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Our soldiers "again"
sweet, sweet kat...after all these years, i certainly know what you mean. you have one of the fullest hearts of anyone i've ever known. i know that jay's served his time, and i feel for his beautiful newborn...that baby needs a father, one that's at home. i also respect the decision your son made in going into the service. of course, he's done his time... i can't imagine the fright, the fear...wondering if he's okay. you are a wonderful soul, and i know how much you love and support your children and grandchildren. there's a difference between wishing for safety and an end and not being supportive or being cowardly. lulu...I have been so worried these past few days. I know when he doesnt show up on skype it is almost assured there was a death in Iraq. He hasnt been there and my heart was going crazy. I finally heard from him today...and indeed there was another killing about 300 meters outside of his FOB....a roadside bomb was detonated and injured two and killed one. They had to pull the vehicle into the camp to remove him. I am so sad about the loss of another soldier. Relieved and sickened. |
Our soldiers "again"
ELEVEN more soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan killed last week. This killing has got to stop. Too many loved ones dying over there. These are our families, neighbors, students and Americans in harms way. Bring them home! I pray for the safety and well being of all our men and women in a country so far away from home. ELEVEN MORE PEOPLE....ELEVEN MORE. It is every single week that I come on here and remind us that our people are dying and giving up their lives...for what? I understand your pain, but bringing them home doesn't fix the people who are killing them? Remember... 9/11 happened on our soil. If we ignore the problem, it's going to grow until it gets to our soil. 911 happened because of whom? Not Iraq. I dont want to get into this in this thread. This one is to show respect and love for those that SERVE. |
Our soldiers "again"
| were respectful in your reply earlier. I saw nothing in it that made me upset.
It was those who called me out and said I had no respect for my son in his current job. This is and was a thread to show respect for our current and fallen soldiers. Not a rant on a mother who doesn't want her son to stay there. I am a MOM first of all....All else takes a step behind. our troops wherever they are...stay safe...bless you all and I pray for your safe and happy return home. |
Our soldiers "again"
Edited by
Sun 09/06/09 08:42 AM
By the way; a mother knows how I feel. My heart hurts and forgets to beat every single time there is an attack or bombing in Iraq. I have to wait days to know if he is okay. They shut down all internet activity for three or four days when a soldier dies, and phone calls.
I hurt every time I hear that a soldier has died. Another mothers son or daughter. I can't imagine the pain and loss. The fear and heartache that comes with it all. The not knowing...the absolute panic knowing that a bomb was just detonated 7 miles from him. That dead men are found outside the FOB where he is stationed. He lives with the fear of losing a friend or comrade patrolling. He holds his breath as well in a manner of speaking. As a mom I am very proud of my son. But as a mom; I live in absolute fear for him while he is there. And all the others. I constantly ask how "by name" the others in his unit are doing. I leave them messages...letting them know I care. I am sorry I blew up...but I got mad. |
Our soldiers "again"
HANG ON A DAMN MINUTE!!!! YOU!! YOU!! HAVE NO DAMN place telling me... or even thinking I am NOT A PROUD MOTHER!!! I AM!! I have supported my son in his life..his choices...his honor and his ability to do whatever he damn well chooses to do.
Do NOT even think you know what I feel! I have been to every single one of his military whatcha'ma-callits. I drove all the way to Georgia to his graduation. I go to all his military events at his home units. I go with him to all his flights out..AND in. talk to him all the time. I send him boxes every other week. I SUPPORT HIM!!!! How dare any of you to attack me and say I am not proud of him! My son would be the first to tell have no idea what you say. I have papers and a framed certificate to prove what he thinks of my motherly support signed by the military "George W Casey chief of staff, Pete Green secretary of the Army". How many of you have been supportive and sent gift packages to others not of your kin?? To men and women who need to know that you know they are there and miss home? How many of you sleighers of words have written to soldiers in supoport of them? I HAVE!!! YES...I HAVE! How many of you email on an ongoing basis to those you do not know in the military? He has done his 8 years...he is ready to come home. He wants his life back...he wants to be with his kids, his wife. He wants to be a family man again. He is not even remotely close to being a coward.... Why does war have to be a part of our everyday lives? Huh? Why? NOW back to the topic at was about the soldiers dead and dying for this damn war that was started by a Afghanistan....we will see where that goes. BRING THEM HOME SOON...........ALIVE...NO more DYING. |
Our soldiers "again"
He almost scared the hell out of me the other day because he wants his staff sergeant stripes (he would have to stay in a few more months), but he knows they may keep him again in stop loss again.
He needs to come home and be daddy to his newborn instead. And his two year old who hasn't had a daddy much of his life. Not to mention his wife who anxiously awaits his homecoming. |
Our soldiers "again"
My son better not do it 16 years! I will kill him myself. lol
Let me get a prayer please.
