Topic: A military man addresses the leaders who betrayed him | |
J.D. Pendry is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major who writes for Random House. He writes:
Jimmy Carter, you're the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people hostage. You're the runner-in-chief. Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia, and then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the U.S.S. Cole and the first Trade Center Bombing and our Embassy bombings emboldened the killers Each time you failed to respond adequately they grew bolder, until 9/11. John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about American Soldiers in Vietnam. Your military service, like your life, is more fiction than fact. You've accused our soldiers of terrorizing women and children in Iraq . You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time, the same words you used to describe Vietnam. You're a fake. You want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did the Vietnamese. Iraq, like Vietnam is another war that you were for, before you were against it. John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can't win militarily in Iraq. You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded murder without proof and said we should redeploy to Okinawa. Okinawa, John? And the Democrats call you their military expert. Are you sure you didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your war hero resume? You're a sad, pitiable, corrupt and washed-up politician. You're not a Marine, sir. You wouldn't amount to a good pimple on a real Marine's butt. You're a phony and a disgrace. Run away John. **** Durbin, you accused our soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis, tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot, who murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned South East Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord help us!! See **** run. Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster-sized pictures from Abu Grhaib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you saying that Iraqi's torture chambers were open under new management. Did you see the news this week, Teddy? The Islamic Nazis demonstrate real torture for you again. If you truly supported our troops, you'd show the world poster-sized pictures of that atrocity and demand the annihilation of it. Your legislation stripping support from the South Vietnamese led to a communist victory there. You're a bloated drunken fool bent on repeating the same historical blunder that turned freedom-seeking people over to homicidal, genocidal maniacs To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting on your wide, gin-soaked rear-end in Washington. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Chuck Schumer, et al ad nauseam. Every time you stand in front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we went to war because our President lied, that the war is wrong and our soldiers are torturers, that we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American soldiers - cause to think that we'll run away again, and all they have to do is hang on a little longer. American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering methods, you become one united, with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American soldiers. You can't strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer. You are America's "AXIS OF IDIOTS." Your collective stupidity will destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist abetting news scoops are more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent civilians and soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of murdering terrorists. Don't ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve to extend this war as they extended Vietnam. If you want our soldiers home, as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies. Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with self. I'm also questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in uniform. You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to people who are willing to defend it. No, Mr. President, you don't get off the hook, either. Our country has two enemies: Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within. Your soldiers are dealing with the outside force. It's your obligation to support them by confronting the AXIS OF IDIOTS. America must hear it from you that these self-centered people are harming our country, abetting the enemy and endangering our safety. Well-up a little anger, please, and channel it toward the appropriate target. You must prosecute those who leak national security secrets to the media. You must prosecute those in the media who knowingly publish those secrets. Our soldiers need you to confront the enemy that they cannot. They need you to do it, now! J.D. Pendry 2006, Ret Sgt. Major US Army |
Thanks for posting this, should be REQUIRED reading fot the entire USA.
sounds like a O'Rielly, Bush clone to me. I wonder if he gets paid for these unpatriotic comments. The Bush adminastration had a detailed plan from Pres. Clinton on how to deal with Al-Quida. He chose to ignore it. The man in the CIA who was in charge of keeping track of Bin Ladens activities went to george tenet several days before 9/11 warning that Al-Quaida was planning an attack using aircraft. This was ignored. He afterwards quit the Cia and the Bush admin. has tried to do everything they can to discredit this former CIA agent. Then 19 terrorists on the lists of known terrorists are able to board these planes. Also why did congress get a no-fly memo on 9/10. Who we need to speak out is John Ascroft. yet he has been very silent. he was a very honorable man. When his confermation hearing came for his nomination to Attorney general in 2001. They called him squeaky clean. He left fast when George got elected to a 2nd term. Yet Why hasn't congress supeaned him to testify? He from what I know of him. (as i had a girlfriend in 1985 working for him when he was gov. of missouri) said the same as congress did about his nomination. He is a minister, he did go around the state singing in assembly of g-d churches. never putting himself above the people. Thier are many questions about this war. We have lost many rights from it. in the name of national security and we just accept it. many more are planned down the road. So this seargent sounds just like FOX news Media to me. I can not see a difference....... miles
Spidercmb,just read your post. Sounds like the script for Rush's Monday show to me.
