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imrare's photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:26 PM
Abraham was awarded righteousness due to the faith he stood in. The
New Covenant believer inherits righteousness as "part and parcel"
of their new birth, "in Him". They receive His righteous position
as joint-heirs and possessors of the promise. Righteous with His
righteousness. "As He is so are we."

Righteousness is never the end product of human effort, whether
doing works, or abstaining from evil. The captive cannot set the
captive free. It takes a free man to give freedom and release.
"Whom the Son (the free from sin man) sets free (the believer) is free in all his ways (indeed, fully).

The gift of righteousness comes by faith to all who receive the
Anointed Redeemer as Lord. This gift is of God. The recipient
cannot enlarge upon it. The gift is the power of God to decree
that man is a sin free, justified son of God, one, with "the
seed" of righteousness and approved by God.

The revelation of righteousness helps you to understand that guilt
and condemnation are but traceable, identifiable, footprints that
prove satan has been around lying on you.

God never uses guilt or condemnation.

Righteous people do not fear, what they understand to be, under
the Blood of the Lamb. He became the sacrificial covering and
cleasing man needed.

Messiah's hands, bore away our guilt and sin. His sacrifice paid
the price of sin debt and cancelled out the guilt, condemnation
and residue of man's failure, so that the new man could be and do what GOd called His sons to be and do.

Receive, understand and walk in His unmerited favor. His gift of
rightstanding redeems fallen man and elevates him to sinless

The more you know of His righteous opinion of you, in Christ, the
more of His power and presence you can display in the earth.

imrare's photo
Thu 07/22/10 08:32 PM
Revelation 11:15 (KJV) And the seventh angel sounded; and there
were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world
are become [the kingdoms] of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he
shall reign for ever and ever.

The day will come when the Sons of God, subdue the Kingdoms, or
governmental structures of the world system. The Kingdoms of this
(fallen) world system, will come under the Lordship of our Lord
and King, the "seed", who gained entry to the world, through
Abraham's act of faith.

This "Kingdom of light" prevailing over the "Kingdoms of darkness"
must occur before the rapture of the saints, before the earth is
purged with fire and before Heaven comes down to earth.

The prophecy of Revelation, confirms the promise of God given to
Abraham. God's righteous people will rule the earth and fulfill
God's original intent for His people. (Genesis 1:26,28)

Righteous sons of God, will be ruling and reigning with Christ
Jesus the Lord, in the earth. Faith opened the way. Faith
empowers the takeover and faith pleases God, for faith will fulfill
His purpose.

Righteousness, carries the meaning of one being in right standing
before God, being justified from all wrong, to stand sin free as
one with His Holy Son.

Righteousness, is a free gift of God's grace, to as many as believe.
Righteousness is a grace gift of God, from God and to fulfill God's

Galatians 3:15 Brothers, I am going to use a human illustration:
even a human covenant or contract, once it has been ratified, no
one can change it or annul it.
3:16 Now it was to Abraham that the promises were made, and to his
seed (offspring, issue), it does not say seeds, in the plural, but
in the singular, seed, speaking of that one person, the Anointed

Messiah was the "seed" that faith produced, or opened the door for.
Messiah is the "seed" in each believer that produces the crop of
righteousness and the fruit (harvest) of the Spirit.

Seed must enter good ground, be watered and nourished to produce
a crop. "The Anointed One in you, is your hope of God's manifest

The Seed of God, when properly fed, will grow to produce Kingdom
of God reality in the earth, and possess the promise, of once again
owning the earth, which was given to Abraham.

What God wanted through Adam (Gen 1:26,28), He still wants. There
is no afterthought, or plan "B". Adam lost faith through reason.
Abraham defeated reason to walk in faith. (who against reasonable hope, hoped in God)

Abraham was awarded the promise, which would not be perfected in
all his seeds (offspring), but ultimately in the "one seed",

One seed, sewn into the earth, dying and again being raised up to
produce a harvest of sons of God. A new, righteous, species of
beings, the world had not seen, since before Adam's fall.

In John 12:24 this mystery of "the seed" is addressed and amplified
in an allegory presented by the "seed" Himself.

John 12:24 (New International Reader's Version) What I'm about to
tell you is true. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and
dies, it remains only one seed. But if it dies, it produces many

John 12:24 (NIV) I tell you the truth, unless a kernal of wheat
falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But
if it dies, it produces many seeds.

John 12:24 (New Century Version) I tell you the truth, a grain of
wheat must fall to the ground and die to make many seeds. But if it
never dies, it remains only a single seed.

The law of seed time and harvest, requires that a seed must be sewn
(planted), in the earth, die, undergo change and break forth from
the earth, to produce a harvest. This is a type and shadow mystery.

The "seed" singular, spoken of to Abraham was the seed, our
Redeemer, that would be planted in burial, and spring forth in
resurrection, to produce an abundant crop of, seed of promise heirs
of God.

Just as God set in place a divine law of reproduction in Genesis 1:24
"let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind," not
its kind, the law of reproduction is a natural type and shadow of
the spiritual truth.

The seed, Messiah the Lord, was planted in the earth, to produce on
the earth a mighty harvest of spiritual twins. Of one seed, many

imrare's photo
Wed 07/21/10 12:44 AM
"Is there such a thing as Christian citizenship? No, but it could be
created. The process would be quite simple, and not productive of
hardship to anyone.

It will be conceded that every man's first duty is to vote; it will
also be conceded, and with strong emphasis, that a Christian's first
duty is to God. It then follows, as a matter of course, that it is
his duty to carry his Christian code of morals to the polls and vote
them. Whenever he shall do that, he will not find himself voting for
an unclean man, a dishonest man.

