Community > Posts By > scttrbrain

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/08/09 11:42 PM
I also saw a picture from inside the pentagon that clearly showed a charred rollroyce jet engine. The very same that that particular jet used. I also saw pics of pieces of that plane with the colors of said plane.

If that hole isnt big enough for the plane its self to make...then it is possible it was one of the engines. That plane is like..what...13 feet tall? Thats about the right height of the hole.

Does anyone really believe all those firefighters and policemen don't know a plane crash when they see one? They are first responders afterall.


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/08/09 11:18 PM
Oh, and I don't trust wikipedia.


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/08/09 11:14 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Mon 06/08/09 11:17 PM
I don't believe it wasn't a plane. I have seen the pics. I also saw the large hole..looks like the body of a plane could have gone through.
There is a site that has the active pics by their own cameras,(as well as people on the ground taking their own pics) the initial hit, the explosion, and the mighty devastation afterwards. It cleary shows plane debri on the grounds, and inside the building.
The pics couldn't be clearer.

9-11 Research: Pentagon Attack Photos
Pentagon Attack Photos. Surviving Photographic Evidence of the Pentagon Attack ... here provide evidence of the aircraft crash into the Pentagon on 9/11/01.


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/08/09 12:07 PM
Sarah is a BIG no no in my books. She is a joke....not even a funny one.
I can't stand her for many reasons. A big one for me is she kills wolves by ambush......................FROM THE AIR!!!!!!!


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 07:59 PM
Thanks for askin miss teddy. He's my love.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 07:57 PM
He was sooo cute. I got to see it. nanner nanner..

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:59 PM

waving Kat flowerforyou

Hows your older guy doing?

My bigger female likes to hump other dogs and cats, and
if you let her get away with it- humanes. She even has love
affairs with stuffed animals and blankets. noway laugh

laugh I can relate to the stuffed animals (particularly a stuffed football.). My german shepherd did the same thing as do these little dogs.

By older guy do you mean Chuy? He is good. He is still blind...but gets around sooo good. He is happy and healthy. His vet says he is their miracle dog. He is such a love. But, he can get barky or nippy in an instant when he is worried. He growls to beat all when he moves to the food let them know he is coming. They spread out.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:43 PM

I think it began waaaaay back when on another site when I first started so people would know who I was when I talked. So, kinda stayed. A habit....


No... try again


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:42 PM
laugh Yeah, the girls are a trip as well. Poor babies. I will not let them breed again. I am waiting to have the money to have them fixed. One female has never bred..she would beat the boys up. Bad. She has been acting like she wants to now. We are thinking about it a little, just a little. I am very picky to whom they go to. So much so..I am stuck with two boys I never entended to keep.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:30 PM
I think it began waaaaay back when on another site when I first started so people would know who I was when I talked. So, kinda stayed. A habit....


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:26 PM

My male chihuahua Rebel tries to hump anything that moves. Poor Oreo the cat can't never seem to get away from his 'affections'.shades

Yup, they haven't tried to hump people yet. holds breath.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:25 PM
Just look at that face...does he look like a perv? He is sooo innocent.
<<< They are bros. Sisco and Buddy. The one on bottom is much bigger than him.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:20 PM
It would have been funny to me as well, except that I was concerned. He is okay now. He is back on his perch.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:17 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sun 06/07/09 01:18 PM
So anyway..I have this chihuahua...he had one, I think. Pretty sure. He jumped down off the couch and was looking like he had done something wrong and then I saw it....there underneath him was this very large..well, let's just say...I wouldn't want to be the female chihuahua.

I was like alright? He just gave me this look of wonder and "what did I do?". I felt sorry for him and was trying to pet him to make him calm down and I picked him up to lay him on his back when I felt it. His tummy was all wet. It took about ten minutes for it to go away.

Who knew?

They are bi....I know that. They will try to have sex with anything, any size.


<<< sisco is the one on top.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 12:53 PM

:smile: I have known women like this.:smile: She will never be worth a ****.:smile: At least not for many many years, if ever.:smile:

I've known people on both (me, meth) and the ones that do crack are the worst when it comes to cleaning up.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 12:43 PM

:tongue: now why would it be in Texas Kat??? come on...we have remotes here laugh

rofl rofl rofl Not IN Texas rose....the size of texas.rofl


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 12:41 PM

u need to say good bye now,u aint gonna get any thing u need from this relationship.

Unfortunately...this is right. A crack addict will steal you blind and their friends will help. A crack addict is hardcore and will use you up dear.

Soon will be as bad as she is (not on the drug) but to the situation. You will want to help her and take her back when she comes onto hard times.....and she may beg and cry...but is something that goes on and on...til something bad happens.

You have to stay away from her. She will bring you down like you have never known.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 12:36 PM

bet you thats where my remote to the tv went

laugh Wanna go look?? While there we can clean up the mess and understand what we are doing to our world. It would take a very long time. Texas is pretty big.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 12:27 PM
That is the place where all our collective thrown on the road and at the lakes trash ends up. It is shameful for us as people to have no more couth than that. Throw trash out of my car or at my get yelled at.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/07/09 12:24 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sun 06/07/09 12:24 PM

flowerforyou Kat..I googled it because I'm not that familiar with it. the Mayo clonic has soem good info. I found this

Treatments and drugs
By Mayo Clinic staff

Both hospital- and community-associated strains of MRSA still respond to certain medications. In hospitals and care facilities, doctors often rely on the antibiotic vancomycin to treat resistant germs. CA-MRSA may be treated with vancomycin or other antibiotics that have proved effective against particular strains. Although vancomycin saves lives, it may become less effective as well. Some hospitals are already seeing strains of MRSA that are less easily killed by vancomycin.

In some cases, antibiotics may not be necessary. For example, doctors may drain a superficial abscess caused by MRSA rather than treat the infection with drugs.

I hope he gets to feeling better flowerforyou

Yeah, I had a similar experiemce with staph in my leg. He said they are going to see how bactrim works then if it doesn't respond well they will use vectromycin?

I also didn't google, but "binged" it and found a lot of info on it. My nurse sister in law had a fit and said in her hospital they batton down the entrance and exits to the infected room. They all wear masks and put a sign on the door that says infectious desease.


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