and shadow in our Lord and Redeemer. Now all who will "walk" in His
provision can reclaim the earth for the Kingdom of God. Every place
our foot shall touch, tread and claim can be returned to God. We can
tread down the enemy's land for God. We can once again know holy
ground (Joshua 5:15).

God wants our feet restored to power and promise. The blood flowed
so that "He will not allow your foot to be moved" (Psalm 121:3) as
you reclaim the lost, captive ground. The cleansing, bondage breaking blood of the Lamb has atoned for the feet of man so that
once more we can walk in the way of the Lord, reclaim lost ground
and tread down our enemy. We will say as did Job, "My foot has held
fast to His steps, I have kept His way and not turned aside"
(Job 23:11). Now redeemed Sons of God can walk just as our Lord and
Redeemer also walked (1 John 2:6, Col. 2:6). Redeemed, blood bought
feet can walk in victory and repossess the Kingdom for God.

imrare's photo
Mon 02/15/10 04:13 AM
- A Change is Gonna Come -

One cannot keep doing the same things the same way and expect a
different result (Hebrews 10:11)This is insanity defined.

Where you are, what you have, who you've become,
are the fruit of the way you think and do.

If you want what you've never had, you must (change &) do what you've
never done (consistently).

Whether you are in the work place, the recreation place, the education place, the government place, the arts and entertainment
place, the eating place, the worship place or the home place, see
it as a ministry opportunity.

To turn them around, we must see them as:
* A mission field
* A ministry opportunity
* A management of God's resources showplace
* Good ground to grow a witness, a testimony, a following and a
Believers in business and commerce, must learn to walk in Christ
likeness. Their work must demonstrate to the world, the maturity,
power and purpose of God in business.

The Father's plan to re-possess creation must be accomplished
through His people.

Let the Holy Spirit confirm the Father's purpose in Kingdom rule
and reign through you, so that all the world can see.

When one reads of those who lived in the arena of success through
faith. It is interesting to note, that of the 16 named, only four
represented priesthood. The others were businessmen, farmers,
merchants, members of the local communities where they lived.
Abel Isaac Moses Samson
Enoch Jacob Rahab Jephthah
Noah Sarah Gideon David
Abraham Joseph Barak Samuel
Most of the heroes of faith operated outside the "accepted ministry"
stream. As herdsmen, farmers, merchants, etc they did not effect
change as Levites, but as outsiders, from the standard performance
and adherence of "ministry". Fourteen men and two women radically
affected their generations and the earth.
Marketplace evangelism will reach hearts for salvation and personal
change. Societal invasion will reach minds and hearts for salvation,
personal growth, and sphere of influence change. Highways and byways
ministry not only reaches people where they live, it changes the way
they live and brings about Kingdom of God manifestation in the earth.

God is seeking New Covenant Believers, with a Kingdom of God mindset,
who will invade every arena of society or sphere of influence, to
bring change "that makes straight the way of the Lord".

The Anointed Redeemer emphasized a specific area of prayer in answer
to the request, "teach us to pray". Matthew 6:10 (NAS) Your kingdom
come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

The petition is for God's Kingdom to come into manifestation in the
earth. Genesis 1:26,28(NAS) Then God said,"Let Us make man in Our
image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish
of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over
all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth
v28God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply
and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea
and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves
on the earth."

He sent a Redeemer to rescue man and creation from a fallen state of
bondage. In Him, the Anointed Redeemer, the rule and reign of God in
earth was to be reinstated. Isaiah 9:6 (NAS) For a child will be born
to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His
shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

From Revelation 1:6 we learn that the New Covenant Believer is to be
a King or a Priest in the earth.

The Believer's lordship in the earth is specified in the passages
from 1 Timothy 6:15, Revelation 17:14 and 19:16.
King of Kings - He is the King of many kings in the earth who
rule over His resources
Lord of Lords - He is over many priests who represent His

To be a King or Priest in the earth a New Covenant Believer must,
"destroy the works of the devil" 1 John 3:8 states,"For this purpose
the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the

The New Covenant Believer is to do Messiah's works, (John 14:12),
they are to imitate His life (Ephesians 5:1) they are to walk His
walk (1 John 2:6) and they are to grow up to stand in His fullness
(Ephesians 4:13). This stature affects the world outside the walls
of the church.

The Kingdom Believer must be a person of faith who overcomes:
1. By the Blood of our Redeemer, what He did for us.
2. By the Word of God in our mouth, regardless of what is in our
way as we pursue Kingdom fulfillment (testimony).

Revelation 12:11 "and they overcame him (the devil and all he had
instigated) by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their

These overcomers who will operate in divine rule and reign in the
earth, are the Kings and Priests He has called them to be. A people
of victory, a people of triumph, a people of His purpose.

Ephesians 5:27 (NAS) that He might present to Himself the church
in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing;
but that she would be holy and blameless.