Whenever a Christian votes, he votes against God or for Him, and he
knows this quite well. God is an issue in every election; He is a
candidate in the person of every clean nominee on every ticket; His
purity and His approval are there, to be voted for or voted against,
and no fealty to party can absolve His servant from his higher and
more exacting fealty to Him; He takes precedence of party, duty to
Him is above every claim of party.

If Christtians should vote their duty to God at the polls, they
would carry every election, and do it with ease. They would elect
every clean candidate...and defeat every soiled one. Their
prodigious power would be quickly realized and recognized, and
afterward there would be no unclean candidates upon any ticket,
and graft would cease."

"Christianity was on trial then,it is on train now. And nothing
is important is on trial except Christianity."

"(Christanity) is the one force that can save, and it sits with
folded hands...The Chritian vote alone-will decide the contest.
It, and it alone, is master of the situation, and lord of the

imrare's photo
Fri 07/16/10 07:42 PM
Galatians 3:13-16 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law,
having become a curse for us-for it is written, "CURSED IS
14 in order that we would receive the promise of the Spirit
through faith.
15 Brethen, I speak in terms of human relations: even though
it is only a man's covenant, yet when it has been ratified,
no one sets it aside or adds conditions to it.
16 Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed
He does not say,"And to seeds," as referring to many, but
rather to one, "And to your seed," that is, Christ.

Further insight into the depth of revelation contained in these
passages can be harvested through other translator's rendering
in them.

Galatians 3:13 (TCNT) Christ ransomed us from the curse
pronounced in the law, by taking the curse on Himself for us,
for Scripture says, cursed is anyone who is hanged on a tree.
3:14 (KNOX) Thus, in Christ Jesus, the blessing of Abraham was
to be imparted to the Gentiles, so that we, through faith, might
receive the promised gift of the Spirit.

What did the Spirit of God, the agent of the earth's creation,
promise to Abraham, as a reward for the faith he exihibited
before, and in God?

Romans 4:13 The promise made to Abraham, and his "seed", that
they would inherit, possess, reclaim, the world, did not come
to them because they kept the law (earned it), but, because of
the imputed righteousness that came as a result of his faith.

The promise given to Abraham, and to his "seed", stated that
they, through faith, would inherit, receive as a possession,
the whole earth.

God was using this "door of faith" to repossess to Himself, the
creation Adam had surrendered to satan.

Romans 4:18 The promise given to Abraham, was that he would be
the Father of many people groups.

This new race of faith people, would rise up in dominion authority,
and through willing obedience, take back, what lack of faith had
lost. (Luke 19:10 & 1 John 2:2)

Romans 4:11 Abraham received circumcision as an outward sign in
the flesh, of an inward change, as a witness of the faith Abraham
had before receiving circumcision, in order that he might be, the
father, of all who have faith in God, even when uncircumcised, that
they also may be regarded by God as righteous.

To bolster or strengthen Abraham"s stand of faith in God, he was
given a sign, to affirm the promise of God made to him, that his
offspring would "inherit the world".

The sign was circumcision, a cutting away of "flesh", that once
shrouded the organ, or channel of bringing offspring into the
earth. The promise of a new species of faith people was sealed
with a sign in Abraham's flesh.

Circumcision spoke of a change to the reproductive channel. A new
race, of faith people, who would be led by the spirit and not the
flesh (Romans 8:14) was given witness to, in the cutting away of
the veil of flesh that had covered.

After Adam's treason, righteousness gained entrance into the earth
through "the door of faith" (Acts 14:27) opened by Abraham.

The penalty of sin and the fall was however, still upon the
bloodline of Adam's seed. Faith was working while death was
still reigning (the paycheck of sin). Faith was a force that
could not be stopped, not even by a world, filled with sin and

Abraham was flesh, not spirit, so the sign he received was in
the flesh, at the channel of "life seed". A new generation of
faith marked seed was being introduced into the earth. They were
a type and shadow of what the faith of God would produce.

Out of Abraham's seed line, would come a faith child. "The
author and the completer of faith", who would, through His,
"seed of righteousness", raise up a Kingdom of God people who
would seize the promise of inheriting the earth, and actually
rise up to possess the earth, as promised, and restore the
Kingdom singular, to God by subduing the Kingdoms plural, of
earth for Him.

imrare's photo
Mon 07/12/10 07:45 PM
There are no step-children in God's family.

If you are in the family, you have equal access, to God the Father and all His hand has provided.

There are no levels of righteousness, it is an imparted gift; so
there is no such thind as lesser or second class righteousness.

There is on the Righteouness of God, a grace gift impartation to
those, who by the new birth, are in Him.

All true believers are righteous with Him, seated with Him and
heirs jointly with Him, of all the Father has put in play.

All believers are righteous, or in rightstanding with God the Father,
on the basis of their reception of, what God did for them in the
sacrificial offering of His Son.

Believers are "made" righteous, with Messiah's act of obedience,
His triumph opened the way for Believers to become an extension
of His ministry, seated with Him, covered in Him and reigning by
Him, Believers stand with Him on His level, not on a lower or
lesser level.

Right standing before God cannot be earned; it is not a reward,
but rather an award.

imrare's photo
Sun 06/27/10 05:38 PM
says "Talk To The Hand"

Righteousness: The place or estaste in which one stands,
free from wrong, free from penalty, free from their past
and made acceptable to, in and for God the Father.

imrare's photo
Thu 06/17/10 08:10 AM
There is one truth, revealed in one passage of New Covenant Scripture, which establishes two sides of an eternal persp-
ective on identity change for the Believer.

2 Corinthians 5:21
* For God caused Christ, who had never sinned, to be
made sin for us,
* so that we, through union with the Redeemer, might
become the Righteousness of God.

In this single passage, there is a powerful truth, explaining
the life changing process of identity transformation, for those
who receive both parts of this truth. One passage with two

Most of Organized Religion will quickly embrace the first portion
of this verse.

