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no photo
Thu 08/30/18 02:40 PM
Hardly a day goes by that this buffoon doesn't stick his foot in his mouth.

I think its great, he can say anything he wants in any venue, they later say it was doctored. This is your new reality. At least 30% of America is okay with it as long as the president isn't black or a woman.

Can we as a nation just finally agree this guy is absolutely batcit crazy, stupid, and dangerous? Well, at least those of us who aren't also afflicted by the same disease.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 08/30/18 02:55 PM
He is president, rich, beautiful wife and you think he is stupid. :thinking:

no photo
Thu 08/30/18 03:10 PM

no photo
Thu 08/30/18 03:28 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 08/30/18 03:50 PM

He is president, rich, beautiful wife and you think he is stupid. :thinking:

Yes, simply because those things are not what makes a man. Beautiful wife? Maybe you should ask Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal about that. That, within and of its self, makes the man stupid. His actions speak volumes about what the man really is.

Any man that can do this to his wife isn't much of a man.

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 08/30/18 03:52 PM
trump lives in his own alternative reality,where he thinks that everybody is stupid,and that they will believe anything that he tells them!

unfortunately,he is right with about 35% of the American people,who are the ones who make up his base,and their willingness to blindly accept anything he tells them only exacerbates his sense of invincibility,and allows him to believe that it is really true.

unfortunately for HIM,though,is the fact that everyone who is not already part of his base can see right through his transparent attempts to blatantly lie every time something happens that he doesn't want to face the reality of.

also,unfortuately for him,is the fact that special investigator Robert Mueller is not as naïve as his base is,and has the ability to see through trump's lies,and is continuing to actively investigate what is a childishly blatant attempt to cover up all of the things that trump has done,no matter how desperately he attempts to deny reality.

the WATERGATE probe took over 2 years of investigation before Nixon had to resign in shame,so we can expect the investigation into Russian interference in our 2016 election,and trumps/his campaign's involvement with Russia,and all of the side investigatios that Mueller is uncovering to continue to go on for quite a while longer,especially since trump keeps doing more and more things that are potential obstruction of justice charges to try to stop mueller's investigation that Mueller will have to investigate before he closes his investigation...

and,ALL this time,trump,enabled by his base who doesn't care about facts,and surrounded by a group of people who further enable him CONTINUES to act like a spoiled child who suffers from affluenza,and has never had any boundaries set against him,and continues to tell blatant lies that are easily disproved by anyone with an I.Q. above 50 who cares enough to fact check him.

so,is it any surprise that trump is trying to claim that he didn't actually say the things that he said,or did the things that he did,and that there is a conspiracy against him because,just like everything he has ever done in his life,he has NEVER had to face the responsibility for his words,and his actions,and has made denying reality a way of life,no matter how absurd it seems to anyone with an ounce of common sense.

I think EVERYBODY would be A LOT MORE surprised if trump actually TOLD THE TRUTH about ANYTHING,than we would about him telling another lie,and childishly trying to deny reality!!

no photo
Thu 08/30/18 04:09 PM
he's a hot steaming mess, that's for sure.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/30/18 04:11 PM

He is president, rich, beautiful wife and you think he is stupid. :thinking:

Yes, simply because those things are not what makes a man. Beautiful wife? Maybe you should ask Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal about that. That, within and of its self, makes the man stupid. His actions speak volumes about what the man really is.

Any man that can do this to his wife isn't much of a man.

dont forget Charles:

as it pertains to intelligence

stupid: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.

just noting it doesn't mention income level, career choice, or spousal attractiveness....

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 08/30/18 04:15 PM
Maybe he can strive to be living in the ghetto with a fat woman. :joy:

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/30/18 04:29 PM
who cares what he 'strives' for in social status.

with intelligence, maybe he should 'strive' to pick up a book or two or three, and READ.

danigapeach2's photo
Thu 08/30/18 04:31 PM

Maybe he can strive to be living in the ghetto with a fat woman. :joy:

You and Trump are a perfect match.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 08/30/18 04:34 PM

who cares what he 'strives' for in social status.

with intelligence, maybe he should 'strive' to pick up a book or two or three, and READ.

When you are president you can recommend a book for him to read. :upside_down:

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/30/18 04:58 PM

who cares what he 'strives' for in social status.

with intelligence, maybe he should 'strive' to pick up a book or two or three, and READ.

