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msharmony's photo
Thu 01/31/19 01:27 AM

No what it does sound like is am ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure..

And if you want to take the medical route ..why get vaccinated when you're not even sick..spock

But you're right Ms.H there are many levels to treating a wound ..just like there are many levels to protecting the border..and a wall is one of those..and not just cameras and sensors..thanks for pointing that out..smile2

You are welcome. Im glad we can agree that having a medicine cabinet of thousands of dollars of band aids, without also investing a relevant amount in the antibiotics, especially when working with a fixed budget would be fiscally irresponsible.

no photo
Thu 01/31/19 01:42 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 01:51 AM

Whats fiscally irresponsible is using tax payers money on illegals which amounts to way more then what it would cost to building a wall..why don't we use that money on our own people..especially all those homeless people on the streets after all there are families that are homeless as well..when are people going to realize that the Dems are using everything they can to implement agenda 21..How well do the Dem supporters figure that they will benefit from agenda 21..The supporters are just being used to help the Democratic party achieve their goal..

Do the Dem supporters think that turning the U.S into another third world country is a good idea ..after all that is basically the reason for agenda 21..and when we can see that Pelosi signed on to it (proof provided) and we can see what it does..how is it that the Dem supporters can't see that agenda 21 is exactly what she has in mind for not only Trump supporters but the Dem supporters as well..

Do you all think that the UN cares about people or are they just trying to gain control of the U.S..they know what the UN migration Pact will do to countries..all one has to do is look at France Germany and Italy..Not to mention Pelosi has been directing government funds to companies that her husband has invested in..

And by the way thousands of dollars of band aids..thats a bit of an exaggeration is isn't it ..but most people do have a box of band aids and that's never a bad thing..even if they haven't sustained a cut in quite some time..what do you think those 12,000 people would have done had there been no barrier..and as far as that barrier..we need ALOT more band aids..

And one question..why aren't the Dem supporters marching and standing up for OUR homeless..why aren't they doing as much for them..are their needs just as important..so where is all the support for them..eh..where are the Democratic leaders standing up for them

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/31/19 01:49 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 01/31/19 01:52 AM

Whats fiscally irresponsible is using tax payers money on illegals which amounts to way more then what it would cost to building a wall..why don't we use that money on our own people..especially all those homeless people on the streets after all there are families that are homeless as well..when are people going to realize that the Dems are using everything they can to implement agenda 21..How well do the Dem supporters figure that they will benefit from agenda 21..The supporters are just being used to help the Democratic party achieve their goal..

Do the Dem supporters think that turning the U.S into another third world country is a good idea ..after all that is basically the reason for agenda 21..and when we can see that Pelosi signed on to it (proof provided) and we can see what it does..how is it that the Dem supporters can't see that agenda 21 is exactly what she has in mind for not only Trump supporters but the Dem supporters as well..

Do you all think that the UN cares about people or are they just trying to gain control of the U.S..they know what the UN migration Pact will do to countries..all one has to do is look at France Germany and Italy..Not to mention Pelosi has been directing government funds to companies that her husband has invested in..

And by the way thousands of dollars of band aids..thats a bit of an exaggeration is in't ..but most people do have a box of band aids and that's never a bad thing..even if they haven't sustained a cut in quite some time..

I dont think anyone wants a 'third world country'. That is called a Straw Man argument.

Dems who passed ACA and vote for 'entitlements' are often concerned with using money on 'our own people' but the same fussing about this wall are some of the same who dont want that either, another strawman.

We have a budget. that budget is spent in many different areas, areas such as the welfare of 'our people' AS WELL AS security. And government has to decide how big a portion each area gets with that budget.

The UN is 75 years old. If it was interested in 'controlling' the US, they surely realized they aren't good at it by now?

And no, thousands in bandaids is a metaphor for billions on fencing, WHEN there is not also correlating investment in the antibiotics, and WHEN there is a limited budget with which to do it with.

no photo
Thu 01/31/19 01:58 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 02:22 AM

Why don't you look at "agenda 21 sustainable development"..and the video of Pelosi signing agenda 21.Why are we giving tax payers money to all these foreign countries when there are homeless people here who need it..Pelosi is going down for being a traitor..not to mention she was going to take what 90 people overseas on the tax payers dollar..her agenda is quite clear..As far as the UN now they want to control everyone's borders..anyone who signed on to the UN migration Pact especially in Europe is an idiot who have put their culture and their citizens at risk..