They accomplish this glorious victory through faith and standing firm
no matter what opposes. They overcome the world, he kingdom of dark-
ness, satan's rule and the world system.

Revelation 11:15 "the Kingdoms of this world are become the
Kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ;"

Not the world to come when the end of time is come, but now in this
world, where the church is. The Kingdoms of the world system being
brought "under God".

Ephesians 1:22 (NAS) And He put all things in subjection under
His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church,

Matthew 12:32 (NAS) "Whoever speaks a word against the Son of
Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the
Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age
or in the age to come.

Mark 10:30 (NAS) but tha he will receive a hundred times as much
now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and
mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in
the age to come, eternal life.

Now in this world, sons of God (John 1:12) will rise up to do
Kingdom Business and rule over creation. Everything prophesied about
man and earth, must be, and will be, done before Messiah returns.

Acts 3:21 (NAS) whom heaven must receive until the period of
restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth
of His holy prophets from ancient time.

Escape mentality must be put down and a mindset of God's rule and
reign in "this present world," must be pursued.

Kings will rule creation and bring about Kingdom manifestation.
Priests will minister God's manifest presence, purpose, will and

Who will rise up, to do the will of the Father?

No More Church As Usual!

imrare's photo
Mon 02/15/10 02:10 AM
are we CHANGED or Just FORGIVEN?

imrare's photo
Mon 02/08/10 02:35 AM

The fifth place sinless blood was shed to redeem man from the fall was His hands. The blood of redemption flowed from His wounded hands
so that our hands could be set free from the bondage of lack and
poverty. Now, through being redeemed, everything to which we set our hands to can prosper.

God had tried to get this through to man in a lesser covenant with
lesser promises, but man fell short. (Deuteronomy 28:8) "The Lord
will command the blessing on you in your storehouses (savings) and
in all to which you set your hand," (Deuteronomy 28:12) "The Lord
shall open unto thee his good treasure, the Heaven to give the rain
unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand:
and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow."
(Isaiah 53:10) "And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his
hand," (Deuteronomy 29:9) "Therefore keep the words of this covenant, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do."
(Isaiah 53:12)"...and He (the Anointed Redeemer) shall divide the
spoil (the loot taken back in victory) with the strong (those who
rise up in the strength of His might and walk in redemption as Sons
of God - mighty through God)."

Blood flowed down the hands of our Anointed Redeemer so our hands
would never again have to hang down in the heaviness of oppression,
bondage, inability to produce or prosper (Hebrews 12:12).

imrare's photo
Sat 02/06/10 10:31 AM
Faith is not something manufactured inside a person's heart. Faith is
a response to a promise made by someone, other than yourself, on your
behalf. Faith answers the question of why we expect a certain outcome
- not because we wish it to be so; but because God said it! Don't just say "God will take care of me." But always reference a specific
word He has spoken. Faith should always be resolved to a RHEMA. How
do you spell faith? R E L A T I O N S H I P.

imrare's photo
Fri 02/05/10 05:07 PM
"The influence of each human being on others in this life, is a kind of immortality". One never is really dead, as long as their influence
is being seen in the lives of others.

imrare's photo
Wed 02/03/10 02:56 AM
Kingdom Pursuit

B- Bad
R- Return
O- On
K- Kingdom
E- Enterprise

3 John 1:2 (AMP) Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way
and (that your body) may keep well, even as (I know) your soul keeps
well and prospers.

Ephesians 3:20 (AMP) Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the
(action of His) power that is at work within us, is able to (carry
out His purpose and) do superabundantly, far over and above all
that we (dare) ask or think (infinitely beyond our highest prayers,
desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams)--

Whatever we do, in our words, or through our deeds, we must do all in
and with the name of our Lord, so that our words and deeds reflect
His excellence. Colossians 3:17

Broke, is not a Kingdom of God term. In fact the term denies the God
who "supplies all your need according to the living standard of
heaven". (Philippians 4:19)

The church, the Body of the Redeemer, has struggled for too long
under the load of lack, under the weight of labor, under the
taxation of stress. It is as if the church is in the wilderness
awaiting the promise, that actually awaits them.

"Let the redeemed of the Lord say I am redeemed."

We must decree our redemption from need, lack, being broke and
financially frustrated.

"When the pain of staying the same becomes worse than the pain of
change, people will change" Author Unknown

A new day, a new season, a new way, but" an ever present help, in
times when need presents itself."

God said to Moses, "what is in your hand." The message being, I can
use what you have now, to do what you could never have done before.

Man looks for something outside himself to do great things. God looks
within the man to draw out of the deposits of, "the wells of salvation".

Making a difference, requires making a change. A change the way business was done, to the way God business is done. The supernatural
is never dependant on, or limited to, the natural course of things, or the way it has always been.

The supernatural waits only for the willing obedience of a yielded vessel to work through.

