Topic: Something to Ponder on?
imrare's photo
Mon 02/15/10 02:10 AM
are we CHANGED or Just FORGIVEN?

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 02/15/10 02:11 AM
I change every day

Queene123's photo
Mon 02/15/10 02:25 AM
we all change every day
thats part of who we are
that is also why this world is full of confusion

a journry to a new beganing
always seem to be at hand

mrsheppherd's photo
Mon 02/15/10 02:51 AM
We havent changed at all.

Its all gone to excrement, or the "S" word.rant

Simply Forgiven.

Society is crumblin like that o so delicious danish muffin im gonna have just now.


michiganman3's photo
Mon 02/15/10 05:29 AM
In order to be forgiven, you must repent which is not just saying "I am sorry, I wont do it again" Rather it is an understanding that what you did is wrong, caused harm to another and that you truly regret what you have done. You must change in order to be forgiven.

4974's photo
Mon 02/15/10 07:15 AM
In my opinion we are both forgiven and changed. How can one come to know Christ and not have a change occur inside them?

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:03 AM

are we CHANGED or Just FORGIVEN?

I believe we are in a constant state of both,, changing and being forgiven

newarkjw's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:06 AM

In order to be forgiven, you must repent which is not just saying "I am sorry, I wont do it again" Rather it is an understanding that what you did is wrong, caused harm to another and that you truly regret what you have done. You must change in order to be forgiven.

Isn't that the reason one would say they are sorry. Just asking?...smokin

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:09 AM

In order to be forgiven, you must repent which is not just saying "I am sorry, I wont do it again" Rather it is an understanding that what you did is wrong, caused harm to another and that you truly regret what you have done. You must change in order to be forgiven.

Isn't that the reason one would say they are sorry. Just asking?...smokin

it should be the reason, but often times, people just say the words without meaning them at all,, kind of like 'I love you'.

people can be very resourceful in getting what they want,, they even can use words they dont mean

newarkjw's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:18 AM

In order to be forgiven, you must repent which is not just saying "I am sorry, I wont do it again" Rather it is an understanding that what you did is wrong, caused harm to another and that you truly regret what you have done. You must change in order to be forgiven.

Isn't that the reason one would say they are sorry. Just asking?...smokin

it should be the reason, but often times, people just say the words without meaning them at all,, kind of like 'I love you'.

people can be very resourceful in getting what they want,, they even can use words they dont mean

If there words were not true it is usually easy to spot. Why should anyone have to change. It all depends on ones intententions.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:20 AM

In order to be forgiven, you must repent which is not just saying "I am sorry, I wont do it again" Rather it is an understanding that what you did is wrong, caused harm to another and that you truly regret what you have done. You must change in order to be forgiven.

Isn't that the reason one would say they are sorry. Just asking?...smokin

it should be the reason, but often times, people just say the words without meaning them at all,, kind of like 'I love you'.

people can be very resourceful in getting what they want,, they even can use words they dont mean

If there words were not true it is usually easy to spot. Why should anyone have to change. It all depends on ones intententions.

It is not always easy to see things that we dont want to see....

as far as change,,,we have to because it is part of living,,,,you are a different person at thirty than you were at 16, whether you are trying to be or not,,,experiences change us, environments change us, ,love changes us,,etc,,,,

Teditis's photo
Tue 03/09/10 04:32 PM

are we CHANGED or Just FORGIVEN?

Sorry to raise an old post just to be redundant but I just think that this is an excellent question... probably because I've asked it to myself so many times.
I think the answer is (similar to what's already been posted) that being forgiven changes us... But I'm really a big believer in the "He acts first" school of theology.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 03/09/10 04:34 PM

are we CHANGED or Just FORGIVEN?

I plan on continuing to change..evolve and grow till the day I die!