Topic: The Wall
Argo's photo
Sat 02/17/18 02:26 AM

they have most of the rights afforded our citizens
this has been affirmed many times by our supreme court
for the facts you need only to google this...

does an illegal immigrant have constitutional rights

Aw, Argo, that just makes me feel like nothing really matters.
But, I know its true.
To me it is a sellout.
A smck in the face to every American citizen that fought and died in the name of our country's freedom and constitution.
I know it's true because I see it all the time in the NEWS.
It really Pisses me off.

it doesnt mean they cant be arrested and deported mostly
its how we treat them within our country...miranda, due process,
equal treatment under the the law, illegal search and seizure,
being served a warrant stuff like that..myself, im a vet
who served and i dont see anything wrong with that..
first and foremost they are human beings, we cant just throw
them in a dungeon to waste away or shoot them on the spot, can we ?

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/17/18 02:57 AM

does an illegal immigrant have constitutional rights

Constitutional rights pertain to every person who is within U.S. borders.
not true... Non citizens can't vote..

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 02/17/18 04:42 AM

ah but, dodo david, The oath that all servicemen take is to protect the United States from threats both Foreign AND Domestic.
Protecting the United States from foreign occupation clearly fits within the intent of the oath.

Tell that to Congress and the Department of Defense.

Immigration cheating is a law-enforcement issue.

That's True and it should have been corrected by Congress and previous POTUS. Long over due for America.

no photo
Sat 02/17/18 06:59 AM

I think the wall is a rather archaic way of looking at this situation with the technology we possess today With satellites ground sensors and self docking drones that deploy when the sensors go off we would be able to monitor the area a lot better..As far as the immigrants with visas... imbedded trackers under their skin would be something they would have to agree to.

It's about time we start using the technology at our disposal rather than revert back to a stone age mentality...spock

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 02/17/18 07:49 AM

I think the wall is a rather archaic way of looking at this situation with the technology we possess today With satellites ground sensors and self docking drones that deploy when the sensors go off we would be able to monitor the area a lot better..As far as the immigrants with visas... imbedded trackers under their skin would be something they would have to agree to.

It's about time we start using the technology at our disposal rather than revert back to a stone age mentality...spock

I agree, we have the technology why don't we use it?

no photo
Sat 02/17/18 08:02 AM

Probably because being an older generation in key places we think with an "old fart" mentality...smile2

no photo
Sat 02/17/18 08:58 AM

they have most of the rights afforded our citizens
this has been affirmed many times by our supreme court
for the facts you need only to google this...

does an illegal immigrant have constitutional rights

The Supreme Court. scared is catering to who and what?

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/17/18 10:28 AM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Sat 02/17/18 10:28 AM
Love that other countries have immigration laws but we are the bad guys. Most countries don't have the issue

Hell even states here don't get the border states

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/17/18 10:36 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 02/17/18 10:37 AM
IT is an interesting topic.

I do feel it is interesting that as Americans we often feel so much more 'entitled' to 'rights' that are basically about being decent to other human beings.

I also find it interesting that people who come here with no understanding of the law and no legal ability to enter contracts(as children) are lumped in with ANYONE else who doesnt have documents, regardless of their individual situations, and tossed out as if they are the enemy.

I also find it interesting the idea that people coming here illegally are any more a 'threat' to us than we are to them, being that they are easier to exploit and abuse through the intimidation and fear of deportation.

WHen people hurt other people, regardless of the 'documents' they can buy (yes, immigration is legally mostly about the money, those without are not eligible) , those people should be dealt with, but pre supposing that merely due to documents, someone will be a danger is IMHO more emotionally impulsive than it is logical.