Can you backup any of your claims? Clinton had a plan to deal with Al Queda? I've heard Bill say that, but never seen any proof. The Clinton Administration was too busy covering up the many scandals to be bothered with dealing with terrorists. Stop being a tool and actually offer some facts instead of unsupported assertions. |
spider i did get 1 thing wrong. George tenet did tell Dr. Rice about an emmenent attack.
now u want facts i will give you all you want. Debunk all this 1st ok.... with YOUR FACTS........ Miles State of Denial: Two months before 9/11, Rice gave the 'brush-off' to 'impending terrorist attack' warning Ron Brynaert Published: Saturday September 30, 2006 Print This Email This (Update: Former Counsel to the 9/11 Commission suggests that "[v]ery possibly, someone committed a crime" by engaging in a "cover-up" of the warning) According to a new book written by Washington Post investigative reporter Bob Woodward, two months before the September 11 attacks, then National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice gave the "brush-off" to an "impending terrorist attack" warning by former C.I.A. director George J. Tenet and his counterterrorism coordinator. An article in Friday's New York Times first mentioned the warning, and a front page book review of Woodward's State of Denial in Saturday's edition provides more details. "On July 10, 2001, the book says, Mr. Tenet and his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, met with Ms. Rice at the White House to impress upon her the seriousness of the intelligence the agency was collecting about an impending attack," David E. Sanger reported on Friday. "But both men came away from the meeting feeling that Ms. Rice had not taken the warnings seriously." Sanger also reported that Tenet told Woodward that before 9/11, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was "impeding" efforts to catch Osama bin Laden. "Mr. Woodward writes that in the weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Tenet believed that Mr. Rumsfeld was impeding the effort to develop a coherent strategy to capture or kill Osama bin Laden," wrote Sanger. "Mr. Rumsfeld questioned the electronic signals from terrorism suspects that the National Security Agency had been intercepting, wondering whether they might be part of an elaborate deception plan by Al Qaeda." Saturday's New York Times review claims that in Woodward's book, Rice "is depicted as a presidential enabler, ineffectual at her job of coordinating interagency strategy and planning." "For instance, Mr. Woodward writes that on July 10, 2001, Mr. Tenet and his counterterrorism coordinator, J. Cofer Black, met with Ms. Rice to warn her of mounting intelligence about an impending terrorist attack, but came away feeling they’d been given 'the brush-off' — a revealing encounter, given Ms. Rice’s recent comments, rebutting former President Bill Clinton’s allegations that the Bush administration had failed to pursue counterterrorism measures aggressively before 9/11," writes Michiko Kakutani. Saturday's Washington Post has more details regarding the meeting. "The book also reports that then-CIA Director George J. Tenet and his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, grew so concerned in the summer of 2001 about a possible al-Qaeda attack that they drove straight to the White House to get high-level attention," Peter Baker reports for the Post. "Tenet called Rice, then the national security adviser, from his car to ask to see her, in hopes that the surprise appearance would make an impression. But the meeting on July 10, 2001, left Tenet and Black frustrated and feeling brushed off, Woodward reported," the article continues. "Rice, they thought, did not seem to feel the same sense of urgency about the threat and was content to wait for an ongoing policy review." Excerpts from Post article: # The report of such a meeting takes on heightened importance after former president Bill Clinton said this week that the Bush team did not do enough to try to kill Osama bin Laden before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) said her husband would have paid more attention to warnings of a possible attack than Bush did. Rice fired back on behalf of the current president, saying the Bush administration "was at least as aggressive" in eight months as President Clinton had been in eight years. The July 10 meeting of Rice, Tenet and Black went unmentioned in various investigations into the Sept. 11 attacks, and Woodward wrote that Black "felt there were things the commissions wanted to know about and things they didn't want to know about." Jamie S. Gorelick, a member of the Sept. 11 commission, said she checked with commission staff members who told her investigators were never told about a July 10 meeting. "We didn't know about the meeting itself," she said. "I can assure you it would have been in our report if we had known to ask about it." White House and State Department officials yesterday confirmed that the July 10 meeting took place, although they took issue with Woodward's portrayal of its results. