Community > Posts By > greeneyes148
what's been found so far under the ice in Antarctica most likely the same s**t that is stuck under the ice in my freezer |
do i look ok w/o makeup??
my pfp is no makeup and no filters so I'm wondering how I look. I prefer a gal who doesn't wear make up... it gets on the sheets |
I'm Ugly
Being ugly as I am how am I supposed to post a pic and think some attractive girl is going to reply to me Well, I have to agree... you're screwed |
How to boil an egg.
just by it already boiled at the convenience store.. Say its " boneless chicken"
Ahhh, yes.. a MILF... A cougar...both appear to be accepted terms nowadays by both men and women.. somehow validated
But if a old guy is seeking a young woman... he's still " a dirty old man"... Lol.. talk about double standards. |
What if she turns the tables and whips the living s**t out of you?
Dems not giving up on Russia probe; Trump visits Republicans "WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump took a victory lap on Capitol Hill Tuesday, emboldened by the end of the government's Russia probe even as Democrats demanded the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's full report and intensified their focus on policy issues. The Affordable Care Act took center stage for the Democrats after a season of congressional business that's been mostly about Trump, including the investigations and, earlier, the government shutdown. Radiating a sense of vindication, Trump walked into the Senate flanked by Republican leaders". Americans (those of us who are sane and still check facts) do not buy the four-page summary of a political hack, William Barr, saying nothing to see here when he wasn't involved from the beginning, had sent out a 17 page memo about how Trump should not be under investigation by Mueller prior to becoming AG, and even with his heavy corrupt GOP slant of a summary cannot exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice. We the People demand the whole report is released and the Mueller testifies to the oversight committee since the GOP thinks it is fine to keep their corruption going! The report must say quite a few negative, perhaps even game-changing, things about Trump. After all, there were 34 indictments of close associates and some are going to jail. If Trump supporters REALLY believe he is exonerated, why would they want the doubt to remain and be an issue for Democrats? RELEASE THE REPORT and let the voters decide. the full report on Benghazi was made available. The impeachment of Clinton was televised. It does make me wonder what there is to hide. But like his brilliant school career that he doesnt want released, the shadiness of Trump and his circle has come to be expected. I wonder if its his mob ties that make them so devoted to 'protecting' him all the time or if there is something else. O.k., M.S. and EXACTLY what mob ties does TRUMP have? Please enlighten all to some facts. not rumors, as you are throwing out there right now... but .. fact. no his father.. or some other family member...him.. what do you have ( other then baseless rumors)? Are you talking about his construction projects in N.Y.C?... well, guess what, if you are pouring concrete, moving dirt, demolishing anything and hauling off trash from any job site.. anywhere in the 5 NYC boroughs of NYC ( AND North Jersey) you are dealing with mob run companies... I don't care who you are, be it I.B.M, Merrill Lynch or the City of New York. So how about doing a little research on " the reality of building in the Northeast U.S." before throwing mob ties out there. Doesn't matter which companies you choose.. they own the industries.. have forever... And BTW... I do know.. been buying concrete, dirt and services from them for 35 years. Fact.. good quality concrete at a good price.. and they always deliver.. just make sure to pay them ;) I agree. It has been nearly two decades since absolute connection to the mob, by his own words in 2004. But people do question people's connections to others by even slighter standards, like Obama being tied to Ayers because he WORKED on the same board as him and had events with him YEARS After he had been charged with crimes. Its not a judgement call. Just a theory, like all those floating around about the ties between people's deaths and the Clintons. Or like how is some exceptional business man NOW, based on what he was accomplishing back then. Trumps own words admit connection with mobsters, for whatever reason. "“I don’t want to have cameras all over my office, dealing with contractors, politicians, mobsters and everyone else I have to deal with in my business,” he told a 2004 panel at the Museum of Television and Radio in L.A. “You know, mobsters don’t like, as they are talking to me, having cameras all over the room. It would play well on television, but it doesn’t play well with them.” I don't know what his deal is. I do honestly wonder what connections or sources of intimidation he might be able to use on people, besides tweeting. Donald Trump's Mafia Connections: Decades Later, Is He Still Linked to the Mob? "On a rainy day in the spring of 1976, FBI Special Agent Myron Fuller took the New York subway to Brooklyn to interview Donald Trump. The future tycoon, about 30, was just getting his real estate career off the ground, aided by secret payments from his father. Fuller found Trump working out of a temporary office in a double-wide trailer on a muddy construction site. “There were boards covering wet dirt, in lieu of cement walkways,” Fuller recalls to Newsweek. He knocked on the door and went in. “His secretary sat there by the entrance, and Trump was a door away from there.” Ushered in, he found Trump sitting behind his desk". Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob? "In his signature book, The Art of the Deal, Donald Trump boasted that when he wanted to build a casino in Atlantic City, he persuaded the state attorney general to limit the investigation of his background to six months. Most potential owners were scrutinized for more than a year. Trump argued that he was “clean as a whistle”—young enough that he hadn’t had time to get into any sort of trouble. He got the sped-up background check, and eventually got the casino license". As a matter of fact, there is a book published on that very subject for those inclined to read it. Another, Again.. any contractor or builder building any structure, road, development in N.YC. or Jersey is dealing with the mob. Same with dirt, demo & private garbage removal That does not mean you have ties with them, it means you use their services.. because you have no choice. And if you want even a sidewalk poured.. you are getting the concrete from a company run by the mob. I have built hospitals, churches, office buildings, distribution centers and poured out 100 miles of sidewalk for N.Y home owners. None of them have ties to the mob... neither do I.. I'm Irish ;) It works like this, you them, tell them how much concrete you want, what type, what PSI and when and where. they give you a price. ( and their prices are what they should be for that region), their crews come and then the concrete is poured.. and you pay them.. that's it. My point being, people who do not know the construction " rules " In that area automatically think he ( and others) are tied the mob.. they re not. they are stereo type. When I do talk to them ( the owners) you know what we talk about?.. the weather.. the traffic.. the cities ridicules cost for permits.. and where to get the best ravioli's and antipasto... no lie. in all my years, they never bothered me.. not once. Or any contractor I know. And frankly, Trump's style would go against the grain of the mobs low key style. They do not like to bring attention to themselves. |
Monica Lewinsky sounds off on the Mueller report
___________________________________________________________________________ So giving a BJ now deems this person a expert on political issues..... |
Im new to this
Best of Luck
Greeneyes goes a bit above average |
The Defective Scenario
Eve broke that agreement with God when she partook from the fruit of knowledge. The first sin. Right? My question is why was the tree with the fruit of knowledge even there if man was not supposed to take sustenance of it? Consider this: I as a lowly man, know if I do not want my children playing with something, I put it out of their reach. It only makes sense, right? Wouldn't a God have a higher understanding? Why was the tree with the fruit of knowledge even available if it was not meant to be found? We are talkin bout God here, not yer average human being. Maybe I'm missing something? It just only makes sense if you don't want yer kids playing with something ya don't put it where they can get to it. Consider this, Perhaps man was intended to partake in the fruit of knowledge and is intended to use that knowledge in a quest to reach a desired level of understanding? If that is the intention, where is the sin? How do we know when we have reached the intended target? Perhaps the tree of knowledge we have been warned about is not a sin but a way to find grace in the eyes of our creator? What if we are expected to become more than what we are now? What if the whole purpose of life is to achieve an understanding that is currently unknown to us? What if we are still in learning mode? There are PEOPLE that would like you to believe you are a sinner. There are people that want you to believe the end is upon us. What if we are only a fraction of the way we are supposed to go? How could you know? Is that man that tells you he is holy to actually be believed? Is the scripture intended as the single most word on the will of the creator or is it a transcript of how man has interpreted its meaning? Where do you draw the line? At what point do YOU try to interpret the mind of God? What gives you the authority? Consider this: Humanity has in effect, proliferated to 6.8 billion souls. Is there any reason why a God would want this? Unless we haven't reached the point God intended us to be? I mean, we're talking about God right, not a politician. A God that put all of existence into reality. Created the heavens and the Earth. A God that is able to create everything from nothing. This God, able to do all that, MUST be able to govern its own creation. If not, Is it really God? As it is, reality, I have a lot of trouble with some of the ideas that make up the foundation of my belief. Sadly, I watched a film tonight that tried to suggest that we are at the limits of God's intentions. (Summerland Project aka Amelia 2.0) The issue I have is not with the statement but with the implication. How could any man know the actual will of God? Why should we believe any man that claims to know to will of God? At what point do we draw the line? How can we ever know the actual word of God? Perhaps, we were never meant to? Perhaps, we are only supposed to know the word of man? Perhaps, we are only intended to know what we need to know to advance to a level at which God has originally intended. Perhaps when we reach that level of understanding, God will no longer be a question? Who really knows? Ahhh. God.. which one Tom.....cause you see the rules change for each See my point..which is the right God , tom ? |
Marijuana Farming
I'm opening up a rolling paper dispensary next to each medical marijuana store that opens
flavored paper, EZ WIDE, TOPS. whatever you want ... bongs too ;) |
I wish he would stay off twitter and shut the F up once in awhile, but he IS making a difference. I can't with a good conscience vote for a Clinton or Clinton type person.. can't do it. Tired of giving away the farm... just plan tired of it. |
Mob War Brewing in New York
Are you talking about the mobster boss that got shot and killed on Staten Island 2 weeks ago.?, because if you are that was not a mob hit. The shooter was told ( by the mob boss) to stay away from the mobsters niece ( who he was dating), he didn't like that and shot nd killed the mobster. The shooter is not in the mob, neither is his family. The shooters family are actually very good people, well known and respected in the S.I. area, they will not be bothered. But I do agree the shooter will be killed in prison, As I am sure his family knows too. I don't buy the Government's details. Someone that's not connected could never get near a boss like that. With all due respect.. it is not the NYC police department info I am going by. It is a known fact on S.I. & Brooklyn and to the other " families" as to what exactly happened It was not a mob hit.. that is a know fact " on the street" by those who.. would know The bosses house had over 20 cameras coving every square inch of the outside house and street in front of the house. The shooter crashed his van into the bosses car on purpose, bringing the boss outside.. where he was shot. The shooter had a very custom van.. easily recognizable, that is why he got caught so quickly in Bricktown, N.J the next day. 40 miles away. The shooting was caught on the video tape.. as was his van. Now.. does that sound like a classic mob hit to you?.. you know as well as I that hitmen.. never get caught.. and are not stupid enough to be caught on tape and they don't drive customized vans. Jilted lover.. that is what this is all about. There will be no mafia war in NYC because of this. The shooters family will not " pay the price" and he will be killed in prison that also is the " accepted" solution to this... everyone, including his family.. understands this |
