Topic: New World Order and United Nations | |
When the world leaders get together and too many agree on things we have
a serious problem with Global Quoruming. |
New World Order is inevitable. Once the top nations think they realize
that the world is going down the ****ter...they will react by trying to unite the world under one government, religion and economic system. This will not help. Groups and countries will rebel because of their strong belief in their country's traditional values. This, i predict, will lead to another war...possibly WWIII |
If the United States has to implement a draft just to fight the rising
Islamic threat, would that fall into the category of drafting for a religious army? If so would that be an immaculate conscription? |
not in anyone of our life times, not in our grandkids life times.
this i predict, why not? |
Dude the New World Order concept has been around since before you
granpappy was nursing. |
I think, the Zionists want a one world order, but, I do not think , the
rest of the world plans to stand by and let that happen. Could you picture the dream that each Zionist would have 1000 slaves, Why the south never even hoped for such an outrageous dream. They only wanted a few workers for the farm. And then ,the idea of exterminating the rest of us?? And cutting the population back to about 500,000,000(500 million)world wide total ?? Hey, I did not dream this up!! Do a little checking around. Are you on the list for one of those underground bunkers stocked with food in Australia, South America, New Zealand , and other places? Mostly in the southern hemisphere in order to escape the heat in the northern hemisphere . I bet most of us are not on the list, for a shelter, paid for by your sweat.The bad guys are dressed in grey suits and pretend to be your friends. The good thing is there are not very many of them, but they want us to think that we are out numbered , not true, but we need to put them on trial for their crimes against mankind. They have bribed and blackmailed our Congress into impotency. Time to stand up for America(LAND OF HEAVEN). It needs to be heaven again. The rest of the world is watching what we are going to do about it. Stop the war, bring the soldiers HOME where they belong. Yes, support the soldiers ,and bring them home!!!I don't trust the Zionists. I don't know if anybody ,anywhere trusts them, certainly not in most other countries. Ask the Zionists what they think about a one world order, run by Zionists? |
I agree with adventure , this one world order idea has been around for
a long time, I understand that even Caesar was murdered by people , he thought were his friends, over this same old problem, Who is going to rule the world? Why do you want to rule over your brothers? Why not rather be a friend and serve your brothers??Do unto others ,what you want done to you!! |
Philosopher I love your puns they are brilliant and extremely funny yet right to the point.
SMO you are just plain scarey. I suggest you line your hat with aluminum foil to reflect the mind control rays they are trying to use on you and then strap on your gun and start walking around backwards so no one can sneak up behind you. |
Consider this possibility: The one world order ,Money men , (and women)There are women on this list, throw nice parties ,for our nice Congress people, and just happens , that male and female prostitutes, get invited,too. After several drinks, and a good time ,several of our nice Congress people end up in a compromising situation, with some other men or women, and just happens that some pictures were taken!! Later, comes time to vote in congress about some thing the big money people want passed. Now, if our nice congress person decides to have a conscience, he is shown the pictures, and reminded that ,if he does not play ball , these pictures might accidently show up in his home town newspaper, where his wife, family, and friends might see them. From now on he is compromised and no longer represents WE THE PEOPLE, he is totally useless , and harms us more and more as long as he or she stays in the Congress. I figure that we have many ,many of them in the CONGRESS. THEY will never try to get your RIGHTS BACK!!!Why they will even vote for the ONE WORLD ORDER RUN BY ZIONISTS and they will be a SLAVE too!!
Silly Mortals, The World is already secretly being run by One World Order... The Illuminati! The signs are all around this... There was a alien crash at Roswell, there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll, You REALLY can't eat just one Lay's potato Chip!
By the way, the good news is , the one world order is not going to happen, The Zionists already lost, they just don't know it yet , or really ,just not ready to admit it yet, and are willing to just destroy this whole planet with a nuclear war, to stop WE THE PEOPLE from having it, I think they are suicidal, if they can not have it, destroy it, so no one else can have it. There is only a hand full of them, we need to put them on trial now, before they really hurt some one,and themselves. They need to spend a long, long time in jail, and think about what they have been doing to mankind.( their brothers and sisters)Do unto others, like you want done to you. Also, consider ,the federal reserve , The BIGGEST CRIME AGAINST MANKIND IN THE HISTORY OF THIS PLANET!!!
SMO...keep speaking your mind brother..ignore the stupid comments about aluminum foil least you do not go through life with blinders on...the truth will come cannot be stopped.
Yes, I believe the Ones who want the one world order are responsible for lots of crimes against mankind and even against aliens. I heard that there is a lot more to the Roswell crash too, like friendly fire from our government against friendly aliens(no accidental crash) .I also believe the One world order mongers stopped Kennedy ,too, Yes the grassy knoll, and how about the driver of the car too, DAN ? Was the driver left handed?( Dan Rather is it?) Where are the pictures ,now, Dan? Maybe ,I am just imagining all this stuff. How many accomplices are there ? Any one else care to be an accomplice too ,and help cover this thing up ? Raise your hands if you want to be an accomplice ,too. I figure there are several accomplices , but all together maybe not that many??How many witnesses been murdered now ,about 200 give or take a few? Why , they say that was a virtual war zone around there, not just,one bullet? I am just wondering if water gate was connected to this too, I wonder what it was ,that Nixon was trying to find? does any one Know? was he connected to this ,too. I wonder where all the evidence is? Who has the evidence, now? I heard there is enough to go around and take care of this matter for good!!And get all the skunks out of the wood pile. They are still working on their one world order, but game is up , we are on to them now, Russia and China are on to them , Europe, and almost ,all the world is on to them now, They are all watching to see what WE THE PEOPLE of AMERICA( land of heaven) plan to do about it!!! Let's put them in jail, where they belong. There is only a hand full of them, no they do not have us surrounded like they want you to believe. They are right among us, they wear grey suits and pretend they are your friends. Hey, we are all in this together. I love you all!!!