Yea why bother getting band aids to help prevent infection..when it's best to just get infected and have to pay more to treat it then..the band aid is far cheaper now isn't it..

Not to mention how many women have been raped coming to the border how many children trafficked..how many people robbed..Obama and his hand out of the tax payers dollar..worst president ever ..How many women or children have been raped in Europe ..you think you know..

..Don't you see how they are trying to strip us of our identity..no pledge of allegiance in school..NO "so help me God" in congressional oath..it's very easy to see what they are doing..It's all about open borders..WE DON'T WANT OPEN BORDERS..what don't people get..They come in legally and get vetted and not released in our country while they wait..or they get out

In my opinion Trump wanted Pelosi as speaker of the house so he could expose her..4D chess..

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/31/19 07:42 AM
In my opinion, we cant even talk about what our 'identity' is, since we have mostly taken bits and pieces of everyone else's since our founding.

School is not for indoctrinating someone's idea of 'patriotism', the pledge doesnt need to be a mandate for people to have an 'identity'.

And as far as giving money to 'foreign' countries when we have homeless, Americans gripe about 'giving' money to anyone, including needy and homeless Americans, so that argument is really, as I said before, a smoke screen. We are all about 'merit' and 'hard work', and obviously all that is needed to not be homeless or poor is to not be lazy ... or so the American way describes.

There is a budget and that budget allocates money into many different areas which include general welfare AND global interest, it is not an either/or proposal.

no photo
Thu 01/31/19 08:25 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 09:21 AM

The gist is that the UN wants to brain wash our children into being globalist..by owning them mind body and soul through their schools..if you want the article completely rather than most that I posted go to


UN: Govt. Must Control Schools Because of "Human Rights"

Pick two words and run with them..but take in the whole article and it reads quite differently

There's your indoctrination...oh..but that's o.k as long as the UN is doing it..right...noway

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/31/19 08:31 AM
oh no! Education and sustainability ... those bastards!


FeelYoung's photo
Thu 01/31/19 10:09 AM
The schools are the EXACT place to teach kindergarten through 12 the Pledge of Allegiance. And some thread was grousing about eminent domain. Its been used by railroads for decades, buying farm land and putting down rails. its the LAW.

just to make it clear to those opposing "the wall"
Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. The Fifth Amendment provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners.

If you want illegals to pour into our country, start a petition list whereby you all sign your name, address and phone number and pledge to let them into YOUR home and yard, feed them, treat them medically, love their children as your own, and maybe even learn their recipes so you can give them a real "home-cooked" meal. Take them into YOUR home....keep them away from mine.

Be realistic and "BUILD THAT WALL"
I have the right to remain silent but I don't have the ability.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/31/19 10:27 AM
School is a place to teach. period. So if the allegiance is being taught in the context of teaching historical works, sure. If it is being mandated as a form of indoctrination to some groupthink 'patriotism', then no.

The 'Wall' is neither here nor there, but a smoke screen to real issues in this country. Why is it so many claim to be concerned about 'safety' of Americans in support of the wall, but gave not one damn about HEALTH CARE of americans when it came to the ACA, and vice versa?

Personally, I'm for using data and research to identify ACTUAL problems, and also using data and research to identify and account for solutions and how they will help, based on actual trending and historical context. I am for data and research showing where the crossings happen, as they cannot occur ALONG THE ENTIRE border, due to variance in topography. I am for using data and research to better secure THOSE locations.

Just blanketly shouting about a 'WALL' is vague and unhelpful, in my opinion. Real data and facts are necessary to work out the details of the why, how, and where.

no photo
Thu 01/31/19 11:47 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 01/31/19 11:48 AM
No shyt Sherlock?

Mitch McConnell Admits He’s Against High Voter Turnout Because He Suspects People Will Vote for Democrats

"Republicans have long had an election problem. The more people vote, the worse they tend to get beaten. So the solution, since at least the 1970s, has been pretty cut and dry: Figure out who's likely to vote against them, and prevent them from voting. It may be a more circuitous approach than falsifying votes or straight up hacking an election, but it gives them an air of democratic legitimacy, even though they're actively fighting against the foundations of democracy".


House Democrats Unveil Social Security Expansion Bill With Unprecedented Support

"In less than a decade, mainstream Democrats in Congress have gone from entertaining Social Security cuts to almost universally endorsing the program’s expansion.

With Democrats in charge of the House for the first time since this tidal shift upended party orthodoxy, senior members of Congress are setting the stage for the legislative chamber to increase Social Security benefits, bringing a onetime liberal pipe dream a step closer to law".


