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Wed 09/03/08 10:20 PM
The whole idea of Hell is an oxymoron in the first place. Hell is supposed to be separation from God. But that very idea implies that there is some place other than God's presence where a person could exist. That would mean that there is something other than God! The mythology just wasn't very well thought out before it was published. ![]() Nothing related to christianity was well thought out. god created this place hell. god created satan satan gives god a hard time so why doesnt god smite the living bee-jeeezus out of satan? So, what - He's not meeting your timely expectations is he? God apparently is unaware of how busy a guy you are. That he's just not working quick enough to satisfy you. Why don't you write a letter to the Vatican - see if they'll take care of that for you. I never had an issue with either of god or satan, they are as real to me as the StayPuff guy! I never set a time scale, but you would think that with all the famine, murders deaths and other stuff going on, that god would have called time and wiped us all out to start again. He is that kind of "loving" god after all. The Vatican cant help because they are busy proving that extra terrestrial life is actually catholic!!! Plus, Jesus is also late. I cant abide lateness! 10 minutes, hmmm ok, an hour, nahh, now you are wasting my time - 8 f'kn years?????? If god is so almighty, you would think he would be able to get his lazy arsed son out of bed for an appointment he made 2000 years ago. |
But you'll both still go to hell is you don't accept Jesus as your saviour... Just saying... ![]() You are putting the cart before the horse. The correct interpretation of what the truth of this statement is - If you do not put your faith in Jesus, you will not spend eternity in heaven with Him. This is done by those who make this decision for themselves - not through any choice of Jesus. He's already done what He needed to do for man to spend eternity with Him. If they chose not to - they are ree to make that choice. The alternative to spending eternity without Jesus leaves those who make that decision left with their own idea of what awaits them, (which in biblical terms is "hell") and the reliance on what evidentuary fact supports their theory. It was a joke Ejay a joke.... it's called a sense of humor they're nice you should get one. What makes you think I was unaware it was a joke? Think this stuff is funny do you? I think its a joke. But funny? No, you are right, its not funny. Its sad. |
I would love the opportunity to love my neighbour!!!
She is a 30 year old very tall, cute German dive instructor!!! Im all for lovin' my neighbour! ![]() |
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Wed 09/03/08 08:59 PM
And if the victim was a muslim then yes as difficult as that is to comprehend she will go to hell....For God says do not worship any other Gods.....PERIOD not up for debate. And because this is not reasonable to you........just doesn't not make it so...... So God is an egotist just as I stated before then... You must worship me and only me then I will give you rewards at the end of your journey... Sounds like a cult leader to me, not so much of a "spiritual" journey more of the ravings of a mad man... Can we say MoonBop cult? First off lily no God is not an egotist....He is God.....God doesn't ask much from us....The rewards are all through our lives not just the end. Now of course you to can believe as you wish.....that is why God gave you free will....Just remember that you will later in life have to pay the consequences of your free will. And again just because you think as you do....just does not change the fact or the rules for God....He is who He is....He expects us to live a certain way....and don't and pay the price....pretty darn simple. He asks that you stone your unruly children. Do you do that? |
Sex before marriage
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Wed 09/03/08 08:56 PM
alright debbie downer...... he asked a question...I answered You have a problem with the answer ... take it up with God. Out of interest, do you stone your children when they are unruly? If not, why not? It says you have ot in the bible. Thats the word of god too. |
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Tue 09/02/08 09:24 PM
I so want to read what you have to say David, but I lose the will to live after the first page ...
Its too verbose and the wording is ... too much like hard work. ![]() |
this site is
I hate the colour scheme.
