Community > Posts By > Belushi

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 08:55 PM
If you say what you always say, do what you always do, you will get what you always get ...

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 08:50 PM


hey why isn't anyone blessing me down!!!laugh

How did that ever get started anyway?

Why should people bless you when you sneeze? No one ever blesses you when you fart. huh

It also comes from a time of the great plague.

Same as the song "ring-a-ring a-roses, a pocket full of posies"

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 08:42 PM

I just come to this forum because of davidben1...never have a clue to what the fck he's talking about and would like to know one day, if he speaks like that in real life....whoa

Join the club ..

Its a shame because Im sure he has some interesting stuff to say. But I just ignore his posts out of hand, as they are far too hard to read.

My life is too short to read without correct punctuation or almost-correct sentence structure.

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 02:13 AM

Obviously, you neither of you, Belushi and JB, have actually "tried" Christianity and still don't have a clue what it's about.

What is there to try?
You want me to give up all reasoned thinking in favour of a belief system that is contradictory and uses a book that encourages denigration of women, uses slavery and has a god that eradicates populations because of a fit of temper?
I think not.

WHO wrote that you hate christianity? I sure didn't, and that's not what I believe either.

I didnt say you did. but many so-called christians use the word hate when referring to an atheist's view of christianity.

But it is a documented fact that Muhammed, the "founder" of Islam, did in fact hate jews and christian. No wonder the Qu'ran tells muslims to kill them and discredits the jewish and christian faiths, saying that they got it wrong. Oh, and the Qu'ran was written 600 years AFTER Jesus walked the earth...hmmmmmm

... and the bible you read is how old? probably 1500 years after he was born. If I remember correctly, didnt you christians have a meeting to see which books to put in to the finished product.

Jesus was a prophet of Allah.
He is the second ranked prophet after Mohammed (pbuh)

Mohammed didnt found Islam. Allah, in a miracle, gave him the ability to write and Gabriel guided his writings of the Qu'ran.

To get your facts straight about the discreditings of the christian faith, you would also need to be equally fair about the christian faith discrediting Islam and even judaism.

Both christianity and islam are from judaism to start with, so it is like the sons discrediting the father.

All three religions are warmongering and spiteful and the people that follow each of the religions follow blindly as much as the others.

Three sides of the same coin

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 01:02 AM
The Serbs want entry into the EU. As part of this they have to search for Mladic, Karadzic and one more that I cannot remember.

Searching for Mladic, they came across Karadzic. He was working in a hospital as an alternative therapist for 10 years.

Finding Mladic will be much harder.

But if they want into the cash cow that is the EU they have to find him and prosecute him.

Karadzic is contesting his extradition, but he will go to the trial and will be convicted.

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 12:53 AM
Edited by Belushi on Wed 07/23/08 12:58 AM
slowhand ...
what is it that you see that is good in the israelis?

Do you agree that they do some bad stuff?

Would you agree that using an israeli fighter plane to shoot a lebanese red cross ambulance and then strafing it again is bad?

Would you agree that a publicity photo of Israeli children kissing mortar shells and writing in English, "with love from Israel" is bad.

Would you agree that bombing a school from an israeli fighter plane and killing 100 school children is bad?

You want facts? I lived through this 2 years ago!

The israelis are a bunch of murdering butchers who desire nothing more than to effect their own destruction just after they have wiped out the Palestinians and the Lebanese.

The Brits caused the problems and the Americans excacerbate the situation, but ultimately the Israelis are a highly trained, highly disciplined death squad - or terrorist!

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 12:47 AM
Edited by Belushi on Wed 07/23/08 12:47 AM

A secular humanist explains why this books is "useless" and he does quite a good job of going point by point and showing many of the author's many failures.

I can find no scholarly review or rebuttal of this work being performed. Because the book is so poorly sourced and written, scholars ignore it. But I think the atheist above did a great job, I hope we can all agree that "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" is junk and bury this thread.

Yes, I have been to that website. Thanks for the link Spider.
I haven't read his book so I cannot comment on it.

I don't think it is junk. Naturally the Christian apologists would attack it. That is par for the course.


Spider ...
Why would we want to agree that this is junk because you say so?

Dont you think that you are being very presumptive and arrogant.

I would like to get everyone to agree that the bible is a collection of fairytales, conjecture and outright fallacy.

Can we just bury that instead please?

No, because the only scholar (an atheist) to review the work said it was junk. Everyone else has avoided it, because it stinks to high heaven. You don't have to be a genius to know that someone who claims that Krishna was crucified, when the storys say that Krishna was killed by a hunters arrow, something doesn't add up. So should we believe the ancient writings that say Krishna was killed by an arrow or the unscholarly ramblings of an atheist who hated Christianity? Hmmmmm...

That's a fair point, but then should you believe the word of the bible who said that jesus was crucified, buried and then rose up, or of the Qu'ran who said Isa (jesus) was none of those things and he didnt die, he ascended to Allah.

... and one more time, a christian uses the phrase "hates chrisitanity"

Do you think I hate christianity because I am an atheist? What about Abra, or JB? Do they hate christianity?

Why do you assume that there is hatred for your religion coming from atheists?

It seems only you lot use that phrase. Because I certainly dont.

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 12:36 AM
Learning another language increase brain power.
It forces thought patterns through that would otherwise lay dormant.

As a Brit, I am proud that I speak English. I can communicate with millions of people that have learnt my language.
But I am ashamed that I have not made a reciprocal effort.

I think that all British children should have at least one language in the curriculum from age 7 right up until 16.

We have for too long thought of ourselves as elitist because people have to learn our language to communicate.

