Topic: government...bad? or good? | |
Good point. However, so much is so dirty, it's unlikely to happen. :( bush (and I do intentionally not capitalize his name since he isn't worth it) should have been impeached long ago, but apparently there's lots of rich people out there who don't care about the poor or about those who just want to work. |
The government hates the poor and probably wishes none of them existed. It's been proven more than once. Louisiana was one example. And as anyone who doesn't have money knows, we are the first trampled on. We have to try and fight just to stay alive and the government doesn't like it. Even though we just want to work, no matter how hard we try, we are ignored. No help is given to those of us "in the crack", who have job experience and have tried all avenues to get work. I'd say that's a pretty rotten government, for starters. Nice thing about don't like a state....move. |
DUBUQUE, Iowa (AP) - John Edwards said Saturday his chief Democratic rivals for the White House offer "a complete fantasy" when explaining the role of special interests. His party, he said, could lose its way and alienate supporters unless it stands by those most in need.
"I think if my party, the Democratic Party, if we're not willing to fight for, stand up and show some backbone on behalf of the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the disenfranchised, we have no soul," the former North Carolina senator said. "What are we going to stand for?" Edwards cited fellow candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton for suggesting that expanded health care and other gains can be achieved by bargaining with what called entrenched interests. "The easiest thing to do is say we can be nice about this, we can turn our heads and we can sit at a table with stakeholders and negotiate with them and they will voluntarily give their power away," said Edwards, the party's vice presidential nominee in 2004. "It is a complete fantasy." Edwards opened his latest campaign swing with a little celebrity power - actor and musician Kevin Bacon - and he sought to make clear his differences with Obama, the Illinois senator, and Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady. "We need a president who says to the American people that corporate greed and corporate power is not going to stop us any more," Edwards said. "I do actually believe we have an enormous fight in front of us." Obama, who held rallies last weekend in the state with Oprah Winfrey, suggests that the health care debate should include all groups interested in the issue. Edwards cast the issue in terms of working people battling against special interests. "I just fundamentally disagree," Edwards said. "I think we have an epic fight in front of us." His main challengers take a more intellectual approach to politics than he does, Edwards contended. "I believe we need a fighter, not somebody who talks about it, who thinks about it," he said. Vote for John Edwards!! ![]() |
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. People, for the most part half-heartedly examine the nature and system of politics, if at all. We are in the situtation we are in currently, because most of the populace is so enamoured with celebrities, sports, etc. that they can afford to ignore it because they will not suddenly have their property seized, or be jailed, or get sent to fight in a war, risk starving to death, or any other manner of things that happen when TSHTF in countries where people actually have to worry about what their government is doing to them. We live in such a sanitized, propagandized, whitewashed society because of mass public education (indoctrination) and mass corporate media owned by only a few mega-corporations. First they make sure that the kids never get a good understanding of politics and history in school then when your an adult they spoonfeed you the nightly news and make people feel as if they are "on top of things" because once in a while they watch it. If you don't teach somebody at an earlier age what the Constitution is, what the Bill of Rights are, what various political ideologies exists, and why you should be EXTREMELY SKEPTICAL of ANY GOVERNMENT or PERSONS in government because of the horrible track records they have throughout history of lies, corruption, atrocities, etc. then they are usually lost to you because as an adult their apathy is much more refined and quasi-articulated, they are comfortable not caring and simply look at you strangely if you try to engage them in current events, or give you some gibberish about how you can't make any difference anyway. To quote Jefferson, I am far more willing to deal with the inconveniences attending a society with too little government than one with too much.
Ethics goes to the
heart of most of the problems with government, sports, etc... I think it is nurtured in this country to win at all costs, regardless of what evil you have to produce to get there. It's the morality of the end justifies the means, which means, no morality. If children were raised to 'do the right thing' (taught ethics) instead of winning regardless of the outcome, maybe this country wouldn't be in such a mess. |
Many of you people are absolute nutjobs, not naming names.
