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hardBNhard's photo
Mon 01/21/19 09:25 AM
Edited by hardBNhard on Mon 01/21/19 09:34 AM
Yes thats the one Charles ! By the articles attached that ive read that is the one described as her home and has been for decades . Happy dr.MLK day to you brother :thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 01/21/19 09:29 AM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 01/21/19 10:00 AM

No that's just some of the property they own but its not the house in Napa Valley that she resides in..or the one I'm talking about..Pelosi and her husband own a lot of property..their worth is like 28 to 35 million..they should give the Tombs some I could really use it..lol..Anyway give some of those sites I pointed out a try..so many rabbit holes ..so little time..smile2 GG.. TC

The property with the wall is on Zinfandel Lane in St. Helena California

no photo
Mon 01/21/19 11:32 AM
Even the Pope has a wall for Decades! Nothing immoral in protecting boundaries. US needs. Secured Borders. Some other Countries have Borders.
Get a clue Pelosi followers and other Leftist, Trump is trying to protect Your Country!

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 01/21/19 11:41 AM
Edited by hardBNhard on Mon 01/21/19 11:49 AM
Not true ! But why does the pope not approve of a wall being built ? Are you smarter then the pope ?
You want a wall ? Build one around your house . Problem solved and saved taxpayers. billionslaugh

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/22/19 02:49 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 01/22/19 02:51 AM

The American Mirror is an extreme right news source/blog that does not have an about page or contact information. Their header claims “Kyle Olsen presents.” A google search indicates that Kyle Olsen is the founder of the Education Action Group Foundation, which promotes fighting wasteful spending at public schools. EAG is located in Muskegon, Michigan. According to Whois, the website domain was registered privately in 2014.

Funded by / Ownership

Once again, The American Mirror does not provide any info regarding finances, though there is online advertising on the site and it is presumably owned by Kyle Olsen.



The current owner, Doug Engmann, a former chairman of the Pacific Stock Exchange, acquired the home in 1983.


no photo
Tue 01/22/19 06:26 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 07:22 AM

Yes Ms.H that is ONE of their properties BUT..another property they own is a vineyard on Zinfandel Lane in St.Helena California Type in search "The American Mirror" when that page comes up ..see the 3 pictures under Kyle Olson/Maxine meltdown/MYSTERY..look at the one on the left that says Nancy Pelosi's border wall Napa Valley estates right next to Obama's wall which is right next to the popes border wall..click on the picture that says Pelosi's border wall..

..so now go to SNOPES type in "Did these politicians build walls around their homes" scroll down til you come to FIVE pictures of different politician's walls ..see the one that says PELOSI..is that not the EXACT same wall and front gate shown in The American Mirror..it most certainly is..Now you can see that not only have I taken my right leaning source and shown you the wall but I have taken your left leaning SNOPES and validated it..Nancy Pelosi has a wall..not a very tall wall..but none the less a WALL..VALIDATED PROOF..

As far as their worth I didn't say where I got the info..I have MANY sources..


Walls are NOT immoral some people are..and that's why in some cases you need walls .. one of those immoral people is Pelosi..once all is revealed you will see for yourselves..but in the mean time..DO THE RESEARCH..smile2

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 01/22/19 08:13 AM
Edited by hardBNhard on Tue 01/22/19 08:15 AM


The American Mirror is an extreme right news source/blog that does not have an about page or contact information. Their header claims “Kyle Olsen presents.” A google search indicates that Kyle Olsen is the founder of the Education Action Group Foundation, which promotes fighting wasteful spending at public schools. EAG is located in Muskegon, Michigan. According to Whois, the website domain was registered privately in 2014.

Funded by / Ownership

Once again, The American Mirror does not provide any info regarding finances, though there is online advertising on the site and it is presumably owned by Kyle Olsen.



The current owner, Doug Engmann, a former chairman of the Pacific Stock Exchange, acquired the home in 1983.