A Kings ransom could not have produced, what a stick in the hand of Moses, was able to accomplish. God had a yielded vessel, makes a majority. God, you and wealth makes ruling and reigning easy.

The marriage of business and ministry is a change which is urgently needed for Kingdom fulfillment. When the man of God gives a word from the Holy Spirit to a man of business, supernatural increase results. When a man of business invests that increase in ministry the world can be changed.

imrare's photo
Mon 02/01/10 09:40 AM
The fourth place blood was shed was from His brow when the crown of thorns was placed on Him.

When Adam fell from his position as under-ruler of the earth and creation, he was cursed for his failure to acknowledge God in all his ways and live a life of obedience that brought worship to God the Father. The ground was cursed (Genesis 3:17-19)because it had
been under his rule and was his source of increase. Now the ground
would bring forth thorns and thistles, it would not yield to him in
submission and man would have to work to live. In labor, sweat would fall from his brow and face. Man fell from ruler over the earth to
laborer of the earth; from every need met to poverty were being paid
in full.

2 Corinthians 8:9"For you understand the grace provided by our Lord
Jesus Christ, that, although He was rich, in substitution for you,
He took on poverty, so that you would have the ability to become rich
through His poverty." Man cannot become truly rich separate from godly wisdom. The mind of man had been tainted in the fall. He was
separated from the mind of God. Man's wisdom had been polluted and
reduced to a "labor-toil for sustenance" mentality. Man needed the
mind of God returned to him (Phillippians 2:5). To accomplish this,
the blinding curse had to be broken so that the mind could be renewed
(Ephesians 4:23). God wants His sons to prosper, but not outside His
personal mind set. The writer of 3 John:2 was keenly aware of this
when he wrote that his desire was for his brethren to prosper and
increase in direct proportion to the level pf godly wisdom and sound
doctrine their mind could handle.

The crown of thorns also represented a false crown, a mockery of rule, just as it was a mockery and false rule for Lucifer to rule
over man and creation. The Anointed Redeemer paid in blood the price
to redeem man from a false rule, and a stolen kingdom. Now once again
God could be the head (legally) of the body through His first Son,
the Anointed Redeemer, and His fall reversing triumph over the first
Adam's loss of the Hingdom.

Man (Sons of God) would once again be empowered to rule over the earth and all of creation, bringing it back from the fall to God's plan and prosper (1 John 2:2, Matthew 18:11, Romans 8:19). Man's
ability to prosper, rule and be in the right mind was bought back.
Man could rise up and set creation free, reverse the curse, and
would no longer have to labor in the sweat of toil. Now man could
have authority over the thorns of life that entered through the fall.

imrare's photo
Thu 01/28/10 11:22 AM








imrare's photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:45 AM
My New Covenant

My New Covenant is the will of
My God for me and my life.
It is a legal document, sealed in Blood
and ratified in Resurrection.
What it promises, I can bank on.
What it reveals, I will
relish and anticipate.
What it empowers and provides,
I will walk in.
His Word equals my victory.
God never tells a lie.
God is faithful and trustworthy.
There has never been a time and never
will be an occasion where God does not
do exactly what He promised.
I have been given a written covenant
with the God of all creation.
I am persuaded of its
truth and anbundance.
I am excited about all its blessings
which belong to me.
He said it, I receive it, it comes to pass.
I am expectantly, excited about His
covenant promises to me, and I
anxiously await their arrival.

imrare's photo
Mon 01/25/10 03:03 AM
When the workplace becomes a ministry field, the weariness is broken.
When a job is seen as a seed or training place for Kingdom advancement, a whole new perspective on life emerges.

Labor is part of the curse that came through the fall of Adam.
(Genesis 3:17, 19) "in toil you shall eat"
"by the sweat of your face you will have bread to eat"

Labor toil is a curse. Sweat soaked physical labor was not the intent
of God.

Man was not created to work for a living.

Man was empowered to rule over earth and cause it to work for him.

Isaiah 61:5-7 (NAS) Strangers will stand and pasture your flocks,
And foreigners will be your farmers and your vinedressers. v6 But
you will be called the priest of the Lord; You will be spoken of
as ministers of our God, You will eat the wealth of nations, And
in their riches you will boast. v7 Instead of your shame you will
have a double portion, And instead of humiliation they shout for
joy over their portion Therefore they will possess a double
portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs.

Not only are people outside your covenant, called of God to work your
business for you, but;

Isaiah 60:9 (NAS) "Surely the coastlands will wait for Me; And
the ships of Tarshish will come first, To bring your sons from
afar, Their silver and their gold with them, For the name of the
LORD your God, And for the Holy One of Israel because He has
glorified you.

He has designed blessings to overtake you. The wealth of your enemies
coming to you. You are to be so blessed that "even your enemies
beholding, will know that it is the hand of the Lord upon you".