What we need is a much smaller government, no government would be pure chaos and anarchy. We need a government like the Founding Fathers wanted and proposed, a government that was completely twisted for the wrong by many Congressmen and especially Presidents over the years. FDR probably destroyed the fundamentals of this country and subjected us to an unending increase in the size of government. Now, I like wartime FDR and I don't believe he had any idea what would happen, but he still can be the one to mark the downfall, the rise of an all encompassing government that will never end its increasing seize on the liberties of Americans. Government was meant for few things, as stated by the Founding Fathers. Government should only be there for public works, such as roads, water, sewer. It should also only be there to protect us from foreign enemies in the way of a large military. That is IT! Anything else is a horrible smear on the intention of the Founding Fathers. Republicans are wrong, Democrats are wrong, and SOCIALISTS/Progressives like many of you here are WRONG most of all. This is not the America that the Founding Fathers intended. How I wish the Anti-Federalists would have won at the table. And no, I am not a libertarian, they go way too far, I am a conservative, true conservative, which is the direct relation to a classical liberal of the period of the Founding Fathers. I am a true representation of what this country was intended to be and what it must be returned to in order to survive, in order to be identified as America. |
What is a true conservative?
So if you are 'a true representation of what this country was intended to be and what it must be returned to in order to survive' what are you going to do to make that happen? There are a lot of people on both the Republican and Democrat side that I'm sure have that same idea. Trouble is, most of them don't have a clue about what is right for America because they still don't understand that what's good for the average working man and woman is good for America. |
because they still don't understand that what's good for the average working man and woman is good for America Sounds like a pretty socialist statement to me and yet you support Ron Paul? That's definately not the words of a real libertarian, sounds more like the pseudo-libertarian Ron Pual uses in his speeches that can grasp both Dems and Reps emotional appeal. A true conservative support very limited government, a government that provides ONLY what the individual cannot on his own. Public works and National defense. That is it. That is all a government, a true American government founded by our Founding Fathers, should provide. |
You've already decided
I support Ron Paul but you don't know anything about me. Typical of a conservative to jump to conclusions and slap labels on people. It fits more with their bland black-and-white monochrome view of the world. Very simplistic. Like their thought processes. |
Look what very limited
government did for New Orleans. |
We're so far from what our founding fathers intended that we should change the name of this country. We are much closer to a marxist governmet than a democracy we shouldnt even call it that anymore. Big business runs this country, dont fool your self. Even if we have a REAL, FAIR election, congress and the president do what the money that backs them wants them to do. They forget about who electged their dumb azz. What happened to term limits? Of course congress will make sure that doesnt happen, its too lucriative for them. Its far too late to fix it, have you noticed they(the democrats and republicans) have made it nearly impossible for another party to run a candidate? Hmm...Imagine that....
Yes, exactly.
There is a problem on both sides. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. No offense. Some of these people have never worked outside of government their whole lives. I think they would have a different perspective if they had to work in a meat packing plant, do farm work or other blue collar labor. |
Hiker, not directing at you at all. I agree with you 100% I dont know anything about Ron Paul, but I am going to research him. we defintely need something better...
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Personally I'm
leaning towards John Edwards. But Ron Paul would definitely stink less than the crop of candidates the Republicans have now. |
Cartman/Kenny in '08
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Go check this out Ted |
Look what very limited government did for New Orleans. New Orleans was a fault of environmentalists suing endlessly to prevent from the government flooding 'wetlands' and thus nature preserves and the building of a more fit wall to hold back the water. By the way, what caused the failure of the entire wall in the first place was a barge that was swept up by the heavy waters and slammed into it. And, the end result of the failure, surprisingly, goes nearly fully in the court of the local and state government. Blanco is a horrible governor and she got the boot in the last election because of it. However, I believe ever building a city right next to a huge wall that is holding back billions, probably trillions of gallons of water, as possibly the dumbest decision one could ever make. And yet, some idiots will likely move right up next to the new wall just like people decide to build again in the mountains of California where fire just passed over the year before. Idiots, they should receive NO help from the federal government for how stupid they are. Private donations yes, but federal money, heck no. |
You've already decided I support Ron Paul but you don't know anything about me. Typical of a conservative to jump to conclusions and slap labels on people. It fits more with their bland black-and-white monochrome view of the world. Very simplistic. Like their thought processes. Jump to conclusions after one spewed the mantra of Socialism 101. Thanks for the insult by the way, and all conservatives. Would love to hear you say that to the face of the great Thomas Sowell. And, great slap in the face of the Founding Fathers as well, true conservatives. |
Socialists, conservatives, liberals, republicans, democrats, communists, left, right, left, right, left, right.....they all march to the same tune...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Socialists, conservatives, liberals, republicans, democrats, communists, left, right, left, right, left, right.....they all march to the same tune...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ![]() How true... |