Topic: The Wall | |
i admit to being apathetic, being a democrat living in Texas
makes it feel like my voice is never heard being outnumbered as i am...the republican living is California probably feels the same as i do...that's why i feel the need for voters everywhere to educate themselves on the issues and policies of the candidates to make informed choices rather than being sucked in by sloganeers who promise things they can't deliver.. Mom, Apple Pie and the Flag......#MAGA "it's going to be a GREAT WALL, a TREMENDOUS WALL and believe Me, Mexico is going to pay for it, believe Me" |
Like I said before OI don't think we need a wall..and yea it seems that his stylus is stuck on that same groove...and whether Mexico pays for it or not who cares ..if it protects people in one form or another ..spare no expense.. But hey now with Hillary she'll sell us out for a charity're weighing the wall against that.. Someone who would sell you and your family out..remember Trump has been all but cleared but not Hillary..You may want to wait and see ..they haven't even begun and if it goes like I feel it will..I wouldn't want to commit myself ...but it's coming.. ![]() One would have to be blind not to see some of the things she has done that could put American lives at risk..and we haven't even really dove into GPS |
this is long, it's a rant, you can read it or not i don't's my opinion and i wanted to express it.. it's about more than just the' about the morass i feel my country is in today and how we got here... ********************************************************* con-men are smart guys...Trump didn't run against Obama in 2012 because he knew he'd get crushed..he waited until 2016 because he knew Obama had to leave, and also knew his opponent would be Clinton because she had been waiting for 8 years and knew they were going to give her her turn.. Then he proceeded to split the republican party in half by recognizing that rural america had been ignored by both parties for many years...he appealed to that segment with i hear your voices and i will drain this swamp of all these establishment politicians who have neglected you.. also in his bag of tricks were the pretend bogeymen he used to strike fear into the public...the muslims, the mexicans, the blacks, the unpatriotic, judges, the corrupt FBI, the wiretapping and the catch-22, it's fake news folks the american voter was essentially left with a choice of two with 8 worms in it, or the one with 9.. a simple plan really, and he pulled it off... so, what America is left with is about 30% (Trumps core) of the people calling the shots for the other 70% today the shell game continues..a yuge tax-cut for the elite, permanent tax-cut for corporations, lax regulation of industry or banking, nothing for renewable energy, pork-barrel projects like a useless wall and a military parade so this 2-bit draft dodging peacock can preside over preening his plumage... and there is already whispers that social security and medicaid were going to need to be reduced to pay down the debt... is this what America wanted when they cast their votes ? are these the policies that are going to make America great again ? ask yourself these questions and when the time comes ......VOTE with your conscience...... |
this is long, it's a rant, you can read it or not i don't's my opinion and i wanted to express it.. it's about more than just the' about the morass i feel my country is in today and how we got here... ********************************************************* con-men are smart guys...Trump didn't run against Obama in 2012 because he knew he'd get crushed..he waited until 2016 because he knew Obama had to leave, and also knew his opponent would be Clinton because she had been waiting for 8 years and knew they were going to give her her turn.. Then he proceeded to split the republican party in half by recognizing that rural america had been ignored by both parties for many years...he appealed to that segment with i hear your voices and i will drain this swamp of all these establishment politicians who have neglected you.. also in his bag of tricks were the pretend bogeymen he used to strike fear into the public...the muslims, the mexicans, the blacks, the unpatriotic, judges, the corrupt FBI, the wiretapping and the catch-22, it's fake news folks the american voter was essentially left with a choice of two with 8 worms in it, or the one with 9.. a simple plan really, and he pulled it off... so, what America is left with is about 30% (Trumps core) of the people calling the shots for the other 70% today the shell game continues..a yuge tax-cut for the elite, permanent tax-cut for corporations, lax regulation of industry or banking, nothing for renewable energy, pork-barrel projects like a useless wall and a military parade so this 2-bit draft dodging peacock can preside over preening his plumage... and there is already whispers that social security and