Isaiah 60:5 (NAS) "Then you will see and be radiant, And your
heart will thrill and rejoice; Because the abundance of the sea
will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to

Wealth transfer to the Body of Christ, in a manifestation greater
than, the bankrupting of Egypt.

Isaiah 60:8-14 (NAS) "Who are these who fly like a cloud And like
the doves to their lattices? v9 Surely the coastlands will wait
for Me; And the ships of Tarshish will come first, To bring your
sons from afar, Their silver and their gold with them, For the
name of the LORD your God, And for the Holy One of Israel because
He has glorified you. v10 Foreiners will build up your walls, And
their kings will minister to you; For in My wrath I struck you,
And in My favor I have had compassion on you. v11 "Your gates
will be open continually; They will not be closed day or night,
So that men may bring to you the wealth of the nations, With
their kings led in procession. v12 "For the nation and the
kingdom which will not serve you will perish, And the nations
will be utterly ruined. v13 "The glory of Lebanon will come to
you, The juniper, the box tree and the cypress together, To
beautify the place of My sanctuary; And I shall make the place
of My feet glorious. v14 "The sons of those who afflicted you
will come bowing to you, And all those who despised you will bow
themselves at the soles of your feet; And they will call you the
city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

This promise must be fulfilled. Before the end comes, a whole lot of
shakin' will be goin' on. When the shaking ends, what the lost had will be in the hands of the redeemed.

Not by work, but through Covenant fulfillment.

Kingdom enterprise is different from business the world's way,
Kingdom enterprise is business guided by Spirit of God leadership,
inspiration and initiative. Kingdom enterprise, done under God, will
always produce a bumper crop. Kingdom enterprise regains the wealth
of the earth that, for a season, was lost to God and His people.

Joshua gives a look at God's pattern for success:

Joshua 1:8 (AMP) This Book of the Law shall not depart out of
your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you
may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For
then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal
wisely and have good success.

Other peoples, outside the New Covenant of provision are to labor for
the children of God. Inheritors do not work for their reward. Joint
heirs have equal right to withdraw from the family account. People
outside our Covenant are called to serve us.

The ruling class is not called to labor. Those outside the royal
family are.

Labor is a sorrow and a travail. But, the Blessings of the Lord, make
rich and add no sorrow with it.

History records one broke King. "He became poor that we might become

Whether a person comes out of, physical, mental or emotional bondages
as in Egypt. Or, out of the bondage of religion, tradition and vain
spiritual pursuits. When the fulness of Covenant promise comes, a new
realm of life and promised provision is made manifest.

Hebrews 3:18 (NAS) And to whom did He swear that they would not
enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient?
Hebrews 4:1 (NAS) Therefore, let us fear if, while a promise
remains of entering His rest, any one of you may seem to have
come short of it.

Not labor, toil or struggle, but, rest, in the promised provision.

Hebrews 4:10 (NAS) For the one who has entered His rest has
himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.

God wants His people free. Free from all physical restraints, real
or imagined.

Hands that hang down from the weariness of labor, seldom stretch up
in praise to God, or out to confer blessings on others.

imrare's photo
Mon 01/25/10 01:52 AM

Blood would be shed at the whipping post where the back of our
Redeemer was laid open with the soldier's whip: thirty-nine pain
filled rippings and tearings of the flesh. Pain that seared to
the bone to pay man's debt. Thirty-nine stripes to cover the
thirty-nine categories of disease. One stripe for each category of disease is an easily drawn conclusion. An awesome price so that all
forms of sickness, disease and infirmity, which came in the fall,
would be fully paid as the Anointed Redeemer fulfilled the needs of
fallen man. Blood shed would be payment in full for all mankind for all time.
Matthew 8:17"...Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sickness."
1 Peter 2:24" whose stripes you were healed"
Isaiah 53:5" ...and with His stripes we are healed"
The ripped and torn body of our Anointed Redeemer would be represented by the first emblem of Communion.

imrare's photo
Fri 01/22/10 07:07 AM
Confession to Possession

I am the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus,
not by works, but by divine decree.
I can do all things through the anointing that
infuses me with divine ability.
I am capable of, up to and qualified for any and all
situations and opportunities in life.
I rule and reign in this life by the name of,
the Blood of, the Word of, the Spirit of
the Anointed Redeemer
and my agreement with Him.
Health is mine, NOW. Wealth is mine NOW.
Joy, Peace and Power are resident in me.
Wealth hunts me down and overtakes me.
Demons fear me.
I have authority to establish a thing with my decree.
I lay hands on the sick and they recover.
Cancers, growths, tumors, fall off at my command.
Lack, want and need all flee from my presence.
When I show up, the yoke-destroying anointing
shows up, for I flow in the divine.
Jesus is my example:
The way He lived is the way I live
The way He talked is the way I talk
The way He operated is the way I operate.
He empowers my words because His words have
become my words.
Miracles flow from my lips.
I have first class living at discount prices.
I was raised up of God to function in the realm
of Kings and Priests.
I have an appointment with my God-given destiny
and nothing shall stop me.
The favor of God precedes me.
The peace of God permeates my presence.
I am ordained of God for success.
Money cometh to me now!

