Community > Posts By > scttrbrain
I would say to ask those families of the beheaded if they were real.
Torture is unacceptable. If these things did happen and I am sure some did...I mean afterall...look at our society here at home. Thing is; they need to keep those pics out of the eyes of the public until the soldiers we have over there are home. Why put the nail in the coffen of the innocent over there doing a job? If those pics get to those in the countries we are now in...our soldiers might as well be thrown to the to speak. When we are home then bring out those pics and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. The military is sending soldiers back time and is showing in their mind set and the suicidal rate is high. The soldiers coming home are having mental issues at an alarming rate. They in a sense have no family or home, no comfort. They have been plucked out of their respective lives and shipped off to a land where they don't want to be. With limited phone or net reality checks with their families. The divorce rate among these is very high. They come home to no wife, husband, their children don't even know them anymore. Some don't have their jobs anymore. And now we want tp put them in even more danger and worry?? Those that want those pics to be shown....sign up....join the military and go to the far east and see if you want it out there until you get home. If you don't have a mother, dad, sister, brother or son or daughter there, then let it go. You have no clue what kind of danger this will do. I have family there....DON'T PUT HIS LIFE IN ANY MORE DANGER THAN IT ALREADY IS! Kat |
Sex Offenders
I have also gone into the sex registry site and found many. But, it was too vague with the details.
Kat |
Sex Offenders
OK...the recent stories about sex offenders reminded me to do a search. In Texas (not sure about other states) you can look online for registered sex offenders. I found out there is one that just moved in with his parents ACROSS THE STREET FROM ME. He was convicted of raping a 5 yr old boy. my son and nephew are older and over 6 feet tall. this guy is shorter than I know they could handle him. but we have kids that play in the street here. It's bad enough the parents don't watch the kids (who could get hit by cars) but now this. Have they "served their time" and should they live normal lives or should people be aware of where they are? Depends on the sex crime, the age and the circumstance. If there was sex with a child under oh...13, I have to say he needs watching that is...if he was an older man and the child was of course that age. Sex offenders are all types. One can't always find out what the exact charge was. Sometimes it is as simple as him being a 16 yr old boy and she being younger. A parent gets mad and brings charges and he lives the rest of his life as a sex offender. Rape is another. I think they need to have much help and be left away from kids forever unless they can be proven to be ok. Thing is; most men who sexually abuse kids or women rarely learn. They just become sneakier or worse than before. Kat |
I have not even touched your personality. It's beside the point. You want my money for your own use. I haven't been to prison. I can tell that jobs are easy to find, and most do pay insurance. I just can not see the "other" part of "people used to help each other". All I see is those people wanting something from me. I don't want anything from anyone. Everyone who say this, is simply scamming for benefits. Never ever they offer anything to help me. But they always say "each other". I never went to prison either hon. I did however spend a few weeks in a nasty ass jail. And 5 years probation, and 8,000 dollars in lawyers and court fees and restitution. And the rest of my life being not good enough to live my best life. I want nothing from you. I never have. But in my opinion...and it is my opinion...those that have, can sure help those that don't. I lived by that rule for years. I still give what I need to those that need it worse than me. All I am saying is that something needs to be done. It is because of our broken system that the insurance rates for everyone is too high. We and I mean everyone without health coverage is responsible for the prices of healthcare. I know that. I am not proud of that. I just want to be able to get care before it is too late if it isn't already. You know? If the government or anyone could find a way to make insurance affordable for those that can't even come close to having it now, would come up with a solution,,,it would make a world of difference to all, you included. Kat |
There are more jobs out there that don't offer health insurance then there are jobs that do!! Make more money? Easier said then done. Let's be real here. Count yourself as a lucky one. How dare you attack her for having a job and calling her story b.s. She works hard and she is taking care of herself the best that she can. Where is her help to me? How dare you to suggest that only I need to help others, but other do not need to help me? All I can say is "you don't know me. And that isn't any fault. I have been a better person than you or anyone knows to those without. I haven't always been poor. I haven't always been a felon. It was a minor incident. But, I have to pay from now on. I have done so much in my life, and NEVER EVER asked for anything in return. Shame on those that have to ask for payment in return. Kat |