medicaid were going to need to be reduced to pay down the debt... is this what America wanted when they cast their votes ? are these the policies that are going to make America great again ? ask yourself these questions and when the time comes ......VOTE with your conscience...... Okay, I read it. All the stuff about Trump means nothing to me. I don't like the guy, didn't like him before POTUS and won't like him after. As far as I'm concerned none of the candidates were any good for this nation of people. The only thing I disagree with is to Vote with your Conscious. That's the last thing people should be voting with. Vote with Intelligence. Vote with Sense. Vote with Reason. Better yet, Nominate some candidates that understand the job they are being asked to do. Then Vote for the ONE that actually does it. Not a very difficult concept to comprehend. |
this is long, it's a rant, you can read it or not i don't's my opinion and i wanted to express it.. |
That's what we all do express our opinion whether anyone likes it reads it or otherwise ..we can agree to disagree without least I hope so..I don't intend to offend.. But let's face it what choices are we left with ..if you ask me neither one represents the U.S the way I'd like to see it and that's unfortunate.. Does the majority always rule or is it the majority that is left once the votes are dispersed over several candidates. In my opinion they're all con men when was the last time a president kept all their campaign promises..or always told the truth.. but the truth be known I don't like Hillary and I didn't like Bill who stood up and blatantly lied to the whole nation.. But honestly what can anyone do about it..It's not like we were given much of a choice..Hell Bernie Sanders might have been better than both but he never had a chance thanks to Hillary... It's sad to think when we are given a choice it's not much of a choice at all...What can any of us do to change that..nothing.. |
I've went thru most of these pages here, and this just turned into a Trump hate fest...we get it, you don't like Trump... So, in all the scatherings of demented hate, does anyone have any alternative solutions to the wall?
Here's a "what if" .... Let's say there's a pissed off Muslim in Mexico, that just happened to get ahold of some of the missing nukes that no one can find, and decides Allah wants him take of a major city in the US... what's going to stop him or her from just waltzing across the desert with his package? Or since the know there's a few Muslim training camps in Mexico, what about them sneaking other weapons across the border? I guess safety first doesn't really matter anymore... |
Let me just say the last post was a joke for any FBI who may be watching..don't want them thinking we're forming the idea for a coup here on mingle..wait..there's a knock at the door BRB..if not I'm in handcuffs.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Most people know that the border is not the illegal immigrant problem. It has significance but illegal immigration is not really a threat to our lifestyle. What is a threat is a weak border security allows those that do intend us harm access to our nation's interior. In that sense, I can support a stronger border. Illegally entering this country is nothing new. Its been happening for a very long time. There is more than one border to the United States. If we erect a wall on the southern border we should erect walls on all our borders. After 9-11 we strengthened our air, shipping and automotive access security. The wall is an idea to strengthen or walking access security as well. In that sense it makes sense and jives with the new HLS efforts to protect our nation. To me the illegal immigrant issues are insignificant to the greater issue of incoming hostiles. A terrorist cell can walk into this country as individuals and meet up to form the cell. That's a very real threat. A few come in at different spots in Canada, others at different spots in Mexico. One is just another person but all of them together becomes a deadly threat. If we have positive control of our borders, we can restrict the likelihood of hostiles getting inside in the first place. How we get that positive control is up to the people, not Trump. well said!!! |
I did vote and it sure in the hell wasn't for Hillary..We have watched Trump get put through the wringer,,now let's see when they draw their attention onto Hillary..let's see how she fares..We already know about the emails she got a pass on ..So it basically came down to two candidates would pick Hillary..are you serious..We'll wait and see how deepstate the DEMS go The collusion diversionary tactic didn't work it was the DEMS who were colluding..yea great pick..but we'll wait ..I remember all those people thinking Trump colluded we saw who got fleeced.. ![]() You men are Spot on, on this topic! ![]() |
Bernie seemed better choice than Hillary , yep she took care of that!