*Note: If you are serious about your walk with God these daily
confessions will become you. Make copies and put them
where you will see them most and say them often throughout
the day.

imrare's photo
Thu 01/21/10 01:55 AM

The second place blood would be shed was when the Roman soldiers made
sport and beat our Redeemer with their fists.
Unlike the first blood shed, which was shed externally, this beating
would bring bruises. A bruise occurs when blood is shed internally.
While the first blood shed was to cover fallen will, the second blood
was to cover iniquity.

Isaiah 53:5 reveals that the Anointed Redeemer would be bruised for our iniquities, but He would be wounded for our transgressions.
Transgressions are open, outside sins of commission. Iniquity is
inside sin such as ancestral or inherited weakness and internal
bondages of man's fallen nature. Outside sin (transgression, rebellion, disobedience) would be covered by internal bleeding or
bruises. Blood would atone for the iniquity of man. Isaiah 53:11
"...for He shall bare their iniquities and their guilt..."

imrare's photo
Thu 01/14/10 03:40 AM
"...the blood of the Lamb..."
From the first Adam's fall in the Garden of Eden, to the second Adam's resurrection, the blood of all mankind was polluted by the
fall and the curse it brought. Since all of creation was under man's
authority (Gen, 1:26,28), all of creation, even the ground itself,
came under the curse.

Pure, sinless blood would be required to pay the price of redemption.
Polluted blood and fallen nature had to be replaced by sinless blood
and a will that would resist and not fall. The pure and unfallen would pay the substitutionary price for the polluted and fallen.

Not only did man need to be redeemed, bought back, covered and forgiven, but all that man had authority over (all of creation) had
to be redeemed. It too had been cursed by man's fall. Every place the sinless blood of our Lord Jesus was shed, was shed to buy back
something lost in the fall. For every element of the curse there was
a price to be paid and only perfection could cure imperfection.
"Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of light..."
Since all of creation was under the curse, redemption had to come
from outside. A brief look at where the Blood was shed will provide
an overview of what the precious blood of Jesus bought back and paid
in full for us who would receive and walk in the power of dominion

The first place the Blood was shed was in the garden. The first Adam
failed the test of his will in the Garden of Eden. This necessitated
that a "second Adam" would have to pass this test of the will. This
test of will would also occur in a garden. The second Adam, the
Anointed Redeemer of God, would pass the test of His will in the
Garden of Gethsemane. The name of this garden was descriptive for it
was about the "press" or the place where wine is pressed or crushed
from the grape and where oil flows from the olive crushed.

In this garden, Jesus was pressed in the trial of His will until
blood flowed from the pores of His skin. This was a result of blood
vessels being broken by the pressure. His blood being shed would be
represented by the second emblem of Communion.

Jesus was faithful to the will, plan and purpose of the Father. He
surrendered His will and stood firm with the will of the Father.
Because He did this, the breach, which had occured for all mankind
in the failure of the first Adam to stand with the will of Father
God, was now atoned for. The Lord Jesus, the second Adam, remained
true to the will of the Father, regardless of the cost, and we
inherit the benefits of this victory. Our Redeemer remained "one"
with the will of our God.

Although the flesh of our Anointed Redeemer and His will were
repulsed at the aspect of taking on the sin of fallen man, the
sickness, the disease, the rebellion, the fallout which had come by the the first Adam to the second Adam, Jesus did not fall short of
the purpose set in play before the first Adam was made.

Jesus hated the heinous aspect of being unplugged from the divine
connection. He was revolted at the prospect of being cut off from
the Father's presence for three days. The prospect of being mis-
understood by His followers, family and friends had to weigh heavily
on Him. There was also the gruesome impact of allowing the devil
one moment, let alone three days, of feeling he had won over God
and His will. There was also the emotional impact of being stripped,
beaten, wrongfully judged, crucified and made a public spectacle,
while remaining silent in the face of all the lies piled against Him.
The credibility He had achieved in 3.5 years of ministry would be
wiped out in the minds of all who saw.

Man had polluted blood because of the first Adam's failure. The
ground itself had been cursed because of Adam's high treason.
Now, pure, sinless blood was to be shed in the garden to cover
man's failed will. Now that the grape has been pressed to yield
the wine of submission, the oil of the Holy Spirit can freely
flow. The price paid in the garden with the Blood of our Messiah
has fully covered the debt that came on mankind because of the
first Adam's fall in the Garden of Eden.