This from someone who has had to go through the immigration process.

no photo
Sat 02/17/18 11:13 AM
Edited by alleoops on Sat 02/17/18 11:15 AM
Yes, border walls are interesting.
I find it interesting that at least 65 other countries
have border walls. I guess they feel entitled too.
One the most famous being "The great wall of China"
and the least being the heavily guarded wall or border
between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and of course
the southern border of Mexico.
I also find it interesting that since illegals are treated
so badly here, why they come here by the millions. Haven't
figured that out yet. We should treat them as well as other
countries do.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 02/17/18 11:21 AM

Yes, border walls are interesting.
I find it interesting that at least 65 other countries
have border walls. I guess they feel entitled too.
One the most famous being "The great wall of China"
and the least being the heavily guarded wall or border
between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and of course
the southern border of Mexico.
I also find it interesting that since illegals are treated
so badly here, why they come here by the millions. Haven't
figured that out yet. We should treat them as well as other
countries do.

You got that right!

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 02/17/18 11:22 AM
Even the Pope has a wall for his own security protection.

no photo
Sat 02/17/18 11:33 AM

Even the Pope has a wall for his own security protection.

I forgot that one.happy

Argo's photo
Sat 02/17/18 12:14 PM
i find it ironic that people who are essentially immigrants
themselves (unless you are a native american indian) are
the ones vehemently demanding to now close the borders to
any other immigrants...the attitude of "i'm here now, it's my
country and everyone else keep out" is the polar opposite
of the principals this country was founded on...

America land of opportunity, but only for ME
because I got here before you did...

kind of hypocritical, don't you think ?

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/17/18 12:27 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 02/17/18 12:27 PM

Yes, border walls are interesting.
I find it interesting that at least 65 other countries
have border walls. I guess they feel entitled too.
One the most famous being "The great wall of China"
and the least being the heavily guarded wall or border
between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and of course
the southern border of Mexico.
I also find it interesting that since illegals are treated
so badly here, why they come here by the millions. Haven't
figured that out yet. We should treat them as well as other
countries do.

I dont feel that argument holds much water when we dont even treat our CITIZENS as well as other countries do in terms of aid and healthcare, and even gun safety.

We never hold ourselves to the standard of 'other countries'. We concern ourselves with what we believe works in OURS.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 02/17/18 12:33 PM
Illegals need to get their paperwork done, and apply for legal citizenship.
Go through legal channels.
Nothing is free, someone is footing the bill for those who take advantage of the assistant programs in the USA.

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/17/18 12:47 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 02/17/18 12:47 PM

Illegals need to get their paperwork done, and apply for legal citizenship.
Go through legal channels.
Nothing is free, someone is footing the bill for those who take advantage of the assistant programs in the USA.

and what of those who come as children, cannot legally enter into 'paperwork' and are not receiving assistance as adults?

Should they be tossed or have an opportunity when of legal age to enter into a citizenship contract without threat of deportation?

no photo
Sat 02/17/18 12:58 PM

i find it ironic that people who are essentially immigrants
themselves (unless you are a native american indian) are
the ones vehemently demanding to now close the borders to
any other immigrants...the attitude of "i'm here now, it's my
country and everyone else keep out" is the polar opposite
of the principals this country was founded on...

America land of opportunity, but only for ME
because I got here before you did...

kind of hypocritical, don't you think ?

No. Who has suggested that we close the border?
We need to control the border. Big difference.
Get your hat on straight.

no photo
Sat 02/17/18 12:59 PM
they are a dependent of and the responsibility of their parent and thus covered by their parents' legal visa. or in the case of illegal entrants subject to the same return to their place of origin.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 02/17/18 01:02 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 02/17/18 01:06 PM

Illegals need to get their paperwork done, and apply for legal citizenship.
Go through legal channels.
Nothing is free, someone is footing the bill for those who take advantage of the assistant programs in the USA.

and what of those who come as children, cannot legally enter into 'paperwork' and are not receiving assistance as adults?

Should they be tossed or have an opportunity when of legal age to enter into a citizenship contract without threat of deportation?

Their parents are responsible . Unfortunately that happened.
Parents knew they themselves were illigals.

Tossed is not the right word.