Movie: Hit and Run
Did anybody listen to the part where he asked him about an investment into the IQD?
How would you ladies would luv to have your figure looking like when you were at your best in high school for most?
To all tithers and givers!!!!
As my Word declares "But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: While the world, the news media, and unbelievers are focusing on the negative and how bad things in the natural are looking. They are pointing out all the bad things that are happening and question, "How much worse will things get?" I am telling you my people, "Grace much more abounds!" GET READY TO LIVE IN 2012! Get ready to see God do things GREATER than you have ever seen before. Greater supply both financially and physically! |
How do you stay in shape?
What are the top New Years Resolution?
The Believer can take strength and resolve from knowing, that while every promise of God belongs to them already, their arrival date is tied to God's eternal purpose, and the obedience of others.
? How do u know if a guy is into you--- my answer would be that he is only interested in your personal growth and well being. His attention is fully now on you and he has a workable solution for both of you. Maturity in a man is what can I do to better my situation with who I am with.
Faith Speak
A revelation of Messiah was given to His learners, John 8:32
KJV "and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." or "and you will have knowledge of what is true" (The New Testament in Basic English) "and that very truth will make you free." (The New Testament According to the Eastern Texts) You will know the truth in intimate personal revelation (because you study to show yourself up to the challenge) and the truth you know (in intimate personal revelation of the mind and Spirit)will liberate you in every realm of life, to which you apply His truth, to defeat the challenge opposing you. (GAJ) To say it plainly, when a person comes to accept the truth of their New Covenant, as their personal truth, as it pertains to any situation, subject, occurrence or threat, then, that truth that they have made their own will bring their victory. Don't quit on the truth. Let it run its course and deliver its victory, for you. To repeat a truth from God's promises, is to enforce and empower it within you. Each time you repeat His truth, your mind is being washed from the lie that opposes you. Each time you speak His truth, as it pertains to the lie opposing your position in Him, faith is infused with strength from your inner being. To say, repeatedly or confess over me, what His eternal Word has said about me, is to take on His nature in that cause. I say what He has said. I cofess as my opinion what He has said. I repeatedly decree His Word as it addresses my current need. This is the release mechanism through which faith is empowered to produce for me, unhindered by the fear, frustration, helplessness or despair that opposes me. Keeping His Word continually in my mouth, washes my mind from false belief's, infuses my "inner man" with spiritual strength and puts the evil one on the run. God and His Word are one! When His Word is in my mouth, God is present in my speaking His Word. When I interject the Father's Holy Word, I am releasing Him and His power into the situation that opposes my status as a Blessed Son of God. The Word of the Father created the world and all that is in it. When I speak His Word, into His world, the world is once again brought under His Authority. What had gotten out of alignment with His Word, is now brought back into order His Word as He, His Word and I agree on it. Good water (the washing of the Word) and evil water (the drowning effect of unbelief) should not, flow from the same faucet (the mouth of man). The fruit of the tree should be good or evil, not both. The Believer is a tree, "a planting of the Lord", the fruit they produce (words, deeds, attitudes) should be good, always. The Believer's fruit should look and sound like the Father's fruit. Say what He said. To repeat a lie, a problem, an opposition to your God given position IN HIM, is to empower or reinforce the power of the lie to contain you. Never ever speak the problem, the lie, the threat. Instead speak what your New Covenant says belongs to you. "Let the weak say, (whatever "It is Written" in His Covenant Promises to you) I am strong" "I will say of the Lord, He is my strength and my salvation" "Your praise (speaks of what He has done) shall continually be in my mouth" "Since we then have a great High Priest who has ascended into Heaven, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, let us cling to what we cofess (our profession of faith in His promises)." Equal amounts of good and evil professions from one's mouth, will defeat the speaker. There are no negatives in faith speak. |
You Are What You Speak
We conclude that faith is awakened by the message, and the message that awakens it comes through the Word of Christ. NEB
A person can decide or affect their destiny by the words they speak or hear spoken. Remember, when the thing in you, becomes as large as the thing opposing you, what is in you will win, good or bad. Faith has a starting point. Hebrews 11:6 you can never please God without faith, Living Bible New English Bible and what is faith? Faith gives substance to our hopes, and makes us certain of realities we do not see. Hebrews 11:6b The man who approaches God, must have faith in two things: first, God exists second, God rewards those who search for Him. Phillips Remember, God gives abundantly, to those who search for Him, in what they are laying hold of through faith. In review then: Faith is a position taken or a stand assumed, by a Believer, a Son of God, which, in the face of facts, situations, oppositions, threats or troubles, though their senses may observe, they make a quality decision to look away from what the sense realm reports to them, and instead look to the realm of Heaven's supply, underwritten by "It is written". |
Merry Christ MAS, is a call for all the masses to know Him, in truth,light and life. |
The Christmas Story
That is awesome and I am glad this post blessed you and hope you will be able to add too your Christmas story with friends and family this season.