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, responding on behalf of Rice, said Tenet and Black had never publicly expressed any frustration with her response. "This is the first time these thoughts and feelings associated with that meeting have been expressed," McCormack said. "People are free to revise and extend their remarks, but that is certainly not the story that was told to the 9/11 commission." # FULL POST ARTICLE AT THIS LINK 'This is going to be the big one' Another Post article slated for Sunday's edition provides even more details. "For months, Tenet had been pressing Rice to set a clear counterterrorism policy, including specific presidential orders, called "findings," that would give the CIA stronger authority to conduct covert action against bin Laden," the uncredited Post article reports. "Perhaps a dramatic appearance -- Black called it an 'out of cycle' session, beyond Tenet's regular weekly meeting with Rice -- would get her attention." J. Cofer Black later said that "[t]he only thing we didn't do was pull the trigger to the gun we were holding to her head." Excerpts from Sunday's Post article: # Tenet had been losing sleep over the recent intelligence. There was no conclusive, smoking-gun intelligence, but there was such a huge volume of data that an intelligence officer's instinct strongly suggested that something was coming. He did not know when, where or how, but Tenet felt there was too much noise in the intelligence systems. Two weeks earlier, he had told Richard A. Clarke, the National Security Council's counterterrorism director: "It's my sixth sense, but I feel it coming. This is going to be the big one." But Tenet had been having difficulty getting traction on an immediate bin Laden action plan, in part because Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld had questioned all the intelligence, asking: Could it all be a grand deception? Perhaps, he said, it was a plan to measure U.S. reactions and defenses. Tenet had the National Security Agency review all the intercepts, and the agency concluded they were of genuine al-Qaeda communications. On June 30, a top-secret senior executive intelligence brief contained an article headlined "Bin Laden Threats Are Real." .... Tenet left the meeting feeling frustrated. Though Rice had given them a fair hearing, no immediate action meant great risk. Black felt the decision to just keep planning was a sustained policy failure. Rice and the Bush team had been in hibernation too long. "Adults should not have a system like this," he said later. # An "editor's note" appended to the end of the article notes that "[h]ow much effort the Bush administration made in going after Osama bin Laden before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, became an issue last week after former president Bill Clinton accused President Bush's 'neocons' and other Republicans of ignoring bin Laden until the attacks." "Rice responded in an interview that 'what we did in the eight months was at least as aggressive as what the Clinton administration did in the preceding years,'" the editor's note continues. FULL SUNDAY WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE AT THIS LINK 'Very possibly, someone committed a crime' Saturday night at Think Progress, former Counsel to the 9/11 Commission Peter Rundlet guest-blogged a post called "Bush Officials May Have Covered Up Rice-Tenet Meeting From 9/11 Commission." "Most of the world has now seen the infamous picture of President Bush tending to his ranch on August 6, 2001, the day he received the ultra-classified Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) that included a report entitled 'Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US,'" Rundlet blogs. "And most Americans have also heard of the so-called 'Phoenix Memo' that an FBI agent in Phoenix sent to FBI headquarters on July 10, 2001, which advised of the 'possibility of a coordinated effort' by bin Laden to send students to the United States to attend civil aviation schools." But Rundlet writes that a "mixture of shock, anger, and sadness overcame" him when he read about Tenet's "special surprise visit" to see Rice in July of 2001. "If true, it is shocking that the administration failed to heed such an overwhelming alert from the two officials in the best position to know," writes Rundlet. "Many, many questions need to be asked and answered about this revelation — questions that the 9/11 Commission would have asked, had the Commission been told about this significant meeting," adds Rundlet. "Suspiciously, the Commissioners and the staff investigating the administration’s actions prior to 9/11 were never informed of the meeting." Rundlet suggests that the "withholding of information" from the Commission may constitute a crime, and scoffs at Cofer's excuse in Woodward's book. "Was it covered up?" asks Rundlet. "It is hard to come to a different conclusion." "If one could suspend disbelief to accept that all three officials forgot about the meeting when they were interviewed, then one possibility is that the memory of one of them was later jogged by notes or documents that describe the meeting," Rundlet continues. "If such documents exist, the 9/11 Commission should have seen them." Rundlet quotes a line from Woodward's book which he says shows how "Black exonerates them all." "Though the investigators had access to all the paperwork about the meeting, Black felt there were things the commissions wanted to know about and things they didn’t want to know about," wrote Woodward in the third volume of Bush at War. "The notion that both the 9/11 Commission and the Congressional Joint Inquiry that investigated the intelligence prior to 9/11 did not want to know about such essential information is simply absurd," writes Rundlet. "At a minimum, the withholding of information about this meeting is an outrage." "Very possibly, someone committed a crime," Rundlet concludes. "And worst of all, they failed to stop the plot." RUNDLET'S ARTICLE CAN BE READ AT THIS LINK White House: Five Key Myths in Book On Saturday, the White House "went on the offensive," Caren Bohan reported for Reuters. In the latest edition in its "Setting the Record Straight" series which uses