I find it very strenuous on the eyes and very aggressive. I dont think black, white and orange is a very good mix. |
The whole idea of Hell is an oxymoron in the first place. Hell is supposed to be separation from God. But that very idea implies that there is some place other than God's presence where a person could exist. That would mean that there is something other than God! The mythology just wasn't very well thought out before it was published. ![]() Nothing related to christianity was well thought out. god created this place hell. god created satan satan gives god a hard time so why doesnt god smite the living bee-jeeezus out of satan? |
![]() ![]() ![]() The boy has been touched! ![]() |
B.A. |
Oh! ... and I will see you there. Get me a seat by the bar. ![]() No saving on this thread mister..... I dont want to be saved. If I am saved I will have to face all the god-squad on this site and have them tell me they were all right for eternity!! Nahhh ... Im going in the ground. ... and if you cant save me a seat, then at least get me preferential parking! Where am I going to park my winged chariot and all my demons? |
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Mon 09/01/08 09:07 PM
Belushi, Thank you. I mean it. It takes a true gentleman to respond in such a way. I offer my hand in friendship. You are very gracious. Thank you. I have mailed you. But you'll both still go to hell is you don't accept Jesus as your saviour... Just saying... ![]() Then as an Englishman, I will quietly queue for my passport to get stamped for entry to hell with the pomposity only reserved for us and sarcastic humour. Because until hell freezes over, I would rather shove a pineapple up my butt than accept some imaginary freak as someone who could save me from myself!! ![]() Oh! ... and I will see you there. Get me a seat by the bar. ![]() |
We had Chelsey Clinton
Now we have Bristol Palin. (who WILL get married) Are the US govt trying to get all of the British towns covered by naming their kids like it? What next? Bognor Regis Obama or Chipping Sodbury Guiliani? ![]() |
Mao Tse Tung said, and I quote "religion is the opiate of the masses." No he didnt. Marx did ... and its opium of the masses, not opiate Havent read any more of your post, because if you cant get that right, then whats the point? ![]() You are correct. It was Marx. So, please all, forgive me. And, it is opiate, not opium. And Belushi, what difference does it make who said it? For the purpose of this topic, NONE. The important thing is that it was said, by SOMEONE, and it helped me make my point. Now, do you have anything of substance to add? Anything that pertains to the subject at hand? Or, are you more interested in acting as the fact police? Calling me on an error in facts is OK(My college days are many years behind me). But to say that you wouldn't bother to read the rest of my post is in a word POMPOUS. You are quite correct! I was way out of line. It was 3am, I'd just woken up, and I was exceptionally pompous, and I wholeheartedly apologise. ![]() |
the world is going to end
![]() I do wish it would hurry up then ... at least we would know one way or the other and we could start a different debate on here! |
This may Get A Tad Heated
![]() ![]() Thousands of innocent women were killed because of that stupid book, and its insistence that witches be burned. The bloody book should have been burned. Would have saved us a whole heap of trouble ![]() |
TJN, Who do you think said this about whom and when? "Having a wife who provides you with a private jet and eight multimillion-dollar vacation homes provides for a comfortable life. But is this the right preparation for becoming president?” -Kerry O. Wrong answer. It was published in '04 about John Kerry: “Having a wife who provides you with a private jet and eight multimillion-dollar vacation homes provides for a comfortable life. But is this the right preparation for becoming president?” - Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, World Net Daily Here's a few more: * “If his own wife doesn’t trust him with her money, why should we trust him with ours? Teresa Heinz Kerry is not sure about her husband’s character. Are you?” “He’s always had a net underneath him throughout his political career — in his case a net woven of homespun 24K gold.” - Joseph Farah, World Net Daily (with the headline “President Gigolo?”) * “He’s basically a skirt-chaser, folks. He’s a gigolo.” “Kerry never had to worry about the money he earned, the taxes he paid, or the programs he and Ted Kennedy forced the rest of us to pay for. … Mr. Kerry Heinz is not effected [sic] when these neighborhoods are destroyed and working class families lose the largest asset in their retirement plans — their home’s value.” - Rush Limbaugh * “John Kerry can’t really speak to the middle class tax cuts, inasmuch as he is a kept man. He lives off the money made by other men and left to their daughters or wives.” - Ann Coulter (in her book, she refers to Kerry as a “gigolo, the male Anna Nicole Smith”) * “If John Kerry wins in November, he will be the premiere president of this great country of ours to be also a gigolo. The dictionary defines ‘gigolo’ as a man supported by a woman in return for his sexual attentions and companionship. It might sound rough for John Kerry, but it’s right to the point.” - Taki Theodoracopulos, American Conservative Sounds like the US did themselves a favour by not getting lumbered with this chump! ![]() |
Natural Instinct gets clouded by having to be "good". One begins to question their every motion through space. Maddening, I tell you. But as they dont have guilt or remorse, how can they be good or bad in terms of emotions? They know when they have chewed your $400 table that they are in the "dog"-house, but only because you are the head of the pack and they are down the pecking order. After the slink away from fear of a beating from you as you give them negative body language, they will return to you in as little as one second if you lighten your mood. They look for the non-verbal body language. They are not bad nor good in terms of evil, they are just instinctual. As humans we want to give them emotions they just dont posses. We want them to be like us as they are our best friends, whose total loyalty we cannot hope to find in another human being. I was speaking of Natural Instincts of Humans getting clouded. Oh, I totally agree. Our instincts have long been decreased since we started using our supposed self-awareness. I sometimes think that we have done ourselves and our planet no favours by being so self-aware. Our "advancements" have destroyed whole species and entire regions of outstanding natural beauty (which is subjective, I realise). Were we better off without them? |
Mao Tse Tung said, and I quote "religion is the opiate of the masses." No he didnt. Marx did ... and its opium of the masses, not opiate Havent read any more of your post, because if you cant get that right, then whats the point? ![]() |
Hmmm? - so iguess the extremely intellectual though brief conversation i had with a McCaw awhile back is instinctual huh? well such wisdom as he spoke everyone should take to heart. ![]() Well unless your name is Polly and you are attractive, then his comments should be taken with an enormous cracker! |