The Christmas Story
In Genesis chapter 3, when God banished Adam and Eve from the garden
because of their disobedience, He spoke forth a glimmer of hope for fallen man. He said He would send One, the seed of a woman, who would crush the head of the serpent, satan. Later on, the prophet Isaiah brought more light on this coming one. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." Isaiah 9:6,7 For thousands of years, the Hebrew people anticipated the Messiah. Each Jewish woman secretly hoped that her seed would be the Savior. The gospels in the New Testament bring us the account of just how the birth of our Messiah transpired. A little over 2000 years ago, a young lady named Mary, who was a virgin, was living in Galilee of Nazareth and was engaged to be married to Joseph, a Jewish carpenter. An angel visited her and explained to her that she would conceive a son by the power of the Holy Spirit. She would carry and give birth to this child and she would name him Jesus. At first, Mary was afraid and troubled by the angel's words. Being a virgin, Mary questioned the angel, "How will this be?" The angel explained that the child would be God's own Son, and, therefore, "nothing is impossible with God." Humbled and in awe, Mary believed the angel of the Lord and rejoiced in God her Savior. Surely Mary reflected with wonder on the words found in Isaiah 7:14 foretelling this event, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." While Mary was still engaged to Joseph, she miraculously became pregnant through the Holy Spirit as foretold to her by the angel. God had told Joseph, also, through a dream that Mary's child was God's own son, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and not the result of her unfaithfulness. Joseph, too, must have wondered in awe as he remembered the words found in Isaiah 7:14, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." Joseph, being of the line of David, was required to go to Bethlehem to register with Mary for a census ordered by Caesar Augustus. While in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth in a stable. She wrapped the baby in clothes and placed him in a manger. Out in the fields, an angel of the Lord appeared to the Shepherds who were tending their flocks of sheep by night. The angel announced that the Savior had been born in the town of David. Suddenly a great host of heavenly beings appeared with the angels and began singing praises to God. As the angelic beings departed, the shephards decided to travel to Bethlehem and see the Christ-child. So, the shepherds found Mary, Joseph and the baby, in the stable. After their visit, they began to spread the word about this amazing child and everything the angel had said about him. They went on their way still praising and glorifying God. But Mary kept quiet, treasuring their words and pondering them in her heart. It must have been beyond her ability to grasp, that sleeping in her arms- the tender child she had just borne-was the Savior of the world. After Jesus' birth, wise men, learned men, came from the east, seeking he who was born King of the Jews. They had seen His star in the East and came to worship Him. They continued to follow the star until they found Jesus with his mother in Bethlehem. (Jesus was already two years old by this time.) The wise men bowed and worshipped him, offering treasures of gold, incense and myrrh. Today, and throughout the year, wise men still seek Him and gather to worship our King. The story does not end here. Jesus went on to fulfill every Old Testament prophecy concerning the Messiah, including his persecution, death on a cross, triumphant defeat of the enemy, and resurrection. He defeated satan, reversed the curse that was placed on the earth in Genesis, and redeemed man from the fall. We can receive His work of salvation and become sons of God. As sons of God, our commission is to be ministers of reconciliation and co-laborers with Christ to bring the message of redemption to all of God's creation. WITH BELIEVERS WORKING TOGETHER AS ONE WITH CHRIST, THIS STORY GOES ON.... After |
Blessings to all on here to you and your families in Jesus name!!!
