Topic: government...bad? or good? | |
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Mon 01/07/08 04:20 AM
mnhiker..... In reference to your query, although not directed at me, "What do you think, a Huckabee-McCain or McCain-Huckabee
ticket?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- McCain is a RINO (republican in name only) -- no way would I vote for him. Huckabee is also a bit too liberal for me. Hopefully, the country will never see either of the above on the ballot ticket. |
mrtxstar & leahmarie,
Thanks for the responses. I think it's a real possibility. It would depend upon what happens in New Hampshire and elsewhere, as well as the candidates getting over the ego thing about not being the frontrunner. Another possibility is our Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlently being picked by McCain as his Vice Presidential nominee. I don't think Mitt Romney will play second fiddle to anyone. |
mnhiker..... Although I do not want it to become a reality, I think you are more than right when you say it is a real possibility.
Candidates getting over the ego thing?! Are you crazy? ![]() Whoops! I am not supposed to get personal. Sorry about that! Tell me something about Tim Pawlently. I have not heard anything about him. What I mean is why do you think he could be picked as McCain's VP? Is he to the left, moderate, or right? |
What do you think, a Huckabee-McCain or McCain-Huckabee ticket? I'll have to do may homework and get back to you. I won't rule is out either way until then. I'm still doing my homework but I think McCain is the finest liberal canidate out there. He has sworn he would get Bin Laden. His strategy in Iraq is the one we have adopted now. I know he would be strong on national defence. However, I don't agree with the immigration bill he and Feinstein tried to push on us. I want us to secure the border and crack down on the number one incentive for illegal immigration, which is illegal employment. What I don't want is amnesty. But I also know there is no candidate that's going to give me everything I want. So I guess the real question know is where to I compromise? National defence is most important to me so that's off the table. And that's where I am in my homework. |
Yes, immigration is a contentious issue.
Everyone has an idea on how to fix it but many of those ideas just aren't realistic. I think the border needs to be more secure but am unsure how we're going to do it, since illegals are sure to find ways around almost any deterrent. I believe in a grace period where illegals can come forth to be identified. Then, they will need to undergo background checks, and if they don't pass or have felonies on their record, they immediately are deported back to their countries of origin. If they pass, they will be allowed to pay a fine for illegally entering this country and, if they want to become citizens, they go to the back of the line for naturalization. For those that want to work here but do not want to become citizens, they can obtain tamper-proof temporary work visas that cannot be counterfeited. I'm thinking there could be a hologram imprinted in these, much like on a Visa credit card. They will eventually have to return to their countries of origin once the temporary visa expire. If you think that's amnesty, so be it. I don't. The main problem is we can't identify the illegals if we don't allow them the means to come forward. Also, I believe in stiff fines and possibly jail time for any employer who knowingly hires an illegal immigrant, or does not require proper identification. Allowances can be made for those who thought, in good faith, proper IDs were obtained, but were fooled by counterfeit IDs. I believe that part of the national defense is being able to identify who is in this country illegally. |
Tim Pawlently is the popular Governor of Minnesota. Although I'm not real fond of him, that's the status quo of the majority of the people in Minnesota. As for why I think he could be picked as McCain's VP? Only because he is co-chair of McCain's presidential committee and is campaigning for him in New Hampshire. McCain still could choose someone else, but I think Tim Pawlently would be at the top of his list. As for if he's left, right, or moderate, that's a good question. Probably moderate. You decide. |
Once again you have proven to be a font of knowledge. Thanks for the info. ![]() |
You're welcome.
I'm not as good at data mining the internet as some, but I try. ![]() |
Thanks for the info on Tim Pawlently. I wasn't aware he is part of McCain's campaign committee. The only name I am familiar with is Hillary's campaign manager and that is because she is blaming him for her third place showing in Iowa. Consequently, his name is being tossed about. Did you see Hillary "crying" on tv today? FOX did a poll of about a dozen people in re Hillary's crying --- mixed reactions -- some claimed she was sincere, some said it was a put on, and some said she lost it and was trying to regain her composure. I suppose it is only fair to give her crying equal time, after all the air time they gave that cackle of hers. Whoops, there I go again with the mud slinging --- cackle --meaning laugh. ![]() |
No, it's definitely a cackle.
I defer to your judgment -- cackle it is!
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Since we are throwing everyone into the mix, let's get back to Hillary and Bill. I heard something on MSNBC, whose news casters are for Hillary. A panel (four) were criticizing Bill Clinton and said he is hurting her with some of the stupid things he is saying. Stupid is the word the panel used --- it seems Bill made the statement that if you want a president, Hillary can do the job. Also, Hillary can't change, she cannot make herself younger or taller. All four on the panel made remarks to the effect that they do not get what Bill is saying. Neither do I. Is Bill getting a little goofy or can it be that he doesn't want Hillary to be president?
What do you guys think about the comments and my thinking about Bill? |
I think Bill knows Hillary can not beat Obama. As much as I detest the man, he is not dumb. Obama will win at the Democratic Nomination Convention and the Clinton era will be over. And then the Clintons will have no need for each other and get divorced.
Hillary must have gotten
the sympathy vote in New Hampshire since she won there over Obama. I'm not sure who will eventually win the Democratic nomination. At this point, all bets are off. If Obama doesn't come up with some smoking gun on Hillary (or vice versa) anything can happen. I think that even if Obama eventually becomes President he'll put Hillary in some cabinet post or name her ambassador to some country (Maybe Tajikistan or something equally remote). |
An astute point. Would Hillary do the same for Obama?
No. She'd appoint
Bill as special ambassador to a country far, far away. |
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Yup, that's
how she won New Hampshire. Think it will work for her again? |
Not in the national race.