Yes, God caused the Anointed Redeemer to take on and become sin
for all men who were damned by Adam's fall.

But the second, and better, element of this verse reveals the
powerful truth that changes eternal destinies and transforms
lives with new identity "in Him".

The great identity exchange has a second element. Not only did
He assume our fallen, guilty identity, but He opened the way
for those who believe, to assume His guiltless, sinless identity.

This can be simply stated in this phrase. He took on our fallen
nature and guilty state, to bear the load of it, away from us,
so that we could elect to take on His righteous, sin free identity.

Whenasked, what sign did He give, as to the validity of His message
and ministry, Messiah answered, "you will get no sign (attesting
miracle) except that of Jonas (Jonah). Jonah was swallowed up by a fish and for all natural purposes was a dead man. But, after 3 days
he was supernaturally returned to ministry. Life conquered death,
and purpose prevailed over disobedience.

Let's pursue further illumination from the writings of Paul, to the
Romans, as he explained how redemption works.

Romans 5:13-19 For before the law was given (through Moses),
there was sin in the world
but sin cannot be charged against a man where no law exists.
14and yet we see death reigning in the world from Adam's day
to the time of Moses, even over those whose sin was not as
great as that of Adam who
violated an express command (law).
Now Adam is a type of Him who was to come.
15But far greater is the gift, than was the transgression
For, if by reason of the offense of the first Adam, the whole
race died much more did the grace of God, evidenced through
His free gift of God and the resulting sentence of the sin of
the man Adam.
That sentence arose from the act of one man and brought
condemnation on all men, but God's gift arose over many
offenses to grant acquittal.
17And if death begin it's reign through the sin of one man,
all the more will those who receive God's overflowing mercy
and gift of righteousness (being clean before God) live and
reign through the one individual Jesus Christ.
18Therefore, as the fruit of one man's offense came down to
and affected all men, resulting in condemnation,
so also, the result of a single deed of righteousness by one
man, leads to acquittal and eternal life, for all who believe
and receive.
19For, as through the disobedience of the one man, the whole
race was placed in the position of sinners,
so too, through the obedience of the one man, the whole race
can be rendered righteous.

Messiah taught, "by your words spoken, you will be justified (just
as if I had never been tainted by sin) or by the words you utter,
you will be condemned (die under Adam's fallen state)."

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christt for
it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that
believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

The gospel is the switch that releases the power of the Anointing
(yoke breaking, burden lifting). The gospel is the good news of
the triumph of the Anointed Redeemer over the fall of man, and
its death sentence. The Anointed Redeemer, by choice, assumed our
fallen, condemned, damned state, so that we by choice, could assume
His sinless triumph over death, hell and the ability of the grave
to hold man captive.

Because of His submission to the will and plan of the Father, death
no longer has a final meaning.

Jonah, was a type and shadow, triumph. Messiah was the real deal,
total liberation for mankind, triumph over sin, death and all that
came out of the fall of man.

Romans 1:17 For in the gospel a righteousness which comes from
God is revealed, resulting from faith and leading on to faith,
as scripture says, through faith, the righteous man shall find

The gospel, the accurate account of submission, triumphing over
the penalty of disobedience, releases power, each time it is
recounted in faith. The Holy Spirit who "raised Christ from the
dead" is the power behind the written record of life defeating
death, sinlessness defeating sinful nature, captivity being broken
and curses reveresed.

The same power that resurrected Messiah, documented the event, so
that each time the record is retold, the same power, anointing,
righteous enablement is released.

Death can be defeated again and again and again, each time the good
news, the gospel, the recounting of the resurrection is told.

Romans 10:9,10,13
9 That if thou shalt confess
with thy mouth
the Lord Jesus Christ,
and shall believe in thine heart
that God raised Him from the dead
thou shalt be saved
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness
and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
13 For whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord (Redeemer)
shall be saved (brought to health, safety, soundness
wholeness and deliverance)

The gospel liberates, when man meditates, what the Holy Spirit has
already done for him.

The gospel is fallen man's get out of the fall, free card. When
the gospel is presented, sin and all it enables, is put down,
in utter defeat.

The gospel says, Messiah stepped into my present, to pay for my past
and give me His future. The gospel is the empowerment of identity
exchanged with the sinless Son of God.

imrare's photo
Mon 05/31/10 11:37 AM
On Memorial Day, many people look back to past acts to celebrate. This is good and honorable. Many have given much and some have given all, to make our Nation of America, great.

There is another great nation in the earth. It is the greatest, in
fact. It is the Kingdom of God and its growing citizenry.

Where a person puts their focus, will determine where a person
arrives. People tend to end up snared by who, or what, they set
their focus on.

We are exhorted in His holy Word to "look unto Jesus, the Author
and finisher of our faith." That is, put your focus on the Lord,
for it is He who gives your hope, promise, and gives His promise,

An important life lesson, comes alive, when a Believer learns,
problems may come, to your life, but they are powerless to rule
you, unless you empower them with the fuel of fear or unbelief.

In a person's life, problems will come. They cannot, however,
contain or overcome us, if we cast them down.

The enemy of our faith, belongs under our feet. Because, "Greater
is He who is in us, than he who is against us."

Remember, thoughts may come to us, and thoughts may persist in
their opposition to us, but, thoughtts not acted upon, will die, unborn.

Don't let fear or doubt cause you to give birth to bad seed,
(wrong thoughts), by acting in accordance with them, or by
saying, what those wrong thoughts, attempt to provoke you to

Messiah taught a powerful lesson on guarding your faith, in
Matthew 6:31.
"God knows what you have need of, even before you ask...
therefore, do not take, as your own, any thought, which comes
to you, trying to cause you to say any word of doubt or unbelief,
contrary to God's promised provision."

