Topic: 911 truth movement | |
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Sun 01/06/08 07:22 PM
IN my almost 20 years working with steel I have an understanding of it. It bends way b4 it breaks especialy if it is hot, now my thinking is this please correct me if I am wrong, they say the support clamps joining the floors to the support collums were weakened by heat and failed, my quistion is what took down the support collums, if the floors gave way from them, they would have remained standing and at the verry least fallen like a pile of uncooked spaggetti noodles on top of everything else......something is not right in this, its late for me to be watching an hour long vid here in Ohio but i will watch it tomorow
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Sun 01/06/08 08:14 PM
I have not watched the video but I pretty much agree with alot of what Totage posted. There had been warning signs but I can't imagine anyone would allow lives to be taken (even in the political world.) Let us know how you feel after viewing the video; an hour is too long.
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Mon 01/07/08 01:36 AM
I was able to check this out and now I am off to work and will do some further investigation later
For 9/11 to be a conspiracy would mean that there would have had to be hundreds, possibly thousands of people involved. If it were indeed a conspiracy, one or more persons would have blown the whistle on it before it got off the ground. There is no way that the multitude of people involved in the so-called 9/11 conspiracy would have sat back and knowingly permitted thousands of their fellow Americans to die. Reason dictates that at least some of them would have come forward and gone to the media and blown the alleged conspiracy wide open. That person(s) would have been heroes -- it would have been bigger than Watergate. It would have brought down the presidency, the government --- it would be unbelievable that at least not one person involved in the so-called conspiracy would give up an opportunity to bring down the presidency/government!
Therefore, at the risk of being repetitive, common sense tells dictates the government had nothing to do with it --- simply since the politicans who run our government are too stupid to engineer such a thing, and also, because it would involve silence on the part of hundreds, maybe thousands of people. As a last thought, if it were indeed a conspiracy, surely one or more of the hundreds/thousands of people involved would have shown remorse and come forward and spelled out all the details as to who engineered it from the top to the bottom. |
There will always be conspiracy's and people like u who debate them till we are blue in the face....heres the end all be all..MONEY BUYS SILENCE always has always will...If the government came to u and said Here's 500,000 be quiet and your rich and better off...or....Talk and we kill u ur family ur cousins ur babies your brothers sisters yadaa yadda...and btw...Hundreds would not need to be involved U think to rationally...U really think The government would hire...Joe schmo and his gang of demo guys....or do u think they would hire....ohhh..idk PEOPLE WHO HATE AMERICA to carry out there dirty work...sorry to tell u there but theres lots of HATE OF AMERICA....and alot of these sects and terrorist nodes are right the good old us of a...u think there gonna be talking?? maybe...but not if the government dissposed of them after they were done doing the dirty work...
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well I am not saying 911 was a massive conspiracy I am only saying I have some missgiveings about how the towers fell and all the othe weird things that had to happen in order for things to turn out the way they did. But I must comment on the number of people that allegedly you think would have to be in the know and if that many people can keep a secret. My first thought on this is the MANHATTEN PROJECT or the stealth fighter. Yes they can keep secrets when they need too.
Afghanistan is freed from terrorists. Afghan women can now uncover some and go to school to improve their lives and the lives of their families. Afghanistan has more freedom than pre 9/11 because the USA chased the Taliban and extremists out of that country.
My biggest question is where the hell is bin laden, it has been 6 years now and we still do not have him. We took Saddam and Iraq down for 9/11 but that is the only avenging we have had and Saddam didn't even do 9/11. So where the hell is bin laden?????? |
That is a verry nice thought butI dont think things are all that rosy. I read an article just over the weekend that said they are expecting a record crop of opium in Afghanistan.
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Mon 01/07/08 02:15 PM
Afghanistan is freed from terrorists. Afghan women can now uncover some and go to school to improve their lives and the lives of their families. Afghanistan has more freedom than pre 9/11 because the USA chased the Taliban and extremists out of that country. How is this on topic? Are you saying the alleged 9/11 conspiracy is justifed with the results in Afghanistan? |
Bin Laden and The Taliban was based in Afghanistan at the time of 9/11.
