Topic: 911 truth movement | |
Willie Nelson came out against the pancake theory on a talk radio show
if Willie was talking about a joint then I would consider him speaking with knowledge of the subject.....otherwise I don't.. ![]() |
Well, the debunked the demo theory, and since the fall took 10 seconds not 8 it shows there was resistance. It wasn't the impact but prolonged exposer to fire that lowered the yield strength of the steel.
If you want to believe in the conspiracy theories thats fine. Its fun to pretend. |
Ifyou wish to believe modern steel framed buildings fall straight down into there own footprint with a straight face more power to you. But again the entire thing can be simulated, get some high grad construction steel configure some type of weight ratio and start dumping kerosene on it and light it, make sure you have enough kerosene and lots of time on your hands as I know you wont get much heat or cuase the steel to bend or simutaniously collapse in any way shape or form.go ahead try it, try to soften or weaken steel with a kerosene fire. you wont be able to do it in an open air environment.
^^^....let me ask you again...if it is so obvious then why has there been no one who was involved in the scheme not spoken up? do what you suggest there had to be at least hundreds in on it..
Ever hear of the Illuminatti???
They don't kiss and tell!!! |
I want to know if the new evidence of Thermite and it's explanation settles your mind any?
Does this account sound probable or possible? |
^^^....let me ask you again...if it is so obvious then why has there been no one who was involved in the scheme not spoken up? do what you suggest there had to be at least hundreds in on it.. |
I was refering to the speed of the fall of WTC 7, not the towers, which fell in 6.5 seconds. I was retracting my earlier statement of 8 seconds.
Keep the info straight and quit twisting it. |
^^^...I've heard of the tooth fairy too and even woke up to some $$ under my pillow....
![]() so all those people who conspired to blow up the towers were all involved in Illuminatti.... |
I want to know if the new evidence of Thermite and it's explanation settles your mind any? Does this account sound probable or possible? that one is easy but I thought with your extensive research you would have come across this... "As both thermite and thermate are notoriously difficult to ignite, initiating the reaction normally requires trained human supervision and sometimes persistent efforts to ignite thermate. While previously little-known to the general public, thermate has become a matter of public discussion in allegations that the World Trade Center twin towers were demolished on 9/11 using thermate. Such allegations claim that sulfur was found deposited upon steel scrap in the debris from the twin towers' collapse, and that molten steel was found up to five weeks after 9/11. In contrast, sulfur is also a major component of the gypsum found in drywall used in the construction of modern office buildings. The analysis occurs within the context of substantial quantities of sulfur supplied by the disintegration of many tons of drywall. Thermate does not initiate a chain reaction or continuing combustion. Thermate burns hot by exhuasting its fuel within a few seconds or minutes. Once its specialized fuel is consumed, the thermate reaction terminates." |
^^^...I've heard of the tooth fairy too and even woke up to some $$ under my pillow.... ![]() so all those people who conspired to blow up the towers were all involved in Illuminatti.... |
its comeing out more and more every day, there are many groups speaking out against the 911 myth
I'm not asking about your fellow theorists...I'm asking why those who were directly involved or those who have direct personal knowledge have failed to come forward.. |
its comeing out more and more every day, there are many groups speaking out against the 911 myth
I'm not asking about your fellow theorists...I'm asking why those who were directly involved or those who have direct personal knowledge have failed to come forward.. |
Don't ask me if they ALL were Illuminatti.
