Topic: The Wall
Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 02/18/18 06:00 PM
You do realize the wall doesn't have to be a wall.
It could be a continuos building or series of buildings.
It could be a line of commerce with parking lots, a highway, residential areas and buried utilities.

The construction process could include blasting out the tunnels already dug and inserting 'breaks' to prevent more.

The entire facility could be rented/leased out to help pay for it.
If we can build a city in a desert and have it thrive (Vegas?), why can't we build a long unbroken city along the border?

We could even cover the huge roof with solar panels or greenhouses.

Also, with our lack of prisons due to our ineptitude at penal systems, some of the wall could be comprised of high tech prisons and rehabilitation facilities.

Whats more, when Mexico and the United States merge, its just a matter of doing a bit of remodeling to put doors on the backside.

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 06:08 PM

uh.. no..slaphead ... and in case you didn't read me the first

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 02/18/18 06:20 PM
uh.. no..slaphead ... and in case you didn't read me the first

okay, howabout....

Take the contents of Yucca Mountain. Line the border with radioactive material buried out of sight. You can detect border violators with a geiger counter.

Argo's photo
Sun 02/18/18 06:54 PM
i suppose we could do a lot of things if we want to
spend a couple trillion dollars on some pie-in-the-sky
project...but Trump wants a Wall for 28 billion and he's
holding DACA and the whole immigration system hostage
until he gets his way..."No Wall, No DACA"

Why doesn't he just try to keep his promise of going
after the criminals FIRST and stop deporting children, respected
ADULT businessmen, community leaders and mothers of US citizens
who have committed no crime other than be without documents ?

No, i don't have their names or addresses or phone numbers...
but if you take the time for a little research you will see
case after case after case of this happening to people all
over the United States...

Trump - ""Nurse Ratched, I want MY WALL..I want MY WALL"" tears

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 06:56 PM

I believe some nuclear waste sparks at night so it would make them easy to see at night,but have enough of that stuff around us as it is..we want to deter not give them cancer..besides I just watched a documentary on Coldwater Creek ..and I'm feelin' a little empathetic..ask me in the next day or two..I may change my mind..biggrin

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 06:59 PM

He has been going after MS 13 and other gang members ..but if he went with my idea he wouldn't need as much money so he would be able to do with DACA what he wishes ..check mate DEMS...smile2

Argo's photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:07 PM
why the bargaining ? 2 separate issues settle DACA and then
talk about a wall and figure out how to get Mexico to pay for it
like he promised he would do...the guy is a con-man and the
American taxpayer is his mark...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:12 PM
Y'know, all joking aside...

We don't live in Trump's United States.
We live in OUR United States.

It doesn't matter what Trump wants and the thinking that makes it seem like it does is broken and unrealistic.

POTUS is there to enact the will of the people.
If the people don't want a wall, Trump shouldn't be able to make it happen.

People agree something should be done tho.
POTUS is supposed to consider all feasible options then present those options to the people for approval.
He's not a Dictator.
He's not a King.
He is a President of the People of the United States.

Why did we allow our nation to fall into such a state of confusion?

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:15 PM

He definitely reminds me of a used car salesman that sold me a lemon back in the day..I still don't see a need for a physical wall..have space X throw up a satellite some ground sensors self docking drones all for one tenth of the wouldn't matter if Mexico paid hell we could get the money by lowering subsidies or not pissing so much away..

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:22 PM

Because somewhere along the line governments think that we work for them rather than the other way around..and they've gotten away with it for so long that it's become our way of life..Let's face it they spend OUR money and we don't even know where it goes or have any kind of say so..So whatcha got planned Tom..a revolution..I'm there and military trained..just let me know..smile2

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:28 PM

Let me just say the last post was a joke for any FBI who may be watching..don't want them thinking we're forming the idea for a coup here on mingle..wait..there's a knock at the door BRB..if not I'm in handcuffs..:laughing:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:31 PM
Most people know that the border is not the illegal immigrant problem. It has significance but illegal immigration is not really a threat to our lifestyle.

What is a threat is a weak border security allows those that do intend us harm access to our nation's interior. In that sense, I can support a stronger border.

Illegally entering this country is nothing new. Its been happening for a very long time. There is more than one border to the United States. If we erect a wall on the southern border we should erect walls on all our borders.