An aquaintance used to say, "Your attitude in life, will
determine the altitude at which you encounter the challenges
of life."

Thoughts must be acted on for them to take root and grow. Wrong
thoughts are defeated easiest, when they are still in seed form.

Faith many times garners strength in one's determination. When
defeat, denial or distress are unacceptable options, victory
will come.

If you do not quit, you will win!

Mark 11:22 have faith in God, your source & supply
11:23 do not doubt in your heart
believe what God said
11:24 when you pray,
believe you have received, what He promised
and they (the promises believed) will come to you

Success is first an attitude. After standing against all opposition,
it becomes a testimony. I win, because I started out, a winner
"in Him".

We can catch a vision of attudinal success, by reviewing what fruit
it produced in a person's life.

Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. On
May 29, 1953 he scaled the highest mountain then known to man, it
was 29,000 feet straight up.

He was knighted for his efforts. He even made American Express
card commercials because of it!

However, until we read his book, "High Adventure", we do not
understand, that Hillary had to grow into this success.

You see, in 1952 he had attempted to climb Mount Everest, but

A few weeks later a group in England asked him to address its

Hillary walked on stage to thunderous applause. The audience
was recognizing an attempt at greatness, but Edmund Hillary
saw it otherwise.

He moved away from the microphone and walked to the edge of the
platform. He made a fist and pointed at a picture of the mountain.
He said in a loud voice, "Mount Everest, you beat me the first
time, but I'll beat you the next time because you've grown all
you are going to grow...but I'm still growing!"

The Lord says in Joshua 6:2: "I have delivered Jericho into your

Did you catch that? It's not in the future tense. The Lord doesn't
say "I will deliver."

He says "I have delivered." The battle has already been won in the
spiritual realm. So the Lord proclaims His promise to them in the
past tense.

I think there are moments when you need to stop asking, and pleading
for God to do something and start praising Him for what He has
already done. Remember, "Praise quiets the lies, and stills the
storms of opposition, the evil one (avenger) throws at you (fiery
darts of doubt).

Faith, is believing that God has already delivered on the promise.

There is a confirmation in your spirit. You sense a breakthrough
in your spirit. The deep things of God's promises, call out to and
resonate with, the witness of His Spirit and His Word deep in your
inner man.

It is faith, that causes us to respond in Praise to the God of
promise, before the miracle or provision manifests.


Because faith knows God can be trusted,
Faith agrees with, "God said".
Faith accepts God's Word as title to what it promises.
Faith celebrates an "already" of God, before the senses catch up to
what God "has done" in the spirit.

Faith sees Future tense as Present provision, and celebrates the
end from the beginning.

We are in a winning season!

We seize His win in 2010.

His win means we've already won. Praise Him

imrare's photo
Sun 04/18/10 02:21 PM
Kings must learn to, and commit to be in the right place at the right
time doing the right thing.

imrare's photo
Sun 04/18/10 02:14 PM
Character and focus make the unattainable a matter of sustainable

imrare's photo
Tue 03/23/10 07:59 AM
This powerful passage from Revelation 12:11 outlines God's word on and for our victory. What the verse does not say is as powerful in
its influence on our lives as what it does say.

The passage says to us that to overcome the devil we must stand in
the authority of the shed blood of Jesus. We operate from a position
of restoration. The blood of Jesus means victory over death and the
curse of separation that came in the first Adam's fall.

The blood of Jesus cleanses those who receive it "from all un-
righteousness". If I am cleansed from "all unrighteousness" then
I am righteous. I have been restored in Adam the second, back to
the place the first Adam was before the fall. It is as if man had
never fallen. Genesis 1:26,28 belong to the righteous. Daily
fellowship with God belongs to the restored. Restored from the fall,
I walk in complete dominion and I have the power, authority, and
responsibilty to keep the "serpents" out of my garden.

I am restored to "pre-fall" position with God. I have a clean slate
and He has created me to triumph in every situation of life, to rule
and reign with Christ Jesus, to exercise dominion over everything.
To allow Him to walk in me, talk in me and manifest His will, plan
and purpose to the world, over the world and in spite of the world,
through me.

Religion and religious practices have blinded the Church. Most of
the Church world is in a state of powerlessness. They have a form
of godliness but deny the power of God, the word spoken in dominion,
command anointing and authority.

Religion attempts to prevent you from taking dominion. Prevent you
from taking authority. Prevent you from seizing the reigns of rule.
Religion inhibits you from rising to the fullness of the stature of
our Lord Jesus Christ. Religion is the opposite of what God has
called you to be.

What this description of how to overcome the devil does not include
is startling:

We do not overcome Satan with fasting. Fasting is not a weapon to
fight demons, the devil, or problems of life. Fasting is for
relationship development with God. We fast to hear clearly what
He is saying. "Not that our voice be heard on high, but that His
voice be heard down here."

Prayer is not a weapon to overcome neither the devil nor his devices.
Prayer is to develop our relationship with God. The most powerful
form of prayer is performed with our intellect and understanding
on hold. Romans 8: 26,27 inform us that the Holy Spirit can pray
through us when we are unable to produce the desired result. He does
it not with our prayer, but with groanings and intercessions that
cannot be uttered in articulate speech.
* Our prayers develop our walk with, reliance on, and strength
in God. Prayer is not a weapon to defeat the devil. Yet so
many religious people will fight for their right to pray
against things they've been praying against for years with
no results.
* Hebrews 10:11 is a picture of this religious mindset. Priest
offering the same sacrifices year in and year out, even
though it has not and does not work. They keep repeating
the process but the failed result never changes.
* If you want something you've never had, you will have to do
something you've never done. For what you have is a direct
result of what you've been doing.