When you are president you can recommend a book for him to read. :upside_down:

well it shouldn't take being a president to read or recommend reading.

but even a president couldnt help him as he obviously doesn't and hasn't read much beyond his own biography and twitter feeds.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 08/30/18 05:20 PM

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 08/30/18 05:33 PM

who cares what he 'strives' for in social status.

with intelligence, maybe he should 'strive' to pick up a book or two or three, and READ.

When you are president you can recommend a book for him to read. :upside_down:

well it shouldn't take being a president to read or recommend reading.

but even a president couldnt help him as he obviously doesn't and hasn't read much beyond his own biography and twitter feeds.

forget about telling him what to READ....

somebody needs to take a little bit of time and TEACH HIM HOW TO SPELL!!!!


Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/30/18 06:55 PM

He is president, rich, beautiful wife and you think he is stupid. :thinking:

Yes, simply because those things are not what makes a man. Beautiful wife? Maybe you should ask Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal about that. That, within and of its self, makes the man stupid. His actions speak volumes about what the man really is.

Any man that can do this to his wife isn't much of a man.

dont forget Charles:

as it pertains to intelligence

stupid: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.

just noting it doesn't mention income level, career choice, or spousal attractiveness....

that definatly does not sound like Donald Trump. He beat out about 15 other potential nominees , plus The Great Hillary Clinton. Something that couldn't ever be done. He's put America in the best economic condition in many many years. He leveling the tariffs playing field to be fair to all. He's cut taxes for all, putting more in the pockets of regular folks. More blacks and Mexicans are working than ever before. Everything I just said is indisputable . So if your saying that what he's doing isn't working than isn't that a lack of common sense and therefore stupid?

Rock's photo
Thu 08/30/18 07:05 PM
Such an odd fixation on Trump. laugh

no photo
Thu 08/30/18 07:09 PM

that definatly does not sound like Donald Trump. He beat out about 15 other potential nominees , plus The Great Hillary Clinton. Something that couldn't ever be done. He's put America in the best economic condition in many many years. He leveling the tariffs playing field to be fair to all. He's cut taxes for all, putting more in the pockets of regular folks. More blacks and Mexicans are working than ever before. Everything I just said is indisputable . So if your saying that what he's doing isn't working than isn't that a lack of common sense and therefore stupid?


no photo
Fri 08/31/18 06:15 AM

no photo
Fri 08/31/18 06:42 AM

Hardly a day goes by that this buffoon doesn't stick his foot in his mouth.

I think its great, he can say anything he wants in any venue, they later say it was doctored. This is your new reality. At least 30% of America is okay with it as long as the president isn't black or a woman.

Can we as a nation just finally agree this guy is absolutely batcit crazy, stupid, and dangerous? Well, at least those of us who aren't also afflicted by the same disease.

Sure you can Charles, just spearhead the drive to get him out.

no photo
Fri 08/31/18 07:57 AM

Another day in Trump bash land..what has he done now....why should he be impeached..I know... he had sex with a hooker..well FYI that's what hookers are have sex with I know it may come as a shock..and he even managed to pay the what's the problem ..he cheated on his wife..well that's THEIR business..well he lied about it..well that's because it's really none of OUR business..and besides it.. was done before he was even president..STORMY STORMY STORMY..who the phuck cares..

I think the president has way more important things to concern himself with like..oh I don't know "SAVING THE COUNTRY"..but by all means let's concern ourselves with those petty things..because that's what's important..

And as far as being black or a woman ..well lets take a look at that..our last president was black..his name was really BARRY SOETERO and should have never been president he wasn't a natural born citizen ..but they hid that fact from us..also he was smuggling muslims into the country....was also leading a soft coup to overthrow our government (TRAITOR) for the woman..the president wannabe..the EVIL QUEEN know the one..the sick sell our secrets and access to her unsecured server child trafficking black berry beating hard drive bleach bit soaking evidence destroying EVIL TRAITOR..

but hey let's not worry about that because Trump had sex with a hooker..that's what's IMPORTANT..spock

And one more thing while I'm at it ..why would they ever think to charge Trump with obstruction of justice..when the whole FISA issue was a complete line of ********..more like I guess it would be obstruction of can that even be considered a crime..

So just who will the Dems pick to replace Trump..another know like the last few presidents they voted in office..this is exactly why they like people like yourself Charles. because you don't...



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