My father always said you cant change a pickle back into a cucumber .
Some people are just hell bent on being morons guided by morons ohwell
Thats the right one Ms.H :thumbsup:

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/22/19 09:36 AM
Pelosi and her husband, Paul Pelosi, own an estate and vineyard along the banks of the Napa River on Zinfandel Lane in Northern California. The image purportedly showing Pelosi’s estate in this meme was found by the sleuths at the American Mirror (a hyperpartisan website that frequently publishes questionable content) using Google Maps. Although we’ve yet to come across a listed address for this property, we examined aerial images of this street and agree that the image likely shows the entrance of the Pelosi’s estate, as it is the only property bordering the Napa River and Zinfandel Lane that appears to be worthy of the reported $5-$20 million value.

However, the pictured wall is simply a stone border wall that doesn’t encircle the entire property and is no more than a few feet high:

SO, a VINEYARD they own has a one foot wall ... lol

and their HOME still does NOT

and that topic has gotten old now ,, so lets move on ... shall we?

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 01/22/19 10:20 AM

Pelosi and her husband, Paul Pelosi, own an estate and vineyard along the banks of the Napa River on Zinfandel Lane in Northern California. The image purportedly showing Pelosi’s estate in this meme was found by the sleuths at the American Mirror (a hyperpartisan website that frequently publishes questionable content) using Google Maps. Although we’ve yet to come across a listed address for this property, we examined aerial images of this street and agree that the image likely shows the entrance of the Pelosi’s estate, as it is the only property bordering the Napa River and Zinfandel Lane that appears to be worthy of the reported $5-$20 million value.

However, the pictured wall is simply a stone border wall that doesn’t encircle the entire property and is no more than a few feet high:

SO, a VINEYARD they own has a one foot wall ... lol

and their HOME still does NOT

and that topic has gotten old now ,, so lets move on ... shall we?

Im sooo thinking the same thing !.......yesterday .lol :laughing:

no photo
Tue 01/22/19 10:57 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 11:13 AM

First of all I said it was a short wall ..but a foot tall ..really..they built a foot tall gate..hardly lol ..how would one even see that foot high gate when they drove up to it hell the tire on a car is higher than a foot tall..lol..and neither article and I've searched says a wall around a vineyard lol..Now to continue on with Pelosi.

.Know why she wanted to leave town so bad..I'll tell you something the media won't Pelosi along with Soros hired a professional killer Hasher Taheb to assassinate the president...spock If you all ask me real nice I will give you the site that shows this..but if not..than I suppose you will all just have to.. DO THE RESEARCH..

..or wait like most until this info comes out..Trump knows ..he has the intel..smile2


hardBNhard's photo
Tue 01/22/19 11:18 AM
No they actualy hired me to do it ! Im going to get a job at BerderKing and poison the fat basturd laugh rofl :laughing:
But Shhhh! Dont tell anyone !
Or maybe ill get him with chemtrails over his golf course scared

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/22/19 11:19 AM
ignore whats in front of you,its all fake .. WAIT for what is yet to come ... from unverified alleged sources

broken record, really

but back on topic ....

no photo
Tue 01/22/19 12:07 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 12:44 PM

Really ..You don't follow Q..so you all know NOTHING about the misspelled words..I PROVED using your left leaning site..even it says a wall around the house..and as far as chemtrails..there are MANY articles on that subject that PROVES what I am saying..just search it..and read..But you see I know there are others out there that DO THE RESEARCH and follow Q who read what I write and know what I'm saying to be TRUE..as for myself I find it amusing that you all don't..

..You all really have NO idea as to what is really going on..more than evident..as far as a broken record would be the deflection from the left..a foot high wall around a vineyard with a foot high gate....LOL..and HBH you may want to delete that comment about poisoning the president.. Trump if given the accolades he deserves is one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen..


