Community > Posts By > scttrbrain
Gotta return the money. It is the right thing to do. All of it.
I would have traced down the owner through paperwork as well. I have and would. I got the best compliment today. The lady I found that money for last year comes into the store and was telling my other customers how I was the most honest person in there. She started by telling them about the money thing. I was very proud. People here may remember that story. How I was trying to figure out how to find the owner of that money "cash" and get it to them. I did it though. Kat |
Majority Gone to Pot?
"need for new sources of revenue" prez hussein wants more money going to him through those taxes. "legalization would lead marijuana users to use other illegal drugs." That has never been anything but a myth, so no big that it is popping up again, just another lie about the stuff. ONLY reason it was made illegal in the first place is because the paper companies couldn't handle the competition. "Would you favor or oppose the government's effort to legalize marijuana?" Favor, but would grow my own before giving hussein a penny. "Why would legalizing pot make people more likely to use heroin? Because pot would lose its "forbidden fruit" cachet?" More myths. Truth is, that it being illegal is denying millions from the medicinal benefits of this plant. Sad fact is as always; the majority is not always right. "prez hussein" is of course a stupid alalysis. And I would think that the intelligent world would know that NO president gets the revenue from anything. He gets a pay check just like the rest of us. The reason it was made illegal was because it is a danger to the people of the world. It changes our minds and promotes memory loss. It inhibits the work force. It makes for lazy people and I as an employer would not hire a pothead."was one", I know how it is. Legalizing pot would not change its status. It will still be bought and sold illegally. It will be too expensive to buy from a store or whatever. It will still be bought from dealers. People smoking pot would still use other drugs to combine with it. people choice is to drink along side pot. Isn't it bad enough that there are drunk drivers all over without the drunk AND stoned ??? Denying millions from it's medicinal worth? Whatever. They are trying to make the pill for those that need what it takes from the pot to help them. They take out the harmful parts and clean up the stuff and make it safer. Adding the parts that help and therefore making it accessible legally. I can tell when I am near a smoker driving. I know. I even recently saw two women driving while toking a roach. I let them know I saw them and they turned into a driveway to escape me seeing their tag. They then went into a child play place called "jump zone". They apparently were picking up kids or worked there. I was at a stop light and turned their direction. I was thinking really hard about turning them in. I decided I scared them enough to leave them alone this time. If I see them again doing it....I will turn them in. They endanger kids, and me on the roads. Kat |
Obama flushes 3.2 billion
| is bankruptcy....that's how it works. Kat Not how it works for me, if I owe student loans or taxes, bankruptcy solves nothing. sis tried to file it on her student loans and her and her ex husbands taxes. They were divorced and the court said she had no ties to his taxes. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha... so he said. The IRS said she owed them if they couldn't find him. Sooo she paid for awhile then I had my son look him up via the net and he found him. We went to his house and she let him have it. He didn't believe Jay found him that way. He said he left no paper trail. Obviously he was wrong. She finally told them they were not getting another dime from her. If she could find him...then so could they. So, are right...can't bankrupt those things. Kat |
Obama flushes 3.2 billion
| is bankruptcy....that's how it works.
Kat |
hello , ive read your topics . i would like to make friends on here. ![]() Welcome; there are friends here a plenty. Just gotta dive in and make them. Kat |
The rabid velvet wave trying to infect young impressionable minds early on in a hope to expand their sexual field of play polluting young minds with idealism that has no place in grade schools. i would be pissed to find out my grade school aged child was being exposed to that. High school is a different matter but the subject matter would have to be PURELY intellectual and not sexual. That is what sex ed is all about. Even then touting it as acceptable behavior over common sense is wrong. ignorance is not right but force feeding sex ed of sexual practice down kids throats is way wrong. Reminds me of the episode of South Park where everyone is so freaked out about sex that they try teaching sex ed to kindergartners who had no idea what any of it was about! It is one thing for someone to be gay but to be rabid is wrong. That is just as bad as trying to indoctrinate our kids into a life of loose sex and no moral value! Hellooooo...have you seen tv as of late? It is all about sex and sexual conduct. The clothes being sold in stores for kids too young to be dressing like that? The magazines..oh my gosh...Teaching starts at home and if it doesn't it will either be the tv, schools or the playground. Mostly it is the playground. Not too many morals there...just a lot of experiments. What does gay have to do with or without morals? Kat |
And I didn't have any choice in the school teaching evolution either.
![]() Kat |
Edited by
Mon 05/04/09 08:43 PM
Yeah, I followed Lori (loulou) and Lee (Jess642) Sherrie (Artgurl) and a few others, here to the "now" mingle2. Not too close though..Those sudden stops get a bit...well.....all that poking is making me horney you guys.
![]() ![]() My gals and missing gal friends are dear to me and I will always have them in my heart. Another mass exodus would be waaaay to hard on me. So...lets just stay here ladies. I doubt I ever meet another man to be in my life.....but I can look at the pictures can't I? Ok...that is why I am really here. The pics. Especially those ones that a gal finds every now and again and lets us see behind the scenes before it gets deleted. Woo hoo!!! ![]() Kat |
Did that thing just come outta that tree?? It did didn't it? I'm not even gonna git my binoculars.......I'm just gonna check into rehab. Peeks around.....fights the urge to look out the window...
