Topic: Command Anointing/ The Prize Part 2
imrare's photo
Thu 01/21/10 01:55 AM

The second place blood would be shed was when the Roman soldiers made
sport and beat our Redeemer with their fists.
Unlike the first blood shed, which was shed externally, this beating
would bring bruises. A bruise occurs when blood is shed internally.
While the first blood shed was to cover fallen will, the second blood
was to cover iniquity.

Isaiah 53:5 reveals that the Anointed Redeemer would be bruised for our iniquities, but He would be wounded for our transgressions.
Transgressions are open, outside sins of commission. Iniquity is
inside sin such as ancestral or inherited weakness and internal
bondages of man's fallen nature. Outside sin (transgression, rebellion, disobedience) would be covered by internal bleeding or
bruises. Blood would atone for the iniquity of man. Isaiah 53:11
"...for He shall bare their iniquities and their guilt..."