The price was paid in blood for the fallen will of man. Isaiah 53:11
reads, "He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be
satisfied..." Now we can possess the inner fortitude of a will wholly
submitted to God and His will, plan and purpose.

imrare's photo
Thu 01/14/10 02:43 AM



imrare's photo
Wed 01/13/10 10:47 AM
God you have a plan for man, the nations, the earth and the ages.
As a Believer in your truth, I curse and cast down, every scheme,
every plan, every purpose and every agenda in the earth that is
contrary to your will.

I pray that the eyes of leadership in every nation, be opened, to
see your Kingdom will, your Kingdom plan, your Kingdom purpose, your
truth and the power it brings for change.

Father God, "Jehovah Lord of Hosts," we decree as we agree, with
your eternal Word,
"your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth,
just like it is in heaven"

The heart of our President and every elected official of our Nation
is "in your hand," and you turn it according to your great purpose.

We are, "One Nation Under God, "and no purpose apart from your will,
will be done!


imrare's photo
Sun 01/10/10 04:38 AM
Attitude determines victories,
A winning attitude inspiring determination cannot be defeated.
A loosing countenance, deferring hope, is unable to possess victory.

* Hope is a match
* Faith is the fuel it ignites
* Praise is the wind that fuels the flame
* Celebration possesses the promise

Romans 8:31
In the face of all this, what is left to say?
If God is for us, what does it matter, who or what, may try to be
against us?

In this winning season, are we firmly convinced of ultimate and full

Romans 8:32
He who did not hold back His own Son,
but gave Him up for us all,
will He not, then, with Him,
freely give us all things?

Since God is love-

The question then is, did God give up His Son, sacrificially, for us?

John 3:16
For God had such love for the world, (Kosmos, creation, orderly
arrangement decoration)
That He gave His Son, His only Son,
So that no one who puts their trust in Him, will be lost.

Love gave Him-
Am I ready to receive all that love bought-

1 Timothy 6:17 in the living God, who generously gives us everything to

All things-

2 Timothy 3:16
Every scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable,
for doctrine, (teaching)
for reproof, (for refusing error)
for correction, (resetting the direction of a man's life)
for instruction in righteousness, (teaching and training to be right
before God),
In order to make the man of God,
mature, complete, proficient, well prepared and adequately equipped
to handle every good work, enterprise or disbursement.

* The praise, before the evidence
* The prayer, of relationship and identity
* The prophetic, decreeing the end from the beginning

Seize your win in 2010

Don't cut your victory thin in 2010

Press in to Command Anointing

Decree your win * seize your win * live in your win

Love paid for your winning season (John 3:16)
Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8)
Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39)

Ask Bigger than ever before

Expect Better than ever before

Speak Bolder than ever before

imrare's photo
Thu 12/03/09 08:35 AM
Recently, the Holy Spirit took me to a pivotal passage from the
Revelation of Christ 12:11, which is an introduction to Kingdom
Anointing and Life.

The key to receiving the flow of God's manifest power lies in finding
the revelation of God's will and flow and lining up with that flow.
I was asked this question: Is the work of Christ in His death, burial
and resurrection truly a substitutionary work? A hasty answer here can derail one's future success in the things of God and His Kingdom
life and power.

Revelations 12:11
"And they overcame (took the victory over) him (Satan) because of the
blood of the Lamb (substitutionary sacrifice) and because of the word
of their testimony (witness, record, actual account)."

In meditating this fundamental verse, the first truth to seize upon is that we are told the intent of the verse. Then, we are told the
cost to purchase that intent or the price of the prize. Lastly, we are told the prize.

The Intent

"And they overcame him..."
In this portion of the verse God reveals His plan of how the "they"
of this verse overcame Satan in every area of life. It is God's
intent that we win. He did not intend for the believer to live a hit
and miss existence. He knew what was necessary for us to live the
victorious Christian life. Knowing the end from the beginning (Rev.
21:6) God tells us how we are to overcome Satan in every arena,
putting in play our way of triumph.

The word of God promises the New Covenant believer that He "knows
what we have need of even before we ask" (Matt. 6:8). It also tells
us "He continually leads us in triumph" (2Cor. 2:14). Since He knows
what we have need of, He knows how to supply that need. Then He is on
record that "He continually leads us in triumph." If we simply follow His lead we are promised His victory. We win!

What a concept we are introduced to in this passage! The God of all
creation is about to give the believer a recipe for winning over all
the schemes of the evil one. In Isaiah 54:16-17 God tells His child-
ren that He created the evil one (Satan) that tries to make life hot
for them. Satan, the devil, that old serpent, the evil one, was
created by the same God who created us all that is in the universe.
God made Satan, but God also made man on an elevated level over Satan
so we could live in victory. In verse 17 we are further told that there is a way that God's children can rest in the assurance that no
weapon formed against them will prosper and also a way to "condemn"
every weapon that rises against us to complete and utter failure.