Edited by
Sun 09/06/09 07:17 AM
I want to ask "why?" but I feel I already know...but it still takes much bravery in this day and age to commit to such a life of soldierdom. I appreciate your freedom to make choices and the fact that you are a fine young man on a journey of unknown ventures and commeradery. You will make friends and hold them close for a long time.
My own son has made many lifelong friends due to the military love that is shared. My baby is in Iraq and hopefully coming home in December or January. He does say that they are fed well there and have internet use (he bought his own laptop and can skype a lot and has a phone that you buy there and buy time on to call by phone. But, skype is excellent...the quality and video is very good. It helps to be able to talk to loved ones while there. I know you don't know what or where you may end up...but I pray that you will have the strength and mindset to be the best you can be in all situations. Thank you for being unafraid to serve. I understand your fear and wonder. Here is a virtual hug from me (imagine it) and a piece of my heart ![]() |
Our soldiers "again"
ELEVEN more soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan killed last week.
This killing has got to stop. Too many loved ones dying over there. These are our families, neighbors, students and Americans in harms way. Bring them home! I pray for the safety and well being of all our men and women in a country so far away from home. ELEVEN MORE PEOPLE....ELEVEN MORE. It is every single week that I come on here and remind us that our people are dying and giving up their lives...for what? |
Edited by
Thu 09/03/09 10:10 PM
I read no insult...just what he found attractive in a woman or mate...much like some dont want someone that isnt pretty or handsome or tall or whatever. I found his words very nice and a sweet change from the norm.
Hi Joe; my son is there too. Hats off to you and all who are there with you. Stay safe and come home soon. By the way; if I had my choice in a man he would be just as you describe your woman... |
And this is a surprise becuuuuuzzzzz why??? It was there before him and he spoke of it before during and after the election. It was going to be an ongoing war no matter who won the election...
I hate us being there or anywhere, but I am just a mom.....with a son over there somewhere in the middle east. |
Negros in the Bible
Isaiah 53:2 He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. Now Jesus was also a carpenter..during the summer months they get pretty dang dark. Also he traveled around the desert most of his life..I mean it is desert and hot in the middle east. One would expect to get pretty dark living there. He was to have had woolen hair....Lebanese? Black...white who cares? Read the 4 gospels where Judas walks with the Romans to point Jesus out. Now, the 12 apostles were all Semitic, so Arab. If Jesus was whatever color....why did the Roman Army need Judas to point Jesus out? Jesus was Arab like, so modern Olive skin, brown eyes, and like most Arabs? We have evolved by way of looks...what did our ancestors look like 2 thousand years ago? Has anyone seen the picture painted by ST.LUKE of Mary mother of Jesus? (Author of Luke in the Bible.) Daniel 10:6 His body also [was] like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude. Revelation 1:14 His head and [his] hairs [were] white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire; Revelation 2:18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet [are] like fine brass; |
My fellow brothers an sisters in arms are always on my mind. I pray they all come home safe soon. ![]() I'm lobbyin for a forum just for the military here at M2. I think it's much needed!! ![]() Uhhh....I couldnt come in there....then.....awwwwww...does having military sons and family exempt us |
So many we all knew at my age...families and husbands and so many more....VietNam soldiers were so much more deserving than the American people gave them.
I salute those who served and died in Viet Nam....and those still living with the nightmares. My own husband was one of them...hated and spit sad. |
Awwwwww thats' so neat. I know how that feels.
Mine is on R&R right now in Qatar..four days. I hope he comes home sooner than he expects too. I read where they are packing up and making ready for a large move from Bagdad. Well, also was told. Good luck and "thank you's" from me. Welcome home soldier. |
Thanks guys for responding and reading. Too many tend to stay out of these topics now days.
FIFTEEN more soldiers killed last week in Afghanistan and Iraq!
More in Afghanistan than before. They are in very dangerous times there as in is beginning to pick up all over again. We once were talking a lot about those in that desert place or we seem to give them not much thought. Please let them know they are on our minds.... THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR COURAGEOUS AND NEVER FAILING SERVICE!!! THANK YOU.. |
Soldiers and Marines
For those that are not sure how to say thanks to a soldier my brother is over there now and my brother in law just got home before he redeploys in 6 months Tell them thanks from me and all of us at Mingle. |
Soldiers and Marines
Yes ; God bless them night....always.
Soldiers and Marines
Edited by
Sun 08/23/09 08:46 AM
![]() Oh yeah.......My baby is going to Qatar this week on R&R. He so needs a break. I am waiting patiently (ok not so patiently) to talk to him via skype...wife and kids come first. |