Community > Posts By > BigSky1970
Quite a shock when I heard the news. I didn't realize he was suffering from lymphoma.
Enjoyed his wit and good humor. Rest In Peace, Senator Thompson. |
It would be interesting to find out which particular anti-Obama people complained that he wasn't doing enough about Syria, to see who will admit that they hate him when he DOES do what they want, just as much as when he doesn't. One thing the "anti" people of the world all have in common, they implicitly believe EVERY allegation from ANY source that supports their preferred illusions, but become suspicious and skeptical in to a fault, about any data which opposes them. Most of this thread so far, is anti-people fantasization. Neither useful, nor functionally informative. By the way, I personally have a very low opinion of Obama's management of foreign policy. I think that aside from managing to avoid the international condemnation for suborning torture that his predecessor managed, he's done an over all terrible job. Mucked up Lybia, Syria, Russia and the Ukraine, China. However, I don't condemn a leader for changing course when circumstances warrant it. That's what a leader is SUPPOSED to do. Is this particular course shift a good one? I wont know for a while. SO far, it's just a point of petty political parsimony for his opponents to slap lips about. The problem is he is doing it but lying about it. You don't send Delta and SEAL teams into a heavy combat zone and say they are not there for combat related missions. He must think American's are morons. Plus only sending 50? That's like giving a whale a tic tac for bad breath. Wouldn't be the first time he lied to the Sheeple. "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan". |
It would be interesting to find out which particular anti-Obama people complained that he wasn't doing enough about Syria, to see who will admit that they hate him when he DOES do what they want, just as much as when he doesn't. One thing the "anti" people of the world all have in common, they implicitly believe EVERY allegation from ANY source that supports their preferred illusions, but become suspicious and skeptical in to a fault, about any data which opposes them. Most of this thread so far, is anti-people fantasization. Neither useful, nor functionally informative. By the way, I personally have a very low opinion of Obama's management of foreign policy. I think that aside from managing to avoid the international condemnation for suborning torture that his predecessor managed, he's done an over all terrible job. Mucked up Lybia, Syria, Russia and the Ukraine, China. However, I don't condemn a leader for changing course when circumstances warrant it. That's what a leader is SUPPOSED to do. Is this particular course shift a good one? I wont know for a while. SO far, it's just a point of petty political parsimony for his opponents to slap lips about. The problem is he is doing it but lying about it. You don't send Delta and SEAL teams into a heavy combat zone and say they are not there for combat related missions. He must think American's are morons. Plus only sending 50? That's like giving a whale a tic tac for bad breath. The Nobel Peace Prize winner's foreign policy is laughable. |
Sex Before Marriage
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Sat 10/24/15 01:42 PM
Hi, Isaac, Actually, God's word is God's word. When it says for instance: But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death (Rev 21.8) It means just that..... so king David is in hell (adulterer/murderer) Moses is hell (coward) if this verse is extremely literal than hell will be a very crowded place indeed But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (Heaven), and only a few find it. - Matthew 7:14 If you've turned your life over to Christ, then you've found the Wellspring of Eternal Life. I would say both King David and Moses aren't in hell. Both were committed to God. King David's life demonstrated that we're all not perfect, even if we're committed to God. Sins were forgiven at the Cross. As long as you confess your sins and turn your life over to Jesus through repentance, you will bask in the Eternal Glory of the Father. |
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Sat 10/24/15 10:43 AM
In no particular order:
Slayer Metallica TOOL Megadeth Black Sabbath Iron Maiden Steel Panther King Diamond |
Woman of the year?, why not Angelina Jolie! Or Lauren Hill. Who died of a brain tumor earlier this year. Her dream was to play on a college basketball court. She didn't think she'd live long enough to fulfill that dream but she did. Only played one game and scored 4 points. |
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Mon 10/12/15 09:36 PM
![]() The Russian president took his place in a team with hockey legends Pavel Bure and Vyacheslav Fetisov, as well as Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, on his 63rd birthday... 63 and still acts like he can play hockey... Of course Pooty-Poot was given a whole bunch of "gimme" goals to boost his already inflated ego and an excuse for impoverished Russians to forget they live under his thumb, while waving their little Russian flags all in the spirit of "nationalism". |
What's going on down there ? ![]() Swamp water. ![]() |
Antidisestablishmentarianism |
Bush n his cronies got caught slant drilling iraqi oil from kuwait soil. That's why the wells were set on fire. In texas u get shot for slant drilling. Which is why France and Germany were against sanctions on Russia. France and Germany are Russia's largest trading partners. |
I wouldn't call RT a credible news source. It's nothing more than Putin's propaganda tool. Just like the BBC is the propaganda tool of the Queen and the Parliament that serves under her. The only interesting thing about RT is that they're beating the drums of war. No different than the media here in the US when a president the media gets behind decides to take this country to war. The last thing any free thinking individual should do is romanticize about any politician.
