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Topic: River's Travel Journal
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 04/20/21 05:19 AM
BTW... shocked to see that bears open car doors??? noway noway

And shocked people obviously don't lock their car doors, hihi. Also shocking to learn that a bear could break into a car for a piece of gum??? WTF? Can also be attracted to deodorant, toothpaste... I had NO idea. Food, okay, I get that.

Sorry for turning this into a bear encounter thing, hihi, but this is all totally new to me!

no photo
Tue 04/20/21 05:49 AM

BTW... shocked to see that bears open car doors??? noway noway

And shocked people obviously don't lock their car doors, hihi. Also shocking to learn that a bear could break into a car for a piece of gum??? WTF? Can also be attracted to deodorant, toothpaste... I had NO idea. Food, okay, I get that.

Sorry for turning this into a bear encounter thing, hihi, but this is all totally new to me!

Haha, yes they're quite intelligent... the bears that is, lol. I recently learned about the body fragrances like deodorant and such. I'll have to make sure not to use essential oils or deodorant when I go hiking. All the garbage dumpster and recycle bins have special latches inside a small opening to open the container. Otherwise the bear would easily open it.

Off to work I go, have a wonderful day Crystal flowerforyou waving

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 04/20/21 08:53 AM
just curious !!!
how many customers do you have to deal with on an average day..... and do they all wear masks and practice all other restrictions?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 04/20/21 03:30 PM

BTW... shocked to see that bears open car doors??? noway noway

And shocked people obviously don't lock their car doors, hihi. Also shocking to learn that a bear could break into a car for a piece of gum??? WTF? Can also be attracted to deodorant, toothpaste... I had NO idea. Food, okay, I get that.

Sorry for turning this into a bear encounter thing, hihi, but this is all totally new to me!

Haha, yes they're quite intelligent... the bears that is, lol. I recently learned about the body fragrances like deodorant and such. I'll have to make sure not to use essential oils or deodorant when I go hiking. All the garbage dumpster and recycle bins have special latches inside a small opening to open the container. Otherwise the bear would easily open it.

Off to work I go, have a wonderful day Crystal flowerforyou waving

And thank you :D Hope you had / are having a great day as well flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 04/20/21 05:17 PM

just curious !!!
how many customers do you have to deal with on an average day..... and do they all wear masks and practice all other restrictions?

We just opened last Friday. The first three days were pretty busy, yesterday was very slow and today was steady. Not sure exactly how many. Come full season it will be extremely busy. All the camping sites and lodging is fully booked. I was told the grocery store and gift shop each do about $30,000 daily. I can only imagine what the gas station will do. Fortunately we only allow 15 in the store at one time.

And being Federal property, everyone has to wear a mask or they can't enter. So far there's only been a hand full of people we had to tell to put on a mask.

no photo
Tue 04/20/21 05:18 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 04/20/21 05:19 PM

BTW... shocked to see that bears open car doors??? noway noway

And shocked people obviously don't lock their car doors, hihi. Also shocking to learn that a bear could break into a car for a piece of gum??? WTF? Can also be attracted to deodorant, toothpaste... I had NO idea. Food, okay, I get that.

Sorry for turning this into a bear encounter thing, hihi, but this is all totally new to me!

Haha, yes they're quite intelligent... the bears that is, lol. I recently learned about the body fragrances like deodorant and such. I'll have to make sure not to use essential oils or deodorant when I go hiking. All the garbage dumpster and recycle bins have special latches inside a small opening to open the container. Otherwise the bear would easily open it.

Off to work I go, have a wonderful day Crystal flowerforyou waving

And thank you :D Hope you had / are having a great day as well flowerforyou

Thank you, I did. flowerforyou

I'm enjoying meeting people from all over. happy

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 04/21/21 09:10 AM

BTW... shocked to see that bears open car doors??? noway noway

And shocked people obviously don't lock their car doors, hihi. Also shocking to learn that a bear could break into a car for a piece of gum??? WTF? Can also be attracted to deodorant, toothpaste... I had NO idea. Food, okay, I get that.

Sorry for turning this into a bear encounter thing, hihi, but this is all totally new to me!

Haha, yes they're quite intelligent... the bears that is, lol. I recently learned about the body fragrances like deodorant and such. I'll have to make sure not to use essential oils or deodorant when I go hiking. All the garbage dumpster and recycle bins have special latches inside a small opening to open the container. Otherwise the bear would easily open it.

Off to work I go, have a wonderful day Crystal flowerforyou waving

And thank you :D Hope you had / are having a great day as well flowerforyou

Thank you, I did. flowerforyou

I'm enjoying meeting people from all over. happy

And I am sure they enjoy meeting you River as I did a few weeks ago at breakfast.flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/21/21 01:19 PM
waving flowerforyou

How’s the weather out there today? It’s snowing 🌨 like crazy here! shocked But it’s not laying on the ground, up in the mountains there might be a couple of inches or so.
Mother Nature is off her meds again......yesterday it was sunny :sunny: and 72°! laugh

Hope you’re having a great day flowers drinker

no photo
Wed 04/21/21 03:43 PM

BTW... shocked to see that bears open car doors??? noway noway

And shocked people obviously don't lock their car doors, hihi. Also shocking to learn that a bear could break into a car for a piece of gum??? WTF? Can also be attracted to deodorant, toothpaste... I had NO idea. Food, okay, I get that.

Sorry for turning this into a bear encounter thing, hihi, but this is all totally new to me!

Haha, yes they're quite intelligent... the bears that is, lol. I recently learned about the body fragrances like deodorant and such. I'll have to make sure not to use essential oils or deodorant when I go hiking. All the garbage dumpster and recycle bins have special latches inside a small opening to open the container. Otherwise the bear would easily open it.

