Topic: 911 truth movement | |
So you don't think that over 40,000 pounds is much mass? Do you believe that a penny dropped off the empire state building would make a big hole in the sidewalk? No, because it's acceleration is relative to it's mass, which isn't enough to create a very big hole. Please save us the posts from 9/11 conspiracy sites, the physics and the history matches the official story;^]
I take it then that since you resorted to comedy and ridicule you can no longer argue the facts.....I have posted many you chose to ignore. who is the clown here? That from the guy who ignores the general theory of relativity?;^] |
Give it up guys... Turtle and Zap.. No matter what valid evidence you bring to the table, he's got an answer for it. His job is easy.. since it does not have to be within the confines of reality. Even if he can't find a link to someones website he can just make a statement that you'll have to disprove. He knows better then architects, civil engineers, physicists, chemists and all that were involved, on site and who had the evidence available.
Simply because him and a few others are the only unbiased, educated and informed souls that truly know that something funny happened that day other then the fact that terrorists took out the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, A field in Pennsylvania and thousands of people. Frankly.. I am pretty offended by it. The thought of anybody creating these scenarios for no reason is ridiculous... This stuff is not only for fun.. Someone, somewhere is making profit or gaining power. To take a tragic event like this, that has affected so many peoples lives and families.. and use it to your advantage? Really pretty heartless. No matter which side you are on. This hayseed is just pandering to them. |
Fair enough, and I've been on here waayy too long today. I am however thankful that they're not blaming the jews anymore;^]
If you are trying to justify your beliefs by finding someone out of the thousands of people here that will stand with you thereby shoring up your beliefs and dispelling self doubt, then I will step aside and let the masses speak. As it stands now the crickets chirping is deafening.
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Its realy verry simple and only takes a limited amount of reasoning. we all agree that the twin towers were built to withstand an impact of a 707, not resist an impact withstand as the engineers have claimed, they are after all professionals and I am sure leaders in there field since they had the biggest baddest bestest project of the day, the twin towers. So they built them to withstand a fully loaded 707 worst case scenario. the 767 were not fully loaded eithr with pasengers or fuel therefore the differences are meaningless and given that a 707 has a faster cruising speed it could potentialy have more kinetic energy, so we are splitting hairs on this. I agree that the differens are meaningless, now that in mind forthe buildings to collapse like a house of cards means something drastic went wrong, therefore it is an engineering disaster and SSSOooooo worthy of seriouse investegation for the future safty of high rise dwellers, this was not done the reasone they call it a pancake theory is that they cannot call it a pancake fact because that would force them to use the laws of physics and gravity to do it and it simply cannot be proven a fact useing math and science.
Fair enough, and I've been on here waayy too long today. I am however thankful that they're not blaming the jews anymore;^] Roger that, I'm out too. ![]() |
I dont blame any of you for leaving the topic being that your all bluster and realy cannot articulate your argument in any way that meaningfull or logical. CNN 9/11 Poll .......... (thanks Robin) Scroll down a bit and the poll is on the right side. Do you believe alternative theories for 9/11 attacks are credible? Currently ............. Yes ........... 56% ............... 3,531 votes |
I dont blame any of you for leaving the topic being that your all bluster and realy cannot articulate your argument in any way that meaningfull or logical. CNN 9/11 Poll .......... (thanks Robin) Scroll down a bit and the poll is on the right side. Do you believe alternative theories for 9/11 attacks are credible? Currently ............. Yes ........... 56% ............... 3,531 votes That link does not work for me. |
Former President Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore have also met with the commission. Their sessions were also private and, like Bush and Cheney, they were not under oath. |
WOW ok here's what I see and im not even gonna stay on topic here....Conspiracy .... FACTS FACTS please give me more info if im wrong...FACTS FACTS..oh your point is valid but what about this here?? FACTS FACTS....NON CONSPIRACY .. FACTS SO HAHAHA IM RIGHT NANANANAPOOPOO ON U I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO IS RIGHT BECAUSE SO AND SO SAD THIS AND THAT MAKES IT RIGHT>>>AND PHYSICS IS ON MY SIDE....YOUR DUMB LOOK AT MY FACTS INSULT INSULT EXPLATIVE DELETED...CONSPIRACY... YOU GIVE A VALID POINT SIR AND THOU u have insulted me and called me crazy and tried to undermine my logic i applaud yours...but did u know this?? FACTS FACTS PHYSICS TO SHOW U that physics will support both conspiracy and nonconspiracy theories.....NON CONSPIRACY...WELL UR AN IDIOT....LOL its laughable it really is..I cant wait to see the insults....the CHILDISH insults I get for posting this...probably some quip about CHILDISH or some other degrading remark. FIRE AWAY NON CONSPIRACY you have been "Putting us crazy people" in our place y stop now...go on im poised and waiting for the continual bantter...but just maybe just maybe u feel the need to insult because ur a little preturbed that perhaps something more that we didnt know about went on....U KNOW EVERYONE called the conspiracy people crazy when they said the government tested ACID on the people..and on its own nations army...but hmmm they now say...thats bad of our government....same government people..just new ways to conspire go ahead tell me y im wrong and an idiot...thats how u right wingers get ur points across.