Poll: Voters Trust Pelosi over Trump

"By a 49 percent to 42 percent margin, voters have more trust in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi than in President Trump on “issues that are important” to them, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. Women, minorities, Democrats, and independents all said they trusted Pelosi more than Trump when asked by Quinnipiac’s pollsters".


Speaker Pelosi: No wall money in U.S. border deal talks.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said there would not be any money for President Donald Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border in the deal being worked out by a bipartisan negotiating team".


no photo
Thu 01/31/19 01:45 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 01/31/19 02:29 PM
The Latest: Democrats unveil border plan, no wall money

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on President Donald Trump and congressional negotiations on border security".


Roger Stone: Mueller investigation seizes 'voluminous and complex' evidence from former Trump campaign official

"The Justice Department collected volume amounts of evidence from Roger Stone’s iCloud accounts, email accounts and on computer hardware "spanning several years," special counsel Robert Mueller said Thursday".


Pretty clear that more serious charges will be coming Roger's way soon. Trump’s swamp is being drained. Remember when the DOJ did that to Hillary? Neither do I.

no photo
Thu 01/31/19 02:56 PM
GOP rejects bill to give back pay to federal contractors, wants to repeal estate tax instead

"Republican senators want to repeal the estate tax on the wealthiest families — and stiff federal contractors".


The One Wall Trump Doesn’t Like

"President Trump may be the world’s most renowned fan of building walls, but there’s at least one wall he loathes: the wall of separation between church and state. From the Muslim ban to his so-called “religious freedom” executive order, Trump and his theocratic supporters have pushed laws and policies aimed at demolishing the First Amendment’s protections against government promotion of religion and favoritism of particular faiths. And now, he’s targeting church-state separation in our public schools".


no photo
Thu 01/31/19 03:12 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 01/31/19 03:13 PM
N Pelosi is really ignorant compared to Trump and any other Conservative.

Anyway , seems the President will have to Executive oder, what the US needs to secure this Country's border.

no photo
Thu 01/31/19 05:03 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 01/31/19 05:05 PM
Trump branded 'extraordinarily inappropriate' amid widespread astonishment at president's attack on intelligence chiefs.

"'People risk their lives for the intelligence he just tosses aside on Twitter,' Senate intelligence committee member says".


Dear Trump supporters: Show me one instance in the history of our nation where a sitting President was in direct conflict with all of his own security and intelligence chiefs. Not even a little curious to find out why the President's Military, Security and Intelligence apparatus is diagonally opposed to him, his policies, indeed his world view?

Ask yourself why Trump is trying to advance Russia's interests with all his might? And why is the GOP fully on board to accomplish the same? It's apparent that Russia has successfully infiltrated the GOP/Congress. We are in crisis, America. Only our Intelligence Agencies and the Democrats are trying to protect America. Trump and the GOP are trying to protect Russia. But why?? Ask yourself.

no photo
Thu 01/31/19 07:49 PM
Blocked calls, long a mystery, went to longtime Trump family friends: Sources

"Investigators on the Senate Intelligence Committee have learned the identities of three blocked phone calls with Donald Trump Jr just before and after the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, three sources familiar with the calls told ABC News".


Whether the blocked calls were to Trump or not, he definitely knew about the meeting and most likely arranged it.

Just keep investigating thoroughly. I just want to see a completely thorough, objective investigation and a final report based SOLELY on Evidence gathered by Mueller & Team. “Fair and square”.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/31/19 07:55 PM

N Pelosi is really ignorant compared to Trump and any other Conservative.

Anyway , seems the President will have to Executive oder, what the US needs to secure this Country's border.

The president cannot executive order the budget.

They only have those powers for their EXISTING authorities, like policy in the executive branch.

no photo
Fri 02/01/19 07:01 PM
I take both these Belarusian model stories with a grain of salt for now. Maybe true, may not be. We will see in the end.

Belarusian model: I gave info on Trump to Russian tycoon

"MOSCOW (AP) — A Belarusian model who claims to have information on ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s election campaign told The Associated Press on Friday that she has turned that material over to Russian billionaire businessman Oleg Deripaska".


"One video posted on her YouTube account showed a meeting between Deripaska and Adam Waldman, a U.S. lobbyist who has been working for Deripaska and who has had repeated meetings with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The reported January 2017 meeting was several days before Waldman's visit to Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London."
Well, there you have it... another tie-in between an American lobbyist, Russia, and Wiki-Leaks, and the meeting in Jan. 2017, no less!

