Topic: is there logical proof of god? | |
is he indeed a murderer, the opposite of what is proclaimed as truth for man not to be......
if nothing can make itself to exist as something other than what it already is, then something greater than "all itself is" had to have created any human....... there is nothing in the entire universe that does not contain the essence of it's original........ if this is so, any human must contain the same essence of what created it...... there is nothing in the universe that does not follow this same principle, so how does ONLY ONE THING, a human, deviate from the same principles that are in ALL other things, lol..... all humans are of god, from god, and go back to god, or there is no god, or all the universe has deviated from all that it is itself, for one thing only, a humam, lol...... this break everything spoken in text, and everything in the universe that text is said to be a prophecy of....... how can any who believe in "god" not have to believe that each is as god, just as it was spoken, that all were made in the SAME image, so then all are made in the image of their own "god" or greater self....... the greater self, the mortal son, and holy spirit, these three as one in each being..... different from text? oh yes, totally different than what has been programmed and proclaimed, but if all things are only bounced off of what has already been heard, then would not this be the same situation again as even when jesus was nailed to a tree...... different than what has been heard or doubt about that, but did not every truth as it came forth in any time, since adam and eve thru revelations, get as it were an update, more added to it, so as time continued, so did more data come to made known...... how does this not mimic exactely knowledge, the counterpart of wisdom, as it grow each day and month and year as witnessed in all mankind....... the essence of how a building is built remain the same, only MORE knowledge to see a NEED to build stronger and better, and the wisdom to carry it out and create it..... how is the release of greater truth ANY different, or ever been any different...... did not jesus himself come and seem to obliterate what was once taught, but indeed, he obliterated only interpetations that were once held, not the words, as these he added to, or fulfilled as it were........ if one seek with ears and eyes open to all possibilities, is this not the same sight as god, as all things are possible, but only to those that believe in god...... so to believe in anything less than the true "god" there are MANY THINGS NOT POSSIBLE, LOL.... is not everything born cast into a decision of the mind each day as to what is holy or not holy, the same exact essence of what is righteouss, and what is not righteouss, what is good or not good, what is of good and evil....... how is not each born into a "body" and "mind" and "spirit" that deem all as holy and not holy, lol....... does not the simple essence of the word belie it's own meaning, except to any would be great mind that seek to make it more than it is, creating a need for many gaps in logic....... was it not spoken that ALL are born into the world speaking lies..... even a child then as seeing and tasting of the lie..... what other "sin" is even a child guilty of then, other than seeing some things as holy, and some as not holy, as perpetuated with each generation since mortal time began.... if this thing or deception was called as a lie, that even a child be guilty of, then is it not simply a view thru "lessor or innocent of knowing more intelligence" that see some things as holy and some as not holy....... was it not said that the whole truth was so simple a child could understand, so then a child MUST be able to understand, just as it was spoken, and even a child is committing the lie, deeming naturally what is good, not being ever told all were as here to learn, as even wisdom was the thing that solomon was granted, and a greater than solomon was said to come....... does not each have a "father", and live mortal as the "son", and learn all things thru a "holy spirit" that none can exist without, then when all experience is done being gathered, all are mixed as one creating one spirit, the same spirit as god...... if god be in and of heaven, is there holy and not holy in heaven, but indeed, it was spoken in heaven there is no unholy, so how can there exist there a "spitit" or sight that make any see and hear and so feel all as holy and not holy, lol..... divide, divide, divide, that consume and corrupt any truth to perdition......... all things are just a shadow as it were of it's greater self, in likeness and in image, so each would have to have their own father, or essence of greater self, so indeed this would make jesus a manifestation of the likness of his greater self, or of god and as god, and also EACH the same, this certinally holding true to all words ever spoken in text, but indeed obviously without denial not what has been taught by "christianity" up to this point in time, lol.............. was it not said all men are created EQUAL in the sight of god...... how is this equal sight of god look thru lenses of some holy and some not holy, lol......... did it not say all look as thru a glass darkly....darkly, not lightly, lol....... is this not a house divided against itself, and was it not said ANY house divided against itself will fall..... has not the house of peace of humanity fallen since the beginning, never being able to create unity and peace..... well why not, if we have all the truth already....... there was indeed two spirits spoken