The US has 15% hispanic population. Which will rise as the birth rate is higher than in non-hispanic.

What is wrong with learning Spanish in school and making it comfortable for every one?

Short-sightedness is not just a British trait, I see.

Belushi's photo
Wed 07/23/08 12:28 AM
Edited by Belushi on Wed 07/23/08 12:29 AM
I have always wondered (and this is from a serious place, and not my usual bashing gene)

Why do you need ot go to church to worship your god?

Being serious. If god is everywhere, why do you need to attend church?

The muslims make a prayer 5 times a day and they will stop in the street, put their musallah down and pray by the road side.

I would like an answer that doesnt have pages of scripture quoted, if no one minds.

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:59 PM
Edited by Belushi on Tue 07/22/08 09:00 PM

Wasnt that the film where two good ole boys had banjo picking competition?

Nope. I think that was Brokeback Mountain. Many of us haven't seen it so if you could elaborate maybe we would get a better idea of what you mean to say? :tongue:

I havent seen Brokeback Mountain either. So go get the video and enjoy it, then tell us what you think.

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:26 PM

The cute Scandinavian/German/Dutch/Swiss Fun Bunny I would probably be with, would probably scream and then call her mother to ask for advice!

Me? I'd be dead, so what the hell do I care?

Helluva way to die tho bigsmile

you forgot the cigar in the mouth, a High Definition 60 inch widescreen tv, and a six pack of beer or some of that Egyptian Wine you drink over there! laugh

I dont smoke or drink beer, and although I watch movies, I think I prefer a decent cup of coffee.

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:22 PM

A secular humanist explains why this books is "useless" and he does quite a good job of going point by point and showing many of the author's many failures.

I can find no scholarly review or rebuttal of this work being performed. Because the book is so poorly sourced and written, scholars ignore it. But I think the atheist above did a great job, I hope we can all agree that "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" is junk and bury this thread.

Yes, I have been to that website. Thanks for the link Spider.
I haven't read his book so I cannot comment on it.

I don't think it is junk. Naturally the Christian apologists would attack it. That is par for the course.


Spider ...
Why would we want to agree that this is junk because you say so?

Dont you think that you are being very presumptive and arrogant.

I would like to get everyone to agree that the bible is a collection of fairytales, conjecture and outright fallacy.

Can we just bury that instead please?

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:17 PM


I would like to ask you something about your posts. Why do you not capitalize the beginning of a sentence and place a period or other punctuation at the end of one?

What, in English composition does a line of dots mean? ( ...........)


Oh bleeding 'ell grumble
dont start him off

He is incapable of an adult written conversation without writing like a child.

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:14 PM
Wasnt that the film where two good ole boys had banjo picking competition?

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:08 PM

No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. -- John 4:12

tsk tsk tsk and Spider claims there were many witnesses to seeing Jesus and he and everyone else claims that Jesus is God so this above statement seems to contradict others.


NO!!! Surely not?

Contradictory things in the bible? I am stunned and amazed!

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:06 PM
Religion is the cause of the majority of war

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 11:57 AM

abraham also was going to kill his son because of a voice inside his head... we now call that crazy.

what you call crazy is not necesarily what everybody else call crazy.

if I said to you, wander around the desert for 40 years
Eat nothing but mind-altering hallucigens on a bush, then climb 2000 metres up a mountain (suffering altitude sickness on the way up) in 100 degree heat, when you get to the top you are going to see things that you will not understand (due to being a drug-crazed hippy)

Then come back down the mountain, and tell everyone you have spoken to god and been given rules that everyone must follow ...

Be honest ...

Who is going to believe you?

THAT is crazy

Belushi...While calling TLW to being honest, do you think that you aren't giving a completely accurate description of what the Bible says happened? In all truth, you are automatically ignoring an possibility of the supernatural, which makes your interpretation immediately questionable. Then you imply that the Israelites lived off of psychedelic plants exclusively...that wouldn't have killed Moses? He was 80 years old at the time, an 80 year old man could exclusively eat one type of plant and not die? How about everyone else? That's one heck of a plant if it has every nutrient that the human body needs and gets you high. I think before calling on someone else to be honest, it would be a good idea for you to present the record without the obvious distortions you have thrown in.

No, you are missing the point, I was debating a definition of crazy ... not getting into a theosophical debate.

All of those things you have said are perfectly valid, and I am disputing none of them.

There are no distortions. There is implication. Obviously an 80 year old could not eat one plant and live.

But then ask yourself how could an 80 year old man climb a 2000 metre mountain?

Im fairly fit and when I went up to 3500metres on a mountain in Switzerland, I nearly passed out due to altitude sickness in a train.

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:15 AM

abraham also was going to kill his son because of a voice inside his head... we now call that crazy.

what you call crazy is not necesarily what everybody else call crazy.

if I said to you, wander around the desert for 40 years
Eat nothing but mind-altering hallucigens on a bush, then climb 2000 metres up a mountain (suffering altitude sickness on the way up) in 100 degree heat, when you get to the top you are going to see things that you will not understand (due to being a drug-crazed hippy)

Then come back down the mountain, and tell everyone you have spoken to god and been given rules that everyone must follow ...

Be honest ...

Who is going to believe you?

THAT is crazy

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:11 AM

The High Priestess of the Universal live Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty.

Im getting the urge to kneel and pay homage again ... boy these jeans are getting the knees ripped out of them ...

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:09 AM

No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. -- John 4:12

Is this a new topic?

Something we have not debated before?

I think not ... I would get out my book of Atheism and start quoting why I think you are wrong, you would quote more stuff from a fairy book and we would go backwards and forwards until one of us gave up

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