Not sure he would have secured the boarders but we will never know now! |
Argo, sorry that you feel so badly about Trump. I don't think that
he was anyboby's first choice, certainly wasn't mine. But with Hilary's baggage of corruption there was no other choice, for me anyway. Trump is rude and crude but millions of others believed that he has a good heart and will change things for the good of ALL. Washington has needed a good flush for a long time. If I were a Democrat, I would be more concerned about the direction that my party is going. It has taken a turn to the left and I don't think most Americans will vote for that.JMHO |
Argo, sorry that you feel so badly about Trump. I don't think that he was anyboby's first choice, certainly wasn't mine. But with Hilary's baggage of corruption there was no other choice, for me anyway. Trump is rude and crude but millions of others believed that he has a good heart and will change things for the good of ALL. Washington has needed a good flush for a long time. If I were a Democrat, I would be more concerned about the direction that my party is going. It has taken a turn to the left and I don't think most Americans will vote for that.JMHO You got that right! I will vote for however is Best choice for America. |
Argo, sorry that you feel so badly about Trump. I don't think that he was anyboby's first choice, certainly wasn't mine. But with Hilary's baggage of corruption there was no other choice, for me anyway. Trump is rude and crude but millions of others believed that he has a good heart and will change things for the good of ALL. Washington has needed a good flush for a long time. If I were a Democrat, I would be more concerned about the direction that my party is going. It has taken a turn to the left and I don't think most Americans will vote for that.JMHO |
yes it is only one aspect of illegal aliens, but back to the topic itself. how about this?
we relocate military training bases to right up against the border. military bases already have simple explicit forms for unauthorized entry. no extra special use of troops required. simply put them there and let them train. yes let them train with some of this wonderful new tech as well |
I feel the border is less of an issue than it was made to be, much less dangerous than the domestic unstable with guns that are homegrown and shooting up other people for certain ,,,,
but that's what happens, someone said once something about the best way to unite people is create a common enemy or bang the drums of war, or something like that, THE WALL and border security was that common enemy created to get certain people in an uproar , imho I mean, it could happen, but I still no of no terrorist that has come through Mexico, I do know some have been born and bred here. I have no opposition to having as secure a border as we can, but I really believe its already as secure as its gonna be, if 'security' means from from danger, and not merely free from illegal immigrants ... ... just my two cents .. |
I'm not sure militarizing the border would be a good idea, maybe some
military having a part but I don't think that would make our neighbor to the south happy. Military technology might be good though. |
I feel the border is less of an issue than it was made to be, much less dangerous than the domestic unstable with guns that are homegrown and shooting up other people for certain ,,,,
but that's what happens, someone said once something about the best way to unite people is create a common enemy or bang the drums of war, or something like that, THE WALL and border security was that common enemy created to get certain people in an uproar , imho I mean, it could happen, but I still no of no terrorist that has come through Mexico, I do know some have been born and bred here. I have no opposition to having as secure a border as we can, but I really believe its already as secure as its gonna be, if 'security' means from from danger, and not merely free from illegal immigrants ... ... just my two cents .. |
and two cents from
If lawmakers want to address the future flow of people attempting to enter the country unlawfully they can make two policy changes that do not involve major changes to immigration enforcement. First, Congress can make it lawful to work in America under a legal visa at year-round jobs in construction, hotels, restaurants and landscaping. The visas can be fully portable, since that would be the best labor protection. The failure to make this common-sense reform has profited criminal smuggling gangs and resulted in hundreds of deaths annually of those attempting to enter the U.S. through unsafe border areas. The second change is to work actively with Central American governments to reduce the violence that is driving so many of its citizens to flee to the United States. Sending people back to conditions that can get them killed or preventing individuals from pursuing viable asylum claims is not a policy worthy of the country that Thomas Jefferson once said “should be the asylum of all those who wish to avoid the scenes which have crushed our friends in [other lands].” Beyond deporting people who represent a genuine criminal or security threat to Americans, the rest of those targeted for deportation are people already in the workforce, at least 70 percent of whom have been living in the United States 10 years or longer, according to the Department of Homeland Security. |
and everyone have a good day....
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