Spiritual Warfare
Here is an arena that would amuse me were it not so sad. There are
warfare clinics' citywide attacks on the devil's strongholds,
people on tall buildings, in airplanes and helicopters trying to
engage the princes and powers of darkness in spiritual warfare.
After years of this, dozens of books written, and thousands of
tapes sold there is no significant change anywhere their spiritual
warfare activities have taken place.

You are beginning to catch my flow, I am sure. God, the author of
all and His Messiah who brings our faith to fullness and the Holy
Spirit who equips us must be, were it possible, at a point of
frustration over all the extra-biblical junk that has permeated
the Church community, and yet religion fails to take God at His

To see such junk as "warring tongues" clinics, (which, if that
method worked might have set its founder free from his homosexual
problems) being swallowed hook, line and sinker by Christians, who
should know better, I am amazed.

There are people building prayer mountains and holding large prayer
gatherings with big name Christian leaders making great display of
Prayer Power, while the crime rates keep growing in the area
surrounding where all this prayer is being offered up.

One must look back at some pivtal passages to gain proper insight.
To realign our Christian walk with whom it is we are to follow, we
must see the answer His way.

Jesus never prayed for the sick. He commanded the answer or He
touched them. There is also no biblical direction to pray for the
sick. It says heal the sick, and also, "hands you shall lay well
they shall be" (Mark 16:18).

Jesus prayed to put Himself in line with the Father's will. He
prayed to develop Their relationship. He prayed to build Himself
up to do the work of ministry. He did'nt use prayer to do ministry.

Jesus did'nt use fasting to change things. He allowed fasting to
change Him. He did not fast in the face of problems; He fasted so
He could face problems. Romans 8:19 informs us that all of creattion
(all the things of this world which were created by our God and
which were tainted by the first Adam's fall) are awaiting in
anxious expectation for the Sons of God (that is we who have been
washed by the blood of Jesus) to awake to the knowledge of who we
are as Sons of God and rise up to reverse the curse and the bondage
of the fall. We must set creation free!

This will only occur when we begin to seize the truth of how we are
to overcome, put down, stop, silence and spoil the plunder of the
devil. It is done by taking account of what the blood bought for
every believer, individually and corporately. Letting this testimony
of total triumph, restoration, atonement and reinstatement in the
Anointed Redeemer become ours.

When we comprehend His work as a work of substitution credited to
our account, we will rise up and decree the work of the blood is
our work, our victory, our liberation, and our eternal triumph
over all the work of the wicked one. We will proudly trumphet that
His testimony now belongs to us. We can boldly say what He would say
when faced by anything that was defeated in His resurrection.

Now can you grasp what Paul was laying out for us in Philippians
3:10-11? Paul wanted to know, have personal and intimate knowledge
of the Lord Jesus, and to understand the power that was released in His resurrection. He wanted to understand what the suffering Jesus
allowed bought and paid for that was deposited to Paul's account.
He wanted to so abandon his will that he could identify with the
mind set of Jesus, which allowed Him to submit to a thing He so
loathed and despised. That, being in tune with Jesus in His
submission to death (Philippians 2:8), Paul would also be able to
take on and walk in the fullness of the resurrected life. A life
that is a complete victory ober the fall, a receiving of the
dominion walk, and relationship with God on the level Adam
possessed before the fall. In Paul's own words, "it is no longer I
that lives but the anointing is living in me and manifesting through
me" (Galatians 2:20).

imrare's photo
Tue 03/02/10 04:34 AM
"...and because of the word (logos) of their testimony (marturia)."
If we are to understand that the work of the death, burial and
resurrection of our Lord Jesus the Christ was done for us to redeem
us from death's sting, the grave's victory, and sin's curse, then
we would have to agree that it is a substitutionary work.

Isaiah 53 - teaches that He did it for us.
Psalm 22 - teaches it was done for the afflicted, for those who
cried to God for help. We are that generation to come, His posterity,
those for whom He performed it.
Ephesians 5:2 - Jesus was an offering and a sacrifice, a payment made
for our debt.
Hebrews 9:26 - "He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself."
Hebrews 10:12 - " sacrifice for sins for all time..."
1 Corinthians 5:7 - "...for Christ our Passover also has been

It is clear that the Lord slain from the foundations of the earth
was a substitutionary offering for us. He was afflicted so we can
be free. He defeated Satan so we could enjoy the victory. He pleased
God for us. He paid our debt. He did it for us, fighting our
battles, paying our price, atoning for our failures so we could
live in victory. He conquered so we could be more than conquerors.
He triumped over Satan and shared the spoils, plunder, loot with
us (Luke 11:22). When He defeated and disarmed Satan and the
forces of evil, He stripped them of all they had and gave it to
the body of Christ.

He won back the keys of death, hell and the grave. He seized the
keys of the Kingdom, all authority in Heaven and earth, and gave
it to us, His body. He lived the life He lived for us because we
could'nt. He won the battle for us, because we could'nt. He paid
the price for us, because we would'nt. He took on Him what we were,
so we could take into us what He is (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
* As He is now so are we in the world - 1 John 4:17
* Put on Christ as a garment - Romans 13:14, Galatians 3:27
* We have His armor - Ephesians 6:11
* We have His testimony of righteousness - 2 Corinthians 5:21
* We have His name - Ephesians 3:15, 1 Corinthians 6:11
Colossians 3:17, 2 Thessalonians 1:12
* We do His works - John 14:12

If I allow His mind to be in me, as the scriptures says (1 Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2:5), if I was crucified with Him
(Romans 6:6), if I was buried with Him (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12)
if I share in His resurrection (Romans 6:5), if I am seated with
Him now (Ephesians 2:6), if I am as He is now (1 John 4:17), if I
am righteous with His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21), If I am
a joint-heir with Him of all His inheritance and have an equal
right to make demands on Heaven's account (Romans 8:17) then I
must conclude that His victory is my victory, His life is my life
and His testimony is my testimony. We have been made "one", and I
must learn to walk as "one" with Him.
In any and every encounter of life I now have His testimony of
triumph as my testimony of full triumph. The enemy He defeated is
under my redeemed foot. The life I noe live, I live in the
empowerment of the victorius Christ.