Holidays are an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God to a world
that has mostly forgotten what love means. Unfortunately, many people are being taught that Thanksgiving was a time when the pilgrims thanked the Indians for helping them through a hard winter! And many businesses and schools have forbidden the use of the word 'Christmas', and certainly any celebration that would allude to the birth of Christ, or the belief in God. We, as believers, understand that this is a crisis in our nation. But crisis is another word for opportunity! Take advantage of the opportunities that you will have with your family, with friends, with co-workers, and with people you meet as you shop for all the trimmings of the Holidays. Share the love of God, the reason for the season, and the hope that you have in your heart. Let them know Thanksgiving was and is a time to thank God for His blessings. Remind others that Christmas is a time to give thanks to God for sending us His Son to redeem us from hope- lessness! Share the love of God with others through the joy you celebrate in the Holiday Season. F2X |
We must be willing to humble ourselves for the benefit of another.
Not just for an equal, but for a "disposable." Matthew 8:5-13 |
So, how does one 'seize' a win?
There are two things that we need to be assured of in order to seize our win. The first is the fact that our victory is assured! The Word says that Christ always leads us in triumph. So this is a 'fixed' fight! Christ has already defeated the enemy and guaranteed us the trophy each and every time. If my daddy says that I can play until I win, then there is on one thing that can defeat me--quitting. So the second thing we need to determine is that we will not quit. If we know that the fight is fixed, then all we need to do is keep going until we are handed our trophy. God said that all things are possible for us, if we believe His Word. He told us that we can do all things through the Divine Ability that infuses us. So, even if we think we can't, if we believe God's Word, we know that we CAN stay the course and see our victory manifested! WE WIN! |
In His Name (Redeemer)
Occupy 'till I come.
The works that I do, shall you do also, and greater works than these shall you do. Now that we've begun to relate to our identity in Him, as Sons of God, and are learning to walk in His righteousness, what do we do with what we know. 1 John 3:8 For this purpose, the Son of God, was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Destroy - render powerless, overcome, replace the rule of darkness with the rule of God. Commission identity empowered, righteousness equipped, soldiers of the realm, to enforce the defeat of satan. Demonstrate satan's defeat! Decree, declare, proclaim and rule. For Example: in Austin, Texas everytime we see a high point over the city we speak to it-- and you can do this over your city where you reside. The Revival Center of the Nation rises on the manifestation of Sons of God doing the works, deeds and purpose of Jehovah Lord of Hosts. Commissioning occupational forces. Decree the yoke destroying, burden lifting, sin defeating power of the Spirit of God. Mayor- city counsel Governor- Governors staff Capitol- Senate, House. staff Law Enforcement, city, county, state, federal County commissioners and staff School Board School system, with the teachers, administrators and personnel thereof Business, corporations, lobbyist, industry, commerce Private schools Charter Schools Public Schools Speak the fire of God flowing in the streets, the highways, the homes,the workplaces. Release the anointing of which you have been quickened. Announce the victory of His Resurrection power. Release Angels, the harvesters Command favor for the gospel of messiah. Cast down all that opposes His Will Set captives free. Celebrate the victory. Consuming the Elephant, one bite at a time! |
In Him pt. a
To obtain a proper and powerful mindset concerning the Believers
"in Him" identity, it will be of tremendous benefit to determine what the New Covenant has to say on the subject. The Old Covenant and the laws that were a part of it, presented a way for man to gain inclusion in a national identity. By keeping, fulfilling and meeting the requirements of the law, man could earn a standing before God. It would not be an identity in Him, but rather a place before Him. A corporate identity with the people of God, but not a relationship of love, with the God of the people. No man was ever able to keep, fulfill or even stand justified by performance of the law. It was humanly impossible for mere man to come up to its requirements. The man trying to keep the law was flawed by human weakness. Since the man was flawed, the works he would perform were also flawed. Man needed a Savior! The New Covenant, and the grace gift it offers, made another way for man to find his identity and rightstanding before God. Grace offered to man, what law could never make available to man. |
The power to believe is the power to receive!