Topic: Command Anointing/Price of the Prize
imrare's photo
Thu 01/14/10 03:40 AM
"...the blood of the Lamb..."
From the first Adam's fall in the Garden of Eden, to the second Adam's resurrection, the blood of all mankind was polluted by the
fall and the curse it brought. Since all of creation was under man's
authority (Gen, 1:26,28), all of creation, even the ground itself,
came under the curse.

Pure, sinless blood would be required to pay the price of redemption.
Polluted blood and fallen nature had to be replaced by sinless blood
and a will that would resist and not fall. The pure and unfallen would pay the substitutionary price for the polluted and fallen.

Not only did man need to be redeemed, bought back, covered and forgiven, but all that man had authority over (all of creation) had
to be redeemed. It too had been cursed by man's fall. Every place the sinless blood of our Lord Jesus was shed, was shed to buy back
something lost in the fall. For every element of the curse there was
a price to be paid and only perfection could cure imperfection.
"Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of light..."
Since all of creation was under the curse, redemption had to come
from outside. A brief look at where the Blood was shed will provide
an overview of what the precious blood of Jesus bought back and paid
in full for us who would receive and walk in the power of dominion

The first place the Blood was shed was in the garden. The first Adam
failed the test of his will in the Garden of Eden. This necessitated
that a "second Adam" would have to pass this test of the will. This
test of will would also occur in a garden. The second Adam, the
Anointed Redeemer of God, would pass the test of His will in the
Garden of Gethsemane. The name of this garden was descriptive for it
was about the "press" or the place where wine is pressed or crushed
from the grape and where oil flows from the olive crushed.

In this garden, Jesus was pressed in the trial of His will until
blood flowed from the pores of His skin. This was a result of blood
vessels being broken by the pressure. His blood being shed would be
represented by the second emblem of Communion.

Jesus was faithful to the will, plan and purpose of the Father. He
surrendered His will and stood firm with the will of the Father.
Because He did this, the breach, which had occured for all mankind
in the failure of the first Adam to stand with the will of Father
God, was now atoned for. The Lord Jesus, the second Adam, remained
true to the will of the Father, regardless of the cost, and we
inherit the benefits of this victory. Our Redeemer remained "one"
with the will of our God.

Although the flesh of our Anointed Redeemer and His will were
repulsed at the aspect of taking on the sin of fallen man, the
sickness, the disease, the rebellion, the fallout which had come by the the first Adam to the second Adam, Jesus did not fall short of
the purpose set in play before the first Adam was made.

Jesus hated the heinous aspect of being unplugged from the divine
connection. He was revolted at the prospect of being cut off from
the Father's presence for three days. The prospect of being mis-
understood by His followers, family and friends had to weigh heavily
on Him. There was also the gruesome impact of allowing the devil
one moment, let alone three days, of feeling he had won over God
and His will. There was also the emotional impact of being stripped,
beaten, wrongfully judged, crucified and made a public spectacle,
while remaining silent in the face of all the lies piled against Him.
The credibility He had achieved in 3.5 years of ministry would be
wiped out in the minds of all who saw.

Man had polluted blood because of the first Adam's failure. The
ground itself had been cursed because of Adam's high treason.
Now, pure, sinless blood was to be shed in the garden to cover
man's failed will. Now that the grape has been pressed to yield
the wine of submission, the oil of the Holy Spirit can freely
flow. The price paid in the garden with the Blood of our Messiah
has fully covered the debt that came on mankind because of the
first Adam's fall in the Garden of Eden.

The price was paid in blood for the fallen will of man. Isaiah 53:11
reads, "He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be
satisfied..." Now we can possess the inner fortitude of a will wholly
submitted to God and His will, plan and purpose.