Still think you aren't being manipulated by the mainstream media...LOL..Break Free of the MATRIX..DO THE RESEARCH

P.S..As far as what is in front of you being fake..look no further than the words of ex CIA director William Casey..or look up Operation Mockingbird..and you will know it is..spock

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 01/22/19 12:52 PM
The only thing down your rabbit holes Alice are fairytales
And the more you speak of your rediculous theory's the more people see it .
Im supposed to be afraid about a joke i posted to show you how foolish you are with your propaganda ?
The FBI and CIA are against dinbat donald remember ? Lol
Your the one that should be scared of your words accusing pelosi of conspiracy to commit !
But hey ! Theres another thread here where you can go with your halfbaked stupidity and there little old lady's that are dying to gobble that shyt up and praise you . There tired of there 19 cats and need some action bigsmile

no photo
Tue 01/22/19 01:07 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 01:30 PM

It's not conspiracy.. Pelosi is a traitor so I have nothing to worry about..I have and will continue to prove you all wrong time and time again..as far as those old ladies they can rest comfortably knowing that there are MANY PATRIOTS like myself out there versus the seditious traitors we go up against.. As far as stupidity that would be those who spew their seditious traitorous words..

keep thinking they are theories for as time passes and the truth is revealed validating all I have said..you will finally come to the conclusion that not only am I right..but that you have been DUPED once again by the Mockingbird media..rofl

as far as NOTHINGBURGERS..Where is that Russian Collusion?..spock


hardBNhard's photo
Tue 01/22/19 01:36 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Tue 01/22/19 01:38 PM
The only thing you've proven on here is that your MEDS arent working like they should and that you make dingbat don jr. proud using his slogan rofl . But please spell it like the big orange head spells it ! #NOTHINGBERDER bigsmile .
Patience little man ! Russian investigation is doing fine :thumbsup: . Specialy with the idiot Guliani doing all the talking . Lol . And Mueller is cruzing right along and locking them up one by one . NOW ?
WWMD- next drool

no photo
Tue 01/22/19 01:50 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 01:58 PM

what will herr Mueller do?..go to jail if he isn't hanged for his involvement in Uranium One..

Why did Mueller bother to say any thing against the Buzzfeed story?

Why would Trump want Barr nominated when he and Mueller are good friends?

Just a couple of questions.. give them some thought and see if you can make them jive with your narrative..


msharmony's photo
Tue 01/22/19 03:47 PM
". Trump if given the accolades he deserves is one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen.. "

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

tell that to the thousands living on nothing right now because of the 'urgency' of a 5 billion dollar wall of which there is no actual DETAIL provided of where the costs would be spent or what on.

tell that to all the invididuals and groups that he insults and attacks on TWITTER.

tell that to his revolving administration that for some reason never seem to wanna work with him very long ...

tell that to the people of Puerto Rico whom he didnt even realize was territory of the US and gave PAPER TOWELS to after a hurricane

tell that to the allys he attacks while cozying up to dictators

but all the same imbalanced and illogical rhetoric and double standards about what is 'great' will continue

their guy is just so great, no matter who he insults, but others are 'divisive' for commenting about certain cops being stupid or certain kids looking like their own

their guy is just so great, cozying up to dictators on his watch is brilliant, cutting them deals is historic, but others merely aknowledging any wrong doings we have done to others is on a terrible 'apology tour'

their guy is just so great because the economy is allegedly so great, while others step in the way of potential depression and they were just 'traitors'

the insanity has gotten beyond ridiculous, and I have to learn to stop responding to it, because by how much of it I keep reading and hearing, it could be contagious ....

no photo
Tue 01/22/19 06:14 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 06:25 PM

For years the Dems have called for the wall to be built but now that Trump wants it all of a sudden they don't want it..why is that you think..it;s because if it gets built Trump will have an edge in the 2020 elections and the SICK Satanist pedophile war mongering Deep State won't regain control is my guess.So as far as I'm concerned even tho Trump took the blame for the shut down..I blame the Deep State Dems.

Now on to Puerto Rico I did some research haven't done a deep dive but what I've uncovered is a cess pool of corruption on the part of Mayor Cruz and others in the govt..up to the point that they weren't distributing the food and water to the people..and this was told by a police officer of Puerto Rico...Do you think that might have something to do with Trump"s rhetoric..not to mention millions of dollars given in aid was given out to people in bonuses..nice to see our aid money line the pockets of others like that eh..

as far as cozying up to dictators..what has Putin done that we haven't..have people killed..Do you honestly think we haven't..But still how does one think we are ever going to achieve world peace if we don't cozy up to some governments we don't necessarily agree with..How is change or world peace ever to come about ..