After 9-11 we strengthened our air, shipping and automotive access security. The wall is an idea to strengthen or walking access security as well. In that sense it makes sense and jives with the new HLS efforts to protect our nation.

To me the illegal immigrant issues are insignificant to the greater issue of incoming hostiles. A terrorist cell can walk into this country as individuals and meet up to form the cell. That's a very real threat. A few come in at different spots in Canada, others at different spots in Mexico. One is just another person but all of them together becomes a deadly threat.

If we have positive control of our borders, we can restrict the likelihood of hostiles getting inside in the first place.
How we get that positive control is up to the people, not Trump.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:38 PM
Because somewhere along the line governments think that we work for them rather than the other way around..and they've gotten away with it for so long that it's become our way of life..Let's face it they spend OUR money and we don't even know where it goes or have any kind of say so..So whatcha got planned Tom..a revolution..I'm there and military trained..just let me know..smile2

The true word is Complacency.

Too many people think that our governmental problems will take care of themselves. Or...They don't even care to look up and see.
The few that actually notice do not have the organized power to do anything about it. When they do get something noticed, it becomes a great hooplah just like everything else. A whole bunch of yakking with no real fix.
Lets blame him, no lets blame her...
Well, I stand and raise my hand.
This is my country and if it anyone's fault, its mine.
I tolerate it.

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:39 PM
The guy is a con - man and the American taxpayer is his mark. scared WOW! yawn Good night And good luck.

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:43 PM

I agree but who is going to listen to us ..and you know like I do... no one

There are many ways of getting into our country and the southern border is just a small piece you can't encase the whole nation ..and then you have to worry about the home grown morons but if we used my ideas we would have more money to put towards these other areas that are much needed as well..

truth is we would probably wind up flying them here, And you know it sure makes for a good diversionary tactic..have us looking one at the southern border while coming in from another..

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:53 PM

He does remind me of a used car salesman ..but do I think America is his In my opinion the guy has had to put up with a bunch of deplorable attacks against him and his family that as we see now were unwarranted and undfounded..clearly still sour grapes on the part of the DEMs who put us in this mess through their inaction..

Personally it looks like we have someone who has a set for once..So many people want to put him down but lets face it would we want Hillary read my emails it's easy to hack me Clinton who puts our lives at risk with her over inflated ego..

He definitely has a mess on his hands that was left by prior administrations..

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:54 PM
I think the diversionary tactics are more common than many realize.
Powers That Be don't want people concentrating on 'this'? Lets run a controversy news story on 'that' to get their focus.
We get to do what we want while they get all worked up over something else. Then, when they realize what we did, its all done and over with. Cleaning up is pretty easy, just leak something else that gets their attention so they forget about it.

We exist in a constant barrage of morphing issues. Nothing actually gets fixed.
"We are giving Congress another raise...Hey, Illegal Immigrants are stealing your MONEY!...LOOK"

Argo's photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:55 PM
the marks are always the last ones to admit they have been fleeced..

as for we the people are the ones in charge of what should be
and what is supposed to be and what we want that is a farce
your only recourse is to educate yourselves, shake off the
apathy and express your concerns at the ballot box..GO VOTE

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 02/18/18 08:03 PM

the marks are always the last ones to admit they have been fleeced..

as for we the people are the ones in charge of what should be
and what is supposed to be and what we want that is a farce
your only recourse is to educate yourselves, shake off the
apathy and express your concerns at the ballot box..GO VOTE

But vote for the best candidate to represent you, not a blanket party. Plus, it might help if you vote in every level of election that concerns you. Not just the presidential.

Plus, every election needs to be a separate process of voting for the best candidate. Not just voting a recumbant because its easier and takes less concentration.

no photo
Sun 02/18/18 08:24 PM

I did vote and it sure in the hell wasn't for Hillary..We have watched Trump get put through the wringer,,now let's see when they draw their attention onto Hillary..let's see how she fares..We already know about the emails she got a pass on ..So it basically came down to two candidates would pick Hillary..are you serious..We'll wait and see how deepstate the DEMS go

The collusion diversionary tactic didn't work it was the DEMS who were colluding..yea great pick..but we'll wait ..I remember all those people thinking Trump colluded we saw who got fleeced..:laughing: