Topic: Command Anointing/ Introduction
imrare's photo
Thu 12/03/09 08:35 AM
Recently, the Holy Spirit took me to a pivotal passage from the
Revelation of Christ 12:11, which is an introduction to Kingdom
Anointing and Life.

The key to receiving the flow of God's manifest power lies in finding
the revelation of God's will and flow and lining up with that flow.
I was asked this question: Is the work of Christ in His death, burial
and resurrection truly a substitutionary work? A hasty answer here can derail one's future success in the things of God and His Kingdom
life and power.

Revelations 12:11
"And they overcame (took the victory over) him (Satan) because of the
blood of the Lamb (substitutionary sacrifice) and because of the word
of their testimony (witness, record, actual account)."

In meditating this fundamental verse, the first truth to seize upon is that we are told the intent of the verse. Then, we are told the
cost to purchase that intent or the price of the prize. Lastly, we are told the prize.

The Intent

"And they overcame him..."
In this portion of the verse God reveals His plan of how the "they"
of this verse overcame Satan in every area of life. It is God's
intent that we win. He did not intend for the believer to live a hit
and miss existence. He knew what was necessary for us to live the
victorious Christian life. Knowing the end from the beginning (Rev.
21:6) God tells us how we are to overcome Satan in every arena,
putting in play our way of triumph.

The word of God promises the New Covenant believer that He "knows
what we have need of even before we ask" (Matt. 6:8). It also tells
us "He continually leads us in triumph" (2Cor. 2:14). Since He knows
what we have need of, He knows how to supply that need. Then He is on
record that "He continually leads us in triumph." If we simply follow His lead we are promised His victory. We win!

What a concept we are introduced to in this passage! The God of all
creation is about to give the believer a recipe for winning over all
the schemes of the evil one. In Isaiah 54:16-17 God tells His child-
ren that He created the evil one (Satan) that tries to make life hot
for them. Satan, the devil, that old serpent, the evil one, was
created by the same God who created us all that is in the universe.
God made Satan, but God also made man on an elevated level over Satan
so we could live in victory. In verse 17 we are further told that there is a way that God's children can rest in the assurance that no
weapon formed against them will prosper and also a way to "condemn"
every weapon that rises against us to complete and utter failure.

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper;"
When God says "no weapon", He means no weapon. There is not a weapon
that can prosper against those who are a part of "thee", that is, the
family of God. However, this promise that no weapon of Satan can
defeat us is connected to our performance of the second part of the verse. What we are to do is a prequisite to receiving His provision in the first part of the verse. His action requires our action.

"and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn."
God says if we are a part of the group called "thee", we can "condemn
" every tongue that would speak, judge or rise against us. The word
"condemn" here means to pass sentence on. In other words, when the tongue of an enemy attempts to pass sentence against a child of God or an area of their life, future or possessions, that (child of God)
has the abilty to make a decree or pass sentence superior to the
judgement or word spoken against them. In so doing, the child of God
will render what opposes them powerless.

No matter what curse, incantation, soulish prayer or judgement is
spoken against the child of God, "they" will have a word of greater
authority to render the tongue raised against them null and void of effect. Jesus did this in the wilderness when Satan tried to judge
Him. "It is written..." was the counter decree of the Anointed
Redeemer that stopped Satan. In that Satan was defeated by our
Messiah, he only has lies. We have words of truth by which we condemn
his lies and make his words of no effect.

"This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,"
The word heritage means that which is inherited. Children inherit what their parents leave them. A "will" defines what is inherited and who inherits. The person making the "will" must die for the persons defined by the will to inherit. The death, burial and resurr-
ection of our Lord Jesus made all who believeed in Him to be inheritors of all He left or promised. Thus, as New Testament believers, we inherited the superior judgement from God, through
Christ Jesus.