Belarusian 'sex coach' says she was warned to keep quiet about oligarch Oleg Deripaska

"Moscow (CNN)A Belarusian model who claimed to have information on Moscow's attempts to interfere in US elections told CNN she had been ordered by Russian security agents to keep silent about her dealings with a Russian billionaire linked to the former chairman of Donald Trump's campaign.

Anastasia Vashukevich, a self-styled "sex coach," made international headlines after she was arrested in Thailand last year and claimed to have obtained secret recordings during an affair with oligarch Olig Deripaska which allegedly shed light on US President Donald Trump's links to Russia".


U.S. judge mulls gag order on talkative Trump adviser Stone

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge said on Friday she is considering imposing a gag order on President Donald Trump’s longtime adviser Roger Stone, who since being charged a week ago has repeatedly criticized Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the ongoing Russia probe".


972: Paul Manafort and Roger Stone are active in the College Republicans. Their candidate to lead the group, John “Terry” Dolan, runs against Karl Rove, whose key aide was Lee Atwater. Rove won.

1973: Trump, 27, meets Roy Cohn, a former aide to Sen. Joe McCarthy who went on to become Trump’s lawyer and mentor. At the time, the Justice Department was suing the Trumps for not renting to black people, and Trump hired Cohn, a New York attorney “who represented New York power brokers, from the Yankees owner George Steinbrenner to the mob boss Carlo Gambino,” to represent them in the matter.

1977: Stone, 25, wins the presidency of the Young Republicans in a campaign managed by Manafort.

1979: Roger Stone meets Roy Cohn and Trump.

1980: Manafort, Stone and Charles Black (all Reagan campaign officials) open their lobbying shop in Washington, D.C. Their first client, Stone recalled, was none other than Donald Trump.

Oct. 1993: Trump and Stone testify before the House Native American Affairs subcommittee on Indian Gaming.

1999: Stone is working for Trump as a chief political adviser as he toys with running for president. By that time, Manafort has accumulated significant experience in presidential campaigns.

Early 2000s: Manafort begins working for Donbas billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest oligarch.

2006: Manafort reportedly begins working for the Russian aluminum billionaire Oleg Deripaska, who has close ties to Vladimir Putin. The Associated Press reported that Manafort signed a $10 million with Deripaska in 2006 to “influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and former Soviet republics to benefit President Vladimir Putin’s government.”

March 2007: Manafort and his partners (political consultant Rick Davis and lobbyist Rick Gates) set up a private equity fund, Pericles Emerging Market Partners, to buy smaller Ukrainian firms and merge them into larger ones and then sell them. The fund is registered in the Cayman Islands.

2010: Manafort helps elect Yanukovych as president of Ukraine in 2010.

2014: Yanukovych is forced to flee Ukraine for Russia in the face of widespread public protests.

March 28, 2016: Trump campaign hires Manafort to work on his campaign.

August 2, 2016: Manafort and Kilimnik meet at the Grand Havana Club, an upscale cigar bar in Manhattan, to talk “caviar,” which is believed to be a reference to earlier payments made to Manafort by Deripaska.

August 2016: Manafort’s daughter’s phone is hacked and hundreds of her text messages are eventually posted on a darknet website. The texts reveal the daughters were worried about the work he did in Ukraine and that someone had tried they could reveal a secret meeting Manafort had supposedly arranged for Trump in 2012 with a Yanukovych ally.

Trump says there's a 'good chance' he'll declare an emergency for border wall

"WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said there is a "good chance" he'll declare a national emergency to build his proposed border wall and said he would use his State of the Union address next week to once again make a case for the barrier".


Let him try it. The Democrats will lock it up in court for the next foreseeable future. That will end it.

no photo
Fri 02/01/19 07:36 PM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 02/01/19 07:38 PM

It's all smoke and mirrors..it has always been nothing more than misdirection..Hope you are enjoying the show..

no photo
Fri 02/01/19 07:44 PM

N Pelosi is really ignorant compared to Trump and any other Conservative.

Anyway , seems the President will have to Executive oder, what the US needs to secure this Country's border.

The president cannot executive order the budget.

They only have those powers for their EXISTING authorities, like policy in the executive branch.


no photo
Fri 02/01/19 08:54 PM
Liar, liar: Trump changes his story again on Trump Tower Moscow

"NYT’s Matt Apuzzo, former US attorney Joyce Vance, NBC’s Heidi Przybyla and Ken Dilianian on Trump adding to the conflicting accounts of how long a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow had been going on".


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