His anointing in me infuses me with the divine nature so that I can
do all things from a point of rulership with Him. I am to have the
testimony that I rule in this life as a king (Romans 5:17). Since
His testimony of triumph is my testimony of triumph, I can come to
full realization of what the "word of their testimony" means
(Revelations 12:11).

If whatever I am facing in life was being faced by the risen Christ,
how would He address it? What would He say to it or about it? His
testimony, the words He would speak, belongs to me. It's my blood;
it's my testimony because He gave it to me. I have joint-heir check
writing privileges.


The popular slogan, "What would Jesus do?" has adorned bracelets,
key chains, necklaces, t-shirts and bumper stickers. Now it is time
for this to be emblazoned on our thought processes.

When a situation arises, a need exists, or a threat presents itself,
what would Jesus do? What would His testimony, declaration or
command be? That is what yours and mines must become. We must reach
the point in our Sonship growth that we no longer have to ask what
He would do because we have become one with His nature and we do His
will instinctively. We have His blood, a token or emblem of final
victory over any and all. We have the word that would fill His
mouth, were He in our place. Now we must rise up and become the
"Sons of God" and act like our brother Jesus would. Respond as He
would respond. Take charge as He would take charge.

We'll have to deal with the moneychangers until we are bold enough
to plat a whip and run them out. He did'nt pray. He did'nt fast. He
did'nt call for warfare in the face of a wrong situation. He took
charge and ruled and reigned as any king would take charge over a

imrare's photo
Tue 03/02/10 03:23 AM
The Word of God is always life changing never a bore like when you watch a movie thats longer than most could endure.

imrare's photo
Fri 02/26/10 03:21 AM
Jeremiah 1:4-8 (NAS) Now the word of the Lord came to me saying,
v5"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were
born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." v6 Then I said, "Alas, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know
how to speak, because I am a youth." But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am a youth,' because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak. v8 "Do not be afraid
of them, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the Lord.

Verse 5 describes Heavenly deposits waiting to be awakened and used.

Isaiah 12:3 Therefore, with joy, shall you draw water to be awakened
and used.

1 Corinthians 2:7 (NAS) but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the
hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory;

Again we see, as in Jeremiah, mysteries of God are on deposit within
man's spirit waiting to be brought forth.

Waiting for us to tap the deposits and draw out the answer, salvation
deliverance, mysteries from within our inner man.

Visions and dreams are of God, for your growth, development and to
bring you to your purpose.

Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP) For I know the thoughts and plans that I have
for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and
not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

God knows you and the plan, purpose for and power of your life,
before you are born. He knows the crop from the seed.

Judges 13:5 (NAS) "For behold, you shall conceive and give birth to
a son, and no razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel
from the hands of the Philistines."

Jeremiah 1:5 (NAS) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and
before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a
prophet to the nations."

Psalm 22:10 You have been my God from my mother's womb.

Psalm 139:13 (NAS) For you formed my inward parts; you wove me in my
mother's womb.

Isaiah 44:2 (NAS) Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you from
the womb, who will help you, 'Do not fear, O Jacob My servant; and
you Jeshurun whom I have chosen.

44:24 (NAS) Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the one who
formed you from the womb,"I, the Lord, am the maker of all things,
Stretching out the heavens by myself and spreading out the earth all

49:1 (NAS) Listen to Me, O islands, And pay attention, you
peoples from afar The Lord called Me from the womb; From the body
of My mother He named Me.

Isaiah 49:5 And now says the Lord, who formed me from the womb to be
His servant...

Galatians 1:15 (NAS) But when God, who had set me apart even from my
mother's womb and called me through His grace, was pleased

Can we grasp the immensity of our great God and Father's plan, purpose, power and potential and plan for the crop that can come

Luke 1:15 (NAS) "For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and
he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy
Spirit while yet in his mother's womb.

1:31 (NAS) "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear
a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.

Can we lay aside pre-conceived ideas and peoples past misunderstand-
ings, to grasp a God view of who we were planned to be even before
the earth began? Not just in a corporate sense, but in a personal,
individual application.

Isaiah 46:10 NAS) Declaring the end from the beginning, And from
ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, 'My purpose
will be established, And I will accomplish all my good pleasure;
God laid out and deposited in us all we are equipped and empowered
to be, before we were born, before earth was formed. Our end was set
in stone.

Now we can see even more insight and revelation from passages such

John 7:38 (NAS) "He who believes in me, as the Scripture said, "From
his innermost being will flow rivers of living water."

Proverbs 4:23 (NAS) Watch over your heart with all diligence, for
from it flow the springs of life.

Paul, the out of season Apostle, who wrote a large portion of the
New Testament, walked in a level of revelation knowledge few have
ever attained.

Paul was the only one to repeatedly conquer death, evangelize the
then known world, testify before Kings and reveal the mystery of
the church, hidden in God.

How did this happen?
What did he tap in to?
How did he tap this treasure trove?

Could the answer be as simple as...

1 Corinthians 14:18 (NAS) I thank God, I speak in tongues more than
you all;

Is there another element in the life of Paul that separates him from
the rest?

Praying, not in fear.
Praying, not for time or volume.
Praying, to tap into the reservoir of God's deposis.

James 1:5 (NAS) But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,
who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be
given to him.

If we lack wisdom in any arena, any sphere, anything, we can pray it

Romans 8:26 (NAS) In the same way the Spirit also helps our weak-
ness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit
Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;

Even when we do not know how to pray it, the Holy Spirit will carry
our heavy lifting and bring us to pure revelation and truth.

James 1:17 (NAS) Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there
is no variation or shifting shadow.