of over and again, and these have been proposed to be as ONE, and even this holy spirit as worhsipped as a god in itself, when even a child naturally worship or feed on this same "god", or logic since birth, or it cannot exist....... if one believe in text, then how can all these interpretations that do not hold true to all text be not of consequence, if there is any truth in all words being as INSPIRED by god or truth itself..... how can all words be as from "god" and two things be made by some interpretation to be as the same, all the while by doing so, this making all text become as divisive in it's root interpretation, lol...... no book can stand divided in it's words, and then also be declared out of the other side of the mouth as divine, and all truth, and never changing, and of no beginning or no ending....... but who that wish most to believe what was once heard, as once purposed, that created divide, making the whole truth as intentioned the hardest to accept, to bring into clear sight of "knowing the limited vision the mind alone has...... perhaps a way to create a time released "need capsule", as it seems no knowning ever thru time in text came before it was NEEDED, and right on time, lol......... who would believe such things, even though they do not oppose one iota of any text ever written, and would not any such recieve the the sight of seeing none as evil, which is called as the same sight of god, so then this same sight would then be as completed, coming to the same wisdom of sight of god, and as this sight is as already "in heaven and of heaven, would not the same sight had as here on earth signify a whole or greater truth, the same as in heaven, certainally needed to create heaven................ how is that bad, perhaps different indeed than in times past, but was it not spoken a time would come of peace.... is it thought that some dicator would come down out of the sky and destroy all evil, even following the same example of hitler....... please, for the love of god, how can god be as hitler, as these interpretations thus far follow the EXACT SAME FOOTSTEPS OF THOUGHT AND ACTIONS OF HITLER...... there is no mistake, if there is a greater truth, and there will reign peace on earth as spoken by text itself, then there must be a greater truth seen that WILL ELIMINATE DIVISIVENESS, and any other teaching that create divide is of divide in it's roots, so create such............. really, do proposed believers that follow all such things really believe god is as a murderer to all proposed "evil"........ even he instructed all not to murder, so how can any "kingdom of heaven" be built upon the foundation of murder, as a way of eliminating evil, for peace to reign, lol........... unsanity of partial logic that reek of all hatred, and bigotry, and divide....... would not such greater PERFECT intelligence have to be able to create all good without breaking it's own commandments to do so, so if there is thought that such things as murder and mayhem by god and his angels, are to bring about peace, there is no way there is ANY truth in these interpretations of text........IMPOSSIBLE no matter if they have been proposed as this for centuries, but it is certainally not missed that no peace has been achieved from the as well, lol....... if god is god, would not the word of "god" as infallible, never come to a failure? if there is any truth in text, then there has to be a way to read or hear it that all things do not create divide, or even the UNIVERSES is as divided, with such as past partial interpretations, so it has be as false, or there is NO GOD, and this is also IMPOSSIBLE....... the diobolical simpleness of the whole truth would seem to shake the mind of self professed wise and prudence to oblivion, with illusions of evil....... |
well i made it halfway through :D
ok topic intrigued me but David why not tell us how you really feel???
![]() boy you really took the topic and ran with it, granted in a lot of directions, but for the most part made some sense. ![]() |
well i made it halfway through :D did you end up at the beginning again? ![]() |
well i made it halfway through :D did you end up at the beginning again? ![]() |
well i made it halfway through :D |
it is a secret coded message to all the zombies of the great dragon god, lol......
AHHHH now I get it
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
AHHHH now I get it ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() snap fingers, hollor abracadabra, twirl around thrice, stand on head and read upside down, then right side up, then read thrice, and all secret meanings will be revealed, lol....... |
I'm going to wait for the paperback or movie versions
David - never knew you had a sense of humor ![]() kudos ![]() |
I'm going to wait for the paperback or movie versions David - never knew you had a sense of humor ![]() kudos ![]() i keep it tightly under wrap, and only use for very special occasions, then it has GREAT meaning, lol...... oh, did you really think i was kidding..... the instructions themself also have secret meaning, and will make perfect sense in the time of all sixth senses, lol....... |
I'm going to wait for the paperback or movie versions David - never knew you had a sense of humor ![]() kudos ![]() i keep it tightly under wrap, and only use for very special occasions, then it has GREAT meaning, lol...... ![]() ![]() ![]() oh, did you really think i was kidding..... I take everything typed onto a forum and said online as truth ![]() the instructions themself also have secret meaning, and will make perfect sense in the time of all sixth senses, lol.......