While I would agree that Trump doesn't always use tact or finesse but which one among us is so perfect that we can judge others..But you see we have had the smooth talkers..ie..OBama Bush Clinton..and we know what they're about ..altho we didn't when they were in office but we can see their corruption now..but back then a lot of us thought that they were good presidents..manipulated by the mockingbird mainstream media we believe almost anything now don't we..but we are beginning to open our eyes to their deception..

Trump is doing a lot of good for the country he is trying to give the country to the people and what is coming is a lot more..we have to look pass the lies and manipulation of the media and DO THE RESEARCH and think for ourselves rather than letting the mockingbird media manipulate our thoughts through their lies..like they have for decades..

Like I said I may not always agree with Trump but I still stand by what I said..given the accolades he deserves he will go down in my book as one of the greats because I've done ALOT of research and I can see what he's trying to achieve..A safer more prosperous country for us and our families..


no photo
Tue 01/22/19 06:18 PM

The only thing you've proven on here is that your MEDS arent working like they should and that you make dingbat don jr. proud using his slogan rofl . But please spell it like the big orange head spells it ! #NOTHINGBERDER bigsmile .
Patience little man ! Russian investigation is doing fine :thumbsup: . Specialy with the idiot Guliani doing all the talking . Lol . And Mueller is cruzing right along and locking them up one by one . NOW ?
WWMD- next drool

Trump’s lawyer Giuliani says he listened to ‘all the tapes’, before admitting: ‘I shouldn’t have said tapes’

"Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani appeared to inadvertently reveal the existence of taped evidence relating to collusion between the president’s campaign and Russia before immediately rowing back on his statement in a car-crash interview".


So far I see this, can anyone add anything else to the list:

1. Russia attacks democratic emails of Hillary Clinton,

2. Trump asked Russia to find the emails on air during the debate.

3. Hired Manafort who had strong ties to Russia

4. Manafort, Trump Jr meet with Russian Lawyer who promises dirt on Hillary

5. Trump fires Comey who is looking into Trump's collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice

6. While talking with Russian officials he says the pressure is off him now that Comey is gone

7. Michael Cohen who had contact with Russia and denied it only to say it was true

8. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn meeting with Russian officials in DC, he lied about then said it was true

9. Trump has gone to great lengths to conceal detail of meeting with Putin, he even took the notes from the interrupter

10. Trump after being told by security advisors Russia was behind the hack, he goes on stage with Putin and says he believes Putin

11. Gave their polling data to Russian oligarchy, this is collusion by any definition

12. Bribery type of conspiracy to hush money for indiscretions

13. quid pro quo accepting something of value from a foreign country

14. Rudy Giuliani now saying "I never said there was no collusion

15. Cohen hiring IT firm to rig early pool results in favor of Trump

16. Trump might have told Michael Cohen To Lie to Congress About Trump Tower Moscow
18 U.S.Code 2 - Principals, for those interested: (a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.

17. Trump repeatedly told supporters on the campaign trail that he had no business in Russia

18. Giuliani backtracks on comments Trump sought Trump tower Moscow deal throughout 2016 while Trump was denying the whole thing

19. Ethical issues raised after China grants Ivanka Trump 5 trademarks amid trade talks with the United States

Other Trump achievements:
- lost 10 cabinet members
- lost 65 executive staff, the highest rate of staff turnover
- 18% increase in US trade deficit
- Since Feb 1st DOW down 3,000 ($3 trillion in value), The worst December stock market since the Great Depression
- exploded deficit to $779 billion
- 67 golf club visits, the most days golfing
- lost 40 house seats
- Longest government shutdown
- Largest corporate tax cuts
- Biggest single-year increase in uninsured Americans
- First President to never break 50% approval rating
- according to Fact Checker database, Trump has made 7,645 ‘false or misleading claims’. In the month of October 2018, he said 1,200 things that were false or misleading.

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