Topic: Command Anointing/ Part 4 | |
The fourth place blood was shed was from His brow when the crown of thorns was placed on Him. When Adam fell from his position as under-ruler of the earth and creation, he was cursed for his failure to acknowledge God in all his ways and live a life of obedience that brought worship to God the Father. The ground was cursed (Genesis 3:17-19)because it had been under his rule and was his source of increase. Now the ground would bring forth thorns and thistles, it would not yield to him in submission and man would have to work to live. In labor, sweat would fall from his brow and face. Man fell from ruler over the earth to laborer of the earth; from every need met to poverty were being paid in full. 2 Corinthians 8:9"For you understand the grace provided by our Lord Jesus Christ, that, although He was rich, in substitution for you, He took on poverty, so that you would have the ability to become rich through His poverty." Man cannot become truly rich separate from godly wisdom. The mind of man had been tainted in the fall. He was separated from the mind of God. Man's wisdom had been polluted and reduced to a "labor-toil for sustenance" mentality. Man needed the mind of God returned to him (Phillippians 2:5). To accomplish this, the blinding curse had to be broken so that the mind could be renewed (Ephesians 4:23). God wants His sons to prosper, but not outside His personal mind set. The writer of 3 John:2 was keenly aware of this when he wrote that his desire was for his brethren to prosper and increase in direct proportion to the level pf godly wisdom and sound doctrine their mind could handle. The crown of thorns also represented a false crown, a mockery of rule, just as it was a mockery and false rule for Lucifer to rule over man and creation. The Anointed Redeemer paid in blood the price to redeem man from a false rule, and a stolen kingdom. Now once again God could be the head (legally) of the body through His first Son, the Anointed Redeemer, and His fall reversing triumph over the first Adam's loss of the Hingdom. Man (Sons of God) would once again be empowered to rule over the earth and all of creation, bringing it back from the fall to God's plan and prosper (1 John 2:2, Matthew 18:11, Romans 8:19). Man's ability to prosper, rule and be in the right mind was bought back. Man could rise up and set creation free, reverse the curse, and would no longer have to labor in the sweat of toil. Now man could have authority over the thorns of life that entered through the fall. |