figure you went thru all the trouble to make it a secret, imma leave it that way ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 09/02/08 02:07 PM
gotta admit, thats response was pretty damn good, lol...... seems you might have a sense of humor as well, lol...... i was really kidding thought, about the secret code, but i gottcha! did you happen to see all the lol's in the original post....... it is just hard to see the chuckle behind the words typed thru a screen, lol...... there are not many serious things to me, but if they are to many, they appear to be as they are percieved, lol....... all is a truth to me also, it is just the perception that determine what truth is seen.......ditto's |
As usual David your thoughts are quite eloquent and do indeed convey truth. Your precisly wording style maybe not so eloquent. lol
Although, having said that I personally find your writing style to be quite interesting and refreshing. You sound like a wise sage that came from an ancient time to enlighten modern man. But as you suggest your messages will only be understood by those who are capable of understanding these truths. Unfortunately those are not the people who need to understand them. lol What you speak is truth in its purest unadulterated form. You do not speak in terms of absolutes but rather in terms of what is misunderstood by those who insist upon absolutes. For this reason your truths are free from the shackles of concrete ideologies. I won't be around much longer so I'd like to let you know that I have enjoyed reading your posts on many occassions and I'd just like to acknowledge the absolute wisdom in your abstract messages. lol I only wish that more people could understand what you are truly saying. For your truth does not deny any other truth, it only denies the falsities of bigoted and predjudiced demands of absolute interpretations of what people would like to believe is their individual 'truths'. lol Some people are simply incapable of comprehending the depth if this insight. ![]() Your truths, truly are absolute truths of truth because they are not absolute statements about anything other than truth itself. This is what people can't even begin to comprehend. lol You have indeed put your finger on truth by recognizing it for the free entity that it is, undetached from any other concrete concept. ![]() I truly understand where you are coming from David. ![]() It is pure spiritual truth from beyond the physical world. |
Franshade............. gotta admit, thats response was pretty damn good, lol...... seems you might have a sense of humor as well, lol...... i was really kidding thought, about the secret code, but i gottcha! did you happen to see all the lol's in the original post....... it is just hard to see the chuckle behind the words typed thru a screen, lol...... there are not many serious things to me, but if they are to many, they appear to be as they are percieved, lol....... all is a truth to me also, it is just the perception that determine what truth is seen.......ditto's David, must admit most of your posts usually confuse me, but this one I got thanks to the lol's, they helped ![]() I dont take things personally I take things from where they come from if from a reliable source, good if from an unreliable source, good ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ok now I'm lost again
![]() why cant people say what they mean and mean what they say ???? ![]() just kidding ![]() |
I would re-word the question a tad. Is there evidence of god's existence? Yes, Is it credible? No more than a story of alien abduction in my humble opinion. Why because all recorded accounts are descendant from man and his/her personal account which, as in all people, is subject to his/her upbringing, experience, openness, and the list goes on and on. I don't see a winning side to this argument. I have my own affirmations like everybody else and I think they are best explored on your own. Discussion is a great tool for learning but your understanding should come from Personal reflection.