Kat |
A lady!?? Have you heard the language around here? Not even that....have you seen the sex threads?? They make ME blush. And that's doing sumthin.
Kat |
WTF!?? FLASH BACK....I've seen one of those!! Run!!!! They multiply. It's a meth monster!!!.....Awwwwwwwwwwww.........!
Kat |
I came in here from another site..with no particular cause to claim. Not looking for love from the internet. Sure it can happen...but who really knows who you are talking too? You know?
Anyhoo...I have great friends I can call on and get support from. I have cried...I have laughed so hard that I had to go to the restroom...only after a little oops. I have been soooo mad at some...then I see the love from so many to each other. There seems to be an understanding the longer I am here. Intelligence abounds in these here does free will and antagonizing and just a tad of sarcasim...okay a lot of it. But..all in all...this place rocks with emotion and wit. Dig in and enjoy...have patience and above all......a cool head. Because a cool head keeps you out of the timeout chair. lol Kat |
Gay club
Gay clubs are full of straight people and couples.
As for never seeing a woman in a gay bar.....pppfffhhhtttt.....always see them there. Plenty of them. And many are straight. They love it there because they can feel safe. There are many straight men there as well. They know where to find the gals that aren't out for just sex. These places I have frequented are great. A very comfortable place to hang out and just have fun. Oh....and just in case you feel lucky....there are usually bowls full of condoms free for the taking. Kat |
Gay club
I go all the time...I mean when I go is to a gay club. They are the most fun and safe enviroment I have ever been in. As far as clubs go. I have never seen porn played, but have seen them play videos of men as well as women...mostly music videos and re mixes. The music is awesome.
There is a mix of lesbians and gay guys there. The women never ever have hit on me and I have never seen it done. They will of course look and smile. The gay men are about the same way. The perfomers are a riot. I have such a good time going to those. They will of course if they spot a straight man there pick on him all in good humor. And thank you later for letting them. The only problem I have ever had is when a doper approaches me and asks if I want to buy....My son finds out REAL quick and makes them leave really fast. My son tells them "THATS' MY MAMA!!" And don't you ever...I mean EVER ASK HER THAT BLANKETTY BLANK AGAIN. YOU BLANKETY BLANK BLANK!!!! Now get the blankety outta here. Ever do it again and you won't come back!! He loves me and gets very riled up. So, anyway...I love those clubs. I have been envited to come out tonight. They are having shows tonight at one of the upscale clubs on the strip. Kat |
my pc
Well, it isn't ok. I have this second "favorites" thing on the side here and it keeps literally everything! I mean everything. It keeps every single page I have been on. If I am in mingle it has every page!! What a pain in the ass.
I have tried to download and fix and search. It is not happening. This is killing me. Kat |
Is Rape Serious?
Also....he would stand up for me in public even if he felt I was not exactly right. Then when we got home he would have a talk with me and we would work it out.
Kat |
Is Rape Serious?
I have no answer for the problem. I do feel strongly about men who feel they have to have that type of control over a woman. I am a big man and could easily force a woman to do anything I wanted. My last ex-wife was 5' tall and petite. She never had one little inkling of fear that I would use my size to gain an advantage over her. Whenever we had a disagreement, I'd do my best to get to eye level with her. Of all the peeves she had, she was proud that she always felt protected and safe to be herself. Any male, won't call them men, who would stoop to rape, should be put down. Swoons...I just fell in love with you willing. My late husband Harry was 6'6" and I am 5'3". I always felt protected. He would never raise a hand to me. He always felt I was at my best when being myself and he reaped the rewards. We were very happy til the day he died. Kat |
Hello everyone
I may feel like hell and tired, but other than that; my day is great.
Kat |
legalize meth??
Edited by
Fri 05/01/09 08:44 AM
Research is meaningless in meth or speed. It is a very dangerous drug. Research is not going to give you real insight. Only a user can do that.(or previous user)
Speed will do things to people and neighborhoods that you will never understand til you have been there. I hae known people that would use a knife to cut out bugs or as they thought "ring worms", we told him there was nothing there. His son was scared to death he was going to come after him. Not to kill him but to cut out whatever it was he was seeing. They use to call it meth monsters, meth bugs. You see all kinds of things. They jump out in front of you while driving or walking. You are so jumpy and frighten so easily, that one will respond in freaky manners. Some will shoot at what they see and others will try and run over it. They will absolutely scratch their skin off. They will have sores that get infected. They can pass that on to whom they touch. They get a smell that only meth users have. A house can be torn up while looking for anything that may be a hiding spot that they (in their own mind) may have hid. Most times this is just sick thinking. I have seen the baseboards torn up, the walls torn out, the carpet pulled out. Vents pulled away,ceiling tiles torn out. Cars have been destroyed inside while looking. I have seen beautiful people look 15, 20 years older while using. People will stay up days and weeks at a time to keep from crashing all the while they are. It is inevitable. But, they will try anyway. Without sleep we all act wierd. But, a meth user will go beyond that. I am against legalizing pot, but could live with that over meth. Kat |
Why not?? They can go into schools.
Online or offline porn IS BAD! Porn is makes women look like dogs and less than men. Notice who always get "spit" on? It isn't the men. Kat |