official statements and media accounts it favors to counter articles in the press or Democratic arguments, the White House lists "Five Key Myths in Woodward's Book." The first "Setting the Record Straight" posted in February of 2005 took on a Washington Post article which reported that a Bush plan would result in participants forfeiting part of their retirement account profits, an assertion the White House blasted as "flat wrong." To counter the third "myth," the White House presents the "fact" that "according to State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack, the recollections portrayed by Woodward do not reflect Tenet and Black's 9/11 Commission Testimony," then quotes from another Times article written by Sanger. "But Rice and other State Department officials denied [Woodward's claim], noting that the report of the Sept. 11 commission, which had sworn testimony from Tenet and others at the meeting, made no mention of the July 10 encounter," wrote Sanger. "'The recollections as portrayed in the Woodward book in no way reflect the public and private testimony under oath of those individuals to the 9/11 commission,' said Sean McCormack, the State Department spokesman." |
Spidercmb thanks for posting that it needed to be said. Of course the liberals had to blow it off with slams at Bill O'Riely, Rush Limbaugh and a few others, but that is standard fare when they are held accountable for anything, either point the finger at someone else or trivalize it with glib comments but they never address the issue or accept rosponsibility for their actions.
thats funny
Liberals, Neo-cons, all the same. But that letter is basically blaming everything else but themselves for not seeing it coming. Who in the hell knew that crazies were going to take planes and make them into weapons? Hindsight is always 20/20, and these constant "what if we did this?" for 20 years only makes it harder to figure out what we should be doing now and moving on.
It's not a question of hindsight. If you are running around calling American soldiers nazis, calling Americans terrorists and calling the enemy "Freedom fighters", then you are hurting the troops. You can't support the troops by encouraging our enemies and giving our enemies talking points to explain why they torture and kill people.
Personally, I want to know why they are killing our people. It could be a simple solution that we are all missing, like maybe they need some weed to calm themselves down. hell it would more cost effective than this war has been. Grow it, roll it, and ship it. And really, are the troops even listening to all this media attention. Cause I thought there was a war going on, so I dunno if they have time to hear our whining and crying.
well..lets see what a 2 time medal of honor winner has to say:
Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC. War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag. I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket. There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism. It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents. _____________________ war is about money...always has been |
if WWII took place in todays environment
we would all be speaking either german or japanise or arabic |
That post is too obviously bias spider. give us a break.
We all have our biases. |
Its nothing but a one-sided Republican attack on democrats.
Never would I post anything that biased, nor would I give 2 cents of credence to anything that was written like that. Is that kind of hog-wash what keeps your vision clouded. Get real man, just because the guy is, or was a Sergeant major doesn't make him right. He should, and you should look at the whole story. Not a one-sided view from a brain washed, wash up neo-con. The Army probably has 50,000 sergeant majors and 49,000 of them are sitting around wondering how many people believe this biased crap. I often wonder what keeps people defending the idiocracies of this administration, in light of the obvious and proven lies they try to force feed down the American public's throat. More and more crap like that shows me exactly where it comes from. Thank god, the majority of us are not that blind. Don't worry though, we will save you from yourselves. Keep reading your comic books and sleep tight. We will protect you and the constitution. |
Listen, I don't like to get political on the internet. However, that being said I will say thins one thing.
If you believe anything a politician says, then you are just setting yourself up for a HUGE let down. Whether it be Bush, Hill-dog, Obama, or any of the other political scum bags that rot in Washington. The Libs and the Republicans are destroying this country. Both sides had a huge hand in 911. Bush for ignoring the warning signs( obviously ), and Clinton for crippling our intelligence gathering community in the months and years prior to 911 ( Don't try and argue this point my brother consulted for the NSA during the Clinton years). Not sure what my point way with all that, which is why I hate politics, but it should be known that the bickering about politicians is just silly. Why defend any of them, they are ALL failing us. |
LOL. Have you ever read your posts? You might be surprised at what you have posted. I agree with everything that the author had to say, so I posted it. If you don't like it, move on. Post something about how calling our soldiers nazis and glorifying our enemies is good for the country, if you believe the author is wrong. |
agree with you Toolfan...I support Ron Paul...why dont you give him a look...
Would you like to know what else is going on behind the scenes lately? Look up :