This question is best left unanswered publicly but thank you for stimulating my thoughts. Good Post. |
Edited by
Tue 09/02/08 09:22 PM
is he indeed a murderer, the opposite of what is proclaimed as truth for man not to be...... if nothing can make itself to exist as something other than what it already is, then something greater than "all itself is" had to have created any human....... there is nothing in the entire universe that does not contain the essence of it's original........ After the "Big Bang" (call it what ever you wish), matter formed into discrete entities instead of spreading out evenly. Clearly, galactic configurations are NOT random. Atomic particles, which are also NOT random, can be compared in their configurations to galaxies. At this time, I don't need to know the exact Science of how and why. I can see that the configuration of an entire galaxy can contain the essence of its minute atomic particles' configurations. From this I'm able to then look at many other objects, creatures or people contained in this Universe and see all as containing the essence of their original. Makes sense to me so far. if this is so, any human must contain the same essence of what created it...... there is nothing in the universe that does not follow this same principle, so how does ONLY ONE THING, a human, deviate from the same principles that are in ALL other things, lol..... Yeah... How could that be? No matter what or who created us, no one can deny that we're made up of matter... atomic particles. Also, we as individuals, are created into family configurations (Nuclear Families ![]() We DON'T actually deviate from the whole Universe in substance. all humans are of god, from god, and go back to god, or there is no god, or all the universe has deviated from all that it is itself, for one thing only, a humam, lol...... ![]() ![]() ![]() this break everything spoken in text, and everything in the universe that text is said to be a prophecy of....... how can any who believe in "god" not have to believe that each is as god, just as it was spoken, that all were made in the SAME image, so then all are made in the image of their own "god" or greater self....... the greater self, the mortal son, and holy spirit, these three as one in each being..... different from text? I'm not HIGHLY educated in Biblical text... However, of what text I have been exposed, it seems that what DB1 proposes does NOT contradict. oh yes, totally different than what has been programmed and proclaimed, but if all things are only bounced off of what has already been heard, then would not this be the same situation again as even when jesus was nailed to a tree...... Uh, yes... different than what has been heard or doubt about that, but did not every truth as it came forth in any time, since adam and eve thru revelations, get as it were an update, more added to it, so as time continued, so did more data come to made known...... how does this not mimic exactely knowledge, the counterpart of wisdom, as it grow each day and month and year as witnessed in all mankind....... the essence of how a building is built remain the same, only MORE knowledge to see a NEED to build stronger and better, and the wisdom to carry it out and create it..... Each generation offering added wisdom. how is the release of greater truth ANY different, or ever been any different...... did not jesus himself come and seem to obliterate what was once taught, but indeed, he obliterated only interpetations that were once held, not the words, as these he added to, or fulfilled as it were........ if one seek with ears and eyes open to all possibilities, is this not the same sight as god, as all things are possible, but only to those that believe in god...... It's as all things are possible when vision goes beyond self-professed limitations. Just as wisdom can be added to with each generation, perceived "limitations" can be continually supported from generation to generation. so to believe in anything less than the true "god" there are MANY THINGS NOT POSSIBLE, LOL.... is not everything born cast into a decision of the mind each day as to what is holy or not holy, the same exact essence of what is righteouss, and what is not righteouss, what is good or not good, what is of good and evil....... how is not each born into a "body" and "mind" and "spirit" that deem all as holy and not holy, lol....... Makes sense to view each of us as the trinity. does not the simple essence of the word belie it's own meaning, except to any would be great mind that seek to make it more than it is, creating a need for many gaps in logic....... Any would-be great mind will as much as twist itself into a snake head, eating the head of the opposite side. ![]() was it not spoken that ALL are born into the world speaking lies..... even a child then as seeing and tasting of the lie..... what other "sin" is even a child guilty of then, other than seeing some things as holy, and some as not holy, as perpetuated with each generation since mortal time began.... if this thing or deception was called as a lie, that even a child be guilty of, then is it not simply a view thru "lessor or innocent of knowing more intelligence" that see some things as holy and some as not holy....... was it not said that the whole truth was so simple a child could understand, so then a child MUST be able to understand, just as it was spoken, and even a child is committing the lie, deeming naturally what is good, not being ever told all were as here to learn, as even wisdom was the thing that solomon was granted, and a greater than solomon was said to come....... From the earliest time I can remember, I remember looking at things, deeming them "good" or "bad"... I would look at myself in the same way. I now see my 2-year-old doing the very same. does not each have a "father", and live mortal as the "son", and learn all things thru a "holy spirit" that none can exist without, then when all experience is done being gathered, all are mixed as one creating one spirit, the same spirit as god...... As humans we exist in perception of "good" and "bad" and can even be like fish out of water when this perception is all of a sudden lifted. I hear that, just before one passes away, this perception is lifted and complete peace comes flooding over. I experienced... or