A hit dog will holler. I would never call you crazy, stupid, or an idiot. I don't believe in personal attacks. However, if the shoe fits....
I think it would be easy enough to eventually convince the most skeptical lay person that a plane strike could take down the towers--But for building 7, theres no way in hell anyone would ever have me believe it wasnt deliberately taken down.
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The very fact that people
are still posing questions about this means that the issue has not been either adequately studied or explained. I would argue that the matter should be reopened, more subject matter experts (structural engineers, military experts, etc...) brought in, the facts discovered and explained better to the public. I know that won't put all the conspiracy theories to rest (people are still argumenting over how many bullets were fired in the Kennedy assassination) but perhaps it will lay the matter to rest for most of them. |
I think it would be easy enough to eventually convince the most skeptical lay person that a plane strike could take down the towers--But for building 7, theres no way in hell anyone would ever have me believe it wasnt deliberately taken down. This report should answer your question: Title: Damage To Buildings Near World Trade Center Towers Caused By Falling Debris And Air Pressure Wave, Not Ground Shaking, Seismologists Report Even in the report though they claim they don't know how much the ground really did shake as there were not seismologist stations in NYC. I'd go for a combination of three, propbably four. Falling Debris, air pressure, fire, and minor earthquake is what brought the other buildings down. |
I dont blame any of you for leaving the topic being that your all bluster and realy cannot articulate your argument in any way that meaningfull or logical. CNN 9/11 Poll .......... (thanks Robin) Scroll down a bit and the poll is on the right side. Do you believe alternative theories for 9/11 attacks are credible? Currently ............. Yes ........... 56% ............... 3,531 votes You should know better, then again..... If you are in the know, at all, you know that sites dedicated to this conspiracy theory directly link and tell their supporters to flood sites polling such questions. They will vote again and again to get it to go their way. Not only does the 9/11 Truth movement do this, but polls on many sites have been tampered with thanks to websites sending their supporters to polls to flood them and cause a specific result on an internet poll. |
A hit dog will holler. I would never call you crazy, stupid, or an idiot. I don't believe in personal attacks. However, if the shoe fits.... LOL ok if i may point out the irony here...."A HIT DOG WILL HOLLER" Insult number one..."IF THE SHOE FITS" well sir thats two in one post when u exclaimed u would NEVER insult u dont believe in personal attacks. Funny huh. And as far as the politics thing well once again im just going off an earlier post that said "U LEFT WINGERS" so...hmmm anyways no one will change anyones opinion I dont really see a point to being here anymore Next we are going to go into the pentagon being hit and the downed flight over PA so that will spark the same BS just with different twists. Madison thanks for posting but the debate will never be solved and neither side will sway the other. Have fun people. |
This report should answer your question: Title: Damage To Buildings Near World Trade Center Towers Caused By Falling Debris And Air Pressure Wave, Not Ground Shaking, Seismologists Report Even in the report though they claim they don't know how much the ground really did shake as there were not seismologist stations in NYC. I'd go for a combination of three, propbably four. Falling Debris, air pressure, fire, and minor earthquake is what brought the other buildings down. Yeah some 6 hours later in freefall. Buildings do not crumble in freefall. If you have proof to the contrary (not some report claiming it), lets see it. Odd thing is, other buildings in which the tower actually FELL on didnt collapse like 7 did. Its also of note that the reference you cited doesnt say jack about how "Damage To Buildings Near World Trade Center Towers Caused By Falling Debris And Air Pressure Wave". You cant cite 40 million references to debris, air pressure, and "minor earthquakes" causing 7 to fall but the FEMA report blames fires. All of it is bull**** regardless. Theres NO WAY the penthouse would fall first if the structural damage from fires on the 11-12th floor even combined with the damage from debris around the 8th floor did infact cause a collapse. Id believe that way before I believe pressure waves and minor earth quakes took a building down in a shockingly demolition style. Sorry but you will have to do better than that to convince me otherwise. |
LOL ok if i may point out the irony here...."A HIT DOG WILL HOLLER" Insult number one..."IF THE SHOE FITS" well sir thats two in one post when u exclaimed u would NEVER insult u dont believe in personal attacks. Funny huh. And as far as the politics thing well once again im just going off an earlier post that said "U LEFT WINGERS" so...hmmm anyways no one will change anyones opinion I dont really see a point to being here anymore Next we are going to go into the pentagon being hit and the downed flight over PA so that will spark the same BS just with different twists. Madison thanks for posting but the debate will never be solved and neither side will sway the other. Have fun people. |