Community > Posts By > hopefloating
tall tanned and handsome
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Wed 05/12/10 06:48 AM
hey....the "Female" told me she likes me!!!
Melody....I appreciate you trying to instuct the young chap....however, I'm not sure your efforts will be appreciated by him....since you are "female" and giving instruction obiously you must "like him".... ![]() |
Always a bridesmaid never a bride huh goofball? :p
this is just what I wanna hear!! lol! |
Dating, I think it is harder when you get older thus yes I am pickier I just prefer to eat chocolate donuts and post on the forums ![]() ![]() LMAO.....*sigh*......yeah that actually sounds like a plan today! I think the candy machine analogy is great!! however candy has not been 2 cents in forever!! I think the concept of peope in their 20's being able to commit easier is true. They have not been through the pain and dissapointment. I remember being with my "fiance" in my late teens and early 20s....I just remember thinking I could not be happier...een if he upset me...i didn't think about getting rid of him....uggg... I can't believe how much my mind set has changed since my early 20s...sometimes I wish I was that way again....looking back on seemed easier to have a relationship. Now I feel comfortable being single...however I miss having company....perhaps the FWB thingy is they way to go???....idunno.... ![]() |
I think the dating scene is easier now...I have no problems finding a date...its keeping them that seems to be the problem...they don't make duct tape like they use to ![]() ![]() ![]() LOL.....really? this is why you keep the handcuffs handy. neer know when you might need em. ;p |
So I don't get on here much to post. I'm constantly at work and busy.
However I was browsing a few profiles and noticed how young these people are ( 20ish ) I just remember thinking "I remember being that young....I remember being carefree and not worring about turning 30"... When I was 19, 20, 21 I was engaged to my highschool sweetheart and I was not in the "dating world" I had no clue what it might have been like to date in my 20's. Now I'm 31...quickly coming up on 32. I'm wondering if its easier to date while in your 20's or is it easier now in my 30's? Does the dating scene get easier as you get older or harder? what do you guys think? |
sick of being single!
Welcome! ![]() I agree on that totally! |
Vegetarian Dishes made easy!
If anyone has a better knowledge on vegetarian dishes that are simple and easy to make please pass them on.
My childrens step-mother is going vegetarian at her house and wants recipes. If anyone has some post it here and I will pass the good food dish ideas on to her. This would help her out so very much! Thanks a Bunch guys! M. |
women do they tell the truth
Is telling the truth only something woman struggle with?
daym....this may be why I'm still single...all the guys I date are really woman... who woulda thunk it?!?!?! |
just started
welcome to mingle! need a bit more in your profile. its pretty lean. You need more meat!! how bout saying stuff about what your currently doing to achieve your goals in life? Or who you are about and what makes you unique and special. good luck! |
I just saw an ad on Facebook
seeing how there are many different STD's out there and many different variations of can contract some even with condoms....I think the service would be needed.
I had ( since divorced ) a hubby that thought that the female sex was his to explore and have his way with..... needless to say I went to my doc...checked myself out and made sure I was ok. Why wouldn't this service be needed? Its legit....stuff happens dude. People affected by a date rape drug could use this service....wakin up one morning and not knowing what happened, thats scary stuff! People getting stupid drunk and forgetting what happened the night before... Rape victims....incest victims...The list could go on and on really.. |
Ethical Dilemma
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Thu 02/11/10 01:00 PM
In this situation I would give a vote for "Bro's before Hoe's"
ONLY becuase of the approach of this chick. She was making drunk passes at you in front of her date...which is your friend.... ....NOT COOL..... she is not potential long term dating material. sorry. If she had approached you differently and not been such a inconsiderate slut....then I would say ta heck with the "bro before hoe" stuff and date her. Your friend did nothing but complain about her and he only dated her for 5 weeks...if she was dating material you would be in the clear to date her. But this one you should tell her to get her moral compass in place. Think about her actions before she does them. move on hun....plenty of great gals out there...this one is not one of them. call your budy...appologize....have a beer toether and make fun of the crazy lady ! :p good luck! |
wondering how many more recalls for toyota?
thats what ya get for removing the mules.... ....they are not as "perfect" at engineering as they thought they were....skipping steps is always a recipe for disaster. |
28/m/westland Michigan
do you cover your mouth when you cough?
and how many licks does it take to get to the center of gravity? |
....if my perfect match came ridding up on his 4-wheeler all muddy, shirt off with cowboy hat on!!
yesssssssssssssssss......that would be sooooooooo nice! ( picturing this scenerio in the summer....not right now...too much coldness and snow....) * daydreamin * |
Is it even possible?!?!
a man who doesn't want sex? do they even make those? lmao!! yes they do make those....they are called eunuchs! I don't think I would want to date one of those... ![]() |
The Hangover
I laughed so much I was crying...
Great movie!! |
sounds like the southerner is a horrible shot.
I might wanna hang with the republican if that situation came up. ![]() |
......I'm so very much out of the loop around here... ![]() |
Why......The Breakup
There were many reasons....Just one reason?... It would be a toss between him realizing I was not going to be "used" anymore....bastard still owes me money. And the other reason...I was tired of arguing with a 6 year old mentality.... |