I don't know. I am NOT Illuminatti and I was not involved, so I have no idea. Would not anyone who intentionally set out to bring harm to our Nation, as a group, be considered conspirators and terrorists? Do you really believe, with so much secrecy going on in our government, that they are not the conspirators and terrorists? What's with all of this secrecy? Our Government is Supposed to be OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, representing the People... Not witholding from the people, against the people and the people's Constitution. The President takes Oath to uphold the Constitution, then writes his own laws which are against what the Constitution states, without aproval of the Congress or the People of the United States. What the hell is wrong with this picture?? And you sleeping sheeple baaaa baaaa baaaa as if you are on prozac as the world turns! Wake up and take a look around. You want to say We are crazy cos we don't believe the lies? You dont even investigate them. You are like a fish who goes after a repalla cos it "Looks like a minniow, therefore it must be a minnow"... Bite it! I say YOU, loosely. At least you two in the pic here, Chazster have shown that you did at least read the article I posted. More than I can say for some folks. I mean YOU Americans who believe everything so easily. Throw away your tranquilizers and quit being desensitized!!! |
Ifyou wish to believe modern steel framed buildings fall straight down into there own footprint with a straight face more power to you. But again the entire thing can be simulated, get some high grad construction steel configure some type of weight ratio and start dumping kerosene on it and light it, make sure you have enough kerosene and lots of time on your hands as I know you wont get much heat or cuase the steel to bend or simutaniously collapse in any way shape or form.go ahead try it, try to soften or weaken steel with a kerosene fire. you wont be able to do it in an open air environment. The fuel was used to spread the fire, it was not the only thing that burned. Who knows what the hell was up in those buildings. If the floor collapsed and the top began to fall it would fall straight down since that is where the force of gravity is pulling it. Once it started moving its inertia would be so huge due to its mass that it would go straight down. The demo theory has also been debunked since the tower would not be able to stand and support daily activity with its support beams cut(which is done in demolition.. its not just explosives). Demo preparations take weeks and since no one noticed anything there is no evidence for it. So come up with a new theory. |
Don't ask me if they ALL were Illuminatti. I don't know. I am NOT Illuminatti and I was not involved, so I have no idea. Would not anyone who intentionally set out to bring harm to our Nation, as a group, be considered conspirators and terrorists? Do you really believe, with so much secrecy going on in our government, that they are not the conspirators and terrorists? What's with all of this secrecy? Our Government is Supposed to be OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, representing the People... Not witholding from the people, against the people and the people's Constitution. The President takes Oath to uphold the Constitution, then writes his own laws which are against what the Constitution states, without aproval of the Congress or the People of the United States. What the hell is wrong with this picture?? And you sleeping sheeple baaaa baaaa baaaa as if you are on prozac as the world turns! Wake up and take a look around. You want to say We are crazy cos we don't believe the lies? You dont even investigate them. You are like a fish who goes after a repalla cos it "Looks like a minniow, therefore it must be a minnow"... Bite it! I say YOU, loosely. At least you two in the pic here, Chazster have shown that you did at least read the article I posted. More than I can say for some folks. I mean YOU Americans who believe everything so easily. Throw away your tranquilizers and quit being desensitized!!! ![]() ![]() |
Ifyou wish to believe modern steel framed buildings fall straight down into there own footprint with a straight face more power to you. But again the entire thing can be simulated, get some high grad construction steel configure some type of weight ratio and start dumping kerosene on it and light it, make sure you have enough kerosene and lots of time on your hands as I know you wont get much heat or cuase the steel to bend or simutaniously collapse in any way shape or form.go ahead try it, try to soften or weaken steel with a kerosene fire. you wont be able to do it in an open air environment. The fuel was used to spread the fire, it was not the only thing that burned. Who knows what the hell was up in those buildings. If the floor collapsed and the top began to fall it would fall straight down since that is where the force of gravity is pulling it. Once it started moving its inertia would be so huge due to its mass that it would go straight down. The demo theory has also been debunked since the tower would not be able to stand and support daily activity with its support beams cut(which is done in demolition.. its not just explosives). Demo preparations take weeks and since no one noticed anything there is no evidence for it. So come up with a new theory. |
Edited by
Fri 02/08/08 05:33 PM
this link is R rated for language but its sorta funny and has some footage ofa high rise on fire from top to bottem in flames and it stayed standing......but again be warned of the language it is R rated
Have you considered the impact of the two planes that hit the building? That's bound to have jarred the structure all the way to the basement sort of like a mini earth quake. And I bet if only one plane had hit only one tower engineers would have found structural damage to the other tower.