Dems not giving up on Russia probe; Trump visits Republicans "WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump took a victory lap on Capitol Hill Tuesday, emboldened by the end of the government's Russia probe even as Democrats demanded the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's full report and intensified their focus on policy issues. The Affordable Care Act took center stage for the Democrats after a season of congressional business that's been mostly about Trump, including the investigations and, earlier, the government shutdown. Radiating a sense of vindication, Trump walked into the Senate flanked by Republican leaders". Americans (those of us who are sane and still check facts) do not buy the four-page summary of a political hack, William Barr, saying nothing to see here when he wasn't involved from the beginning, had sent out a 17 page memo about how Trump should not be under investigation by Mueller prior to becoming AG, and even with his heavy corrupt GOP slant of a summary cannot exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice. We the People demand the whole report is released and the Mueller testifies to the oversight committee since the GOP thinks it is fine to keep their corruption going! The report must say quite a few negative, perhaps even game-changing, things about Trump. After all, there were 34 indictments of close associates and some are going to jail. If Trump supporters REALLY believe he is exonerated, why would they want the doubt to remain and be an issue for Democrats? RELEASE THE REPORT and let the voters decide. the full report on Benghazi was made available. The impeachment of Clinton was televised. It does make me wonder what there is to hide. But like his brilliant school career that he doesnt want released, the shadiness of Trump and his circle has come to be expected. I wonder if its his mob ties that make them so devoted to 'protecting' him all the time or if there is something else. O.k., M.S. and EXACTLY what mob ties does TRUMP have? Please enlighten all to some facts. not rumors, as you are throwing out there right now... but .. fact. no his father.. or some other family member...him.. what do you have ( other then baseless rumors)? Are you talking about his construction projects in N.Y.C?... well, guess what, if you are pouring concrete, moving dirt, demolishing anything and hauling off trash from any job site.. anywhere in the 5 NYC boroughs of NYC ( AND North Jersey) you are dealing with mob run companies... I don't care who you are, be it I.B.M, Merrill Lynch or the City of New York. So how about doing a little research on " the reality of building in the Northeast U.S." before throwing mob ties out there. Doesn't matter which companies you choose.. they own the industries.. have forever... And BTW... I do know.. been buying concrete, dirt and services from them for 35 years. Fact.. good quality concrete at a good price.. and they always deliver.. just make sure to pay them ;) |
Another thing. Bill Clinton was impeached over getting his knob polished in the oval room. Trump deserves the same thing because he paid hush money to keep people from finding out he was getting his knob polished by two different women. Considering the above, I completely fail to understand how any woman could vote for dozy donny. Clinton was impeached and for the same reason the current POTUS should also be impeached. That seems only fair to me. His treatment of women is frankly disgusting. This is of course completely separate from all the other well researched reasons why he should go. Not that I am biased, I'm English and have never voted in the USA and will never be able to do so. I just read what is written here! ![]() I voted for Trump, and I also think he should learn to shut his mouth and stay the hell off of twitter. As for the Clinton/ Trump comparison. The day the president is found guilty of having sex with a intern ( or any other women, not his wife) in the white house.. and then lying about it to the entire world only admitting it when fully cornered then yes, by all means impeach him. So while Trump is certainly crude and most likely cheated on his wife.. he did not do it while president and certainly not at his job... with a employee.. young enough to be his daughter....... |
Compass not giving accurate information wtf? you carry round a compass? |
Gray hair
I have a bit of gray on the sides. I like it.
Anyway, I wouldn't think of dyeing my hair... for what?. I have seen women doing it as I pass the hair salon, it looks too complicated and messy. |
Any of Y'all Vegetarian?
I stopped eating meat in December 2017. About ten years before that, reducing my meat consumption was a factor in losing some weight and improving my health. For many years I had an increasing compulsion to go vegetarian. Watching a video of a pig being killed in a brutal way and seeing how it suffered sickened me and finalized my decision. To those who are or have been vegetarian: What's your veggie tale? I only date vegetarian, that way, when I take them to the steakhouse restaurant, I get all the steak and they just get a salad. its being cheap, while not looking cheap. |
Need foreign girl
Need a foreign girl to travel arround goa. Is your head coming out of the side of your neck ? |
$25 million dollars spent to find.... no collusion... zip...none... the witch hunt failed.
Well Dems , should we now spend another $25 million investigating .. the investigation. you folk sure like to spend other peoples money total waste of taxpayer money and energy. |