If I had health insurance I probably wouldn't give a rats ass if you had healthcare or not either. But, if me having it could help someone else get help...I wouldn't mind so much. I don't have any. I am so sick right now. FIFTEEN DAYS sick. I cannot even see a Dr.. Emergency room is out. Ever deal with them when you are broke? Ever had to see the bill for it? Prescriptions are a no no. Can't afford them either. I work, I have a job. I can't even get simple healthcare. Times use to be where people helped others. A good healthcare would assure us "without" at least some kind of Dr appointed evaluation. They are so and others like me have to stay sick and hope for the best. I am waiting anxiously for some help from someone! I don't give a crap if it Obama or Macain! Just find a way to get us some help. Kat What a bs. What prevents you from: a) getting a job that comes with insurance? b) make more money so that you can just buy your own insurance? Why is it perfectly possible for me, but yet impossible for you? As for people helping each other, what exactly do you offer as your help for me? Or, is it only supposed to be in your favor, but we will call it "helping each-other", right? It isn't bs. Jobs with health insurance is hard to find, period. I have never had a job that offered it, even before I had a felony. Any felon, dui, dwi, drugs,false pawn,theft, any of those keeps you out of a good job market. There is no restituion for these kinds of people. They pay out the nose to their lawyers, the courts, pay the restitutions, and do the probations, then get off with flying colors without even a ticket...then let go into an unforgiving world where we are told you did your time and are forgiven. Go and live. HA!!!! Felons good man do not get those jobs. Felons are lucky to get any job. Women have a hard time period finding a good job that pays anything, unless they have college education, if then. Or connections. I have tried to check into insurance payments....that was joke in itself. I have never made enough money to pay those prices much less the deductable. Now in my sisters case. She just went through chemo. She had insurance, they cut her off and she had to get cobra. That is about to expire now. Then she will be stuck. She has a port in her chest. It has to be removed surgically. We have tried to find her insurance to cover her after it is gone. No one will take her. Well, they will, through Oklahoma insurance fund. It takes 7,500 dollars up front then deductable. She is high risk. What is she supposed to do? They will not remove her port til she has a clean slate for two years. It will be ten years before an insurance company even gives her a chance. As I said earlier...I am a bit cranky...I apologize. 15 days of this is a bit hard to do. Kat |
If I had health insurance I probably wouldn't give a rats ass if you had healthcare or not either. But, if me having it could help someone else get help...I wouldn't mind so much. I don't have any. I am so sick right now. FIFTEEN DAYS sick. I cannot even see a Dr.. Emergency room is out. Ever deal with them when you are broke? Ever had to see the bill for it? Prescriptions are a no no. Can't afford them either. I work, I have a job. I can't even get simple healthcare. Times use to be where people helped others. A good healthcare would assure us "without" at least some kind of Dr appointed evaluation. They are so and others like me have to stay sick and hope for the best. I am waiting anxiously for some help from someone! I don't give a crap if it Obama or Macain! Just find a way to get us some help. Kat maybe you should make it look like you commited a crime then they put you in custody give ya medical care and you provide the proof you did not commit the crime just hope it does not back fire on ya criminals get better health care than the mjority of honest working citizens but hey what do i know (do they have a free clinic in your area) They have free clinics, can't make more than a certain amount to qualify. I think it is like 350.00 a month. I have been incocerated. I got nothing but...they wanted to drug me up with ametrptoline like all the other women were. It was shameful They drug the women to keep them in line it seems. There is no dentistry, I know inmates. They may get a tooth pulled but that's it. Unless you stay in there for years. You may get them pulled and false ones. As for showing proof you didn't do a crime? Good luck with that. It cost a fortune to prove anything. When the money runs out...the DA takes over and you do what they say. That is if you want to walk free. There are so many jailed innocent people it is sickening to think about. Eveyone hears that they didn't do it...but know what?? A lot of a times they didn't. I was spouting off cause I feel like hell and can't see a Dr. I apologize for being an ass. Kat |
I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... ahhh know I love ya more than my luggage lol...but like I have doesn't effect me or you or anyone else ![]() there are already gay marriage really wouldn't be any different gays are looking for government and social affirmation...marriage as between a man and a women...period ! we really want to promote and sanction that behavior...I see people on here saying " it won't affect you " will affect our time it will be legal...theres a reason that it's not legal...let's put it to a nationwide will lose 2 - 1...I think most people who are against it...are looking at the not natural...not normal...I know gays hate to hear's true... Marriage was made by who? Who said it was a man and a woman? It was an excepted notion cause not too many knew of gays. We, even me thought that was the way it was. I never heard of gay til years after I grew up. It worried me then. I was ignorant. I was afraid it was such a moral issue. That is until I figured out the real moral issues in front of us. It was the straight people that turned me on to moral issues..or should I say the lack of morals. MArriage used to be a "I take you and you take me" there...there it is. No blood tests, no license, no state telling them what to do. Straights don't understand that the states have complete control over them getting married in the U.S. They need them to be married by "law" to keep track of them. In my opinion gay people would be much better off not being married to escape the rules and regulations of the states and government interferance. Oklahoma used to recognize common law more...wonder why? To hard to keep tabs on them. They were losing money hand over fist to common law marriage. I don't happen to agree with the behaviors of straight people viewing and buying porn. Marrying for convienience and short term pleasure. I can't stop you. I would if I thought it could make some kind of difference.. But, it isn't my business. So, I leave it alone and only think to myself how discusting it is. What does it hurt a straight person if anyone any sex wants to marry? Guys...they don't want your women. Kat |
If I had health insurance I probably wouldn't give a rats ass if you had healthcare or not either. But, if me having it could help someone else get help...I wouldn't mind so much.
