Community > Posts By > hopefloating

hopefloating's photo
Thu 11/05/09 10:26 AM

hopefloating's photo
Wed 11/04/09 08:17 AM

Good Morning everyone. Happy Wednesday.How is everyone today?:smile: :smile:

Good morning...and it is, indeed, a Happy Wednesday. I'm doing great...any better and I'd have to be you!laugh you pass that bowl of happy over here?

hopefloating's photo
Tue 11/03/09 01:58 PM
When I hear the word love I think of my best friend...those are the ones who will have my heart forever.

I also think of love lost. Maybe I never lost it....because how can you lose something you never had?....perhaps it was my own delusion of love....*sigh*....idunno.... i need a beer. lol :p

hopefloating's photo
Tue 11/03/09 11:39 AM
Who or what is mergitroid?

hopefloating's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:34 AM
yeah...I don't like being mulled to death either, however I guess I should clarify.

Affection Phobia = trying to hold your significant others hand in public and they pull away because they tell you it makes them uncomfortable.

Thats just my opinion...not a true defintion of course.

I don't use the "L" word unless I mean it. Some people over use it or they use it to help convince themselves that their best efforts of trying to gain their partners heart have succeeded. Thats a whole other barrel of worms.

hopefloating's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:44 AM
I used to be nervous around them before I dated one.

I then got to hang out with him and his co-workers at parties and B B-ques. We Hung out with the Fire department too. After doing that I realized they make fun of their job as much as we do....they are just doing their job....but they put their lives on the line every day. I have respect for them and could never do their job!

hopefloating's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:33 AM
biggest pet who have physical intimacy issues.

I'm big on giving a lot of physical affection....I can't stand it when its rejected....or not well received.

It makes me wonder if their mommas hugged them much as a kid.

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