In all your years of working with steel did you ever heat a piece of it red hot. I am a blacksmith and when I saw the fires in the towers caused by the planes crashing into them I knew then that they would colapse. Anyone that knows anything about steel would have told you the same thing. Once the steel supports in the area of the fire became very hot they lost all their strength and colapsed from the weight above it. The weight of the colapsed floors coming down on the undamaged portin of the building caused a total colapse of each one. If you notice the second tower to be hit colapsed before the first one. The reason being it was hit much lower than the first one and thus had much more weight on the beams involved in the fire, therefore they did not have to reach as high a temperature to fail as the beams in the first tower hit. Why is it every time one of the cable channels re-runs a program about government conspiracies we have to rehash this junk. Remember it is Monday, time to change the tinfoil in your hats so the government can't use their mind control rays on you. ![]() |
I did heat treat for 6 years and have worked in a forge shop for 16 so of course I have heated alot of steel, I have seen things fall over in a furnace, drive shafts, crank shafts you name it, big things small things and I know how long it takes for Things to get hot enough to lose tensile strenght, when you set a cold piece of steel in a controled furnace, being that the intent is to get maximum heat It takes a while to get it red hot , yoou should know this as a smithy, now the twin towers are not a controled furnace and most of the jet fuel was burnt up on impact and my experience tells me that breif hot fire will not drasticly weaken the steel so bad that an entire building will collpse to dust. I can except that some floor trusses being thinner I would thinkl than the main support collums would weaken, my main quistion is how in the hell did the main supports collapse as they did, as a smithy you would have to consider that it would take an intense heat for a sustained amount of time to weaken these collums, they are I belive inches thick and I would imagine at least four or five inches thick so you have to ask yourself what else besides jet fuel fed the fire? these offices were filled with fire resistant carpets and all the modern ways to protect buildings, I just dont buy it. I guese if you dont wish to re hash it ignore it?
sorry for my typos i am trying to get dinner ready for the big game tonight (go BUCKS) but if it was the case that in fact these buildings fell for the reasons given and they were built to withstand this by the way, It was a huge incredible engineering failure............and being such it should have been investigated seriously. The steel shoudl have been examined for flaws, Micros done, tensile strenght to determine why the steel failed as it did, and this was never done so yes I have seriouse quistions on the whole event, I like everyone else am only stateing them, and why not this is a forum
"alleged 9/11 conspiracy"? I thought all US Servicemen were patriotic? I am confused by your use of "alleged 9/11 "conspiracy"". Google Afghanistan/Taliban or Taliban/Afghanistan. Why do you think we were bombing all those caves in Afghanistan? To find and kill Osama Bin Laden.
I was watching it on the tv as it happened, well minutes after I guess as I was not there but even then the collapsing did not start for quite a while after the hit and it appeared fairly similar to the buildings that I have seen taken down by explosion, so I am not so likely to believe in the set charges bullarky but I am still pretty well convinced our government had enough warnings to stop the attack before it began. As for bin laden, Clinton probably would have got him if he wasn't defending his dam sex life to people who have none cause that is only reason you file charges against a man for getting a blow job and not admitting to it. The stupidest well, next to stupidest thing I had ever seen the top one has now become baby shrub and his "attack on terrorism" in Iraq that is not doing anything about terrorism except making them hate us even worse. To bad all terrorist were not in Iraq like babyshrub led us to believe huh??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Clinton was not President on 9/11/2000! George Bush was. The USA bombed the known hide outs of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden repeatedly. They did not kill him, but, they chased the Taliban out of Afghanistan, which freed the Afghan people of the terrorists and gave them their country back, with elections and all. |
Clinton was not President on 9/11/2000! George Bush was. The USA bombed the known hide outs of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden repeatedly. They did not kill him, but, they chased the Taliban out of Afghanistan, which freed the Afghan people of the terrorists and gave them their country back, with elections and all. Check you history books....or check the date you typed.... one of those actions will revise your statement. |
"alleged 9/11 conspiracy"? I thought all US Servicemen were patriotic? I am confused by your use of "alleged 9/11 "conspiracy"". Google Afghanistan/Taliban or Taliban/Afghanistan. Why do you think we were bombing all those caves in Afghanistan? To find and kill Osama Bin Laden. |
got questions about 911? this.. consider Norman Minetas testimony to the bogus 911 commission: Mineta responds to an opening question by Commissioner Hamilton about the events in the PEOC and an alleged shoot down order. He describes a conversation between Cheney and a young man: Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??" |
got questions about 911? this.. consider Norman Minetas testimony to the bogus 911 commission: Mineta responds to an opening question by Commissioner Hamilton about the events in the PEOC and an alleged shoot down order. He describes a conversation between Cheney and a young man: Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??" |