The Father of lights- Father of revelation illumination Psalm 119:105
(KJV) Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Through praying in the Holy Spirit, Paul went from not knowing God
at all, to revealing the mysteries of God to all.

We can go from not knowing what to do, how to do, when to do or even
where it is to be done. To walking in pure wisdom, revelation truth
and understanding.

* Be open to dreams and visions
* Pray in your prayer language
* Wait upon the Lord in faith for the answer
* Reject fear, doubt, unbelief and ungodly counsel
* Celebrate your breakthrough victory
* Begin speaking the promise
the answer
the provision
the fullness
* Purge your thoughts, words and actions of all that would restate
the problem, lack or lie.
* Refuse to let negativity, low self esteem, past failures of future
impossibilities to have any place in your life.

# Winners never quit
# Quitters never win
# Faith people are endowed with, impregnated with and in
possession of the answer, from birth.

imrare's photo
Wed 02/24/10 02:48 AM

The side of our Lord and Redeemer, the Lamb of God, was pierced and
holy blood flowed out, as did water. Both have significance for the
new life we are to live.

The blood paid the price for broken fellowship. Redeemed man could
approach God the Father once again. Redeemed man could come boldly
to the throne of God (Hebrews 4:16). The fall of man in Adam broke
the heart of Father God. The heart of our Lord and Redeemer was also
broken under the weight of man's sin and separation from God. When
the spear of a false government pierced the side of our Redeemer, a
new and living way back to fellowship with the heart of Father God
was opened up and "consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His
flesh, therefore, brethren, have boldness to enter the Holiest by
the blood of the Redeemer of God." (Hebrews 10:20,19)

When the spear pierced the side of our Redeemer, blood and water
flowed out. A new way was opened up through the veil of His flesh.
Through the opening cut in the Redeemer's side, God was birthing
a new generation, a new people, a Kingdom people. When the Father
God first begin to populate the earth He did so by opening the
side of the first Adam to create a people. Since God does not
change, when He sought to raise up a new generation of Kingdom
people He opened up the side of the second Adam to do so, after
the fashion of the first Adam. Every time a new life is birthed
water and blood flow. Water washes and blood gives life. It is a
pattern of purpose.

The Anointed Redeemer was born into earth as a King. He was
announced as a King. He was sought as a King. He was given gifts
as a King. He was a threat to the earthly ruler. The heavens even
showed forth the light of the Morning Star, coronating His birth.

The government He came to establish (Isaiah 9:6-7)was a threat to
the false governments set up under Satan's rule. Satan was at
work to stop the threat to his rule any way he could.

What Satan and all the forces of evil did not know was that they
were pawns in the plan of God. Their plan to stop this new King
was the opening of God's plan to raise up a Kingdom of Kings and
Priests unto Himself.

The flesh they were peircing was a holy temple. The way made for
us, back into the Family of God, was through the flesh of the
Anointed Redeemer. The incision made by the spear of the Roman
soldier was a renting or tearing of the veil of flesh which
would provide a way for us through the veil of His flesh, right
into the heart of God.

Two things flowed out of the torn veil of His temple. Blood to
cleanse us, purchase us and make us worthy to enter the Holy Place.
Water also flowed out in fulfillment of what the Old Covenant laver
outside the Holpy Place was but a type and shadow of. The water
flowed out to wash us, the blood flowed out to atone for us so
that we could enter into the new and living way prepared for us,
through His flesh.

His blood paid the price for broken fellowship. The water that
flowed out of the Holy laver washed the way of man to enter the
holy place. Through the torn veil of His sinless flesh we enter
in, having been washed and atoned for, to the heart and presence
of Father God with the boldness that comes only from being in
right standing before Him (2 Corinthians 5:21).

When sinless blood flowed down the brow of our Messiah, it bought
back man's ability to prosper without sweat or labor. It bought
back man's ability to think the thoughts of God and create with
God as before the fall of man. The will of man was now restored
to Kingdom will, plan and purpose ability. The inherited weaknesses
of man were now broken so that man could walk out of the curses.
The hands could now prosper in whatever or wherever they are set.
The feet were liberated so that the Sons of God could lay claim to
every place their feet should trod. Now broken hearts could be
mended and broken relationship restored. Through the blood and
water man could be washed and restored to fellowship and escape
the loneliness and desolation of being cut off from the Father God.

Now the Comforter could come along side this "purchased man" and
join together with him to do the will of the Father.

The blood flowed down the tree to break the curse of the law of sin
and death. The cross was the altar upon on which our sins were laid.
The cross was the altar on which the price was paid. Now, bought and
paid for, man could go free. Free from the fall, free from the curse,
free from the law, free from self and free from Satan's holds. The tree, called the cross, "yielded a fruit" of which all could partake
and have in them the incorruptible seed of life and truth. The blood
dropped down on the earth itself to set it free, for the Anointed
Redeemer paid the price not only for man, but for all the Kosmos
(earth,creation) as we are told in 1 John 2:2. The Lord our Redeemer
had come "to seek and save that which was lost", not just those who
were lost (Matthew 18:11). The Messiah came to save the world or all
of creation (John 12:47).