Off to work I go, have a wonderful day Crystal flowerforyou waving

And thank you :D Hope you had / are having a great day as well flowerforyou

Thank you, I did. flowerforyou

I'm enjoying meeting people from all over. happy

And I am sure they enjoy meeting you River as I did a few weeks ago at breakfast.flowerforyou

Aww, thanks Poetry. I really enjoyed meeting you as well. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/21/21 03:48 PM

waving flowerforyou

How’s the weather out there today? It’s snowing 🌨 like crazy here! shocked But it’s not laying on the ground, up in the mountains there might be a couple of inches or so.
Mother Nature is off her meds again......yesterday it was sunny :sunny: and 72°! laugh

Hope you’re having a great day flowers drinker

Haha, it was like that the other day. Sunny and close to 50 on Sunday and a small snow storm Monday morning. Right now it's about 47F and sunny. T-shirt weather, lol. Only because we're 6,700 feet elevation. Tomorrow will be in around 50F again, and then we're expecting 4 to 6 inches of snow tomorrow night, and rain on Friday. I'm off the next two days, so will venture out on a road trip tomorrow. I'll save my online training for Friday, laugh

Work was fun, hope you had a great day Dee flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Thu 04/22/21 05:07 AM

Be careful with the early crowd. My brother managed a C-store for seveal years and he always had complaint from locals who wanted their fresh hot coffee and donuts every morning right on time. His store was located near a mining town in the mountains and he learned the people there can be awful ruff and trying.

Early crowds is one of my specialties biggrin

Thanks Bob, but I'm not too worried about it, I see it more of a law of attraction kind of thing. If I go into work being weary of the cranky 'gimme my coffee' kind of customers, then that's exactly what I will get. However, if I go in there bright and chipper, full of positive energy, then more often than not, I will get that in return. That's how it was for me in the two years I opened the C-store in New Hampshire. I've been blessed with the ability to see sunshine in darkness, and I'm pretty good at turning those frowns upside down. smile2 waving

no photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:05 AM
Day 21

Happy Earth Day everyone! flowerforyou

I survived my first week of work, haha! There was a couple fleeting moments when I wondered what the heck I was doing and missing my old job that was nice and comfy. Getting a store ready for the season was a lot of hard work, and with it only being my boss and I until the rest of the crew show up, really long days. But so worth it, I'm adjusting very well to my new environment. happy

My new boss is thrilled with me and happy she didn't need to train me much, I was already familiar with the cash registers they use and the basics of running a gas station/convenience store.

Today and tomorrow are my days off. I'll be heading out soon to do a little sight seeing. Very cool that it happens to be Earth Day, I'm excited that I get to be out in nature on this day. love There are some waterfalls outside of Jackson that my boss told me about, I'll be going there for sure. The weather is suppose to be nice, least until late tonight when we'll get more snow laugh It's expected to rain tomorrow, so that'll be a good day to clean my room, finish my supervisor/management online training, and relax!

Have a wonderful day everyone! drinker waving

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:06 AM
You deserve some time off! Have a great day River!

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:15 AM
have a great day of .... watch out for those beatsc..... dont forget to get that pizza while in Jackson!!!!

no photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:25 AM
Thanks Cutie flowerforyou

Lol, my exact thoughts Slim. I'll be picking up that pizza on my way back drinker happy

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 04/22/21 10:16 AM
Hope you're having a really great day!

no photo
Thu 04/22/21 10:48 AM
Happy Earth day :earth_americas::deciduous_tree::seedling::shamrock::leaves::ear_of_rice::tulip::hibiscus::rose::cherry_blossom::blossom::sunflower::sun_with_face:flowerforyou

Hope you’re enjoying your day off and the beautiful scenery near you. It’s still cold and we’re having some snow flurries here today so I’m just staying in and keeping warm. Next week it’s supposed to be
in the 80s! We do have some crazy weather this time of year...whoa laugh

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 04/22/21 11:30 AM
We had snow flurries this morning here. Sounds like you are having many new experiences River.

no photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:06 PM

Hope you're having a really great day!

Thank you Crystal, I did! I hope you did as well.

no photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:27 PM

Happy Earth day :earth_americas::deciduous_tree::seedling::shamrock::leaves::ear_of_rice::tulip::hibiscus::rose::cherry_blossom::blossom::sunflower::sun_with_face:flowerforyou

Hope you’re enjoying your day off and the beautiful scenery near you. It’s still cold and we’re having some snow flurries here today so I’m just staying in and keeping warm. Next week it’s supposed to be
in the 80s! We do have some crazy weather this time of year...whoa laugh

Sounds crazy laugh It actually sounds like New England weather about this time of year, lol.

I had an amazing time. On my way out of Grand Teton National Park I stopped to watch the moose. love I had breakfast in Jackson before heading to falls.

I went through the Teton Pass to get to Swan Valley, Idaho where the falls are. Holy cow what a climb. The top is about 8,400 feet. The steepness was pretty much 10% grade the whole way through it. surprised Gypsy (my car, lol) was a trooper, she had a tough time getting over 35/40 mph on some of the climbs, but we made it. On the way back I took a different route, less tedious and less dangerous.

Didn't see any bears, just the moose and a bunch of deer. The waterfalls were beautiful. I was up pretty high looking down, didn't get too close to the edge though because I was a bit woozy from the high elevation and all the twisting and turning through the mountains, haha. I'm happy to be back at 6,700 feet elevation, that's for sure!

Hope you had a nice warm day at home drinker flowerforyou

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