Topic: government...bad? or good? | |
when you think of the government, what sort of emotions come up? I hear lots about how Bush is trying to run this country to the ground. How some countries hate us because of what he does. Like Senators and congress and I get conflicting information. What should I think? What do you think?
what you think is for you to decide, personally i think this government could be pretty good if we could get rid of the corruption and actually run it like it was intended.
I agree with what azrae1l had to say.
Really if the govement actually did there jobs that they where voted into doing in the first place then we wouldn't have the mess we have now in this world etc. |
When I think of the government I think of something that has been sold to corporations that have no interest in the future of this country or even the world, corporations whose only concern and goal is to fatten their pockets at ANY means, corporations that KILL THOUSANDS of PEOPLE a day by creating wars and propaganda for their own EVIL agendas.
I can't say that Bush is trying to run the country into the ground. That's an opinion, with no given fact. He has his own opinions and motivations. Now, I'm not defending him, but I'm not going to attack him either.
Honestly I tend to just ignore politicians anymore. To find one that is not full of hot wind, who is not self-righteous, who is not pretentious... and who doesn't think they can use my money better than I can is too daunting a task. I think our government is too big, and is in general mostly a waste of resources. However, some form of government is neccessary to keep order. Some countries have always hated us. Some information is tainted. In the case of the majority of the media, most of the information is tainted. It's biased to one side or the other in almost 99% of news reports. The only way to make a real, educated decision is to pay attention to multiple reports, sort the facts from the opinions, and form your own opinions of the facts. World events are a topic with no easy answers... and lots of silly mudslinging. I refuse to divulge my own opinions here... beyond what I have done... as that would be a complete waste of the point-> MAKE your own opinion if you really care! |
I don't think the president has much to do with it, Bush (or any other president) is just a puppet.
The government has its issues. Hell who dosent though. Hope the next leader can repair some of the damages done. United States has a low moral as a whole.
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Right. I agree totage.
Bush is the puppet of Richard Cheney, Halliburton, the oil companies, etc... Worst president in history. Ever. |
ah, is that a fact or an opinion> didnt know this was the kind of place I could run into a liberalism
Well you have to figure is first, how would the U.S. be without the government? Under some other countries rule of course.
I refrain for answering is "this and who" doing a bad job, what happens happens and I think in the long run it will be good for the country. People are too caught up with the effects in the short run and forget about the long run effects... |
But the finger should really be pointed at corporations like the Federal Reserve.
We the people need to stand up and take back America. We need to stop the Federal Reserve, and take action against these corporations that are destroying us. |
But the finger should really be pointed at corporations like the Federal Reserve. We the people need to stand up and take back America. We need to stop the Federal Reserve, and take action against these corporations that are destroying us. The fed is only helping our short run aggregate supply and demand in the economy! Beyond that they have no power! They are very important in keeping the country from Recession, Inflation, and Stagflation! STOP BASHING THE FED!!!! |
The best way
to do that is to vote for the candidate who you feel will do the best job of standing up to the corporations and special interests. |
ah, is that a fact or an opinion> didnt know this was the kind of place I could run into a liberalism You know, I thought I was voicing the reasonablism side... lol. I'm not liberal or conservative... I just make my own decisions on what I believe. As for the puppet leader discussion... yes in part, and yet no. They have 'dues' to pay, but yet have some power and opinion in their own right as president. The biggest issue is that most of what a president and congress does isn't seen for 4-8 years after they do it... leading to the belief that the next group did it. |
Pronlem with that is without the corporations our economy dives.
Gotta say I have watched all the debates and am a registered independent.......still have no idea whom I would vote for. I think the pool gets thinner and
robm258, that is an excellent point and I am glad that you brought it up........thus clinton getting much credit he did not deserve........oooops, did I say that out
robm258, that is an excellent point and I am glad that you brought it up........thus clinton getting much credit he did not deserve........oooops, did I say that out Yes, and it's dead on the bullseye. |
Ever notice since that thread bashing the Fed people are calling for action against them? However when I call them out the fail to show a fight... GET AN EDUCATION IN ECONOMICS THEN COME TALK TO ME... UNTIL THEN STOP TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT!!!
I agree that government
has become too secretive, like Richard Cheney's backroom deals with corporations. No one knows exactly what goes on in those meetings, of course, that's the way he wants it and that's what's so scary. |