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper;"
When God says "no weapon", He means no weapon. There is not a weapon
that can prosper against those who are a part of "thee", that is, the
family of God. However, this promise that no weapon of Satan can
defeat us is connected to our performance of the second part of the verse. What we are to do is a prequisite to receiving His provision in the first part of the verse. His action requires our action.

"and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn."
God says if we are a part of the group called "thee", we can "condemn
" every tongue that would speak, judge or rise against us. The word
"condemn" here means to pass sentence on. In other words, when the tongue of an enemy attempts to pass sentence against a child of God or an area of their life, future or possessions, that (child of God)
has the abilty to make a decree or pass sentence superior to the
judgement or word spoken against them. In so doing, the child of God
will render what opposes them powerless.

No matter what curse, incantation, soulish prayer or judgement is
spoken against the child of God, "they" will have a word of greater
authority to render the tongue raised against them null and void of effect. Jesus did this in the wilderness when Satan tried to judge
Him. "It is written..." was the counter decree of the Anointed
Redeemer that stopped Satan. In that Satan was defeated by our
Messiah, he only has lies. We have words of truth by which we condemn
his lies and make his words of no effect.

"This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,"
The word heritage means that which is inherited. Children inherit what their parents leave them. A "will" defines what is inherited and who inherits. The person making the "will" must die for the persons defined by the will to inherit. The death, burial and resurr-
ection of our Lord Jesus made all who believeed in Him to be inheritors of all He left or promised. Thus, as New Testament believers, we inherited the superior judgement from God, through
Christ Jesus.

"and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord"
This passage explains that the right standing of those inheritors is
a gift of God. A New Testament believer need never be restrained in
their boldness to decree their victory due to a fear of "being unwor-
thy." God makes them worthy by divine decree at salvation, not by works which the believer did or did not perform. They not only have
an inheritance, a gift of being placed in right standing before God,
an authority to nullify anything spoken against them will succeed.
This passage in Isaiah was a prophetic passage. It was not a promise for the failure-prone, sin-bound, ever-forsaking-God-people of Israel, but to those who were to come when Israel, which would raise up "Sons of God."

2 Corinthians 5:21 gives us the New Testament verification of the
promise of Isaiah 54:17. "He (God) made Him (Jesus) who new (had
personal and intimate contact with) no sin, to be (one with) sin
on our behalf, that we might become the righteouness of (be in right
standing with and before) God in Him." No one in the Old Covenant
met the criteria of righteouness. The promise of Isaiah 54:17 was for
the children of the Blood of the New Covenant, not the children of the Promise.

A vaible rendering of Isaiah 54:16-17 could easily read:
16: Take note, I God have created the evil one who influences or fans to ever increase the temperature of the fires of adversity and opposition, and in that fire, hammers out a weapon to besiege the
believer, I created him to shake what could be shaken and destroy
what cannot handle the heat or stand up to the test, that the true may be proven (James 1:3, the proving of your faith).
17: It will not be possible for any weapon that the evil one brings
out of his fire to have the advantage over you; because every tongue
that shall rise up to pronounce judgment, curse, or incantation
against you [realizing that Jesus will have defeated and paralyzed
Satan so the only weapon he will have is his tongue and tongues of evil are limited to the natural realm (James 3:5-6)], you who are
not limited to the sense realm (2 Cor. 4:18) will, by the greater
supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and the word of Truth in your mouth, decree such lies to be broken. This is the spoil of My Son's
victory that I share by inheritance with His joint-heirs, and their
right standing before the court of the entire universe is bestowed by Me, the only and only True Judge of all that is. (Being the God of Creation, He determines who rules in His creation and whom He
empowers for victory.)

When these verses are amplified we as believers and New Covenant recipients of God's promise go to a new level of authority in our climb to Command Anointing. Command Anointing is that realm where
faith-speaks, where God's word in our mouth becomes a force of manifestation of the thing spoken. We decree what God's word has said and it comes to pass. Mountains really move, the dead really rise, and God is vindicated of His faith in man. We, the second Adam's, begin to undo the failure of the first Adam; to rule and reign in the earth as kings unto our God and His Lord (Romans 5:17).

"And they overcame the accuser of the brethren and every fiery dart, every flaming accusation he hurled at them..."
It is God's will plan and purpose that His covenant children win in any and every encroachment of the evil one. We were born of God to win. As it is written in 1 John 5:4, "For whatever is born of God overcometh the world." 2 Corinthians 2:14, "Now thanks unto God, which always causeth us to triump in Christ." We win! We were born of the victorious blood of jesus to be a nation, a holy people, and a kingdom people of victory. He has made a way for us to prevail in every arena of life. "Nothing shall be impossible to them that believe", "I can do all things through the Anointed One and His anointing."

