Community > Posts By > scttrbrain
And short armed. Now back to the ryobe......hhhhmmmmmpppphhhhh..
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Thu 06/04/09 10:28 AM
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Why why why????? I can't ever get it started. Not any of them! !!@#$%^$#@%%!! I have a "weed eater" weed is easy to start, but it is a small one. It can't do the job I need it to do. Anyone know the trick?? It is one that has two strings. Kat THE SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM IS..........DON'T BUY RYOBE!!!!!!!! But, ryobe is such a hoss. It does the job and then some. I am just a wuss. |
The only solution I found was giving up and buying an electic one I can plug in. I'm ready to do the same thing with the mower. Plus, why don't they make mowers for left handers? I stand on the thing backwards, trying to pull with my left and hold the handle with my right hand. Talk about awkward. ![]() Wow, never thought about that? Electric wouldn't even budge this crap. It has rained so much since I last mowed and couildn't get the weedeater started then. Now I can start the little one, but it just can't do it. I could start the snapper if I was a long armed man. It has a pull start and electric. But, I can't get to the end of the rope while pulling on it. All it did was fart too. And smoked a bit afterwards.puff that. Kat |
Spray the carb with carb cleaner and also pull out the spark plug and ho;d the end over a gas flame to clean out any o;d fuel. Then it should start. What does a lawn boy want to be when it grows up?....................................................................................................................................... A Yard Man ![]() ![]() You are right about the is awesome. I have a yardman,a murry bigwheel, a snapper (electric start) of all things. But, I can't afford the battery right now. Now that is a hoss of a mower. I had a yardman that had six speeds and would cut through three foot tall weeds. It was magnificent. Kat |
Here's a good way 2 start from scratch. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ha ha ha ha ha ha I haven't reverted to shootingan object since I was twenty. lol Thing is; I have never met a ryobe I could start. I prime and prime..pull and pull..cuss and cuss and cuss some more. Seems like the cussin helps. It at least farted. Kat |
No one??? Damn...
how much momey aka profit has the conflicts in iraq and afghanistan made for some very prominent companies how much money has the u s borrowed from the federal reserve to finace the actions of the govt (the fed reserve is private and collects interest on the money the govt gets from it) [it does have some govt oversight but it is private] it is not about the war it is about the money Money does not make sense either? That has cost billions in payouts and cleanup and and well....billions! Kat |
several of the steel beams went to Albuquerque and were used as structural supports in a new church Thay also built a ship with it. Kat |
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Thu 06/04/09 09:47 AM
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Why why why????? I can't ever get it started. Not any of them! !!@#$%^$#@%%!! I have a "weed eater" weed is easy to start, but it is a small one. It can't do the job I need it to do. Anyone know the trick?? It is one that has two strings.
Kat |
You are right about coming to our own conclusion which is unstable to many. Me included. all honesty...they had to remove that debri for health reasons. People were getting sick from it. They did take it to an island to sift through. I don't know....Why would a people want to do this to us? Our own people I mean. Kat You are wrong about taking it to an island to sift thru unless China is an island. The steel was loaded and shipped rapidly and not for any health reasons, because the air was already contaminated even tho the WH changed the EPA report to say it was "fit to breath" so they could reopen Wall Street. Many 1st responders and volunteers are dead and dying as a result of that change because of improper breathing apparatus being deemed nessessary. There were less than 100 pieces of the debris that were allowed to be "inspected" by anyone, and those were "a chosen few", even so, like the Pentagon photos, they raised more questions from their study than they answered. Really??? I remember the news showing them hauling it to an island off New York? So they could sift through for bones and such. I still find this hard to believe. It doesn't make sense to kill thousands of americans to go to war. Kat |
kung fu died
So he died of natural causes by hanging????? The last friend I had that hung himself......died from....." the hanging."
I liked him. He was a quiet man. He was passive in his life. Much like his character in that kung fu series and movie. Kat |
You are right about coming to our own conclusion which is unstable to many. Me included. all honesty...they had to remove that debri for health reasons. People were getting sick from it.
They did take it to an island to sift through. I don't know....Why would a people want to do this to us? Our own people I mean. Kat |
people on meth
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Thu 06/04/09 08:52 AM
About picking the bugs out of your skin on meth. I watched that as far as it would let me. It is ashame it removed some content due to violation of regulations? This video made me very nervous. Memories and knowledge. This video was mostly about cocain and heroin...a little different in the actions but ohhhh so close. Everyone in school should see this. This very well could be a deterant. I know if I had seen this; it could have given me an insight to make an intelligent and informed decision. Thank you for the link. Kat |
"THE EVIDENCE OF THERMITE AT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER Christopher Bollyn American Free Press A highly-respected physicist explains how Thermite may have been used to cut the critical core columns and produce the large amounts of molten iron seen at the World Trade Center, but the controlled media and scientists refuse to look at the evidence". No one, and I mean no one, has ever produced any evidence that thermite was used. Notice the "thermite may have been" part of the above paragraph. Thats a theory. Not a fact or evidence. Can someone please inform me how you could have possibly carried tons of thermite into the building, set it, and not have it react after the planes hit. Until then, its just another theory. The towers were "shut down" for days at a time within the months before 9/11 and work crews were all thru the building. Everyone was told they were upgrading cable and wiring. This sounds to me like a pretty good opportunity to move in all that is needed to wire the buildings for demolition. But again, it's only a theory until there is a real investigation, just as the "official" story is only a theory. The site was cleared and evidence was hauled off and shipped out of the country before an investigation or forensics could be done. So any "explaination" is only a theory. Many died both on 9/11 and in the wars that followed. Life as we all know it changed, in many ways. It doesn't matter wether you believe what you are told from whatever side of the issue, the simple fact is there are many questions unanswered and a further investigation is needed. This is simple truth that I think we all can agree with. The fact is we have another "JFK like" mystery, and there are very few with the power and ability to "cover up" or carry out an event of this magnitude, and it is not you or me, or someone hiding in a cave far away. We just want answers, not conflict between the masses, suspictions, more avoidance or lies. Where did you get this info? What website? kat |
I see melted steel.
Kat |
That could be where welds were?
I just have to know what on earth did anyone in the government have to gain by doing such a thing? Not only that but the millions paid out to the families and businesses? Kat |
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Wed 06/03/09 07:50 AM
It sounds to me like she was trying to hurt her privates. That would be even worse than letting someone stand there and hit them(privates), with their fists. That is a very sensitive area. That kind of pain is unthinkable to me. Hell I would scream too.
Kat |
Earth 2100
Chances are the planet will quit sustaining our life here well before then. You say that like its a bad thing. Humans suck anyway, I say let em die a horrible death. Oh, I'm very much anticipating it. Should be starting about 2010, continue through 2012 (we should be getting hit with a lot more hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.). Why anticipating it? Humanity has killed more than it has created, it has raped more than it has loved, it has destroyed more than what was here in the first place. Humanity killed itself, and I hold no grudge to earth for taking us out of the equation... That was really well put. Kat |
people on meth
I like sleeping too much to use meth, need lots of beauty sleep which at my age borders on hibernation ![]() It's been years since I have used. I still don't sleep much as I would like too. It was at one time just a tool to stay sober and get more done. It was kinda fun to go day in and day out. It all changed somewhere along the way. Kat |
people on meth
I'm not so sure they weren't there. I have actually seen something fall off on the table. And I wasn't the only one. I was so bad that I got out the magnifying glass and looked at them. I tell ya....they were there.
Kat |