I don't have any. I am so sick right now. FIFTEEN DAYS sick. I cannot even see a Dr.. Emergency room is out. Ever deal with them when you are broke? Ever had to see the bill for it? Prescriptions are a no no. Can't afford them either. I work, I have a job. I can't even get simple healthcare. Times use to be where people helped others. A good healthcare would assure us "without" at least some kind of Dr appointed evaluation. They are so and others like me have to stay sick and hope for the best. I am waiting anxiously for some help from someone! I don't give a crap if it Obama or Macain! Just find a way to get us some help. Kat |
How can we be seperate but equal??
I think the more times this is shut down...the more ears it will fall upon. Turning it around. I see a vote happening again in cali, and it getting the votes it needs. Where is the fair in the ones that are already married being legal and oops too late soo can't get get married. I believe people will be inspired to change this. It took 21 years between the first thawing of anti-interracial marriage laws and the Supreme Court’s historic intervention in 1967 outlawing interracial marriage bans across the country. But just as the famous Moore’s law says that computing power doubles every two years, the speed of social change is increasing at an astounding clip thanks to technology. Twenty years ago, there’s no way Barack Obama could have gone from newly elected Senator to President in just four years. Bill Clinton spent 16 years in politics before winning the nomination, Gore 24. Everything happens faster now—companies go public sooner, stories break earlier, stars become A-list quicker. And the same goes for political movements. Power has found a new avenue. The net is changing everything. We will see a new day in a couple of years. Just watch and see. It takes 80 seconds for info to get around the world now. Prop 8 only won by 52% the last time. I have no clue what is was this time. But, it will happen. We no longer need to wait for change. It happens pretty quick. Kat |
Good gosh!! I wrote this whole long thing about my symtoms and this ordeal of mine....poof! GONE! Crap.
Honey you get better soon. Kat |
The American flag
Conoco flies a flag for my son at their plant.
Kat |
I say...ahemmmmm...that they just outlaw marriage altogether. Then lets see the sh!t hit the fan. Someone will amend something somewhere. Amend amend amend....that is all the constitution is anymore...a bunch of words changed around...added too...and taken away. Over and over. Truth is; we don't even use the real constitution anymore.
If one doesn't believe in gay marriage then don't marry one. Simple. It doesn't hurt a straight person. It doesn't interfere with their lifestyle. It isn't anyones business. Maybe instead of 52 percent of marriages failing gay marriage will bring it back up again? I dunno.......straights can't get it right.....straights don't seem to even want to get married anymore. So, what's the prob? Kat |
The American flag
When they presented me with my husbands flag they gave me a choice to have them tell it or not, before the funeral. I chose to hear. I was very touched.
![]() Kat |
Happy Memorial Day!!!!
![]() Bless the brave, the proud, the fallen. Kat |
memorial day
Edited by
Mon 05/25/09 11:20 AM
![]() ![]() Okaeeeee why did two get deleted? There was nothing wrong with them? Kat |
The American flag
Edited by
Mon 05/25/09 10:53 AM
I lost my husbands and his dads in storage. Arrrggghhhhh....
Kat ![]() |
memorial day
![]() ![]() Is this more to your liking? I hope so. Kat |
memorial day
Fanta...come on. One must feel good things when it comes to death to come to terms with it. Happy we are still free and happy someone had the balls to do what many have not. Happy to know that there are those that stood for something other than themselves. Happy to have the freedom to memorialize our fallen who served so bravely.
Not happy "ho ho ho laugh out loud happy". Wait...maybe that is where it has gone so wrong...people thinking it means get drunk happy. Kat |
memorial day
![]() Did this work? Kat It worked Kat. Awesome...! ![]() It took me a minute....but...yup. It worked. Kat |