John 10:35 teaches that the word od God cannot be broken, annulled or set aside. Knowing that when we make our stand on "it is written" that it will not be broken, our decree or declaration of faith will not be annulled or set aside, victory is imminent. The intent is clear! Enter into Command Anointing- make your stand of faith empowered by the "it is written" word of God and change the course of the natural realm with the decree of your Sonship authority. Comman Anointing belongs to the Sons of God. Spend your inheritance
wisely, in light of His will.

imrare's photo
Tue 12/01/09 05:46 AM
We as New Covenant Believers, understand the false images satan
attempts to foist on Believers.


Faith Fear
Love Hate
Hope Despair
Salvation Bondage
Acceptance Rejection
Overflow Recession
Comforter (Holy Spirit) Loneliness (oppression)
Health & Life Sickness & Death

We can easily relate to the simple identification of the dichotomous
list above. But, do we recognize the subtle rational that exposes the fraud of satan:
1. He is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.
2. All truth originates with God our Father.
3. Since satan can create nothing, everything he presents is a
perversion or worthless reflection of what is true.

Satan is not a creator, nor an originator. If he brings it, he stole
it, perverted it or tainted it. His main objective is to steal from
you, what God has provided for you.

If the devil is talking to you, his words are counterfeit and have no
value, unless you yield to them.

The dictionary expounds it thusly:
1 : made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive:
forged <counterfeit money>
2a: insincere,feigned <counterfeit sympathy> b: imitation <counter-
feit Georgian houses>
: to imitate or feign especially with intent to deceive; also: to
make a fraudulent replica of <counterfeiting $20 bills>intransitive
verb 1: to try to deceive by pretense or dissembling
2 : to engage in counterfeiting something of value

A counterfeiter then, would be a person who engages in the craft of
deceptively presenting a worthless thing, that parades or portrays
itself as being true or of value.

John 17:17 (NAS)
17 Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. (Only one truth in

Isaiah 40:8 (NAS)
2 The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever. (Time matters not to
truth, it remains)

Psalms 138:2 (NAS)
2 I will bow down toward Your holy temple
And give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your
For You have magnified Your word according to all Your name.

Hebrews 1:3 (Amplified Bible)
3 He is the sole expression of the glory of God [the Light-being, the
out-raying or radiance of the divine], and He is the perfect
imprint and very image of [God's] nature, upholding and maintaining
and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power
When He had by offering Himself accomplished our cleansing of sins
and riddance of guilt, He sat down at the right hand of the divine
Majesty on high, (The Word works - everything - everywhere)

John 8:44 (NAS)
44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires
of your father He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not
stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he
speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and
the father of lies. (All his words are counterfeit, worhtless,

The fallen angel who tried to exalt his treachery against God's truth, was named Lucifer. He was the anointed cherub that covered,
at the throne of God.

When he attempted to pass his counterfeit version of how things are
to be, he was cast forth from the very presence of truth and

Lucifer fell to earth, kicked out of heaven's realm, as a result of
his attempt to exalt his counterfeit authority, against the true
authority of God.

In reality his name is opposer.

Even the name he tries to go by is not true.

Revelation 12:9 (NAS)
9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is
called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was
thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown with him.

Revelation 12:9 (King James Version)
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast
out into the earth, and his agels were cast out with him.

His name is a deception.
His works are lies against the truth of God.
Everthing he is, everything he says, everything he does, is an affront to truth.

All he is, is a worthless counterfeiter. The only value he has, is
that ascribed to him by those taken in by, deceived by or defrauded
by, his lies. Counterfeit, counterfeit, counterfeit.

John 8:44 are you of your father, the adversary (opposer) (RHM)
and you are determined to do what your father loves to do (TCNT)
he was a manslayer from the very beginning (MOF)
and he did not go in a true way (BAS)
the truth will have nothing to do with him. (PHI)
- there is no truth in him.
when he speaks lies, he does what is natural to him (TCNT)
for he is a liar, and the father of lies (MOF)

He tried to pass the counterfeit of death on Lazarus, but Jesus (truth) would'nt stand for it.
He tried to pass the counterfeit of leprosy on the 10, but Jesus
(the truth) broke the lie.
He tried to pass the counterfeit of demonic possession on a young man
whom his father brought to the truth (I am the way, the truth, the
life), and the truth set him free.

"you will know the truth (because you study to prove you are ready to
handle and properly apply the truth, so you are never ashamed of your
inability) and the truth you know, in intimate personal revelation,
will set you free."

A counterfeit may look like something, but is, in reality, nothing but a lying attempt, to take something of real value from the person
the counterfeit is presented to.

A lie will cost you,
what the truth provided for you.

Don't let the fake, false, counterfeit,
take you to the cleaners.


1 a : to introduce or insert surreptitiously or without warrant b :
to force another to accept especially by stealth or deceit
2 : to pass off as genuine or worthy <foist costly and valueless
products on the public -- Jonathan Spivak>