Topic: 911 truth movement | |
That obviously went over your head.
That obviously went over your head. You are so easily offended by words but you have no problem throwing them around yourself. That obviously went over your head. |
Yeah. Good luck with that. A word is a term of derision, or a phrase is pejorative, if it implies contempt or disapproval and I was doing so in a manner in which anyone but a backwoods hayseed with more than a single heavily taxed brain cell would have picked up on and I am sure you understood my intention but are choosing to display a facade in which you appear to be that which I have described.I feel confident that you are not that cold and insensitive. Perhaps I should have used the word "bigot" instead of "racist" in my earlier posts?
Your all morons and U agree with each other then change subjects to debate racism and insulting one anothers views on that. Start another post. You can sit there and insult somebody that served this country but because someone said towel head u get bent outta shape...FOCK OFF
I served this country as well my friend. Four years aboard the USS Nimitz. AIMD, IM-3 Div. AT3. A7 PMDS and F-14 HUD's. ....
Four years Air Force- Pope AFB, NC. MAC 317 TAW Aircraft electrical systems technician. Technical Sergeant second shift supervisor. And you? |
Me? how bout dont call me your friend. Have more respect for people as a whole. Dont throw insults around at people in general. If you dont like the phrase towel head once again...FOCK OFF
Oh yea and DONT CALL ME friend. Thanks for your input it has been very enlightening and insulting I appreciate your wit and sarcasm your constant insults and sarcasm but try to stop throwing around your intellectual knowledge that is so superior to all those around u and once more. Fock off im tired and going to bed been up for 24 hours and im tired of this game in this room....MY FRIEND |
Edited by
Thu 01/10/08 05:17 AM
Ahm soree ah wel try 2 appeeR leSs intelgint sew U doent fill Lonli. Yew is ok wit me. dAt is da trooF.
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Thanks for the insults once more sir u prove my points very well. I do appreciate it. Were u abused as a child? perhaps mommy touched u in a naughty place so u went off to join uncle sam and get whipped into shape? Or maybe ur just a pathetic ass whos on a dateing website hurling insults to achieve a sense of superiority that u cannot find in your daily life because everyone around you knows what a pathetic piece of crap you are and does not want to be around you in their day to day routine because it is to painful to try to call you friend when you are obviously a pathetic excuse for a human being. nice smiley face by the way it adds a little character to your seriously flawed character traits. Here this is for you to go along with your childish behavior which you soo well display.
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Yeah.... uh, right.
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can umm, we get back on topic please? Im really really begging and hoping some one can help me believe building 7 fell due to any other means than what looked to be a controlled demolition.
I sincerely hope you find the answer to your question. You won't get it on this thread. Creditable link after creditable link has been posted to help you in your search for the answer. If that has not got you started to the path to enlightenment then I don't know what else to say to you brother. Madisonman started this post to stir up the pro conspiracy minded. If you want to believe your government did this then all evidence to the contrary will not change your mind. The truth is out there. |
can umm, we get back on topic please? Im really really begging and hoping some one can help me believe building 7 fell due to any other means than what looked to be a controlled demolition. |
In 2003, Former Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta testified before the 9/11 Commission:
Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??" Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory often claim that Mineta was referring to United 93 and not to unidentified plane coming towards Washington D.C. before the explosion at the Pentagon. |
Edited by
Thu 01/10/08 03:52 PM
I sincerely hope you find the answer to your question. You won't get it on this thread. You are likely correct. No one has adequately addressed them yet to satisfy my doubt. Creditable link after creditable link has been posted to help you in your search for the answer. By whose standard of creditability?? Yours? The media? The government? This is the definition of "creditable: "bringing or deserving credit, honor, reputation, or esteem; Worthy of belief" Im only interested in facts; not the credit, honor, reputation, or esteem of the sources. Venusians may have beamed death rays on it and would undoubtedly be accepted as truth by somebody--Yet, proof is still required of any postulated theory. I ask you prove to me that said causes of 7s collapse. FEMA, NIST, nor Popular Mechanics prove anything. Conjecture is NOT proof no matter how "creditable" the claims may seem. I've pointed out that every said cause of building 7's collapse is unprecedented, implausible, or down right impossible. I do NOT care what a report states or what anyone says happened. I want proof. The burden of proof isnt on me to provide how the building fell. If the building crumbled in a manner typical to the methods purported to cause its demise, id have no problem accepting that. Pardon my defiance but the alleged cause of collapse doesnt seem plausible to me. If that has not got you started to the path to enlightenment then I don't know what else to say to you brother. Im not a monk nor do I need "enlightenment" as to imply a need for redemption for my alleged misguided logic. Madisonman started this post to stir up the pro conspiracy minded. If you want to believe your government did this then all evidence to the contrary will not change your mind. Please do not infer, that because I find flaws in the logic of the collapse of building 7, that I subscribe to 911 conspiracy theories. The truth is out there. I agree, hence my inquisition. Please dont post this again as I read the whole thing the first time. The title indicates the collapse was due to "falling debris and air pressure wave" but offers no proof for that conclusion in the body of the article. In case I missed it, please point out the err in my comprehension. |
Guitarjizzard... I sincerely hope you find the answer to your question. You won't get it on this thread. Creditable link after creditable link has been posted to help you in your search for the answer. If that has not got you started to the path to enlightenment then I don't know what else to say to you brother. Madisonman started this post to stir up the pro conspiracy minded. If you want to believe your government did this then all evidence to the contrary will not change your mind. The truth is out there. ![]() |
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Thu 01/10/08 03:52 PM
sometimes a plane hitting a building is just a plane hitting a building though. for a FAT coverup i would have to point you to the Oklahona city bombing, but this was nothing more than a buncha towelheads working together with boxknives. .. and us getting caught with our pants down. mabe thats the really hard part. I said at the time that our country was twice as strong the day after than before. We were lucky that it wasent 100 planes instead of four. It also shows me though that our security at that time was obviously inadequate. Rambill, racism is disgusting. It really sickened me to read that filth and being the eternal optimist that I am and trying to find humor in all that I see, I cannot see anything funny in that. ![]() ![]() How in the **** DO YOU GET RACISM OUT OF THAT? I think your the one whos stuck on the race card. recpognising that the enemy happen to be middle eastern isnt racism its common sense. |
Ah, so it is only partially racist? What percentage of it is racism and what percentage is derogatory? Easily offended? My mother came here from Cuba when she was 35 in the mid 50's. Does that make me only 50% spic? Or is that word derogatory more than racist? Are we lumping all of the good middle easterners together with the bad? Lets set up internment camps! It was good for the Japs.... wait, is that derogatory or racist? Food for thought. actually yes it does. racial profiling is just recognising potential enemies. get over it. |
In 2003, Former Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta testified before the 9/11 Commission: Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??" Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory often claim that Mineta was referring to United 93 and not to unidentified plane coming towards Washington D.C. before the explosion at the Pentagon. ![]() |
The evil deeds that men do... and for what? Who had the most to gain by such actions?
The evil deeds that men do... and for what? Who had the most to gain by such actions? That was a reported North Vietnamese attack on American destroyers that helped lead to president Lyndon Johnson's sharp escalation of American forces in Vietnam. The author of the report "demonstrates that not only is it not true, as (then US) secretary of defense Robert McNamara told Congress, that the evidence of an attack was 'unimpeachable,' but that to the contrary, a review of the classified signals intelligence proves that 'no attack happened that night,'" FAS said in a statement. "What this study demonstrated is that the available intelligence shows that there was no attack. It's a dramatic reversal of the historical record," Aftergood said. "There were previous indications of this but this is the first time we have seen the complete study," he said. |