"and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord"
This passage explains that the right standing of those inheritors is
a gift of God. A New Testament believer need never be restrained in
their boldness to decree their victory due to a fear of "being unwor-
thy." God makes them worthy by divine decree at salvation, not by works which the believer did or did not perform. They not only have
an inheritance, a gift of being placed in right standing before God,
an authority to nullify anything spoken against them will succeed.
This passage in Isaiah was a prophetic passage. It was not a promise for the failure-prone, sin-bound, ever-forsaking-God-people of Israel, but to those who were to come when Israel, which would raise up "Sons of God."

2 Corinthians 5:21 gives us the New Testament verification of the
promise of Isaiah 54:17. "He (God) made Him (Jesus) who new (had
personal and intimate contact with) no sin, to be (one with) sin
on our behalf, that we might become the righteouness of (be in right
standing with and before) God in Him." No one in the Old Covenant
met the criteria of righteouness. The promise of Isaiah 54:17 was for
the children of the Blood of the New Covenant, not the children of the Promise.

A vaible rendering of Isaiah 54:16-17 could easily read:
16: Take note, I God have created the evil one who influences or fans to ever increase the temperature of the fires of adversity and opposition, and in that fire, hammers out a weapon to besiege the
believer, I created him to shake what could be shaken and destroy
what cannot handle the heat or stand up to the test, that the true may be proven (James 1:3, the proving of your faith).
17: It will not be possible for any weapon that the evil one brings
out of his fire to have the advantage over you; because every tongue
that shall rise up to pronounce judgment, curse, or incantation
against you [realizing that Jesus will have defeated and paralyzed
Satan so the only weapon he will have is his tongue and tongues of evil are limited to the natural realm (James 3:5-6)], you who are
not limited to the sense realm (2 Cor. 4:18) will, by the greater
supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and the word of Truth in your mouth, decree such lies to be broken. This is the spoil of My Son's
victory that I share by inheritance with His joint-heirs, and their
right standing before the court of the entire universe is bestowed by Me, the only and only True Judge of all that is. (Being the God of Creation, He determines who rules in His creation and whom He
empowers for victory.)

When these verses are amplified we as believers and New Covenant recipients of God's promise go to a new level of authority in our climb to Command Anointing. Command Anointing is that realm where
faith-speaks, where God's word in our mouth becomes a force of manifestation of the thing spoken. We decree what God's word has said and it comes to pass. Mountains really move, the dead really rise, and God is vindicated of His faith in man. We, the second Adam's, begin to undo the failure of the first Adam; to rule and reign in the earth as kings unto our God and His Lord (Romans 5:17).

"And they overcame the accuser of the brethren and every fiery dart, every flaming accusation he hurled at them..."
It is God's will plan and purpose that His covenant children win in any and every encroachment of the evil one. We were born of God to win. As it is written in 1 John 5:4, "For whatever is born of God overcometh the world." 2 Corinthians 2:14, "Now thanks unto God, which always causeth us to triump in Christ." We win! We were born of the victorious blood of jesus to be a nation, a holy people, and a kingdom people of victory. He has made a way for us to prevail in every arena of life. "Nothing shall be impossible to them that believe", "I can do all things through the Anointed One and His anointing."

John 10:35 teaches that the word od God cannot be broken, annulled or set aside. Knowing that when we make our stand on "it is written" that it will not be broken, our decree or declaration of faith will not be annulled or set aside, victory is imminent. The intent is clear! Enter into Command Anointing- make your stand of faith empowered by the "it is written" word of God and change the course of the natural realm with the decree of your Sonship authority. Comman Anointing belongs to the Sons of God. Spend your inheritance
wisely, in light of His will.

TBRich's photo
Thu 12/03/09 12:19 PM
Really, recently the Holy Spirit took me to Wendy's, I had a baked potato and salad; he stiffed me with the bill.

PropheticServant's photo
Thu 12/03/09 08:13 PM
TB: That comment was so very uncalled for here. God bless you. flowerforyou

imrare: I am so glad that the Lord loosed the Spirit of wisdom and revelation upon you in order for you to write this! flowerforyou This truly is an awesome post full of TRUTH! I found it to be quite awe-inspiring and empowering. Thank you so much for posting this! It was very eloquently put in my opinion. :thumbsup:

:heart: In Love,:heart:
Your sister in Christ