The blood was carried to the Holy of Holies and sprinkled there so
that not only was the price of sin paid, but the door to the Throne
of Grace reopened so that man, cleansed by that same blood, may come
boldly before God. Now with the price paid and the purging complete,
the devil could no longer present himself before God in the company
of the Sons of God (Job 1:6). Every place the blood of Jesus was
shed was to buy back something that was lost in the fall. Bondage
was broken every place the blood flowed. Our restoration from the
fall was paid in sinless, substitutionary blood. The Anointed
Redeemer lives and because He does, so do we. The blood of Jesus,
the sinless, pure blood of the Lamb bought back more than fallen
man alone. It bought back all of creation from the curse, from the
fall and from Satan's authority (which he had received in Adam's

The price paid was blood, which was once again, as in the creation
of the first Adam, God breathed, free of man's contamination or the
fall's sin cursed genealogy. Pure, holy, sin-free, uncontaminated,
sacrificial, time tested and battle proven blood was shed in
substitution for all created things. We preach the good news of
liberation "to every creature" not just to every person (Mark 16:15).
"All of creation is standing in excited anticipation of the Sons
of God walking in the authority they have been given" (Romans 8:19).
God wants it all back, everything touched by the fall, that Kingdom
life and rule can become a manifest reality: God's sons actually
laying hold of all authority in Heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18-19).
His sons will make Matthew 6:10, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done on earth as it is in Heaven" a manifest reality.

imrare's photo
Tue 02/23/10 03:41 AM
Learning to be true to one's self will cause them to be true to
others and to life itself.

Remember: your mouth may say what you think you believe, but your
actions prove what is really in your heart.

imrare's photo
Tue 02/23/10 03:17 AM
"Don't let
what you can't do,
interfere with
what you can do"
- John Wooden -

"Life is too short a game
Not to win"
- Pastor Jim -

In society today, many seem captivated by sound bites and bumper
stickers. It seems as if people no longer want the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth.

What seems to tickle the ears and we the palate, is brief statements
that can be easily ingested and at some point regurgitated, with or
without understanding.

This section will deal with brief statements which, when meditated,
will bring great insight. They may also be used to spur creative
conversation or dialogue on this subject. They could be used to
inspire teaching or creative writing towards societal invasion,
or, they will at least make good sound bites.

Discipleship should be like apprenticeship, you are under Messiah
for training beside Him for relationship and representing Him in
the work you do.

Developing a new generation of Kingdom mindset renewed Believers,
who participate in Kingdom of God manifestation, is the message
of the hour.

Wherever you are in the world, the Kingdom within you, can change it.

Recognize the workplace as a ministry opportunity.

Most people spend 40 out of their allotted 168 hours per week at the
workplace. Make these hours count.

Develop your 8 to 5 missions call.

Nations are made up of cities, cities are made up of workplaces and
living spaces, workplaces and living places are filled with people,
people are what people are about.

To harvest a new generation, learn to speak the language of their

The faith you don't share, changes no one.

The example you don't live, inspires no one.

A Kingdom of God people, doing Kingdom Business,
Fulfilling Kingdom Promise, Bringing about Kingdom Dominion.

Raising up, a Genesis 1:26,28 people.

In the world system, what you neglect will come back to bite you.

What you don't cultivate will dominate- (hoe the field or the weeds
will rule) "the cares of this world, choke the Word"...

Living Kingdom life, requires activating Kingdom promises and laying
hold of Kingdom provision.

Your workplace arena is a megaphone for your ministry. A display
case for your gifts, talents and abilities.

Your ministry is to make God and His Kingdom rule, known in the earth

Many plans and pursuits are devised in the mind of men. God's will
is revealed in man's heart. The purposes of God, engrafted to the
heart of man are always more powerful and productive than is the
product of mans mind.

The plans of man come and go, with the tide, with time, with societal

The purpose of God is eternally the same.

God never changes His purpose, His mind, His heart, His Word or His
will. Clarity of direction is found in His steadfast changeless

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans of men, but the purpose of the Lord will prevail.

King James Version
There are many devices in a man's heart: nevertheless the counsel of
the Lord, that shall stand.

Revised Standard Version
Many are the plans in the mind of a man but it is the purpose of the
Lord that will be established.

New English Bible
A man's heart may be full of schemes, but the Lord's purpose will

Changeable are the devises in the heart of man But Jehovah's counsel,
that, shall endure.

God has a purpose for His man, Man usually has a problem for his God.

Faith is the ingredient placed between promise and performance.

Life is what occurs while you're making other plans.



imrare's photo
Sun 02/21/10 11:32 AM
2010 on our calendar, but 5770 on the Hebrew calendar. The year of

There must be a transition
to effect change
that will bring a transformation.

A time of decisive movement toward Kingdom of God fulfillment and
Kingdom of God manifestation...

The number 20, speaks of responsibilty and the number 10, speaks of
divine order, government and restoration.

2010 our year to win

He'll do it again in 2010

I win in 2010

Victory Begins in 2010

Favor to win, in 2010

The Word within, ensnares the win in 2010

A Glorious win in 2011

Seize your win in 2010

Possess your win in 2010

Demonstrate His win in 2010

We possess again, in 2010,
because we are stronger than we've ever been

Better than it's ever been in 2010

Live His win through 2010

Change in my circumstances will
require change in my direction.

There is a miracle in my mouh,
that flows ou of my spirit
and directs my future
while changing my present.

What scriptural, New Covenant foundation am I building on for 2010.
His promise, assures His provision
My cooperation ensures His participation.

Don't cut your Victory thin in 2010

imrare's photo
Tue 02/16/10 10:42 AM
* We must settle His truth and faithfulness in our head
* We must treasure His promises in our heart
* We must keep His Word in our mouth
* Our tongues must release His majesty
* We must do His deeds in the earth
He only pays us, for doing His deeds
Make the right choices, live the right life, be Him

Faith does'nt work in a vacuum, (doing nothing)
it works in the middle of confronting the lies of opposition.

Prophesy in the Name of the Lord - Jehovah, Lord of Hosts,
to your body
to your future
to your finances, checkbook, savings, investments
to the spheres of influence to which you are led
to your nation

The Blood Shed for you, will never loose its Power to you.

imrare's photo
Tue 02/16/10 02:39 AM
Do I honestly believe that I will actually receive in 2010!

What will you win in 2010?

It's a winning season, what are ministers saying about this year?
What are prophets saying about 2010?