rather, I witnessed my mother experiencing this for nearly 48 hours before she passed away. Truly Beautiful. if god be in and of heaven, is there holy and not holy in heaven, but indeed, it was spoken in heaven there is no unholy, so how can there exist there a "spitit" or sight that make any see and hear and so feel all as holy and not holy, lol..... divide, divide, divide, that consume and corrupt any truth to perdition......... all things are just a shadow as it were of it's greater self, in likeness and in image, so each would have to have their own father, or essence of greater self, so indeed this would make jesus a manifestation of the likness of his greater self, or of god and as god, and also EACH the same, this certinally holding true to all words ever spoken in text, but indeed obviously without denial not what has been taught by "christianity" up to this point in time, lol.............. was it not said all men are created EQUAL in the sight of god...... It was. how is this equal sight of god look thru lenses of some holy and some not holy, lol......... did it not say all look as thru a glass darkly....darkly, not lightly, lol....... is this not a house divided against itself, and was it not said ANY house divided against itself will fall..... has not the house of peace of humanity fallen since the beginning, never being able to create unity and peace..... well why not, if we have all the truth already....... there was indeed two spirits spoken of over and again, and these have been proposed to be as ONE, and even this holy spirit as worhsipped as a god in itself, when even a child naturally worship or feed on this same "god", or logic since birth, or it cannot exist....... if one believe in text, then how can all these interpretations that do not hold true to all text be not of consequence, if there is any truth in all words being as INSPIRED by god or truth itself..... how can all words be as from "god" and two things be made by some interpretation to be as the same, all the while by doing so, this making all text become as divisive in it's root interpretation, lol...... There is "agreement" in interpretation w/in families, religious sects, races, civilizations and on and on. no book can stand divided in it's words, and then also be declared out of the other side of the mouth as divine, and all truth, and never changing, and of no beginning or no ending....... but who that wish most to believe what was once heard, as once purposed, that created divide, making the whole truth as intentioned the hardest to accept, to bring into clear sight of "knowing the limited vision the mind alone has...... Mind alone, w/out guidance from heart is like the bare Science of Psychology without the heart of wisdom and true compassion. perhaps a way to create a time released "need capsule", as it seems no knowning ever thru time in text came before it was NEEDED, and right on time, lol......... who would believe such things, even though they do not oppose one iota of any text ever written, and would not any such recieve the the sight of seeing none as evil, which is called as the same sight of god, so then this same sight would then be as completed, coming to the same wisdom of sight of god, and as this sight is as already "in heaven and of heaven, would not the same sight had as here on earth signify a whole or greater truth, the same as in heaven, certainally needed to create heaven................ The bliss of heaven on earth. how is that bad, perhaps different indeed than in times past, but was it not spoken a time would come of peace.... is it thought that some dicator would come down out of the sky and destroy all evil, even following the same example of hitler....... please, for the love of god, how can god be as hitler, as these interpretations thus far follow the EXACT SAME FOOTSTEPS OF THOUGHT AND ACTIONS OF HITLER...... there is no mistake, if there is a greater truth, and there will reign peace on earth as spoken by text itself, then there must be a greater truth seen that WILL ELIMINATE DIVISIVENESS, and any other teaching that create divide is of divide in it's roots, so create such............. really, do proposed believers that follow all such things really believe god is as a murderer to all proposed "evil"........ Few would allow themselves to see this logic because they would have to break it down to simplistic terms and stray from the masses. This is why a shroud of mystery is upheld. "He works in mysterious ways." even he instructed all not to murder, so how can any "kingdom of heaven" be built upon the foundation of murder, as a way of eliminating evil, for peace to reign, lol........... Duh... ![]() unsanity of partial logic that reek of all hatred, and bigotry, and divide....... would not such greater PERFECT intelligence have to be able to create all good without breaking it's own commandments to do so, so if there is thought that such things as murder and mayhem by god and his angels, are to bring about peace, there is no way there is ANY truth in these interpretations of text........IMPOSSIBLE no matter if they have been proposed as this for centuries, but it is certainally not missed that no peace has been achieved from the as well, lol....... The world's still warring. if god is god, would not the word of "god" as infallible, never come to a failure? if there is any truth in text, then there has to be a way to read or hear it that all things do not create divide, or even the UNIVERSES is as divided, with such as past partial interpretations, so it has be as false, or there is NO GOD, and this is also IMPOSSIBLE....... the diobolical simpleness of the whole truth would seem to shake the mind of self professed wise and prudence to oblivion, with illusions of evil....... Perhaps to begin by entertaining the possibility that ALL things are EQUAL. Every day... looking for the equal-ness of what we see in everything and everyone around us and to let go of the grip to illusion of divide. This will no doubt upset a lot of people who count on division. They believe they will be first. These ideas suggest something other. |
Edited by
Tue 09/02/08 09:24 PM
I so want to read what you have to say David, but I lose the will to live after the first page ...
Its too verbose and the wording is ... too much like hard work. ![]() |