Martial law will never be declared in the US and probably never will be. Those in power are on the wrong side of public opinion. The opinion of the public with public officials is pretty low. Lower than lawyers and members of the main line media. As far as Anonymous is concerned, I'm sure many of it's members are working inside the halls of government, particularly in the NSA. |
According to Dear Leader, the American public is to blame for it. Mass guilt is a tactic used by anti-gun types. But hey, 14 were killed in Chicago last weekend and no press conference for those victims.
Pizza That or pizza coupons. |
Just shut up about your ex
I have to agree though. It's like, take care of all that drama in your life before you put yourself back out in the dating scene again.
Windows upgrade
I've had W10 for a couple of weeks now. The OS works very well. The only thing I didn't like was nosey Cortana. I've turned as much of her off as I can. I'm still trying to find a way to stop Cortana from running in memory. I will eventually figure it out. Right now I am using Chrome and I have it set as my default browser. I'm also using another program called "Classic Shell" It makes Windows 8.1 and 10 look like W7. It's a neat little program. It gives the user a start button and menu just like W7. Also, You don't have to wait for your upgrade if you don't want to. It's best for most people to make a copy of the OS. That way you can reload the OS if something happens to go wrong. Like a really bad infection. Here is where to get it without having to wait, July 29th came and gone and I waited and waited and waited and I finally just decided to download it from that link about 10 days later. Burned the ISO to a DVD and installed it off the DVD. Once installed, I got my Windows Registration Key and wrote that down, so if I ever run in to trouble and have to do a clean install, I can install it from the DVD again. I created a boot disk in the event I have to do a clean install of Windows 10. I like it so far. It boots faster than Windows 7 ever did. |
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Thu 09/24/15 01:44 AM
I've got a problem with it. I won't give my email to anyone that I've never met in person. I'm not interested in cybering either and this is where I do agree with you. As soon as anyone mentions trading photos I just think scammer or cam girl. If the lady I meet asks to exchange pictures and sends one and then says something to the effect "If you like, you can see the rest of my pictures at (insert web address here)", that's a red flag that they're nothing more than a cam girl, IMHO. At that point, I drop them and move on. |
The star in the upper right corner of Edge is to add favorites.
OK, good to know. No, I didn't contact her, so that's why I was kind of puzzled.
Somehow they're getting through. Mine is set for women 35 to 50 within 50 miles. I'm in South Dakota and got an e-mail from a woman (deactivated account) in Oklahoma yesterday. I think her age was 31.
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Wed 08/19/15 08:55 PM
there is NO way to opt-out of windows 10 spyware. it is designed to phone home constantly. my suggestion is to switch to Linux."Ubuntu" and "Mint" are popular and very windows like. i use "Linux Lite" on a HP laptop, Which is why they're giving it away free for a year. Bait enough people to get them hooked on to something "free". Unfortunately I got suckered. I may just go back to Windows 7. I had no issues with that version. |